RE: svg probs with 0.19.0 and 0.20.1

2001-08-14 Thread Maring, Steve

I just tried FOP 0.20.1 using the fill-rule:evenodd example from with
a modified DTD reference since the one mentioned didn't exist.  The
fill-rule:evenodd worked(I must not have been doing it right) but viewBox
still did not.  The size of the svg in the pdf makes it look like it chose
to convert this 1200 unit wide graphic into a 1200px graphic at 72dpi( i.e.
BIG; not 12cm ).  What version of Batik is in the lib dir?  When I open this
svg in the Batik 1.0 svg browser the viewBox works.  The Batik 1.0 distro
now comes with some umteen jars.  Anybody now which ones I need short of
sticking every single one in a classpath?

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  descExample fillrule-evenodd - demonstrates fill-rule:evenodd/desc
  rect x=1 y=1 width=1198 height=398
fill=none stroke=blue /
path id=Triangle d=M 16,0 L -8,9 v-18 z fill=black stroke=none
  g fill-rule=evenodd fill=red stroke=black stroke-width=3 
path d=M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z /
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translate(107,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(600,188) rotate(240)
translate(107,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(600,188) rotate(60)
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translate(49,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
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translate(49,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
path d=M 950,81 A 107,107 0 0,1 950,295 A 107,107 0 0,1 950,81 z
 M 950,139 A 49,49 0 0,0 950,237 A 49,49 0 0,0 950,139 z /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(950,188) rotate(0)
translate(107,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(950,188) rotate(120)
translate(107,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(950,188) rotate(240)
translate(107,0) rotate(90) overflow=visible  /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(950,188) rotate(60)
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use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(950,188) rotate(180)
translate(49,0) rotate(-90) overflow=visible  /
use xlink:href=#Triangle transform=translate(950,188) rotate(300)
translate(49,0) rotate(-90) overflow=visible  /

-Original Message-
From: Michel Lehon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:30 AM
Subject: RE: svg probs with 0.19.0

I thought FOP 0.19.0 + used Batik for SVG.

Am I Wrong ?


 -Original Message-
 From: Alex McLintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, 14 August, 2001 10:22
 Subject: Re: svg probs with 0.19.0

  --- Maring, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure why this is happening.  Maybe somebody can help me?  My svg
  gets improperly generated through FOP 0.19.0 (I have not tried
 others).  The
  viewBox seems to be ignored and fill-rule:evenodd does not
 work.  Is this a
  Batik thing?  When I run the rasterizer in Batik 1.0 it seems
 to understand
  what I'm asking for.  The Adobe SVG viewer thinks my svg is OK too.

 I don't know for certain but I don't think viewBox is implemented yet -
 though I could

svg probs with 0.19.0

2001-08-13 Thread Maring, Steve

I'm not sure why this is happening.  Maybe somebody can help me?  My svg
gets improperly generated through FOP 0.19.0 (I have not tried others).  The
viewBox seems to be ignored and fill-rule:evenodd does not work.  Is this a
Batik thing?  When I run the rasterizer in Batik 1.0 it seems to understand
what I'm asking for.  The Adobe SVG viewer thinks my svg is OK too.

-Steve Maring

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[file: logo.svg]

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svg width=1.2917in height=.375in viewBox=0 0 310 90
preserveAspectRatio=xMinYMin meet xml:space=preserve
descZettamedia Logo/desc

!-- define the big Z in the logo --
polygon style=fill:black
points=18,051,033,18   0,18/
polygon style=fill:black
points=54,084,066,18   36,18/
polygon style=fill:black
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!-- * e *** --
path style=fill:black
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!-- * t *** --
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123,66  117,66  117,42  108,42/

!-- * t *** --
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144,66  138,66  138,42  129,42/

!-- * a *** --
path style=fill-rule:evenodd; fill:black
d=M 168,51 A 6,9 0 0,1 156,51 A 6,9 0 0,1 168,51 z
   M 174,51 A 12,15 0 0,1 150,51 A 12,15 0 0,1 174,51 z/
polygon style=fill:black
points=168,36  174,30  174,66  168,66/

!-- * m *** --
!-- first leg --
polygon style=fill:black
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183,36  183,39  181.5,40.5  181.5,39.62
178.5,42.62  178.5,64.5  181.5,64.5  181.5,51/
!-- second leg --
polygon style=fill:black
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196.5,51  196.5,64.5  199.5,64.5  199.5,51/
!-- third leg --
polygon style=fill:black
points=219,51  219,66  213,66  213,51
214.5,51  214.5,64.5  217.5,64.5  217.5,51/
!-- first hump top --
path style=fill:black
d=M 181.5,41.5 A 10.5,13.5 0 0,1 198,44.3 L 198,41.2
A 12,15 0 0,0 181.5,39.2/
!-- first hump bottom --
path style=fill:black
d=M 183,51 A 6,9 0 0,1 195,51 L 196.5,51 A 7.5,10.5 0 0,0
!-- second hump top --
path style=fill:black
d=M 198,41.2 A 12,15 0 0,1 219,51 L 217.5,51
A 10.5,13.5 0 0,0 198,44.3/
!-- second hump bottom --
path style=fill:black
d=M 201,51 A 6,9 0 0,1 213,51 L 214.5,51 A 7.5,10.5 0 0,0

!-- *** e  --