sax conflicts with tomcat-4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4

2002-02-11 Thread Bart Locanthi
hi, does anyone on this list know the scoop on what xml parser or 
parsers one should be using for future work... and what Fop should be using?

tomcat-4 seems to have been waffling. 4.0 came with crimson, 4.0.1 came 
with xerces, and now there's 4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4 designed to operation with 
the almost-out jdk1.4.

which incorporates a lot of useful stuff like jsse, maybe javamail, 
xalan, and ... crimson!

i like crimson fine - it's smaller than xerces - and if sun is going to 
be taking ownership of xml parsing, maybe projects like Fop should start 
conforming to the dictators in palo alto.

i've used JAXP and SAX APIs pretty heavily and i can't say i notice much 
difference, but Fop is decidedly unhappy with jdk1.4, which lacks 

this is too hard. i just want to use Fop with tomcat.
hoo boy, and don't get me started about the servlet API and Fop's need 
for OutputStreams when all JSP will give you are Writers..

Re: sax conflicts with tomcat-4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4

2002-02-11 Thread Bart Locanthi
i've used JAXP and SAX APIs pretty heavily and i can't say i notice much
difference, but Fop is decidedly unhappy with jdk1.4, which lacks
As far as i can tell xml.serialize is only used at build time for
extracting font data in FOP. I personally run FOP in an environment
without Xerces/Xalan and therefore lacking the serialization
features without problems (using Saxon).
interesting! i had no such luck de-contenting, at least using a binary 
distro of Fop.

this is too hard. i just want to use Fop with tomcat.
Can you describe your problems a little bit more detailed?
tomcat comes with xerces or crimson. the new 4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4 distro 
comes with nothing but uses crimson (jaxp) and whatever xalan is in jdk1.4.

by "comes with", i mean there are directories $TOMCAT/common/lib and 
$TOMCAT/server/lib for putting .jar files in. things in common/lib are 
available to tomcat itself and applications, things in server/lib are 
available only to tomcat.

i have my own xml library that runs on top of sax or jaxp with minor 
changes, so i need something in common/lib. it took me a couple days to 
get tomcat 4.0.1, my stuff, and Fop-0.20.3rc all using the same world 
(xerces/xalan), and now i see this apparent push to go back to jaxp/crimson.

it shouldn't matter, but it does, and it's unpleasant to have trouble 
combining projects from so i'm hoping to see some 
consolidation, or at least agreement of what toolsets things will be using.

i think having an LE-jdk1.4 edition of tomcat is nice in principle - 
fewer .jar files to deploy is easier on everyone - but if the result is 
more forks elsewhere in the developer community, well..

Re: sax conflicts with tomcat-4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4

2002-02-11 Thread Bart Locanthi
for OutputStreams when all JSP will give you are Writers..
JSP is bad for your mental health anyway :-)
uh oh, you got me started...
i rather like JSP (in principle) and the idea of developing tags for use 
by UI and layout people.

can even be a true pipeline with a little tomcat hacking to avoid those 
stupid BodyContent things.

looking at the code generated by a JSP compiler does give my stomach a 
turn, and the Writer/OutputStream problem rears its ugly head with Fop. 
i can see why Fop doesn't deal with Writers - all of the Image 
serialization things i've seen use OutputStreams exclusively.

plus, sun appears to finally be making a push in jdk1.4 to make byte 
streams go fast. no idea what this will do to JSP.

but without Fop able to use Writers the above pipeline is going to have 
a byte->char->byte thing going on, just waiting for a 
unicode/buffer-alignment bug to pop up a year from now.

Re: Pipe XSLT Transform to FOP

2002-02-12 Thread Bart Locanthi
Could anyone point me in the right direction of how I could transform
my XML to PDF without creating an intermediate file?
send your XML to a PipedOutputStream pos and use an 

make your XML thing a Thread and start() it.

Re: Pipe XSLT Transform to FOP

2002-02-12 Thread Bart Locanthi
yah i've looked at cocoon, and sorry to say but i'm not interested.
tag extension, which jsp does okay but not great, is what i want to 
"separate logic from presentation". i can pipe and do even more amazing 
stuff with cleverly designed tags and a slightly hacked tomcat.

i just wish the servlet API didn't have such weird holes and that java 
wasn't so schizo about bytes/chars.

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Tuesday 12 February 2002 02:00, Ryan Howe wrote:
I have been looking for a way to pipe the output of my Transformer
into the Input of the FOP Driver object. 

Cocoon ( does just that and much more - you might 
want to have a look!

Re: sax conflicts with tomcat-4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4

2002-02-12 Thread Bart Locanthi
jaxp has some org.apache.xml things in it, and jdk1.4's rt.jar has both 
crimson and xalan in it.

the tomcat distros 4.0, 4.0.1, and 4.0.2 seem to all have different 
ideas of what xml parsers to present. they're always exposed in 
common/lib but users are invited to replace them with whatever.

4.0: crimson
4.0.1: xerces
4.0.2: xerces
4.0.2-LE-jdk1.4: nothing (but crimson in jdk1.4)
Would be interesting if FOP was fixed this way and therefore
became more independent of the underlying XML libraries. In fact,
it should be possible to get rid of all org.apache.x*.* imports
and references and to solely rely on JAXP classes and methods.
The only place where Xerces is directly imported is the PFMReader and
TTFReader. Ok, Driver, when startet using the command line, uses Xerces
by default, but nothing prevents you from using any JAXP parser with FOP.

I also vaguely remember that recent tomcat releases no longer
exposes its XML parser to servlets per default, this may also
be a source of confusion. The docs have a method how to get
the parser back.
Jeremias Märki
Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - CH-6002 Luzern
Fon +41 41 317 20 20 - Fax +41 41 317 20 29

Re: Making FO

2002-02-12 Thread Bart Locanthi
xslt was created for doing just this. it's a very important technology 
and there are finally some good books on it.

Does anybody know any good tool for converting HTML (or rtf, or doc) 
to FO.

I have tried html2fo, which I had found on, but it 
doesn't understand styles and some tags.

Maybe anybody know a better tool?

Aleksei Vassiljev

Re: FOP and servlets

2002-02-15 Thread Bart Locanthi
application/x-pdf, not application/pdf
I've been using FOP for a few days and i have a problem with displaying PDF 
through a browser with FOP. I'm using FOP 0.20.1 with Xalan 1.2 and Xerces 1.2. 
Here's a sample of my servlet source :
String xmlString = request.getParameter("XML");
String xslString = resquest.getParameter("XSL");
ByteArrayOutputStream fo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
//XSLT transformation 
XSLTProcessor lProcessor = XSLTProcessorFactory.getProcessor();
lProcessor.process(new XSLTInputSource(new StringReader(xmlString)), new XSLTInputSource(new StringReader(xslString), new XLSTResultTarget(fo));
// PDF generation with FOP
Driver lFOPDriver = new Driver();
InputSource FOSource = new InputSource(fo);
ServletOutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
XMLReader reader = (XMLReader) Class.forName("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser").newInstance();

When I call this servlet, the browser don't display the generated PDF but I 've 
noticed that it appears in my Temporary Internet Files.
Does anyone have an idea ?

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Re: A brain teaser

2002-02-16 Thread Bart Locanthi
the xsl:fo way of doing what you want isn't pretty, but it's a very 
standard wish in book formatting. after you figure it out, you will 
wonder how else it could have been defined.

the tutorial chapter below pretty much explains how to do this:
in the code submitted already, i would have used page-position="rest" 
rather than odd-or-even="any", but i don't think it would make a diff.

the hard part has to do with the so-called "static content" written to 
the page masters, eg:

first page header goo

other page header goo

where "first-before" and "rest-before" talk about areas on the two page 
masters you define.

Perhaps i should have explained, the subsequent headers are different from
the first header.
The first version, Magnus' version, produced two documents. The first one
had the special headers and the second one had the ordinary ones.
The second version does the same. I don't see how the content of the headers
will change. Granted, the margin size will change. But I need what is
contained in the header on the subsequent pages to be different from what is
at the top of the first page. Are we to conclude that it can't be done?
I'm concluding this can't be done. {:(
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: A brain teaser

Re: A brain teaser

2002-02-16 Thread Bart Locanthi
then thank you thank you thank you both for that wonderful book! hands 
down the best reference i've seen on fo.

Arved Sandstrom wrote:
I happen to be liable for the content of that particular tutorial chapter.
Dave Pawson did most of the work relating to making it look really good,
with DocBook tweaking. But I take responsibility for errors. Mostly it is
pretty solid, but I do have to point out one error, which relates to
The sense of rotation is right-hand-rule; that is, positive rotations are
CCW. So 90 degrees is 9 o'clock, _not_ 3 o'clock as stated in the tutorial.
Any references in this chapter to specific values should take this into
account: for example, Fig 5.3.
I've been promising Dave to submit some patches; I guess I should get hot on
Arved Sandstrom
-----Original Message-
From: Bart Locanthi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: February 16, 2002 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: A brain teaser
the xsl:fo way of doing what you want isn't pretty, but it's a very
standard wish in book formatting. after you figure it out, you will
wonder how else it could have been defined.
the tutorial chapter below pretty much explains how to do this:
in the code submitted already, i would have used page-position="rest"
rather than odd-or-even="any", but i don't think it would make a diff.
the hard part has to do with the so-called "static content" written to
the page masters, eg:
 first page header goo
 other page header goo
where "first-before" and "rest-before" talk about areas on the two page
masters you define.

Perhaps i should have explained, the subsequent headers are different from
the first header.
The first version, Magnus' version, produced two documents. The first one
had the special headers and the second one had the ordinary ones.
The second version does the same. I don't see how the content of the
will change. Granted, the margin size will change. But I need what is
contained in the header on the subsequent pages to be different from what
at the top of the first page. Are we to conclude that it can't be done?
I'm concluding this can't be done. {:(
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: A brain teaser





Re: A brain teaser

2002-02-16 Thread Bart Locanthi
see later message.. apologies to you and anyone else who got the idea 
that i wrote or claimed to have written that tutorial. after pawing 
through other, otherwise excellent xslt references, it was that one that 
brought me out of the darkness regarding xsl:fo.

thanks again to the dave pawson and arved sandstrom. may their work 
bring them fame and fortune when it gets to print.

Stephen Clarke wrote:
Hi Bart,
Thanks much for going that extra step to confer the benefit of your superior
understanding upon this wayward rapscallion.
At last I've got it. Soon I'll be a world class online typographer, right?
- Original Message -----
From: "Bart Locanthi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: A brain teaser

the xsl:fo way of doing what you want isn't pretty, but it's a very
standard wish in book formatting. after you figure it out, you will
wonder how else it could have been defined.
the tutorial chapter below pretty much explains how to do this:
in the code submitted already, i would have used page-position="rest"
rather than odd-or-even="any", but i don't think it would make a diff.
the hard part has to do with the so-called "static content" written to
the page masters, eg:

first page header goo

other page header goo

where "first-before" and "rest-before" talk about areas on the two page
masters you define.

Perhaps i should have explained, the subsequent headers are different
the first header.
The first version, Magnus' version, produced two documents. The first
had the special headers and the second one had the ordinary ones.
The second version does the same. I don't see how the content of the
will change. Granted, the margin size will change. But I need what is
contained in the header on the subsequent pages to be different from
what is
at the top of the first page. Are we to conclude that it can't be done?
I'm concluding this can't be done. {:(
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: A brain teaser





Re: NullPointerException in render

2002-02-19 Thread Bart Locanthi
the jsp systems i know about take great pains to prevent you from doing 
response.getOutputStream(), having done the equivalent Writer thing for 
the jsp page already.

you've commented out the response stuff in your code, and i guess it's 
after your null pointer problem anyway. but you may have use 
uit.toString() eventually.

have you tried
driver = new Driver(InputSource, OutputStream)
Raf Geusens wrote:
Hi everybody,
I started using Fop today, because I need it urgently for a project, but 
I've got some trouble running my first piece of code in it.
This is the most important part of code, it's part of a jsp-page.
The application always gives at NullPointerException error when it 
reaches driver.render(...). First I tought one of the parameters was 
null, but when I wrote them to the browser they seemed to be fine 
([EMAIL PROTECTED] you know). I also wrote the other parameters like 
driver, file etc... to the browser and none of them is equal to null.
So, what can be the solution to my NullPointerException, any ideas anyone?

try {
XSLTInputHandler input = new XSLTInputHandler(new File(file),new
File (props.getString("pdfFase")));
ByteArrayOutputStream uit = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Driver driver = new Driver();
driver.render(input.getParser(), input.getInputSource());
/*byte [] content = uit.toByteArray();
} catch (Exception e) {
%><%= e %><% e.printStackTrace();

Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.


2002-02-26 Thread Bart Locanthi
Re SAXResult - wonderful! I didn't realize you could do this and had 
been very bothered by the size of the intermediate xsl:fo goo.

I had even gotten to the point of hacking Tomcat and the servlet API to 
support threading and pipes between tags, only to find that Java pipes 
are fundamentally flawed (or broken, depending on your point of view). 
Amazing and quite unforgivable given that Java comes from a Unix company.

And the Tomcat servlet filtering API is also fundamentally (and 
surprisingly) based on single-threading and buffers. Very disappointing.

So three cheers for SAX pipelining for Fop!
Oh, and BTW in another context I have timed using DOM trees vs XML 
strings as intermediate data to feed Xalan, and there was no difference 
that I could measure. May DOM disappear from the face of the earth.

Joerg Pietschmann wrote:
some comments to Joergs message:
I do not think using TraxInputHandler or XSLTInputHandler is
better than using a DOM tree.
Just for clarification: i did not recommend temporary files
over intermediate DOM trees. I recommend a SAX event stream
over any of temporary files, intermediate in-memory buffers
for serialized XML or intermediate DOM trees. A DOM tree is
often still preferable over some serialization because of
performance (no reparsing) but not necessarily because of memory
consumtion (depends on the implementation).


2002-02-26 Thread Bart Locanthi
does fop support markers? i'm having trouble getting them to work.
my input looks like

 chapter one
 chapter two
note that the markers share a common great-grandparent.
the error message i get from any fop-0.20.[23] is:
[ERROR]: fo:marker must be an initial child,and 'marker-class-name' must 
be unique for same parent.

i'm following all the rules, i think, but no joy.
sounds like a simple misconception on my part but i'm stumped.

Re: markers

2002-02-28 Thread Bart Locanthi
Hey you forgot removed PNG support ;-)
is this because of the jimi license problem?
hey maybe there's a freeware imaging package that isn't so insistent on 
OutputStreams? i hate having to convert bytes to chars for use in JSP.

Re: : XML -> MS Word??

2002-03-04 Thread Bart Locanthi
exactly how ghastly are you talking here?
is the format [snort] published anywhere?
Michiel Verhoef wrote:
To top all: it is even quite simple.
For a project we had to produce MS Excel files fromXML, using XSLT.
As we didn't have a clue about Microsoft formats etc we figured: why
not produce this ghastly MS-HTML and see what that does for us?

Re: : XML -> MS Word??

2002-03-04 Thread Bart Locanthi
i agree - all *i* want to know about from this is what sort of xml i can 
output that M$ word will buy.

Carlos Araya wrote:
Wouldn't it be easier to translate the xml to a CSV (comma separated value)
file, import that into Excel and then finish up the formating? I wouldn't
even bother trying the MS_HTML option
On 03/04/02 8:36, "Bart Locanthi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
exactly how ghastly are you talking here?
is the format [snort] published anywhere?
Michiel Verhoef wrote:
To top all: it is even quite simple.
For a project we had to produce MS Excel files fromXML, using XSLT.
As we didn't have a clue about Microsoft formats etc we figured: why
not produce this ghastly MS-HTML and see what that does for us?

Re: Fop Multithreading.

2002-03-06 Thread Bart Locanthi
threading isn't going to reduce the amount of cpu time it takes to do 

in fact, if you have the misfortune to use PipedInputStreams, you will 
find dead time with each stage of your pipeline. an amazing gaffe for a 
unix company in their marquis language.

Ramakrishnan.G wrote:
I am using FOp to generate PDF and PS from xml and xsl.
I runs very slow. Is it possible to thread the entire application after
Driver class instantiation.