RE: XSL-FO Engine comparisons

2001-08-01 Thread Trevor Davel
Title: RE: XSL-FO Engine comparisons


Though I'd add in my 2c to the debate ;) I've just started evaluating FOP for production use in our company. We have some code documentation in XML format and can use XSLT to create FO, then PDFs and/or HTML - very useful.

I had downloaded FOP 0.19, and was becoming quite frustrated with some issues. To be fair: all the basic stuff worked with no problems. But I was trying to recreate our technical documentation cover page and headers/footers, with little success. For I start I needed a page border, which I have still not discovered how to do; then I needed tables with cells spanning rows, which I found to be broken. The list of other little niggles goes on.

So I decided to get the latest CVS version, and try with that. I'm *extremely* impressed :) I haven't tried the page border again, but most of the issues that I was fighting with seem to have been resolved. FOP seems quite capable of reliably producing attractive layout, which is pretty much as much as you can demand from a program of its nature.

I think a disclaimer or warning is very prudent, albeit becoming less justified.



-Original Message-
I'm personally very pleased that FOP gets used. I'd be less interested in 
working on the thing if it wasn't. Unfortunately we have to issue some blunt 
disclaimers occasionally, along the lines of DO NOT USE FOP FOR PRODUCTION; 
if you know what you're doing you can interpret that how you want. :-)

RE: Headers and pagination

2001-07-31 Thread Trevor Davel
Title: RE: Headers and pagination


I've just been playing with this stuff, and it all seems to work fine.

If you don't specify initial-page-number the pages will happily keep counting; you can even change the format between page sequences without affecting the count.

One thing I did notice: if you use initial-page-number then something tries to force the new page sequence onto an odd page; this does not happen when allowing the page numbers to flow on between sequences. You can prevent this behaviour using force-page-count=no-force (I'm assuming it defaults to auto when using initial-page-count).

FOP now implements fully 2 properties on fo:page-sequence that 
are exactly what you need - 'force-page-count' and 'initial-
page-number'. You will be the first known 3rd party tester. :-)
Also check out the 'format' property...

I've included a test sample below which works fine with last night's CVS. Just change the commented page-sequence bits to experiment with the different numbering/formatting possibilities.



-- XML included below, hope your mailer knows what not to do.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
fo:root xmlns:fo=

 fo:simple-page-master master-name=cover
 fo:region-after extent=1cm /
 fo:region-body margin-top=3cm /

 fo:simple-page-master master-name=meta
 fo:region-after extent=1cm /
 fo:region-body margin-top=1.1cm margin-bottom=1.1cm /

 fo:simple-page-master master-name=bodypage
 fo:region-after extent=1cm /
 fo:region-body margin-top=2.1cm margin-bottom=1.1cm /


!-- fo:page-sequence master-name=cover --
 fo:page-sequence master-name=cover force-page-count=no-force

 fo:static-content flow-name=xsl-region-after
 fo:block font-family=Helvetica font-size=10pt text-align=start
 Page: fo:page-number /

 fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body

 fo:block font-family=Helvetica font-size=18pt text-align=center
 My Reference Manual


!-- fo:page-sequence master-name=meta format=i --
!-- fo:page-sequence master-name=meta format=i initial-page-number=1 --
 fo:page-sequence master-name=meta format=i initial-page-number=1 force-page-count=no-force

 fo:static-content flow-name=xsl-region-after
 fo:block font-family=Helvetica font-size=10pt text-align=start
 Page: fo:page-number /

 fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body
 fo:block font-family=Times Roman font-size=12pt text-align=justify
 First page of metadata.


!-- fo:page-sequence master-name=bodypage --
 fo:page-sequence master-name=bodypage initial-page-number=1

 fo:static-content flow-name=xsl-region-after
 fo:block font-family=Helvetica font-size=10pt text-align=start
 Page: fo:page-number /

 fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body
 fo:block font-family=Times Roman font-size=12pt text-align=justify
 First page of body.

