RE: Japanese fonts do not appear in desired weights

2003-12-02 Thread Graham Hannington
 This means you can only select MS Mincho and MS PMincho

I can already use both MS Mincho (monospace) and MS PMincho (the P stands
for Proportional) just fine. The problem is that I cannot make these fonts
appear in different weights. (Or perhaps I've completely missed the point of
your email?)

Does anyone know what the status of JPFOP ( is?
The home page offers a tantalizing glimpse of what appears to be MS Mincho
and MS Gothic and multiple weights and styles.

The home page also offers instructions that are probably perfectly readable
in Japanese, or to a more experienced FOP user, but I have not been able to
get anywhere with this.

I currently have FOP 0.20.4 installed. I've copied the latest JPFOP .jar
(for 0.20.2, provided on the JPFOP site) to the same build directory as the
0.20.4 FOP .jar, and tried running this:

C:\devtools\Docs\fopjava -Xmx200m -cp
cvs-20020315.jar;lib\logkit-1.0.jar;lib\jimi-1.0.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop
conf/userconfig.xml C:\projects_docs\source\

This results in:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at org.apache.fop.apps.Fop.main(

With apologies: I'm no Java developer... anyone who knows anything about
Java will likely be dismayed at this hamfisted attempt. I'm thinking that
perhaps this JPFOP .jar is not compatible with the other .jar files.

Finally, the JPFOP 0.17.0 .zip includes some font metrics XML files with
names like MSGothicBold.xml, that would seem to offer the promise (like the
bitmap of the PDF on the home page) of multiple weights from the
msgothic.ttc. I've tried referring to these XML files in userconfig.xml with
FOP 0.20.4, but it causes FOP to crash with an unspecified error.

I wish I understood better how JPFOP created these weight-specific XML files
(and why they don't work with FOP 0.20.4).

I'd really like to get JPFOP working, not just for the multiple weight
fonts, but also because it appears to fix the FOP line break issue in
Japanese (where lines can sometimes begin with a punctuation mark).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Graham Hannington

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RE: Japanese fonts do not appear in desired weights

2003-12-02 Thread Graham Hannington
 FOP does not have an engine to create fonts with different weight a single
typeface definition.

Gotcha, thanks. I think this is what JPFOP, er, kludges (no disrespect
intended to the developer). From the JPFOP site:

 renderInlineArea() method was modified. ... For Bold, the characters are
rendered 4 times with offset.

If I read this correctly, and JPFOP is doing what I think it's doing to
emulate a true bold weight, then: ingenious, but... yeurch! ;-)

A more elegant (if you like, proper) solution, as you say, would be to get
a font that actually contains the different weights. I'm looking at:

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Japanese fonts do not appear in desired weights

2003-11-26 Thread Graham Hannington
I'm using FOP to produce English and Japanese PDFs.

For English, I use Helvetica and the system monospace (Courier) fonts. For
Japanese, I use MS PMincho and MS Gothic.

In the English PDFs, the fonts appear at their desired weights (such as bold
or normal).

In the Japanese PDFs, the fonts appear at a single weight. PMincho appears
throughout in normal weight, Gothic appears throughout in bold weight.

MS PMincho and MS Gothic are defined in TrueType collection (.ttc) files,
msmincho.ttc and msgothic.ttc.

Here's a log of messages from TTFReaderor (for PMincho):

C:\devtools\Docs\fopjava -cp
s.jar;lib\xercesImpl.jar;lib\xalan.jar org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader
ame MS PMincho c:\windows\fonts\msmincho.ttc mspmincho.xml
TTF Reader v1.1.1

Reading c:\windows\fonts\msmincho.ttc...

This is a TrueType collection file with2 fonts
Containing the following fonts:
MS Mincho
* MS PMincho
Number of glyphs in font: 17807
Postscript format 3
Creating xml font file...

Creating CID encoded metrics
Writing xml font file mspmincho.xml...

This font contains no embedding license restrictions

And here's an extract from my userconfig.xml:

font metrics-file=style\fonts\mspmincho.xml
embed-file=style\fonts\msmincho.ttc kerning=yes
font-triplet name=PMincho style=normal weight=normal/
font-triplet name=PMincho style=normal weight=bold/
font-triplet name=PMincho style=italic weight=normal/
font-triplet name=PMincho style=italic weight=bold/
font metrics-file=style\fonts\msgothic.xml
embed-file=style\fonts\msgothic.ttc kerning=yes
font-triplet name=Gothic style=normal weight=normal/
font-triplet name=Gothic style=normal weight=bold/
font-triplet name=Gothic style=italic weight=normal/
font-triplet name=Gothic style=italic weight=bold/

Yes, the .ttc files *do* exist at that style\fonts\ location, relative to
the .fo input file, when FOP runs... the resulting PDF displays PMincho and
Gothic fine, just not in the right weights.

Any ideas?

Graham Hannington

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RE: Japanese fonts do not appear in desired weights

2003-11-26 Thread Graham Hannington
Andreas, Chris,

Thanks very much for your responses.


 When embedding fonts, a separate metrics file should be generated for
bold, italic and bold-italic (that is, if you want them to work properly).
Right now, your userconfig maps all combinations (normal, bold, italic,
bold-italic) to one and the same metrics file.

Yep, I can see how that would be a problem... in my defence ;-), I was just
copying lines in the supplied userconfig.xml that also does this. Is there a
way to get TTFReader to extract separate bold, italic and bold-italic XML
metrics files from a single .ttc? (This is assuming that the .ttc *does
actually* contain the bold etc. glyphs, as per Chris's point, below.)

It does strike me as weird that MS Gothic is showing up in bold... when I
view this font in the Windows Character Map application, or set the Notepad
font to MS Gothic, then it appears at a much lighter (I presume, normal)
weight. Any idea why this might be happening? (On the positive side, maybe
this means that the msgothic.ttc *does* contain both normal and bold
faces... if only I knew how to generate separate metrics files for each


 Unlike M$ Word, XSL-FO processors do not emulate bold text. Therefore
the its up to the source font to contain glyphs for both bold and normal

Ah, gotcha. Is there an easy way to find out for sure whether fonts
(specifically, the fonts in msgothic.ttc and msmincho.tff) actually *do*
contain the different weight glyphs? (Erm, I mean: in addition to trying to
render these fonts in bold via an XSL-FO processor? ;-)

 Japanese Fonts typically contain glyphs for one weight. I know this
because this subject has been discussed on this list before.

Oops: I did search the archives before I asked, I swear :-). I've gone back
and had another look...

 Recommended course of action: find a Japanesse font that has glyphs for
both weights. Although I'm not sure any exist; hence the frequency of this

I can't see any suggestions for (freeware) Japanese fonts (I'm cheap too :-)
with different glyph weights... anyone know of any, and where I can get 'em?
(I'm off to Google for some now...) If I can't find any, then, as suggested
by others in previous emails, I'll make do with a combination of fonts
(although why MS Gothic appears in bold still bugs me...).

Thanks again for the advice.

Graham Hannington

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RE: Japanese fonts do not appear in desired weights

2003-11-26 Thread Graham Hannington
 I would definitely try generating a different .xml from the same .ttc, but
change the -ttc param to say MS Mincho Bold (--you get the idea) See if
that works out okay.

I tried MS Mincho Bold and several other variations (... bold,
...-Bold, ... (Bold)), but they all resulted in:

This is a TrueType collection file with2 fonts
Containing the following fonts:
MS Mincho
MS PMincho Failed to read font
at org.apache.fop.fonts.TTFFile.readFont(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader.loadTTF(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader.main(Unknown Source)

Shame, it *was* a nice idea. Thanks for the suggestion :-).

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RE: Table of Contents problem

2003-01-24 Thread Graham Hannington
 Jon Steeves wrote:
  I'm trying to generate a TOC.  The following code works up to a point -
  the TOC items output correctly except for the last one, which won't
print the
  page number at the end of the leader pattern.

I have the same problem (last page number citation in a TOC does not
appear), and also this one: the last page number citation on *each page* of
a (multi-page) TOC does not appear.

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How do I use MathML with FOP?

2003-01-15 Thread Graham Hannington
How can I include MathML-source equations etc. into a PDF?

(I'm afraid I don't know much about MathML: is there a tool/stylesheet to
transform MathML into FO, which can then be included in an FO file with the
rest of the content required in the PDF, prior to using FOP?)

Graham Hannington

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Aligning a block with the bottom of the page

2003-01-10 Thread Graham Hannington
How do I align an fo:block with the bottom of the current page?

(I'd like to have the copyright notice, on the reverse side of the cover
page, appear at the bottom of the page.)

Graham Hannington

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RE: Aligning a block with the bottom of the page

2003-01-10 Thread Graham Hannington
 Use the region-after sections of your static-content of your

Okay, thanks.

Er, is there any way to do this inside a fo:flow ?

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RE: FOP completes rendering when using lo-res graphics, but not w ith hi-res

2003-01-07 Thread Graham Hannington
 Probably. You should get a MemoryOverflowException somewhere, check
 whatever logs you have.
 Try to give more memory to the JVM, see the FOP FAQ for more hints.

Thank you so much!

I added -Xmx200m between the java and -cp in fop.bat, and now FOP
completely renders my document with high-res graphics! :-)

(The FOP FAQ, at, has a memory settings
of the JVM hyperlink that, not that helpfully, points to the FOP home

Where would that MemoryOverflowException be reported?  I'm currently
forwarding FOP messages to a log file, but it doesn't contain any such

On that subject, is there any way to get FOP to report the .fo source line
number at which an error occurs?  All my log contains is errors such as:

[ERROR] children of list-blocks must be list-items

A line number would sure make it easier to track down errors in my (1.5MB)
.fo file.

Thanks again for the memory tip, that's made my day :-).

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RE: A question about tables

2003-01-07 Thread Graham Hannington
Not a direct answer to your question, I'm afraid, but here's what I do in my
HTML-FO stylesheet, for tables whose column widths are not specified:

xsl:variable name=width
'mm')) div count(html:tr[child::html:td][1]/html:td)), '#'), 'mm') /
xsl:for-each select=html:tr[child::html:td][1]/html:td
xsl:attribute name=column-widthxsl:value-of select=$width

($column-width is a predefined string variable that contains the width of
the printable area on the page: say, 160mm)

Basically, this divides the available width by the number of td (table
cell) tags in a table row, and then outputs a fo:table-column tag for each
table column.

If you can determine from your XML how many columns are in your table, then
you can at least specify equal column widths, as above.

(The above XSL snippet assumes that the row does not contain spanned cells.
Any advice on improving this gratefully received.)

Graham Hannington

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Can FOP indent tables (say, with start-indent)?

2003-01-06 Thread Graham Hannington

Can FOPindent 

I'm using a page layout that 
defines a startindent for the body text column (the headings are 
"outdented"). I'd like some tables to be "column width" (in line with the body 
text), others to be "page width" (margin-to-margin).

After experimenting, I can 
indent the table contents, but the borders are stuck at the left 

Any ideas?

I'm using FOP 

(With apologies if this is a 
well-known issue: I'm a new user. I've searched the FOP open bug list, and 
googled, but I've not yet seen this explicitly 
