This is probably without the bugfix. I was not aware of a severe problem
with 2.4.1. Can you point me to a BugZilla entry?

By the way, you're free to use a different version of Xalan. FOP uses
the JAXP API to do XSL transformations so you're not even bound to Xalan.
You may just have to adjust your classpath.

On 09.04.2003 11:02:03 Zmitko, Jan wrote:
> somebody told me that in the version 2.4.1. Xalan is a Bug with XSLT
> Transforming. See 
> trax/
> The Bug is fixed at 10.02.03. My Question is, I use the latest FOP
> 0.20.5rc2. In this Distribution included Xalan2.4.1, is without the Bugfix,
> or?

Jeremias Maerki

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