
2003-11-18 Thread Bruce Duncan
Hello, my name is Bruce Duncan and I'd like to get
involved with helping out on FOP.  I am currently
using the 0.20.5 release to do some pretty simple
fo->pdf conversions.  The tags I use the most are
fo:table, fo:external-graphic,
fo:instream-foreign-object, and fo:block (in table
cells and header/footer).  The biggest issue to me,
and the one I'd like to help with is table auto

In 0.20.5 I use table-column's with no specified
column-width, which gets me the columns evenly sized. 
In the latest CVS version my columns run off the page,
being given an unknown fixed size.  What I'd like, of
course, is column size based on cell content size for
that column.

So I guess my question is how can I get involved?  Is
there an area on the Wiki where individual tasks are
posted?  Someone who is in charge of this area of

I hope this was the correct list to post to regarding

Bruce Duncan

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Re: introduction

2003-11-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Bruce Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello, my name is Bruce Duncan and I'd like to get
involved with helping out on FOP.  I am currently
using the 0.20.5 release to do some pretty simple
fo->pdf conversions.  The tags I use the most are
fo:table, fo:external-graphic,
fo:instream-foreign-object, and fo:block (in table
cells and header/footer).  The biggest issue to me,
and the one I'd like to help with is table auto
Hi Bruce - great to hear from you, FOP needs all the help it can get.

In 0.20.5 I use table-column's with no specified
column-width, which gets me the columns evenly sized.
In the latest CVS version my columns run off the page,
being given an unknown fixed size.  What I'd like, of
course, is column size based on cell content size for
that column.
automatic table layout is in general terms a very difficult problem to 
solve. If you have some ideas on this we love to hear them.

So I guess my question is how can I get involved?  Is
there an area on the Wiki where individual tasks are
posted?  Someone who is in charge of this area of
0.20.5 is based on the maintenance branch from CVS. Development on 0.20.5 
has been frozen and now development is focused on CVS head. The layout in 
CVS head is incomplete and some way off being as good as 0.20.5. The reason 
for going backwards is the old 0.20.x code needed to be redesigned to allow 
keep-* to be implemented properly.

To get involved in development it is worth reading the website:

I hope this was the correct list to post to regarding
Yes, this list is about developing FOP. Questions and problems on using FOP 
go to fop-user.


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[ANN:] FOA 0.6.0 an introduction to single-source Multi-Channel P ublishing

2003-12-02 Thread Giannetti, Fabio
FOA (Formatting Object Authoring tool)
has a new release: 0.6.0.

The major feature of this new release is the Multi-Channel Publishing
Author once and publish on multiple channels. FOA automatically generates a
vesion of the XSL-T for Web publishing. This means that you can just create
an XSL-T to create FO documents and FOA will automatically generate a
derived one for the Web (in HTML) mantaining the overall look & feel. Also
every change you apply to the FO based XSL-T will be automatically reflected
to the HTML version, in this way you have to mantain just one XSL-T and
derive the others.

List of features:

- Single Source Muli-Channel Publishing 
  - Print 
  - Web 
- Variable Sets and Parameters 
- FO and Rendering using Makefiles 
- Brick Matching Inspection 
- Export Style Sets into CSS 

Best Regards,
Fabio Giannetti