Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69895]

2018-02-20 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Another problem: The option "Files and Dirs -> Same as active document" seems
not to work. When Pressing Ctrl+O, the Open dialog will NOT show the directory
of the active document, but another directory. This used to work correctly in
previous versions.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69881]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW
The problem has something to do with the following setting:


When I change it to Maximized=0, the problem disappears.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69880]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Okay, after doing further experiments, it seems the problem is in the file


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69879]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW
After that, I copied the following files from my original PSPad installation
into the new test folder:


Result: The proplem appears again.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69877]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I tried the following:

1. Download and unpack it into a fresh folder.
2. Download and unpack it into the same folder.
3. Configure TC to use PSPad from that folder.

With that configuration, the problem does NOT occur.

So I guess the problem is related to some setting in my original PSPad


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69876]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW

Please check, if you don't start PSPad in any compatibility mode.

I don't start PSPad in any compatibility mode.

By the way, my OS is Windows 7 Professional x64.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69874]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW

for me the PSPad_MU.ini in the PSPad folder contains:

My PSPad_MU.ini looks as follows:


I tried it also with your PSPad_MU.ini, but that didn't change anything (i.e.
the problem still occurs).


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69869]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW
By the way, deleting PSPad_MU.INI does _not_ solve the problem for me.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69868]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW

Please start registry editor and check:
there should be _PSPadHandle _ variable with numeric value (different each
PSPad start). It's temporary main PSPad instance handle.
This value is used as message receiver.



PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69866]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW

I'm getting message sent dialogs with the full file path, but no message
received dialogs at all.

Same here.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69858]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW

Check if there is only one PSPad instance in memory please.

There's only one PSPad instance in memory.


Do you have PSPad.exe in long file path with spaces?


Btw, I'm using the 64 bit version of pspad.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69855]

2018-02-19 Tema obsahu AndreasW

For example if I use F4 in Total Commander repeatedly, it will open only the
first file and then do absolutely nothing on subsequet uses.

Same here.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Open file with mouse click in explorer not possible [69849]

2018-02-18 Tema obsahu AndreasW
There seems to be a language problem in the Find dialog.

[url=](viz )[/u


PSPad freeware editor

Re: again: external change detection of open file(s) [69602]

2017-12-04 Tema obsahu AndreasW

Is it really only happening on my 

On my machine, this problem does not occur. The notification dialog is in the


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Search results coherence when adding or removing lines [69586]

2017-12-01 Tema obsahu AndreasW
This would be a really cool feature. Looking forward to it!


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Tab last used order doesn't respect search in files [69383]

2017-10-16 Tema obsahu AndreasW
This bug is very similar to the bug discussed
here (viz,59891,67229#msg-67178 ).
Unfortunately, Jan has not acknowledged this bug.


PSPad freeware editor

Wrong behavior of Find Next [69378]

2017-10-13 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Steps to reporduce the error:

1. Create a new file and enter the following text:


2. Place the curson on the character "1".

3. Press Ctrl+F, enter XXX as text to find, and click OK. As a result, XXX in
the 1st line will be highlighted. That's fine.

4. Press F3. As a result, XXX in the 2nd line will be highlighted. That's fine.

5. Press Ctrl+Y. As a result, the 2nd line will be deleted. The cursor will be
on the character "3". That's fine.

6. Press F3.

Expected result after step 6: XXX in the line starting with "3" will be
Actual result after step 6: XXX in the line starting with "4" will be

The error occurs with both PSPad 4.6.2 (2750) and PSPad 5.0.0 (243).


PSPad freeware editor

Re: App analytics [69338]

2017-10-04 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Can you estimate (at least roughly) when a first beta with the new editor engine
will be available?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Undesired asterisk added when pressing Return [69099]

2017-08-16 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Thank you, vbr. I've tried the workaround you've described, and it works. For
me, this workaround is acceptable.


PSPad freeware editor

Undesired asterisk added when pressing Return [69095]

2017-08-16 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Copy & paste the following code into a new text file or C++ file:


Then put the cursor upon the asterisk before ptr3 and press Return.

Desired result:


Actual result:


Tested with PSPad 5.0.0 build 243


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (207) English [68819]

2017-05-15 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Is there no 64-bit version?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (204) English [68776]

2017-05-11 Tema obsahu AndreasW
The C++ code explorer also has another issue: Functions which are defined
directly within a class definition in a .hpp include file are not shown at all.

Here is an example:

// file dummy.hpp
#pragma once

class DummyClass
  int dummyFunction()
return 0;

The function dummyFunction() should be shown in the code explorer, but it

PS: For some reason, the forum software removes spaces from the beginning of
lines even in code sections. This makes example code posted here look quite


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad IDE design - discusion [68743]

2017-05-06 Tema obsahu AndreasW
In my personal opinion, the current way how PSPad handles windows, side-panels
etc. is quite okay. Well, there are some things which could be better – for
example, I would like to be able to change the order of tabs in the tabs
side-panel by means of drag & drop –, but the LMD demo doesn't seem to support
that either. Also I noticed some strange behavior in the LMD demo when when
trying to change the order of tabs in the tabs top-panel.

Frankly, I would prefer you to concentrate on the new editor engine. There is
one feature that I really, really miss in PSPad: Smart highlighting (like in


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (191) English [68693]

2017-05-02 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Thank you very much for the 64 bit version. I've tested it with a large log
file, and it worked fine (without a crash). Just one note: The function Ctrl+F
--> List is _much_ slower than the same function in Notepad++ with the same
large logfile. (I haven't measured it exactly, but I would say the difference in
speed is about factor 5.)


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (187) English [68678]

2017-04-28 Tema obsahu AndreasW

OK. When I will publish next build, I will add 64b version

Great! Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (187) English [68676]

2017-04-28 Tema obsahu AndreasW

I have 64b version, but still without scripting support.

Could you please publish it? I don't care about scripting support.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (187) English [68674]

2017-04-28 Tema obsahu AndreasW
How about a 64-bit version of PSPad 5.0.0? It would be really cool if PSPad
could open large log files.


PSPad freeware editor


2017-03-14 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I also would find it very useful to have regular expressions in "search in


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (117) English [68168]

2017-03-10 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Have you changed the color of that little square by which bookmarked lines are
indicated in the gutter? In previous versions it was yellow, now it's orange. I
would like to change it back to yellow.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad 5.0 future [68047]

2017-03-02 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I have activated the option 'Add Cr+Lf to EOF'. Now, when I save a file, PSPad 5
_*always*_ adds Cr+Lf to the end of the file. PSPad 4 only did this if
there was no Cr+Lf at the end of the file.


PSPad freeware editor

File list not working as expected [67996]

2017-02-22 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Open two files in PSPad. Then press Ctrl+Alt+O. Then double-click the file in
the list which is currently not active. Expected behavior: That file becomes
active. Actual behavior: The active file doesn't change. Only the active tab in
the tab row changes.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: F3 and SHIFT+F3 to search Forward/backward [67720]

2017-01-18 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Other editors, e.g. Notepad++ or CudaText, behave differently (more conveniant,


PSPad freeware editor

Re: F3 and SHIFT+F3 to search Forward/backward [67718]

2017-01-18 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I've also noticed that. It's quite annoying. Shift+Ctrl+Down and Shift+Ctrl+Up
are affected too.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67670]

2017-01-12 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Thank you very much for fixing this issue in build 4.6.2 (2739)!


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Instead of ", " -> a new line [67593]

2016-12-18 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Replace "," with "\n" and activate the option "regular expressions"


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Trim trailing spaces when saving [67572]

2016-12-08 Tema obsahu AndreasW

In case of global setting it must be limited by file size. In case of file with
milions lines it will take very long time.

That's okay.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Trim trailing spaces when saving [67570]

2016-12-08 Tema obsahu AndreasW

Global setting or highlighter based setting?

Global setting


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Trim trailing spaces when saving [67567]

2016-12-08 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I would also like to have this feature.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: unexpected, new special characters after saving [67546]

2016-12-02 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I had this problem today with build 4.6.2.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67513]

2016-11-25 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Great! Thank you very much! Looking forward to the next build.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67511]

2016-11-25 Tema obsahu AndreasW
It would be nice if you could fix this issue when you have time.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad future - new editor engine [67436]

2016-10-26 Tema obsahu AndreasW
That's great news! Thank you!


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad future - new editor engine [67434]

2016-10-26 Tema obsahu AndreasW
It would be a pity if the development of PSPad was stopped. I don't want to
switch to another editor. In fact there is no other editor that is so powerful
and user-friendly as PSPad.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad future - new editor engine [67413]

2016-10-14 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Do you think you will ever have time to work on PSPad again? Or is this project


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67323]

2016-09-02 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Have you been able meanwhile to reproduce the problem with the instructions I've
given in my above post?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67267]

2016-07-26 Tema obsahu AndreasW
@pspad: Are you able to reproduce the problem with the instructions I've given
in my previous post?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67261]

2016-07-22 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I could not reproduce the problem with reload with a fresh PSPad installation.
But here is an even easier method to reproduce it (without any reloading):
Please follow these steps:

1. While PSPad is closed, open PSPad.INI and enter the following:



2. Save PSPad.INI and start PSPad.

3. Open a txt file and a cpp file and verify that the txt file has no vertical
line and the cpp file has a vertical line at column 120. So far, so good. That's
the desired behavior.

4. Now go to Settings -> Program Settings -> Program (part 1) and make any

5. Click the "Apply" button.

As a rseult, the vertical line in the cpp file will disappear. To make it appear
again, you'll need to close and restart PSPad.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Position of Right Edge ! [67257]

2016-07-22 Tema obsahu AndreasW
This seems to be still not possible.

I've also tried to manually set 'RightEdge' in PSPad.INI. That worked fine, but
only until my source file was externally changed. After I've confirmed that I
wanted to reload the file, the vertical line disappeared. So manually editing
PSPad.INI is not a solution (at least not until the reload problem is fixed).


PSPad freeware editor

Re: BUG: Tab switching order doesn't work when you dont click on the tabs [= 67178]

2016-07-01 Tema obsahu AndreasW
@pspad: After reading your previous comments again, I think you did not
understand the problem. Also, I misunderstood your last comment "I can make
ctrl+tab usable for files only".

I will now try again to explain the problem. Please follow these steps carefully
to replicate the problem:

1. Create fife files: a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, d.txt, and e.txt
2. Open these three files in PSPad and make sure that no other files are open
3. In the Tools panel, click the righmost tab in order to activate the file
4. Window --> Sort file tabs alphabetically
5. Settings --> Program Settings --> Program (part 1) --> Tab switching:
Activate "last two files". Then click "Apply". Then click "OK"
6. Press Alt+1
7. Press Alt+2
8. Press Alt+3
9. Press Alt+4
10. Press Alt+5
11. In the file list in the Tools panel, click on a.txt
12. In the file list in the Tools panel, click on b.txt
13. Press Ctrl+Tab

Expected behavior after step 13: PSPad will show the file a.txt
Actual behavior after step 13: PSPad will show the file d.txt


PSPad freeware editor

Re: BUG: Tab switching order doesn't work when you dont click on the tabs [= 67172]

2016-06-29 Tema obsahu AndreasW

I can make ctrl+tab usable for files only

Please do that, at least as an option. I only want to use ctrl+tab to switch
between files, nothing else, but it shall work as expected.

Current PSPad behavior is standard behavior.

Then I prefer the "non-standard" behavior of other editors.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: BUG: Tab switching order doesn't work when you dont click on the tabs [= 67170]

2016-06-29 Tema obsahu AndreasW

What exactly is annoying behavior for you?

Let's assume you have set the tab switching order to "last two files", and you
have 10 open files. Now you activate file #7, and then you activate file #4 by
clicking into the "Files List" side panel. Then you press Ctrl+Tab. Expected
behavior: PSPad will activate file #7. Actual behavior: PSPad will activate
another file, e.g. file #2.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: BUG: Tab switching order doesn't work when you dont click on the tabs [= 67168]

2016-06-29 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Is there really no solution for the problem reported by "Get Free"? It's a
really annoying problem. Other editors (e.g. SynWrite or EditPad Pro) do not
have this problem. They behave as requested by "Get Free".


PSPad freeware editor

Re: C/C++ Highlight Issues - Comment is not viewable [66416]

2016-01-01 Tema obsahu AndreasW
I see the problem too.


PSPad freeware editor

Undesired turning-off of line wrapping [66386]

2015-12-23 Tema obsahu AndreasW
PSPad autonomously turns off line wrapping. Steps to reproduce:

1. Turn on line wrapping (Ctrl+W).
2. Go to Settings -> Program Settings -> Editor (part 1).
3. Change any setting, e.g. 'Scroll past EOF and EOL'.
4. Press the 'Apply' button.

As a result, line wrapping will be turned off. In my opinion, this is a bug. The
line wrapping setting should not be affected by another setting being changed.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Wrapped line indicator does not respect 'Gutter Font color' setting [66= 385]

2015-12-22 Tema obsahu AndreasW
Okay, I understand. How about completely omitting this icon? Actually it's not
so useful, because you could also identify a wrapped line by a missing line


PSPad freeware editor

Wrapped line indicator does not respect 'Gutter Font color' setting [66382]

2015-12-22 Tema obsahu AndreasW

the wrapped line indicator does not respect the 'Gutter Font color' setting. In
the screenshot below, the wrapped line indicator should be grey like the line
numbers, not black.

(viz )


PSPad freeware editor

Re: RegEx Search and Replace in Files (Feature Request) [66370]

2015-12-20 Tema obsahu AndreasW

Regex search works

How did you get it working? For me, regexes only work for "normal" searches
(within the current file), but not for Search/Replace in (multiple) Files.


PSPad freeware editor