Re: Long table cell text gets outside cell

2002-09-19 Thread J.Pietschmann

Kevin Yeung wrote:
> I am having troubles with long strings and table cells.

The common approach is to put zero width spaces into
the product number in order to give FOP a chance to
break the line. Note that 0.20.4 appears to have a bug
in the width calculation, you'll probably have to get
the code form the CVS maintenance branch.
But see also the thread about hyphenation.


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Re: Long table cell text gets outside cell

2002-09-18 Thread jaccoud

This is the same problem I spoke about in the 'Fix for paragraph breaking'

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
PetrobrĂ¡s (
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There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

  Kevin Yeung  
   Assunto:  Long table cell text gets 
outside cell 
  17/09/2002 23:43 
  Favor responder a

Hi all

I am having troubles with long strings and table cells.

I have a 10-column table and one of the columns displays the primary key
of a product. The PK is a very long string without spaces or breaks. The
string overflows to the neighbouring cells and therefore becomes
unreadable. Another column, printed with a long description, is nicely
stretched vertically to accommodate because there are spaces between

When constructing this table, I did not set column width and each column
has each width. What I would like to see is that the PK gets wrapped to
the next line within the column.

|1)  PK-10237-AJD873H-d87CJC e|

|1)  |PK-10237-A|e|
||JD873H-d87| |
||CJC   | |



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Long table cell text gets outside cell

2002-09-17 Thread Kevin Yeung

Hi all

I am having troubles with long strings and table cells.

I have a 10-column table and one of the columns displays the primary key
of a product. The PK is a very long string without spaces or breaks. The
string overflows to the neighbouring cells and therefore becomes
unreadable. Another column, printed with a long description, is nicely
stretched vertically to accommodate because there are spaces between

When constructing this table, I did not set column width and each column
has each width. What I would like to see is that the PK gets wrapped to
the next line within the column.

|1)  PK-10237-AJD873H-d87CJC e|

|1)  |PK-10237-A|e|
||JD873H-d87| |
||CJC   | |



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