Need help with Continued Overpage...

2006-05-22 Thread Adam Davies


Question: How can I put Continued overpage at the bottom of the first page 
of a sequence if the sequence happens to produce 2 or more pages but not 
supply when it only produces 1 page?

Any help or insight into this would be greatful? I've tried using markers 
but cant get the desired result. Is is possible to supply a choice of first 
pages depending on the repeatable-page-master-alternatives matches?

I'm using the FOP Trunk code.


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span=all in last page sequence is dropping second last page from PDF

2006-05-19 Thread Adam Davies
Hi everybody, Need some help or may have found a bug
I have a complex page sequence below. I'm using the current FOP Trunk release BTW. Some background setup info:fo:page-sequence-master master-name="contents" fo:repeatable-page-master-alternativesfo:conditional-page-master-referencemaster-reference="leftPage"odd-or-even="even"page-position="first"/fo:conditional-page-master-reference 
master-reference="rightPage"odd-or-even="odd"page-position="first" /fo:conditional-page-master-referencemaster-reference="leftPage" odd-or-even="even"page-position="rest"/fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference="rightPage" odd-or-even="odd"page-position="rest" 
/fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference="lastLeftPage"page-position="last"odd-or-even="even"/fo:conditional-page-master-reference master-reference="lastRightPage" page-position="last"odd-or-even="odd"//fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives/fo:page-sequence-master

with a sample of the page: most a like this onefo:simple-page-master master-name="rightPage"page-height="297mm"page-width="210mm"margin-top="20mm"margin-bottom="59mm"margin-left="25mm"margin-right="59mm"fo:region-bodycolumn-count="2" column-gap="5mm"margin-top="9mm"margin-bottom="10mm" /fo:region-before region-name="rightHeader" extent="10mm" /fo:region-after 
display-align="after" region-name="rightFooter" extent="5mm" //fo:simple-page-master
last page has a bigger footer due to extra info, seefo:simple-page-master master-name="lastRightPage"page-height="297mm"page-width="210mm"margin-top="20mm"margin-bottom="59mm"margin-left="25mm"margin-right="59mm"fo:region-body column-count="2" column-gap="5mm"margin-top="9mm"margin-bottom="95mm"/fo:region-before region-name="rightHeader" extent="10mm" 
/fo:region-after display-align="after" region-name="lastRightFooter" extent="95mm" //fo:simple-page-master

As you can see I'm usingtwo columns. The problem I'm getting is that the content stops flowing to the last page area when a fo:block span="all"XXX/fo:block is to appearlast in the fo:flow. Soemtimesthe last page displays with XXX at the top if its the last block. The main issue is thatthe second last page data is missing altogther. The second last page thatrenders is really the 3rd last. If I remove the span block it work fine.I can render with XSL Formatter V3.4 Trial fine. Also towards the last 4 or so pages the column balance does a poor job. Sometimes the first column is full to the bottom of the page and second is emty. At the bottom of the page is a fo:block span = all for a new title. I'm producing documents in the range of 20-40 pages long.
Is this a known problem? I'll also see if I can put together a sample file as the content is confidential.

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