Re: How to put batch process into background on Mac OS

2008-01-03 Thread James Howard
Actually that probably won't do what you want.  Adding - 
Djava.awt.headless=true to the vm arguments in the fop script probably  
will work.

On Jan 3, 2008, at 8:36 AM, Steve Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Use 'nice' to run it.  Alter the script so that the fop execution  
looks like:

nice /Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf

You can check the man page for nice for more info.


On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Terry Ofner wrote:

This is not a huge matter. More on the line of an annoyance. And I  
may need to take this question to a java list rather than this  
list. If so, just point me in the right direction.

At any rate, I have an XSLT stylesheet that produces 50+ separate  
fo documents. I then run the shell script below to batch produce  
the pdf documents:

for foo in *.fo
state=`basename $foo .fo`
/Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf

When I run this script on my Mac (OS X 10.4.11, java version  
1.5.0_13 fop-0.94), org.apache.fop.cli.main takes control of the  
desktop, stopping whatever it is I am doing for about 5 seconds. I  
gain control again for about 5 seconds until fop pumps out another  
pdf document. I basically have to step away from the computer for  
the 8 minutes that the batch process takes. Adding  and wait to  
the main line of the script does not seem to work:

/Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf 

The first script above on Ubuntu linux runs in the background  
without interrupting other running process.

Any simple solutions?

Terry Ofner

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The contents of row 1 are taller than they should be

2007-01-19 Thread James Howard

Hi all,

I saw the explanation about the The contents of row 1 are taller  
than they should be warning in the FAQ
but it isn't helpful to my circumstances.

Basically I have a block of text (the contents of the table) that I  
want vertically and horizontally centered.  I want to be notified in  
the case that the text is too large to fit.  Back in FOP 0.20.5, FOP  
would spill the extra text to another page and I would get the page  
count, see that it was  1 and be able to handle things that way.  In  
FOP 0.93, FOP just starts overwriting the margins and spills off the  
page and aside from the warning printed to the log I have no way of  
detecting in my application that the content doesn't fit on the page.

I've tried using the overflow=paginate attribute on the table, the  
table-row, and the table-cell, but FOP doesn't do anything  
differently.  I also tried placing the table within a block- 
container, and that allows the content to be clipped to the margins,  
but still doesn't allow me to detect the overflow.

- James

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