RE: Is it ok to have NullPointerException while running build's examples target for fop 0.94?

2007-08-20 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
  Could that be fixed? I think I had similar problems with 0.93, but
  GIFs were fixed  already in 0.94. In resulting PDF I could see normally
  JPEG/PNG/TIFF images, but not GIFs L.
 I just tried it (both with the examples-target and with the fop command)
 and it worked for me on both ways.
 How are you running it? Which Java version are you using?

I'm running Ant build from inside my Eclipse 3.1 framework with JDK 1.3.1.

 Could you please run the example with the fop command.

Why that should be different in comparison with Ant build run, especially
having all other graphics correct in resulting images.pdf?


Is it ok to have NullPointerException while running build's examples target for fop 0.94?

2007-08-19 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas


I've made checkout of fop 0.94 branch and while running examples target from
build, get this:


  [fop] D:\eclipse\test\fop-0_94\examples\fo\basic\ -

  [fop] [ERROR] AbstractFopImage - Error while loading image (Gif): null

  [fop] at sun.awt.image.URLImageSource.init(

  [fop] at sun.awt.image.URLImageSource.init(

  [fop] at sun.awt.image.URLImageSource.init(

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at org.apache.fop.image.GifImage.loadBitmap(

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at
a(Compiled Code))

  [fop] at
iled Code))

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

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  [fop] at

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  [fop] at

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  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at$MainFOHandler.endElement(

  [fop] at

  [fop] at

  [fop] at
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)

  [fop] at

  [fop] at
her.dispatch(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code)

  [fop] at

RE: Bounty for auto table layout?

2007-07-20 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 I'm 99.9% sure that it would not. There were discussions about that in
 the past and the members' opinion was to keep such things separate from
 the ASF. The ASF would never pay anyone to make an improvement on one of
 the projects since it's a NPO and there are certain rules around that

That's true, we have a guard of great volunteers for such projects, who
don't expect to be paid for their job. Though on other side I'd be very
interested if such so needed enhancement could be done more quickly (i.e.
not related on someone afterhours unsleeping nights).

Some time ago I've tried to dig a little into those Layouts techniques, but
quickly found that it's not the thing I could enhance myself easily (though
it was some initial information provided by Jeremias and Simon and maybe
others, but still not easy to understand without UML graphs of pieces
interaction), so stayed mostly with work on various XSL/XML parts for my
projects needs and left those FO things for real experts :).

So, for summary, I could also sponsor additional $100 (if anybody care,
Vincent?) to make things happen more quickly, but project status should not
change due to that and such sponsor approach should be only on volunteer
basis as well.

Just some additional thoughts on that.


Is that correct jar in SVN: xmlgraphics-commons-1.2svn.jar?

2007-03-13 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

Just wonder if that svn suffix in jar name for
xmlgraphics-commons-1.2svn.jar is correct. I could see it under trunk lib

I think that previously we had just xmlgraphics-commons-1.1.jar


What is the current partial implementation status of vertical-align for table cells?

2007-01-30 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

I've tried to use this table cell constraint with fop-trunk:

fo:table-cell border-style=solid border-width=1px
fo:block text-align=start vertical-align=bottom
fo:inline vertical-align=bottom font-weight=normal font-style=normal
font-family=Tahomamy text/fo:inline

But can't get my text aligned at the bottom of that table cell. Should I
use anything else instead or it's not supported at the moment?

Thank you,

RE: What is the current partial implementation status of vertical-align for table cells?

2007-01-30 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
Hi Chris,

Thanks a lot for your quick answer. Sometimes it's hard to tell where your
question is more suitable to be posted, especially if someone works from dev
team works right now on that feature implementation and checks this list
more often than another. I would probably also not post here today, but
can't make last fop-trunk examples to be build after last SVN updates due to

  [fop] [INFO] FopFactory - Source resolution set to: 72.0dpi
  [fop] [INFO] FopFactory - Default page-height set to: 11in
  [fop] [INFO] FopFactory - Default page-width set to: 8.26in
  [fop] D:\eclipse\test\fop_trunk\examples\fo\basic\ -
  [fop] [INFO] FopFactory - base set to:
  [fop] [INFO] FOP - Target resolution set to: 72.0dpi

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 

Total time: 9 seconds

As you could see I have very informative Ant output (probably due to my
setup or anything else I don't know right now) :) I need to deal with.

Once again - thanks for quick help!


 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:49 PM
 Subject: Re: What is the current partial implementation status of
 vertical-align for table cells?
 Andrejus Chaliapinas wrote:
  I've tried to use this table cell constraint with fop-trunk:
 vertical-align is a shorthand for several FO properties including
 display-align. I don't believe display-align is properly assigned when
 using vertical-align. Try using display-align directly instead.
  fo:table-cell border-style=solid border-width=1px
  fo:block text-align=start vertical-align=bottom
  fo:inline vertical-align=bottom font-weight=normal font-
  font-family=Tahomamy text/fo:inline
  But can't get my text aligned at the bottom of that table cell. Should
  use anything else instead or it's not supported at the moment?
 In the future, please post this sort of question on the fop-user mailing
 list. This list is meant for discussing the java internals of FOP.

Need some help on one particular FOTreeBuilder URI mismatch warning (v0.92beta)

2006-12-15 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

I'm trying to process XML file by applying XSl stylesheet to it and using
such constraint inside that XSL:

xsl:copy-of select=xalan:nodeset(ext:generateDynamicNodes()) /

My Java method generateDynamicNodes by itself generates NodeList
understandable by xalan in form like fo:block.../fo:block.

Now when I run everything together during transformation I get this warning:$MainFOHandler.endElement(
373) WARN: Mismatch: block ( vs. block ()

Where should I additionally specify that URI to match?

I've tried this syntax as well without any luck:

xsl:copy-of xmlns:fo=;
select=xalan:nodeset(ext:generateDynamicNodes()) /

Any help would be appreciated.


RE: Could I prepare font metrics file for a font like Webdings (i.e. without Unicode cmap table inside)?

2006-12-13 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
  When I run TTFReader (from 0.92 beta) over Webdings.ttf - I get this
  Parsing font...
  Reading c:\windows\fonts\webdings.ttf...
  Number of glyphs in font: 227
  2 cmap tables
  Unicode cmap table not present
  Unsupported format: Aborting
  Question - is it possible then to prepare metrics file for this font as
  in the same way as for let say Arial?
 You can try to use the -enc ansi switch and see if it helps.

Same result :( Any other thoughts?


RE: Any thoughts on something like fo:tab support?

2006-11-13 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

 You can also
 place your wish/requirement for tabs there so it can be considered for
 XSL-FO 2.0. Just be prepared that they may wrinkle their noses.

Thank you for pointing there. I'll try to post my feature request.

 Is it? I'm not so sure. You can view it this way: What HTML/CSS is for
 the browser, XSL-FO is for the paper. XSL-FO is even reusing many
 aspects of CSS which says a lot.

That reuse was in my mind when I've checked that old document called Tab
Stops for CSS dated of 1997:

Don't know though what happened later.

Thank you very much for your help!


RE: Any thoughts on something like fo:tab support?

2006-11-12 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

Thanks a lot for your XSL sample. I'll try to play around it during upcoming
week. Quick test on it so far showed me that line 3 from my original sample:

blabla:   text3 after 2 tabs

and this XML corresponding to it:

tab /
tab /
text3 after 2 tabs

was converted to:

fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned=2
fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned=8
fo:blocktext3 after 2 tabs/fo:block

though I think number-columns-spanned should be equal 3 for the label part
and column-number equal 3 for text part in this case.

Anyway, this is really good basis to extend/enhance.

Now I have a lot of work ahead on this.


RE: Any thoughts on something like fo:tab support?

2006-11-11 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

 Can you show us the non-transformed source nodes for those lines?
 The tab-stops, I presume, correspond to some marker in the source XML
 (a tab character?).

Here is how that corresponding to my sample XML looks like:

tab /
text1 after one tab
tab /
text2 after one tab
tab /
tab /
text3 after 2 tabs
tab /
tab /
text4 when one tab exists before label and another it
tab /
tab /
text5 first line
break /
text6 second line
break /
text7 third line

par means here new paragraph, so it's easy to convert it to fo:block or
tab means default tab stop, so following text should be positioned at the
nearest 0.5 inch position
break means line break inside paragraph (like shift+enter in text editors)

Hope this could help for thinking - I'll really appreaciate that from you

Maybe you could show me another XSL sample, in which second line of my
sample 'blablabla:' occupies not just first cell but also part of second
cell in the row and then you put some calculated space somehow before text
will start.

Thank you.


Any thoughts on something like fo:tab support?

2006-11-09 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

Sorry, I was very busy with other stuff to work on table auto layout (plan
to return to that next week), but right now another additional issue is
bothering me - how could I have simple enter form (in which you have column
of labels and column of aligned input fields) converted? I saw already
suggestion of using table for that purposes, but it's not suitable for my
situation, cause I'd like in this case to have mostly one row of such table
independent from another and making such calculations a little bit ahead is

So, I have proposal (please correct me if it's already decided on similar
one what to do) to implement something like fo:tab tag, which will at the
first stage of implementation work mostly like fo:leader, but with
additional knowledge of what is the default tab step is and will calculate
where is nearest tab stop should be placed based on the text block sizes
under processing.

Does it make sense in terms of FOP at all?

Any help would be appreciated.


RE: Do we have Area Tree construction also via getNextKnuthElements methods or mostly via addAreas?

2006-10-07 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 Andrejus, I think it's best if you read all the threads here on fop-dev
 on auto table layout during August if have not already done so. They
 contain a lot of information about the next steps for the auto table
 layout and what has been discussed so far.

Ok, thank you for pointing to right place as well as for additional comments
on LMs. Will try my best during upcoming week.


RE: Do we have Area Tree construction also via getNextKnuthElements methods or mostly via addAreas?

2006-10-05 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 J.Pietschmann wrote:
  Simon Pepping wrote:
  No UML diagrams for FOP available. Would be nice though.
  As soon as I get some spare time, I'll try
  I suspect the diagrams to be somewhat unwieldy.
 I think that is not good choice for genetaring UML diags, while is in version 0.1.0 and no
 screeenshot. On sourceforge are  plenty of abondoned or too new projects
 to be usable.

Have you tried to use EclipseUML

But again - if someone could write some detailed doc on those LMs
interactions (I don't see that now in design documents) - I could try and
generate then those myself.


Do we have Area Tree construction also via getNextKnuthElements methods or mostly via addAreas?

2006-10-04 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

I'm trying to understand why in Patrick's code, when he deals with Table
auto layout feature, after TableContentLayoutManager over current
TableLayoutManager is prepared and processed with required columns
shrinking/extra space distribution - there is another
TableContentLayoutManager creation (yes, this was already commeted by
Jeremias as no go approach)? Is it because something in Area Tree (some part
of its graph) needs to be reevaluated once more (due to changed column
width/columnMins/anything else)?

If I comment second construction - then auto table layout testcase (yes
Manuel, that's why I was focused on them) fails due to incorrect IPDA value
for the first block presence in resulted area tree xml file.

Any help would be appreciated. I think it would be great if we could have
UML sequence diagram for those LM invocations/dependencies during some
general table processing.


Question on protected Logger member in some classes

2006-10-03 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

While trying to debug some changes I've made wtih layout managers I've
noticed that some classes have Logger as protected but not private member?
What is the rationale here - just easy later inheritance of logger or
anything else? For me it seems that logger purpose is to exactly identify
the class, which makes some output and thus shown by name and not see some
parent class name in output. What do you think? How about changing that
current protected to private?

Thank you,

RE: Question on protected Logger member in some classes

2006-10-03 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 You're right. These protected variables are sometimes not ideal. If you
 change anything to private while you work on the code, that's fine for

Could you apply this patch to trunk?


RE: Question on protected Logger member in some classes

2006-10-03 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 If anyone else can do that in the meantime, that would be great. There
 are other patches also waiting to be processed.

Probably you are the only man who could do that. There were no responses for
last 4 hours. Hopefully tomorrow.


RE: Where could I read more about ipd/ipda/bpd/bpda values calculation?

2006-10-02 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
Hi Manuel,

 unfortunately for the purpose of understanding the area tree, the
 terminology, and the geometry the XSL-FO specification is your best

Yes, I've heard that before. Hope that support/extensive documentation will
grow up later. It's usually the case with dynamically progressing projects.

 I don't quite understand hwy you are so focused on the test cases. A
 test case is exactly that - it tests a specific piece of functionality.

I'm not so focused on them as it may seems, but good (and clear) test case
always helps me in my development life to kind of summarize what is achieved
so far. Due to my only initail involvement phase in FOP development - clear
test run (when you don't get warnings regarding feature is not implemented,
while you are running applied patch for that exactly feature) is a must for
me to see if project development (and test cases are part of that) just
follows some usual best practices and doesn't contain a lot of
incompleteness/half-of-way code.

 So we are getting back to the start. You need to understand what the
 area tree is suppose to look like for the feature you want to test.
 Then you can write the checks for the particular testcase.

Yes, will exactly do that now via everything I could find on that topic on
the Web.

Will ask more reasonable questions later.


Newbie question on Area Tree XML and testcases

2006-09-29 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas

I'm trying a little bit understand FOP dev. internals and please correct me
if I wrong. When I run Junit layout testcase - it generates me under
test-results some XML file in form of Area Tree XML, from which I could
produce PDF file. But for me it's not clear how I would know in advance
which values should I place into testcase file to be checked during test

BTW - do you currently still support Junit v3.8.2 to be run with JDK 1.3.x?
Or you've already switched to Junit 4.1?

Thank you for anyone who will get me more light on this.


RE: Newbie question on Area Tree XML and testcases

2006-09-29 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 Normally, I just construct the FO part in the test case and then run the
 thing once so I get the current area tree XML. I obviously get an error
 if I have no checks, because we don't want any test cases without checks.
 When I have a first area tree XML I create the first checks I can build.
 I don't have to have every check there from the beginning. I add more
 checks as I progress with the implementation/fix. So, while this is a
 test-first approach, it is not necessarily also a all-checks-first
 approach. :-) The test case grows with you. ;-)

But if you first construct FO part and run testcase without any checks - how
you could be sure that produced Area Tree is correct?

And if then later want to expand your FO part - do you need again remove all
checks, run your testcase, get new Area Tree and return checks back with
additional ones?

Sorry, I don't get it right now.

Also I've noticed that in LayoutEngineTestSuite class there is such call:
new File(test/layoutengine/disabled-testcase2filename.xsl)

and my Eclipse Ant hangs on that, cause tries to prefix that name with
current eclipse directory (d:\eclipse in my case) and not with actual
basedir of my project. So my proposal would be (of cause if I don't miss any
other setting somewhere) to change a little main build.xml file and have
instead of this part:

  target name=junit-layout-standard depends=junit-compile
if=junit.present description=Runs FOP's standard JUnit layout tests
echo message=Running standard layout engine tests ${basedir}/
junit haltonfailure=${junit.haltonfailure} fork=${junit.fork}
errorproperty=fop.junit.error failureproperty=fop.junit.failure

this one (with basedir specified for junit invocation):

  target name=junit-layout-standard depends=junit-compile
if=junit.present description=Runs FOP's standard JUnit layout tests
echo message=Running standard layout engine tests ${basedir}/
junit dir=${basedir} haltonfailure=${junit.haltonfailure}
fork=${junit.fork} errorproperty=fop.junit.error

In that case it runs normally in my environment.

RE: Newbie question on Area Tree XML and testcases

2006-09-29 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 I've created a project on sourceforge to generate pdf reports from JUnit
 It's called JUnit PDF Report, an can be found here:
 It uses FOP to render the JUnit XML docs into a PDF.
 Regards, Jan


What about next step taking it inside same FOP Ant build process with one
additional target for that (testcases-into-pdf)? It's quite native to be
there as well (via fop.bat you just run: fop -atin infile -pdf outfile).

What do you think? I always prefer to have everything for whole build
process in one place (in this case great Eclipse IDE).


RE: Newbie question on Area Tree XML and testcases

2006-09-29 Thread Andrejus Chaliapinas
 Are you not running the org.apache.fop.layoutengine.LayoutEngineTestSuite
 using Eclipse's own JUnit support? That's the easiest way. Choosing the
 default working directory, everything works fine and you really only run
 the tests you need. It seems to me you're running the junit tasks from
 within Eclipse.

I have different JDK installed in different places and configured them for
my Eclipse (which also uses different workspaces for different things as
well). I also have separate Junit 3.8.2 actually outside Eclipse. So, in
that sense it's not always default values/settings are involved.

 I'll look into that.

Hopefully I don't bother you a lot ;)
