Willie Wu wrote:
> Is it possible to configure FOP to use a XML parser other than Xerces?
> my existing app, I'm already using Crimson, which I want to reuse for

Yes, it is possible. It's a little bit arcane, though: you'll have
to set the javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory service to the full
classname of your parser factory implementation class. You can set
the service by creating a META-INF/services directory in your
classpath (may be in a jar file) and create a file with the name
"javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory" and with the aforementioned
class name as the only content. There may be other ways, ask a
local guru.
I'm not sure whether crimson comes already with a parser factory
implementation, ask a local guru.
Check your crimson distribition whether the precompiled jar
already contains such a file in the META-INF/services directory,
if so, you'll only need to put this jar into the classpath instead
of the Xerces jar. Be sure to place it before the Xalan and the
FOP jar.


Joerg Pietschmann

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