RE: Current date integration

2002-05-02 Thread Sandrine Pilon
Hi Oleg  J.Pietschmann,

Sandrine Pilon wrote:
 OK ! But a problem persists.
 when I compile with FOP, It returns me errors about the line:
 'exclude-result-prefixes=user' in stylesheet and I don't understand why.

What is the error message ?

Here is the result when I compiled with FOP:
[INFO]: FOP 0.20.3
file:///D:/Program Files/FOP/fop-0.20.3/MCCFdConfig_FO_2.xsl; Line 7; Column
40; [ERROR]: null
and the line 7 is this: 'extension-element-prefixes=date'
Column 40 is lhe last column.

I also tried J.Pietschmann advises, but the same error occurred with his

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
exclude-result-prefixes=date format

xsl:template match=/
xsl:variable name=pattern.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss a
xsl:variable name=SimpleDateFormat select=format:new($pattern) /
xsl:variable name=Date select=date:new() /
xsl:value-of select=format:format($SimpleDateFormat, $Date) /

Thank you because 'I'm stumped'. ;o)

Re: FOP memory consumption

2002-05-02 Thread Keiron Liddle
On 2002.05.01 16:34 Bernd Brandstetter wrote:
So, I have two questions/suggestions:
1) Wouldn't it be possible to let FOP create the output in two steps like
for instance (La)TeX does. Doing a dry run first only to calculate the
page references, store them somewhere, and then produce the actual output
in a second run.
As outlined on this page this is the approach that we are heading for:
This should make any size document possible.
2) Are there plans to port FOP to C/C++ sometime? I guess that at least
part of the memory consumption is to be blamed on Java and IIRC the
underlying Xerces and Xalan are already available as C++ versions, so why
not FOP?
The issue of implementing FOP is not about the language. Since using java 
means we already have a large number of services available and reduced 
debugging effort then this is a logical choice (this doesn't prevent other 

The issue is dealing with the large number of elements, properties and 
layout issues.
Once the real problem is solved then it will be a more relevant question.

Page Sequencing to conserve memory

2002-05-02 Thread John Bourke
I'm pretty new to XSL-FO and FOP and having problems with serious memory
usage on 500-1000 page docuements using tables as a reporting tool.

Being that I populate the data into the page sequence from my XML data file,
does anybody know of a way to end the page sequence after a screen full of
data and start a new page sequence.

I restrict my data in the XML to placing a screen full between
FormFeed/FormFeed tags. Ideally I would like to end the page sequence
when hitting a /FormFeed and start a new page sequence for an open
FormFeed all within my stylesheet.

Any ideas?

John Bourke

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Re: Current date integration

2002-05-02 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
Sandrine Pilon wrote:
[INFO]: FOP 0.20.3
file:///D:/Program Files/FOP/fop-0.20.3/MCCFdConfig_FO_2.xsl; Line 7; Column
40; [ERROR]: null
and the line 7 is this: 'extension-element-prefixes=date'
Column 40 is lhe last column.
I also tried J.Pietschmann advises, but the same error occurred with his
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
exclude-result-prefixes=date format
xsl:template match=/
xsl:variable name=pattern.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss a
xsl:variable name=SimpleDateFormat select=format:new($pattern) /
xsl:variable name=Date select=date:new() /
xsl:value-of select=format:format($SimpleDateFormat, $Date) /
xsl:stylesheet element must have version attribute - that's probably 
your error. And that stylesheet doesn't generate any fo elements also, 
is it test only one?

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn International, Israel

Re: [ERROR]: Don't know what to do with

2002-05-02 Thread jens
I had the same error message since I use fop 0.20.2 and later fop
0.20.3, but I had no problems with fop 0.20.1 and earlier versions. I
don't know what EXACTLY is the problem but the problem solved itself
after I changed my OS from Windows ME to Windows 2000 (using the SAME
UNMODIFIED fop installation!!!). Now it works fine.

L'eau [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 02.05.2002, 10:55:54:
 Ok, so I had the time to download an old FOP version, and was
 glad to see it had a jimi-1.0.jar in it! It works to a degree. I
 did this:
 C:\xsl\buildFop list.pdf
 Now I get the following error message now:
 [ERROR]: Don't know what to do with
 .and that's it. It doesn't even tell me what it doesn't know
 what to do with. I'm stumped and baffled.
 PS. who would I write to, to let Apache know that their latest 
 FOP package is missing a jimi-1.0.jar? I can only imagine
 how many other people are having a problem and giving up.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

Re: [ERROR]: Don't know what to do with

2002-05-02 Thread L'eau
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. Interesting you
noticed a problem when using it on Windows ME (i'm using that OS
myself). I just found Fop 0.20.1 works exactly as expected, but
Fop 0.20.3 still gives me that strange error. I'm not sure how
the OS could possibly affect a java program's ability to run
though. Anyway, I'd much prefer to use 0.20.3, but I'll have to
use the older version too until an update is made or something
is figured out.

Thank you all. I'm going to poke around the Apache site now and
figure out who to e-mail about the missing jimi-1.0.jar  the
way Windows ME affects 0.20.3.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had the same error message since I use fop 0.20.2 and later
 0.20.3, but I had no problems with fop 0.20.1 and earlier
 versions. I
 don't know what EXACTLY is the problem but the problem solved
 after I changed my OS from Windows ME to Windows 2000 (using
 the SAME
 UNMODIFIED fop installation!!!). Now it works fine.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

Re: Current date integration

2002-05-02 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
hmmm, well, with version attribute the transformation works fine with 
saxon and xalan, but it produces no fo elements, how do you use it with fop?

Sandrine Pilon wrote:
 Version 1.0 stylesheet is included but it's a copy/paste problem .
Also fo element are included but I wanted to be concise.
I still have error 'null'.
Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn International, Israel

Re: [ERROR]: Don't know what to do with

2002-05-02 Thread Christian Geisert
L'eau wrote:
Ok, so I had the time to download an old FOP version, and was
glad to see it had a jimi-1.0.jar in it! It works to a degree. I
did this:
C:\xsl\buildFop list.pdf
Now I get the following error message now:
[ERROR]: Don't know what to do with
.and that's it. It doesn't even tell me what it doesn't know
what to do with. I'm stumped and baffled.
Strange, this error happens if you give three commandline arguments
and in your case this seems to be blank (really strange .. which
OS are you using?)
You could try fop list.pdf (with quotes)
PS. who would I write to, to let Apache know that their latest 
This is the appropriate place but we had to remove jimi because we
are not allowed to distribute it (it is mentioned in the release notes!)
FOP package is missing a jimi-1.0.jar? I can only imagine
how many other people are having a problem and giving up.

OutOfMemory - What worked for me.

2002-05-02 Thread John Bourke
Hi guys,
I had been having the memory issue over the last number of days. My fix that
has worked and probably been posted before was to split up the pages of my
file using a correct implementation of page sequences. Previously I had been
pumping all data into one page sequence and breaking it using page breaks
but FOP simply kept loading this into memory until eventually it ran out.

Now I just load a page sequence at a time and this allows the garbage
collector to run once all available memory has been allocated and thus free
up memory used by earlier pages. As long as there is enough memory for a
single page you shouldn't need much more as the collector can free this once
the page has been rendered.


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Re: [ERROR]: Don't know what to do with

2002-05-02 Thread Jens Khnberger
did you try C:\xsl\buildFop -fo -pdf list.pdf ?
Christian Geisert wrote:
L'eau wrote:
Ok, so I had the time to download an old FOP version, and was
glad to see it had a jimi-1.0.jar in it! It works to a degree. I
did this:
C:\xsl\buildFop list.pdf
Now I get the following error message now:
[ERROR]: Don't know what to do with
.and that's it. It doesn't even tell me what it doesn't know
what to do with. I'm stumped and baffled.

Strange, this error happens if you give three commandline arguments
and in your case this seems to be blank (really strange .. which
OS are you using?)
You could try fop list.pdf (with quotes)
PS. who would I write to, to let Apache know that their latest 

This is the appropriate place but we had to remove jimi because we
are not allowed to distribute it (it is mentioned in the release notes!)
FOP package is missing a jimi-1.0.jar? I can only imagine
how many other people are having a problem and giving up.


Re: I get a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError

2002-05-02 Thread Jeff_Mitchell


Check J.Pietschmann's reply to your problem.  He explains why your original
command wasn't working, and why Jimi isn't included in the FOP download.  I
believe you can just download Jimi from the Sun site if you want it, but
I've been running with the batch file as is, with no problems.  It appears
that if you specify a bad classpath, it's simply ignored, rather than
bringing everything to a halt.


 Subject: Re: I get a mysterious 
04:24 AM
respond to  



AAhh i see. Thanx. I ignored That batch file, because it had the
jimi.jar in it's path, and since that jar didn't come with my
download I assumed that batch was for something totally
different. Any idea where I can get a copy of the jimi.jar? I'm
thinking that if I simply have that, it will solve all my
problems. If I download an old copy of FOP, and use THAT
jimi.jar, might it work in the latest FOP?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 OK, I'm confused too.  I don't have a jimi-1.0.jar (or any
 jimi*.jar, for
 that matter)  I'm attaching the .bat that came with my
 download (I
 downloaded last Friday, so I would think they'd be the same,
 since the
 download directory we both pulled from shows the package being
 uploaded on March 4th.

 I don't think it'll make any difference, though, since you
 seem to be
 including everything that is there.  I'm not familiar enough
 with Java
 (I've done a little programming in it, but when apps start
 using multiple
 jars, it becomes black magic to me) to have any answer, other
 than using
 the .bat file that works for me.  I do think you're correct in
 assumption that your OS shouldn't matter (I'm on XP, BTW.)

 Here are the contents of my batch file:

 java -cp


 org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -c conf/userconfig.xml %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
 %6 %7 %8

 It should be untouched from the time I downloaded it, other
 than the -c
 conf/userconfig.xml parameter I added to use some custom
 fonts.  Hope that
 helps.  If not, post back, and perhaps someone wiser than I
 can help.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

Re: Memory consumption with large images in FOP

2002-05-02 Thread Jeff_Mitchell


Thanks for your help.  I think I may be running out of memory when viewing
the PDF.  I'll do some playing around on my end, but your explanations
should help a lot.

Thanks again,



[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:   Subject: Re: Memory consumption 
with large images in FOP 

06:00 PM
respond to  



 the resulting PDF has a black
 rectangle, where the image should be.

In PDF, images are rendered at 1/72 inch per pixel, or roughly
3.53 cm per 100 pixel. Higher resolution images are scaled down
during rendering, you may see a resampling artifact, or simply
a bug (probably in the PDF viewer). Be aware that the PDF viewer
will have to decompress your 4k*5k pixel images at 3 bytes per
pixel, resulting in allocating nearly 60 MB or more.
It is also possible that you run into an arithmetic overflow
or some similar problem.

 Is there a
 limit to the resolution of raster images FOP (or PDFs in general) can
 handle, or this perhaps a problem with memory?

In theory, there is no limit, at least not directly imposed by FOP.
FOP will, however, hold the file in memory, decompressed for some

 It appears the images contained within a PDF are compressed.  Does anyone
 know if this compression is JPEG,  and if so, does FOP just dump a given
 JPEG into the PDF file, or does it uncompress the original JPEG in
 and then recompress it to go into the PDF?

For JPEG images, the file is dumped into the PDF basically unchanged.

 Finally, I haven't found a definitive list of the image types allowed in
 external-graphic src attribute.  Does anyone know where I might find such

 From the sources: GIF, BMP, EPS and JPEG are supported natively, in
part through standard Java mechanisms. There are not necessarily all
subformats supported (BMP has at least a dozen, some very obscure,
and there are a few exotic JPEG subformats as well).
SVG is supported through Batik.
FOP can take advantage of the Jimi image library and of JAI. Jimi
is no longer distributed with FOP because of license reasons, you
can get it yourself (there are instructions in the docs), but for
some odd reasons it may be possible that you'll have to rebuild
FOP from the sources, even though this is very easy nowadays.
Jimi supports:  AFP (dunno), BMP, CUR (MS Windows cursor?), GIF,
ICO (Windows icons), PCX, PICT (dunno), PNG, PSD (dunno), Sun
raster (used by Sun), TGA, TIFF and XBM (X Windows bitmap).
JAI is an interface specification, FOP will support whatever your
JAI conformant implementation supports if you drop it in (may
require rebuild).
This list is not authoritative, apply usual disclaimers.


RE: OutOfMemory - What worked for me.

2002-05-02 Thread Savino, Matt C
This is great if you have logical page breaks. Only one of our reports has
any logical page breaks however. So I can insert new page-sequences every
1000 rows or so. But unless I start counting rows and trying to guess at
when a cell wraps, I have no way of preventing page breaks that leave
awkward-looking partially filled pages.

Matt Savino

 -Original Message-
 From: John Bourke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:24 AM
 To: Fop Users (E-mail)
 Subject: OutOfMemory - What worked for me.
 Hi guys,
 I had been having the memory issue over the last number of 
 days. My fix that
 has worked and probably been posted before was to split up 
 the pages of my
 file using a correct implementation of page sequences. 
 Previously I had been
 pumping all data into one page sequence and breaking it using 
 page breaks
 but FOP simply kept loading this into memory until eventually 
 it ran out.
 Now I just load a page sequence at a time and this allows the garbage
 collector to run once all available memory has been allocated 
 and thus free
 up memory used by earlier pages. As long as there is enough 
 memory for a
 single page you shouldn't need much more as the collector can 
 free this once
 the page has been rendered.
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
 are addressed. Any unauthorised distribution or copying is strictly 
 Whilst Cedar Plc takes steps to prevent the transmission of 
 viruses via e-mail, we can not guarantee that any email or 
 attachment is free from computer viruses and you are strongly
 advised to undertake your own anti-virus precautions.
 Cedar Plc grants no warranties regarding performance,
 use or quality of any e-mail or attachment and undertakes no 
 liability for loss or damage, howsoever caused.

Re: Basic-link problem in JSPs

2002-05-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
Ralf Steppacher wrote:
Are you, by any chance, using disable-output-escaping somewhere?
Yes, but somewhere else in the stylesheet producing the fo document.
It doesn't matter where. Do not use d-o-e if you expect your style
sheet to work with short-circuit XSLT processor applications.
XSLT doesn't del with tags, it uses a tree of nodes for input
and output. What you think of as creating single tags is still
plain text until serialization. A serialization never happens
if the result is fed right into the XML consumer by using a
DOM tree or a SAX event stream.
Behaviour does not change if I comment out the two lines (that do not 
work with embedded fop either).
If you delete the d-o-e stuff, dump the tree and check
with the command line application, what happens?

Re: [ERROR]: Don't know what to do with

2002-05-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
Christian Geisert wrote:
You could try fop list.pdf (with quotes)
Not a very good idea on Win95/98/ME (or any other system), it
searches for a command file
 fop list.pdf.exe
(with spaces)
On Win95/98/ME, the command processor feeds the whole command
line in one piece to the applications, therefore the JRE parses
the command line. Either there is a bug in the parser, or the
command processor appends some ugly invisible character. It's
been years since i last delat with DOS based systems, but I
believe the command line gets a \r\n ant the end, perhaps
the JRE doesn't count the \r as white space and passes it as
It would help to run a test program to see what happens:
public class TestC {
  static final char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
  static public void main(String[] arg) {
for( int i=0;iarg.length;i++ ) {
  byte[] b=arg[i].getBytes();
  for( int j=0;jb.length;j++ ) {
System.out.print(+hex[b[j]/16]+hex[b[j]%16]+' ');

Re: Trying to resolve memory exception through correct use of pag e se quencing

2002-05-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
John Bourke wrote:
J. below is my layout-master-set followed by the way I start the page
sequence for my repeatable page.
fo:page-sequence-master master-name=reportDetails
  fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-name=detailPage
Here is the problem: You have a page master for non-blank pages,
but none for blank pages. Somewhere you force a blank page,
perhaps by break-before=page-even or something similar, and
FOP falls over.
Provide a page master for blank page, and this problem should
go away.

Re: Page Sequencing to conserve memory

2002-05-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
John Bourke wrote:
I'm pretty new to XSL-FO and FOP and having problems with serious memory
usage on 500-1000 page docuements using tables as a reporting tool.
Being that I populate the data into the page sequence from my XML data file,
does anybody know of a way to end the page sequence after a screen full of
data and start a new page sequence.
I restrict my data in the XML to placing a screen full between
FormFeed/FormFeed tags. Ideally I would like to end the page sequence
when hitting a /FormFeed and start a new page sequence for an open
FormFeed all within my stylesheet.
  xsl:template match=FormFeed
fo:page-sequence master-reference=...
and use
in the context of the parent of the FormFeed elements.

Re: Setting a maximum number of charcaters in a line

2002-05-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
Stéphane REYNIER wrote:
Is there any solution for setting a maximum number of charcaters whitin 
a line ?
I have to built two areas with 4 lines of 80 charcaters each, in a PDF 
You can't set a maximum for the number of characters in a
You should already generate fo:block elements containing
the 80 character lines. How this can be achieved depends
heavily on your source and perhaps other circumstances.