Re: Annotation Popups in PDF created from SVG title-attributes?

2007-01-24 Thread Klaus Förster

thanks for your quick replies!

quoting Jeremias The part in PDF is probably not all that hard
and as Cameron states The Batik extension side of it isn’t too hard, 
either. I wonder if there are ways to include this feature in future 
versions of Batik / FOP ? I'm not a Java programmer and I'm not planning 
to implement it, nevertheless I think it could be a usefull feature not 
only for SVG-title, and/or desc but also for fo:title formatting 
objects. Any pointers to where I should post this wish?

thanks in advance

Cameron McCormack wrote:

Jeremias Maerki:

Looking at the PDF spec, I think that should be possible. In PDF
Reference 1.4, see 8.4 Annotations and 8.5.2 Trigger Events. You can
probably control the hidden attribute of an annotation using a
mouse-over trigger event using a hide action.

any ideas whether this would be hard to implement?

The part in PDF is probably not all that hard. A few minor improvements
to the PDF library should get you there. The harder part is to write a
Batik extension that works with the PDF transcoder to generate the right
elements in PDF. Since I've never written an extension in Batik, I don't
know how much work that would be. Better ask on the Batik users list for
ideas on that.

The Batik extension side of it isn’t too hard, either.  You’ll just
need to:

  ▪ Create org.apache.fop.svg.PDFTitleElementBridge and
PDFDescElementBridge classes, that have a

  public void handleElement(BridgeContext ctx, Element e)

method that will be called when the title/desc element is noticed.

  ▪ Change PDFBridgeContext’s registerSVGBridges to register these
bridge classes:

  putBridge(new PDFTitleElementBridge());
  putBridge(new PDFDescElementBridge());

 /_ )
  | (U
klaus*   /|
/ /
~ ~

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Annotation Popups in PDF created from SVG title-attributes?

2007-01-23 Thread Klaus Förster
I know this question sounds quite strange, but would it be possible to 
resolve title- or desc-Attributes of an SVG element as annotation popup 
within the produced PDF that shows the appropriate value(s) in a 
tooltip-like manner on mouseover? One use-case for this feature would be 
displaying data-tips within thematic maps, charts or the like produced 
from SVG with Batik

any ideas whether this would be hard to implement?


Klaus Förster
University of Innsbruck, Tirol Atlas
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

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