Re: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

2011-07-19 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
2011/7/19 Eric Douglas
 I've tried to reference a source project rather than a compiled jar
 wherever possible.
 The annoying part of referencing the compiled jar is when I run from the
 IDE in debug mode and it pops up windows saying no code attached.
 Plus I thought it made more sense to have the source for everything open
 sourced in case there's any reusable code or any confusion on what the
 methods do.

Eric, I suggest you to use jar unless you don't need to change the code.

In most of the developing tools there is a way to bind the source code
jar to the compiled jar in order to have all the debug features.

In Eclipse, for instance, this can be achieved from the Project -
Properties - Java Build Path dialog box: here you can add external
(compiled) jar as desired. Once you have added a jar, click on the
small triangle near the jar name, and you have new options: click on
the  source attachment option and insert the path of the source code

Done :-)



Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.

Re: FormattingObjectsForIndexing - intermediate format or extension?

2011-05-18 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
Thanks Andreas.

I'll travel the code a bit and then come back. If I'll success in such
coding, I'll write all on the wiki (how I did it!)



Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.

Re: FormattingObjectsForIndexing - intermediate format or extension?

2011-05-16 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
2011/5/16 Andreas L. Delmelle

 If a standard feature covers your requirements, but is not implemented,
 then obviously from our perspective, you are very much encouraged to try and
 add this. :-)

 If some the above does not immediately make sense or raises further
 questions, just chime back in here.




TKS Andreas, in the meanwhile I setup Eclipse and FOP packages in a project,
and started to take a look at the code and structure.

I didn't find a class diagram or some overview documentation (just a
bigpicture page :-) ).

I will check your suggestion.



Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.

FormattingObjectsForIndexing - intermediate format or extension?

2011-05-04 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
Hi all, I'm really interested on merge-pages-across-index-key-references /
merge-sequential-page-numbers / merge-ranges-across-index-key-references.

As per
seems that they are:

1) Rather straightforward properties to implement on the FO tree side
(simple enums).
2) Of lesser importance for the base implementation.
3) If FOP can get to the point where it correctly outputs a sequence of
page-numbers for a given index-key, these will be relatively easy features
to add. 

The point (1) suggests that this is not so complicated.
The point (2) suggests that this feature is not so close to complete.
The point (3) suggests that there is some kind of problem to correctly
outputs a sequence of page numbers.

I know that I can use a double-pass approach and act on Intermediate
Format. I can figure out if it possible to obtain the same result by a new
extension or implementing such feature in the FOP code.

I would like to try :-)

Any suggestion?




Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.


2010-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
Hi all!

I'm Giuseppe Briotti and I'm here due to Pascal suggestion.

I'm an italian developer, experienced in Java, C# and C/C++ for rich
client application (some PHP too :-) ).

I'm presently working on XML, XSLT and FO to produce complex document
for the italian PA. Most of them are speech report and bills with a
simple structure but complex layout and annexes.

During my developing I faced index and toc problems due to unsupported
feature of FO for Index (i.e. section 6.10 of XSL 1.1 Recommendation).
Thus several solution are available:

1. buy a commercial product instead of using FOP.
2. using double pass technique.
3. partecipating to the FOP developing and give some contribution to
the problem if possible (I know that the team priorities probably are

So, due to the economical crysis the point 1 is discarted :-)
The point 2 is the present solution (a little bit expensive, indeed).
The point 3 is, if possible, the future :-)



Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.

Re: Introduction

2010-06-22 Thread Giuseppe Briotti
2010/6/22 Brooke Simler
 Hi Giuseppe - Perhaps you can help me. I am on this list serve mistakenly. I
 have nothing to do w/ your work, and get emails CONSTANTLY from you all.
 I've tried to reach out and ask to get taken off, w/ no luck. Could you
 please help?

“Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your mailing-list


Well, Brooke, did you try to send a mail to with subject unsubscribe?



Giuseppe Briotti

Alme Sol, curru nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.