ImageFormat exception in fop0.18

2001-10-11 Thread Gagan Bhalla

I am getting the format when refencing a specific image file while
generating a PDF.

sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conversion request
at sun.awt.image.JPEGImageDecoder.readImage(Native Method)
at sun.awt.image.JPEGImageDecoder.produceImage(
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(

Any workarounds? This is close to production so we cannot be changing
versions of fop unless we have to?
Any patches available??


Gagan Bhalla
Senior Applications Architect
Mediaprise (
how brands leave their mark
512-342-2530 Extn 246

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Concurrency Problem with mutiple pages being generated when using fop

2001-09-12 Thread Gagan Bhalla

I am facing a similar problem to what was described in

Except, in my case, fop starts producing too many pages because of the size
of pictures being used, in addition to the table headers described in the
above link. The above link explains this to be a problem in Cocoon's
org.apache.cocoon.formatter.FO2PDFFormatter.format() method. I have looked
at the Cocoon project pages and could not find a fix for this problem. I
have tried getting all pics being used to be less than the size of 1/4 page
and I still get the concurrency problem. Earlier, I was getting the dreaded
OME exception, but that got fixed after applying a patch that we found on
the FAQ's at (which seems to be down for the last
couple of days). I am using fop 0.18 with the memory patch and am running
JDK1.2.2 with -ms128m -mx256m as the options. In the above links, it is
mentioned that this problem of multiple pages being generated is not fixed
even when using fop0.20, therefore I did'nt want to upgrade.  I have tried
increasing the memory option when starting the JVM but that does'nt make
much difference either.

 I don't think the patch for the OME fixes the problem with too many pages
being generated. Is there a patch available to fix that? Thanks.


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