
2015-12-22 Thread hl kwee

I've installed PSPad in Windows-8.
But afterwards I don't find in context-menu (right click) the option PSPad ...
What must I do?
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66457]

2016-01-09 Thread hl kwee

Since recently I use Windows-10.

Now I cannot use "PSPad Macro" because if I press Ctrl+F5 then Windows-10 reacts
so as if I search for a computer .. and I get an error message from "active
directory" .. etc.

What can I do? .. because I need the Macro feature of PSPad.
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66458]

2016-01-09 Thread hl kwee
and other problem:

I cannot use F3 for "find next" ... why? Thank you


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: Macro feature does not function in Windows-10 [66477]

2016-01-12 Thread hl kwee

In BIOS I changed the "Function Key Behavior" to "Function Key".
Now the keyboard behaves like standard 
That is the solution.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2016-04-04 Thread hl kwee

When I edit a text-file .. PSPad disables the "Hex Edit MODE" automatically.

Today I edited a text-file as usual. After I exited PSPad .. and I wanted to
edit again the same text-file  .. PSPad automatically enables "View -> Hex Edit

I cannot disable the "Hex Edit MODE" as long as that textfile still open.

What should I do with this textfile so that I can edit it like a textfile
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2016-04-04 Thread hl kwee

I want to upload the 2 textfiles as examples .. but I don't know how.
I cannot find the button to upload a file to the forum.

I only click at the filename.txt .. PSPad load this "textfile" as a "binary"

I use PSPad mostly as a text editor.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2016-04-04 Thread hl kwee
How can I upload Screenshot-files (.jpg)?
It's easier to show a screen-shot than explaining with words..


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2016-10-19 Thread hl kwee

I've a Textfile .. and a line looks something like this:

  Chapter 12 - Adverbs ( 

7 bit ASCII codes. [67418]

2016-10-19 Thread hl kwee

I've a Textfile.
I want to delete all characters which don't belong to "7 bit ASCII" codes (see
below) ...i.e. US keyboards.
Can PSPad help me to do it?
Thank you.



PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Re: 7 bit ASCII codes. [67421]

2016-10-20 Thread hl kwee

I use RE for the first time.
I read PSPad's explanation about RE.
I tried several commands to define search expression as a range of ascii values
and replace all others.
These are the results.

Search: [^a-z0-9 !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~]  matches all NOT

BTW why is [^\x00-\x7F] a mistake?
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2016-10-24 Thread hl kwee

I've a 7bitASCII textfile, f.e. with the following content:
Chapter 2 Time-Domain Representations of Linear Time-Invariant Systems;97;
2.1 Introduction;97;
2.2 The Convolution Sum;98;
2.3 Convolution Sum Evaluation Procedure;102;
2.4 The Convolution Integral;115;

The numbers between ";"  are the pagenumbers in an ebook.
I have to check (with my eyes) these characters about the following
o instead "1" is a "l"
o instead "0" is a "O"
o must a number >= 1
o leading zero is prohibited
o space is prohibited
o etc.

Replace: "?"  --> so I can see the error

Which regular expression (if possible..?) search command can do this?
Thank you for your help.


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

Instead of ", " -> a new line [67592]

2016-12-18 Thread hl kwee

I've a text-file, whose pages contain f.e.:

Example 2.8 Poles and system stability 23, Script 2.8 24, P2.15-P2.18 25
Example 2.9 Blocking zeros 26, Script 2.9 27, P2.19-P2.20 28
Example 2.10 Right half-plane zero 28, Script 2.10 28

I want to edit it to be:
Example 2.8 Poles and system stability 23
Script 2.8 24
P2.15-P2.18 25
Example 2.9 Blocking zeros 26
Script 2.9 27
P2.19-P2.20 28
Example 2.10 Right half-plane zero 28
Script 2.10 28

Instead of ", " I want it to be "a new line" or "CR+LF" or "ENTER"

I've tried with Macros .. but it failed.
Can you help me?
Thank you ... & Merry Xmas ...


PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee

I don't know ...
I do not use a special font.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee

Thank you ... but how/where?
I use a 2 years Dell laptop with a new (free) Windows-10 version 1709.
I don't define OEM or DOS character set. 
I use the 3 text-editors but mostly PSPad.
I treat them the same .. but why only PSPad displays the CP850?
Do you know where can I check what ..? Thnks


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee

I've deinstalled PSPad .. reboot .. installed a new version of PSPad.
That does not change anything.

I think I must "clean" the PC from PSPad .. and then install a virgin PSPad ..
but I don't know how.
Thank you. 

BTW .. how do you call "the database of a Windows"?


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee

I think I know the cause of the problem.

Some weeks ago I must change the format of a text file from ANSI to UTF-16 BE ..
big endian.
I used PSPad.
PDF XChangeEditor worked well with the text file in BigEndian.

And then I change the format of PSPad back to ANSI.
But something remains  since then ... and makes problem ..
Thank you


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee


2017-12-24 Thread hl kwee
Weihnachtsbescherung = a nice mess  ;-)


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-25 Thread hl kwee
In the menu "View" -> In front of "Show OEM chars" is nothing/void.
I use English in PSPad to simplify discussion in this forum.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-26 Thread hl kwee
@Steffens / aGerman
I defer your "commands" to later ... :-) .. until I understand more about code
pages & encoding.

Do you mean .. right below in the last line .. I read .. Text DOS Code page:
I don't really understand what you mean .. :-(
BTW unfortunately .. I could upload ScreenShot to this forum ..

I think I understand what you mean. If I see (down below right side) OEM
charsets .. then I should change "Format" to ANSI. Right?
BUT .. I've always check in the past the "Format". It was never "OEM". It was/is
always ANSI. Strange ...

I think ... I forget for the time being this "problem".

Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-26 Thread hl kwee
OK ... next time/problem I'll upload several screenshots ...

You're a nerd? or an administrator? :-) .. I didn't know what WMI(C) is ..


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-26 Thread hl kwee
Thank you ..  

Now each time I click a text-file I look at below right (statusbar?) .. to check
its format.
I see that different formats are represented .. even Kamenickych!
I choose ANSI & click it and I exit.
Don't ask me who has ...
Now I check automatically each time ...
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-27 Thread hl kwee

I've read the last input from Steffen.
How about using the format UTF-16 BE instead of ANSI as default?
What is the "price"?
Since a few years I use 3 languages in text files with PSPad: German, English &
I use Windows-10.
Thank you.

dos.tips ... I thought DOS belongs to previous century ...  :-)


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-27 Thread hl kwee
not yet. I'm a bit confused.
Rename .. to e.g. "PSPad_" .. what does it mean? No stenography, please :-) 

I use for laziness .. administration rights 

 Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist OS
 Volumeseriennummer: 5C2E-8FA0
 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\hlk123\AppData\Roaming\PSpad

12.01.2016  20:59  .
12.01.2016  20:59  ..
12.01.2016  22:21 6.041 KeyMap.INI
10.01.2016  13:58  Macro
27.12.2017  09:44 9.713 PSPad.INI
27.12.2017  13:22 2.875 Recent.INI
   3 Datei(en), 18.629 Bytes
   3 Verzeichnis(se), 426.370.387.968 Bytes frei

Menu Format - Auto detect CP (Czech only) - from checked -> UNchecked 

Size? No problem ... Western Digital n TB My Book has enough places.

To "smuggle" chinese bookmarks thru a text file in a PDF-file with XChangeEditor
program I should use UTF-16 BigEndian format to that text file. With success.
Besides text files I use lately PDF files for ebooks.

Now you suggest to me to use LittleEndian. Democracy? OK Steffen has a reason
for LE.

Thank you ...


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-27 Thread hl kwee

There is an O’Reilly book ... Yannis Haralambous - Fonts & Encodings
Only 1000 pages!
Next time ...


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2017-12-28 Thread hl kwee

Thank you 
I wish you a Happy New Year 2018.
Now I'll drive to Lago di Garda and Venice ... ;-)

I've downloaded it. Thks.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2018-05-16 Thread hl kwee

Since recently every time I start PSPad ... it shows also the FTP popUp window.
Maybe in the past I've click accidentally a certain key ..!?

How can I suppress PSPad from showing the FTP-popup-window at each start?
I've search the menu .. but I find nothing.
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

delete all lines with "" [70515]

2018-07-26 Thread hl kwee

I've a text file .. which contents look like this:
Major Scale – Form \#3; 276
Major Scale – Form \#4
 ; 277
; 277
Modes; 279
; 280
The Road to Lisdoonvarna; 282
; 283
The Battle of Aughrim; 285
Scalloway Lasses; 287
The Swallow Tail Jig; 289
Three more “minor” modes; 291
Ionian – Dorian – Phrygian – Lydian – Mixolydian – Aolian –
Locrian; 293
More Scales; 293
; 293
Whole Tone Scale
 ; 294
; 295
Pentatonic Study based on “My Girl” Intro
 ; 295

I want to delete all lines with "   ; nnn" in them.
Maybe with Regular Expression?
But ... I (still) cannot Regex ... :-(
Can someone help me?
Thank you.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com


2018-11-06 Thread hl kwee

For example .. via: 
1) Menu -> View -> Word Wrap Lines .. or
2) Ctrl+W .. and
3) "icon" clicken
.. I can manipulate something ..

How can I display the "icons"-bar??
Thank you.

PS. I've tried "everything" .. but the icons-bar doesn't appear :-(


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

I miss a few features .. [72215]

2019-12-28 Thread hl kwee

Till now I've used PSPad version 4.6.x. and I was satisfied.
Especially I used:
o Menu -> Format -> Char Change Case -> Capitalize
o Menu -> Format -> UTF-16 BE

Since today I use PSPad with the newest version.
And I miss the "old" features (see above).
How can I use the old features in the new version?
Thank you.
I wish you all a Happy New Year.


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com