Getting rid of JIMI

2004-01-22 Thread Dalibor Topic

I was looking into getting FOP to run with kaffe[1] recently[2][3], and 
decided to have another look at it today, after gettig maven to run with 
kaffe. I tried to generate DocBook docuemntation for another package, 
and the Maven sdocbook plugin insisted on fetching jimi.jar from Sun.

So I'm wondering whether there is any need for JIMI any more in current 
FOP CVS sources, i.e. if PNG image handling is now being done within FOP 

If that's not the case, would it be possible to use the LGPLd code from and 
for the job, and dropping the dependency on JIMI completely?

If this is a FAQ, I'm sorry for wasting your time, I couldn't find an 
answer in the FAQs ...

dalibor topic
[1] A free software runtime for java programs, see
[2][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04038.html
[3][EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04023.html

Re: Getting rid of JIMI

2004-01-22 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Glen,

thanks for the quick reply.

Glen Mazza wrote:
--- Dalibor Topic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If that's not the case, would it be possible to use
the LGPLd code from and 
for the job, and dropping the dependency on JIMI

No, (L)GPL and the Apache licenses are not compatible.
While I understand that GPL2 and ASL 1.1 are not compatible, I don't see 
a problem with LGPL 2.1 and ASL 1.1. Could you elaborate?

dalibor topic

Re: Getting rid of JIMI

2004-01-23 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Jeremias,

thanks for the quick response.

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
The ASF does see a problem. Until the FSF has clarified the relationship
between "linking" and Java's import concept the ASF's policy is not to
allow usage of LGPL packages. There are certain exceptions. For example,
if you have a JAI-compatible image codec under the LPGL you could use it
because FOP would directly link only with the JAI API, not with the
codec that's made available through JAI.
See also:
Thanks a lot for the link! That was precisely the sort of information I 
was looking for.

A possible work-around is to establish a better plug-in concept for our
image lib adapters in HEAD (not 0.20.5) so interested parties can create
plug-ins outside of the ASF to use LGPL libraries.
I'm not very well aware of the differences between all the different 
image io APIs, so please excuse me if my next question is a typical 
newbie question. If, for example, we had javax.imageio support working 
for PNG images in GNU Classpath (and Kaffe), would/could FOP 
automatically use that, or would it still need to use JIMI?

The reasoning behind this being that PNG image support seems to be part 
of JDK 1.4 anyway, so it will be implemented in free runtimes eventually 
as well.

dalibor topic

Re: Changing policy on minimum JDK requirements for HEAD

2004-01-25 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Glen,

Glen Mazza wrote:
Here's the team's comments so far on this topic:
On a somewhat related side note, most of those features asked for by the 
 fop team from jdk 1.4 (logging, prefs, new util classes) exist in free 
runtimes (kaffe, gcj, sablevm, ...) already. The major blocker on 
running all of fop on free runtimes is the need to use non-distributable 
code like jimi for some features, and the state of java2d support on 
free runtimes (in the works, I plan to merge in agile2d into kaffe for a 
speedy opengl based java2d implementation, and there is work on a 
cairo/gtk+ based java2d implementation in GNU Classpath).

Given that the free runtimes are quite widely ported, to even rather 
obscure platforms (arm-acorn or superh-linux [1], anyone?), and are 
catching up quite quickly[2], I hope the issue of 'does a vendor support 
java 1.4 on some platform' is going to be moot in a year or two, since 
you may be able to simply use [3] gcj/gij/kaffe/sablevm on your platform 
of choice to satisfy your customer's needs.

dalibor topic
[1] Kaffe has more than 50 platforms in CVS and a few more to be merged 
in ;)
[2] ;)
[3] Depending on developers actively maintaining these runtimes there, 
of course ;)

Re: Changing policy on minimum JDK requirements for HEAD

2004-01-29 Thread Dalibor Topic
Michael Reiche wrote:
On man, 2004-01-26 at 14:08, Chris Bowditch wrote:

Anyone who has worked in a large organisation will know: it is very 
difficult to upgrade the OS on a server (which is a pre-requiste for 
later JDKs on some platforms). Large companies tend to have request 
forms/processes just to copy a single file onto large 
servers/mainframes, let alone upgrading OS/JDKs.

AIX is one example. To get Java 1.4 on AIX you need at least AIX 5.1.
And whats worse is that it also requires a certain level of hardware
(Common Hardware Reference Platform). A lot of currently active
AIX-servers do not meet this requirement, including our development
server at work :-(
I guess that's one of the areas where looking into what free runtimes 
can offer, as long as your needs are constrained to the (ever-growing) 
subset of 1.4 covered by them, might be interesting.

Essentially, as soon as a free runtime covers all of FOP's needs, you 
automatically have another option, i.e. to switch to a free runtime.

dalibor topic

Re: Remove image.JimiImage from HEAD?

2004-10-01 Thread Dalibor Topic
Glen Mazza wrote:
--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why are you so keen on removing stuff? I'd be more
concerned about
adding the stuff that's missing for an initial

Just cleaning up for the next release.

Jimi works fine
for some people. No reason to remove this.

OK, so it does work for the Java 2 platform.  We'll
keep it then.
I haven't been following the developments very closely, so this may 
sound like a stupid question: does that mean that FOP HEAD now works 
nicely with PNGs without JIMI? Has the code from Batik been merged in, 
or has another solution emerged?

dalibor topic

Re: Remove image.JimiImage from HEAD?

2004-10-01 Thread Dalibor Topic
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Not a stupid question at all, but no, with FOP 0.20.5 you still need
either JIMI or JAI for PNG support. But it may well be that the next FOP
version will support PNG without an additional library. For now, you're
stuck, though.
thanks for the quick responce, Jeremias. I'm going to be a bit involved 
with Fedora documentation project's attempt to build up their toolchain 
using FOP on GNU Classpath based runtimes[1], so I'm glad to hear that 
there is a chance of having PNG work out of the box in the next release.

My initial experiments with Kaffe & FOP a while ago have been 
encouraging. I am considering spending some time getting FOP to work on 
gcj, Kaffe and other runtimes, as I'd like to use it to generate man 
pages for kaffe using kaffe, among other things. I assume HEAD is the 
best place to start for an interested developer?

dalibor topic
[1] And with debian's efforts to get FOP into main.