Re: Fop able to run without Batik?

2003-01-20 Thread Keiron Liddle

> Batik is only necessary to generate SVG output, right? I guess, a lot of 
> people are using Fop to generate PDF only, but Fop needs batik.jar in any 
> case because the driver initializes an "SVG element  mapping":
> org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.setupDefaultMappings() :
>   addElementMapping("org.apache.fop.svg.SVGElementMapping");

That is to handle svg input which could be used in a PDF (or any other) output 

> This method will throw a ClassNotFoundException when batik.jar is not in 
> the classpath

There are a number of other areas that require batik in the classpath.

> Maybe the initialization of the element mapping could somehow be moved to 
> SVG specific code. Ideally it would be included only when the output 
> format requires Batik

This has been dealt with in the redesign. The code that handles the element 
mapping, external XML and image loading is separated so that if batik is not in the 
classpath it will continue to operate.

> Eckard

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Re: Fop able to run without Batik?

2003-01-20 Thread Oleg Tkachenko

Batik is only necessary to generate SVG output, right?

Nope, you forgot about svg images.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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Fop able to run without Batik?

2003-01-20 Thread Eckard_Buchner

Batik is only necessary to generate SVG output, right? I guess, a lot of people are using Fop to generate PDF only, but Fop needs batik.jar in any case because the driver initializes an "SVG element  mapping":

org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.setupDefaultMappings() :

This method will throw a ClassNotFoundException when batik.jar is not in the classpath

Maybe the initialization of the element mapping could somehow be moved to SVG specific code. Ideally it would be included only when the output format requires Batik
