Escape sequences and fop

2003-01-21 Thread Rakesh Patel

I am seeing some strange behaviour with FOP in an embedded servlet environment 
and also within my (XML Spy) development environment.

I have an XML file and and XSL file. I process the files producing an fo 
document which is rendered by FOP.

There is one tag which needs embedded fo tags but only to be rendered fop and 
passed as is by the XSL transformation. Here's a snippit from my XML file:

#60;fo:block#62;example text#60;/fo:block#62;
Please read our lt;fo:basic-link 
Warningslt;/fo:basic-linkgt; document

and the XSL file:

fo:block text-align=left start-indent=5mm space-before=2mm 
font-size=12px color=#00 font-family=Arial, Helvetica, sans 
xsl:value-of select=HTBodyText disable-output-escaping=yes/

The embedded directives are only processed by FOP when I do this:

1. Run the xslt saving the output to a file
2. Pass the file to FOP for processing.

However, if I do it all together, either by using XMLSpy or in my servlet, the 
output ALL comes out as text.

Please help!!!



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Re: Escape sequences and fop

2003-01-21 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
Rakesh Patel wrote:
#60;fo:block#62;example text#60;/fo:block#62;
Please read our lt;fo:basic-link 
Warningslt;/fo:basic-linkgt; document
and the XSL file:
fo:block text-align=left start-indent=5mm space-before=2mm font-size=12px color=#00 
font-family=Arial, Helvetica, sans font-weight=normal
xsl:value-of select=HTBodyText disable-output-escaping=yes/
The embedded directives are only processed by FOP when I do this:
1. Run the xslt saving the output to a file
2. Pass the file to FOP for processing.
However, if I do it all together, either by using XMLSpy or in my servlet, the output ALL comes out as text.
XML Spy process it exactly as you are saying - transform into a file and run 
FOP.bat on this file.
By it's nature disable-output-escaping assumes that result of the 
transformation is serialized and reparsed again, that's why it doesn't work in 
FOP as in any SAX streaming environment.
Remember gold rule of xslt - don't use d-o-e unless you are generating 
non-XML. Why do you need it?

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel
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Escape sequences and fop

2003-01-21 Thread Rakesh Patel
Hi Oleg,

the reason I need to use disable-output-escaping is because at present the xml 
data (the HTBodyText tags) sometimes contains html tags. I need to replace 
these with their fo equivalents. If you know how else to do this, please let me 
know. I am going to go back to some previous code that generated an 
intermediate file and then pass that to fop.



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Re: Escape sequences and fop

2003-01-21 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
Rakesh Patel wrote:
the reason I need to use disable-output-escaping is because at present the
xml data (the HTBodyText tags) sometimes contains html tags. I need to
replace these with their fo equivalents. If you know how else to do this,
please let me know. I am going to go back to some previous code that
generated an intermediate file and then pass that to fop.
What do you mean by replace these with their fo equivalents? If html code is 
well-formed you can process it by xslt as usual, if not - how can you match it 
to replace, by string matching?

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel
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