Deleting a blank page after the last element

2005-08-25 Thread bharathi kongara

I've the following template in the style sheet



I'm using a break-after="page" to force a page break,
as  my requirement is that each section starts on a
new page. But this is forcing a blank page after the
last section in the generated pdf(ofcorse it will). Is
there any way to remove that(either from the style
sheet directly or after the pdf is generated)?


Bharathi Kongara,
Graduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Utah State University,
Logan,UT 84321

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Re: Deleting a blank page after the last element

2005-08-25 Thread bharathi kongara
Hi Andreas,

It worked !!! Thank you so much.



> I'm using a break-after="page" to force a page
> as  my requirement is that each section starts on a
> new page. But this is forcing a blank page after the
> last section in the generated pdf(ofcorse it will).
> there any way to remove that(either from the style
> sheet directly or after the pdf is generated)?

You can do this in XSLT like so:


Bharathi Kongara,
Graduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Utah State University,
Logan,UT 84321

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Syntax of xsl:if

2005-08-25 Thread bharathi kongara

Can somebody tell if the yntax of xsl:if I'm using is
correct?(If so, why didn't it work)

My xml is:


and my xsl is:



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3 elements on the same line

2005-09-11 Thread bharathi kongara

I've the following table - I want to put the
QuestionNo, QuestionText, and QuestionScore on the
same line in the resulting output.















I tried with columns, didn't work(I'm using FOP to
render the o/p). Any ideas???


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Re: 3 elements on the same line

2005-09-11 Thread bharathi kongara
Yeah, now I'm using columns like in the following
template. But my problem is, only my first row needs 3
columns, all other rows need jus one column, is there
a way to specify that so that it can select
dynamically, becuase if I specify 1 column - first row
cannot be processed as there are 3 cells, and if I
specify 3 columns, other rows are compressed to the
size of the first column



















Sounds like you will need 3 columns, not 3 rows. Note
there is an 
example directory in the fop-install.


Bharathi Kongara,
Graduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Utah State University,
Logan,UT 84321

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Arranging the content into columns

2005-12-09 Thread bharathi kongara
Hi guys,I need to put some content into columns dynamically with XSL-FO. I've a  template called AnswerKeySection which can have one or more  AnswerKeyQuestions. Now I need them arranged like 3 AnswerKeyQuestions  into 1 row. So I want something like Question1  Question2  Question3  Question4  Question5  Question6  Question7  Question8  Question9instead of Question1  Question2  Question3  Question4  Question5  Question6  Question7  Question8  Question9I'm wondering whether this is possible, I tried to use column-count property but didn't notice nay difference. I'm posting my code from XSL for a better understanding. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,  Bharathi                    page                                                           
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