Re: [fossil-users] Fossil behind reverse proxy

2010-01-30 Thread Paul Ruizendaal
Hi Kyle,

Thanks for your extensive reply. I was going through the code and had
stumbled upon the SCRIPT_NAME trick when your mail came in and confirmed
that it was indeed possible. In the default admin setup, the logo path
needed to be fixed from '/logo' to '$baseurl/logo', but then it works
fully. I can confirm that it also works on Linux and Windows, not just
Darwin. For folks not using Apache it would be good if your below 'how to'
could mention that the reverse proxy needs to strip the baseurl of the uri
it forwards to the Fossil server (i.e.: '/fossil/index' must be forwarded
as '/index').

However, this is a hack that works by accident. It works because 'server'
and 'cgi' share code paths and the 'server' code flow reads part of the CGI
environment even though it shouldn't. Can you imagine the configuration
headache if one had an unrelated SCRIPT_NAME environment variable and
wasn't aware of this "feature"... Also, the hack fixes the baseUrl to one
defined prefix. Access to a fossil server setup using this hack becomes
unusable from the web if accessed directly as well, nor can multiple
baseurl's be mapped to a single fossil server instance. Whilst I'm quite
happy that the hack fixes my immediate problem, I think a better engineered
solution is preferrable.

First of all, I note that baseUrl relocation in server mode works without
problem as you have established and I can confirm from short experience; so
we are not entering a mine field, it seems. First I thought along the lines
that you point out in your how-to. Later I thought that we should not
overload Fossil with options, especially as everybody will want something a
little different. Instead, it should be the reverse proxy that does all the
work IMHO.

How about using request headers for this? The reverse proxy could add two
custom headers to the forwared request (similar to X-Forwarded-For):
- X-Fossil-Baseurl
- X-Fossil-Repository
Fossil would only look at these when in server mode. The first would
specify the baseurl that is used to relocate all references in html/css
output, and in redirect responses. If no such header exists, it is root
('/'). The first is sufficient for reverse proxying. The second would
specify the repository to use for that request only. If no such header
exists, it is the repository specified on the command line. This would take
care of your generalised repository access.

This would work very well with my own (soon to be published, GPL'ed)
reverse proxy. It would also work very well with Lighttpd, using its
mod_magnet module. Would it be workable with Apache too? (I'm not familiar
with Apache configuration).


On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 11:53:36 -0800, Kyle McKay  wrote:
> Paul,
> I'm running a fossil server behind an Apache reverse proxy quite  
> happily.  I've been meaning to add something to the wiki cookbook  
> about this but just haven't got around to it yet.
> I'm doing this because:
> 1. I want a fossil UI to be always on and available via my web server
> 2. I want the fossil server to run as a different user account than  
> the web server processes
> 3. I don't want to use any suid programs (i.e. suExec)
> My apache web server is setup so that:
> Is reverse proxied to the fossil server process that is running as a  
> daemon on a separate port
> Serves up whatever else would normally be served on my server.
> To make this work (I'm running on Darwin which is very Unix like) you  
> need to do these two things (the examples assume you have a bash shell):
> 1. Start your fossil server daemon running with a shell script like this
> #!/bin/sh
> export SCRIPT_NAME=/fossil
> fossil server -P 8000 full_path_to_fossil_respository_here &
> If you want to start the fossil server in its own process group, add  
> this line:
> set -m
> at the beginning of the script and add this line:
> disown
> at the end and you probably want to redirect fossil input, output and  
> error to /dev/null as well so the final script to do all of this would  
> look like (adding nohup also to make it immune to SIGHUP):
> #!/bin/bash
> set -m
> export SCRIPT_NAME=/fossil
> nohup fossil server -P 8000 full_path_to_fossil_respository_here \
> /dev/null 2>&1 &
> disown # this is a bashism
> 2. Add this configuration section to your Apache configuration
> ProxyPass /fossil http://machine_your_fossil_server_is_running_on: 
> 8000
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> # ProxyPreserveHost is required since fossil inspects the Host value
> # and without it fossil-generated links will point directly to  
> fossil
> # instead of the Apache server
> 3. Access your fossil server like this:
> http://machine_apache_is_running_on/fossil
> 4. Optionally add a firewall rule to limit connections to the fossil  
> server to only those coming fr

[fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread ratwhs

I'm hosting more than one repository on a single machine. I have to
logon everytime, when i change in my browser from one to another

Would it be possible to have a Login-Cookie for every repository? I
think the Cookie-name should have a repository-dependend part.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread Stephen De Gabrielle
I can't answer your question, but you can run each server on a different port.


On Saturday, January 30, 2010,   wrote:
> Hello
> I'm hosting more than one repository on a single machine. I have to
> logon everytime, when i change in my browser from one to another
> repository.
> Would it be possible to have a Login-Cookie for every repository? I
> think the Cookie-name should have a repository-dependend part.
> Thanks
> Wolfgang
> ___
> fossil-users mailing list


Stephen De Gabrielle
Telephone +44 (0)20 85670911
Mobile+44 (0)79 85189045
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread D. Richard Hipp

On Jan 30, 2010, at 8:24 AM,   

> Hello
> I'm hosting more than one repository on a single machine. I have to
> logon everytime, when i change in my browser from one to another
> repository.
> Would it be possible to have a Login-Cookie for every repository? I
> think the Cookie-name should have a repository-dependend part.

That is the way it is currently implemented.

I host about 2 dozen repositories on (examples: 
,, and my  
browser (Firefox) keeps separate cookies for each.  Are you saying  
this does not work for you?

> Thanks
> Wolfgang
> ___
> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread ratwhs
Hello again

Here are some more informations about my configuration:

* Server OS: Windows Home Server(Windows 2003 based)
* running two different fossil repositories on ports 8000 and
8001(Fossil version [a3c97c9063] 2010-01-21 20:53:59)
* client OS: XP prof.
* Browser: Firefox 2

If i switch between the repositories, the current login becomes invalid.

I opened the cookie-dialog of firefox. There i can see One cookie from
my server, named 

I think the problem is, that there is no 'repository-extension' behind
the last underscore.

The test_env-information, given by one of the servers is:
g.zBaseURL = http://:8000
g.zTop =
HTTP_HOST = :8000
HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
PATH_INFO = /test_env
REQUEST_URI = /test_env
fossil_login_ = 

Maybe this information helps. Feel free to contact me, if you need
further information.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread D. Richard Hipp

On Jan 30, 2010, at 12:33 PM,   

> Hello again
> Here are some more informations about my configuration:
> * Server OS: Windows Home Server(Windows 2003 based)
> * running two different fossil repositories on ports 8000 and
> 8001(Fossil version [a3c97c9063] 2010-01-21 20:53:59)
> * client OS: XP prof.
> * Browser: Firefox 2
> If i switch between the repositories, the current login becomes  
> invalid.
> I opened the cookie-dialog of firefox. There i can see One cookie from
> my server, named
>  fossil_login_

I guess firefox 2 sends to same cookie to port 8001 as it sends to  
port 8000. as if localhost:8000 and localhost:8001 were the same  

If you switch to running a webserver (on port 80, say) and run your  
repositories as CGI scripts, the names of each CGI script will be  
appended (as hex) to the login cookie name and this problem will go  
away.  It is not clear to me what (if anything) we ought do to Fossil  
to make it easier to work around this.

There was another recent request for the ability to serve multiple  
repositories off of the same TCP port without using a web server.  The  
current syntax to launch a stand-alone server is:

   fossil server REPOSITORYFILE

Suppose we expanded this to allow multiple repositories to be named on  
the command-line.  So if you had a directory full of repositories, you  
could do:

   fossil server *.fossil

Suppose the names of the repositories files are abc.fossil,  
def.fossil, ghi.fossil and so forth.  Then to reach each repository,  


And so forth.  If this functionality were implemented, then the cookie  
names would be fossil_login_2F616263, fossil_login_2F646566, and  
fossil_login_2F676869.  Since the cookie names are different, you  
could log onto all repositories all at once.  If no repository is  
specified in the URL (if  you enter http://localhost/) what should it  
do?  Show an error?  Return a list of repositories?  Choose the first  
one named?

Perhaps the syntax should be:

 fossil server --directory FOLDER_HOLDING_REPOSITORIES

In that case, fossil is able to serve any fossil repository in the  
named directory.  The particular repository chosen by the path in the  
URL.  With this syntax, new repositories can be added to the site  
without having to restart the server - simply move files into the  
appropriate folder.  We still have the problem of what to do with an  
unknown path.

> I think the problem is, that there is no 'repository-extension' behind
> the last underscore.
> The test_env-information, given by one of the servers is:
> g.zBaseURL = http://:8000
> g.zTop =
> fossil_login_=1%2F5A300CEC00A1528DAE8F21FD975FE6742534E95E2D2443872E
> HTTP_HOST = :8000
> HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
> rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
> PATH_INFO = /test_env
> REQUEST_URI = /test_env
> fossil_login_ = 
> Maybe this information helps. Feel free to contact me, if you need
> further information.
> Wolfgang
> ___
> fossil-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread Michael Richter
2010/1/31 D. Richard Hipp 

> There was another recent request for the ability to serve multiple
> repositories off of the same TCP port without using a web server.  The
> current syntax to launch a stand-alone server is:
>   fossil server REPOSITORYFILE
> Suppose we expanded this to allow multiple repositories to be named on
> the command-line.  So if you had a directory full of repositories, you
> could do:
>   fossil server *.fossil
> Suppose the names of the repositories files are abc.fossil,
> def.fossil, ghi.fossil and so forth.  Then to reach each repository,
> visit:
> http://localhost/abc
> http://localhost/def
> http://localhost/ghi
> And so forth.  If this functionality were implemented, then the cookie
> names would be fossil_login_2F616263, fossil_login_2F646566, and
> fossil_login_2F676869.  Since the cookie names are different, you
> could log onto all repositories all at once.  If no repository is
> specified in the URL (if  you enter http://localhost/) what should it
> do?  Show an error?  Return a list of repositories?  Choose the first
> one named?
> Perhaps the syntax should be:
> fossil server --directory FOLDER_HOLDING_REPOSITORIES
> In that case, fossil is able to serve any fossil repository in the
> named directory.  The particular repository chosen by the path in the
> URL.  With this syntax, new repositories can be added to the site
> without having to restart the server - simply move files into the
> appropriate folder.  We still have the problem of what to do with an
> unknown path.

I like these ideas a *lot*, Richard.  As in I like all of them.  For just
quickly sharing a specific repository you use the single-file version (the
default as now).  If you want to share specific repositories but not all of
them, the multiple repositories on the command line is perfect.  If you want
to host many repositories and expand/contract them as needed without
restarting the server your directory syntax is perfect.

If you enter just the root there's arguments for two approaches:

   1. The open approach is to list all the accessible repos.
   2. The more security-semi-conscious approach would be to assume someone
   hitting the root isn't authorized to access any repository and thus should
   gets flipped the bird, metaphorically.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil behind reverse proxy

2010-01-30 Thread Kyle McKay
On Jan 30, 2010, at 04:00, Paul Ruizendaal wrote:
> Hi Kyle,
> In the default admin setup, the logo path
> needed to be fixed from '/logo' to '$baseurl/logo', but then it works
> fully.

I didn't need to do that.  Must have been fixed in later versions of  
fossil.  That would be a bug for the cgi command as well.  My new  
repositories already had that correct without needing to edit anything.

> I can confirm that it also works on Linux and Windows, not just
> Darwin. For folks not using Apache it would be good if your below  
> 'how to'
> could mention that the reverse proxy needs to strip the baseurl of  
> the uri
> it forwards to the Fossil server (i.e.: '/fossil/index' must be  
> forwarded
> as '/index').

That is standard behavior for a reverse proxy as the proxy machine the  
requests are being sent to has absolutely no knowledge of where it's  
being mapped into the other machine's web space or even that it's  
being used as a proxy in the first place (unless it starts inspecting  
X-Forwarded-... and/or Via headers).

Normally in this situation, however, you would expect that content  
coming from the proxy machine would have to be inspected and have any  
contained links rewritten to match the other machine's web space  
(mod_proxy_html can do this ) and indeed I had it working using mod_poxy_html when I realized it  
wasn't necessary.  I prefer to avoid the extra overhead of inspecting  
the content since it's not necessary if you set SCRIPT_NAME (with the  
proviso that you mention below that you can no longer access it  
directly if you do this).

> However, this is a hack that works by accident. It works because  
> 'server'
> and 'cgi' share code paths and the 'server' code flow reads part of  
> the CGI
> environment even though it shouldn't.

Yes but unless the current fossil architecture is changed it will keep  
working.  It's also fortunate that SCRIPT_NAME is used when  
constructing the login cookie -- but again, for the "cgi" command to  
keep working it needs to.

> Can you imagine the configuration
> headache if one had an unrelated SCRIPT_NAME environment variable and
> wasn't aware of this "feature"...

I was a bit surprised that SCRIPT_NAME was used even when the  
GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable is not set.  Probably  
SCRIPT_NAME should only be used if GATEWAY_INTERFACE is "CGI/1.0" or  
later.  But even then that would just mean you needed to set that  
variable together with SCRIPT_NAME to use the "hack".

> Also, the hack fixes the baseUrl to one
> defined prefix. Access to a fossil server setup using this hack  
> becomes
> unusable from the web if accessed directly as well, nor can multiple
> baseurl's be mapped to a single fossil server instance. Whilst I'm  
> quite
> happy that the hack fixes my immediate problem,

Yes, me too.

> I think a better engineered
> solution is preferrable.

Undocumented behavior has a bad habit of breaking or going away -- a  
documented solution is preferred.

> How about using request headers for this? The reverse proxy could  
> add two
> custom headers to the forwared request (similar to X-Forwarded-For):
> - X-Fossil-Baseurl
> - X-Fossil-Repository
> Fossil would only look at these when in server mode.

Or in "http" mode.

> The first would
> specify the baseurl that is used to relocate all references in html/ 
> css
> output, and in redirect responses.

Using the SCRIPT_NAME hack and running in "server" mode, you do have  
to make sure that Location: redirects get corrected -- as you say, a  
reverse proxy can be expected to do this -- this is never necessary  
when running in "cgi" mode.

It might be a bit of a challenge to catch all the redirects unless you  
hack it by prepending SCRIPT_NAME to the value stuffed into  
REQUEST_URI by the source in "server" and "http" modes.

This line in cgi.c (in the cgi_handle_http_request function):

   cgi_setenv("REQUEST_URI", zToken);

would need to change to set REQUEST_URI to the contents of SCRIPT_NAME  
concatenated to zToken instead of what it does now.  That would make  
the SCRIPT_NAME hack produce correct redirects and I believe make a  
SCRIPT_NAME hack running server be directly accessible.  Something  
like this but without the memory leak or double getenv call:

   cgi_setenv("REQUEST_URI", mprintf("%s%s", (getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")? 
getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"):""), zToken));

> This would work very well with my own (soon to be published, GPL'ed)
> reverse proxy. It would also work very well with Lighttpd, using its
> mod_magnet module. Would it be workable with Apache too? (I'm not  
> familiar
> with Apache configuration).

The updated Apache 2 configuration to reverse proxy a fossil server  
running like this:

export SCRIPT_NAME=/fos
fossil server -P 8080 /path/to/some/fossil/repository

is this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/fos$ /fos/ [PT]
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /fos/ http://machine_running_fossil_server:8080/

Re: [fossil-users] Repository-dependant cookies

2010-01-30 Thread Ron Aaron
On Sunday 31 January 2010 05:21:13 D. Richard Hipp wrote:

> Suppose we expanded this to allow multiple repositories to be named on  
> the command-line.  So if you had a directory full of repositories, you  
> could do:
>fossil server *.fossil
> Suppose the names of the repositories files are abc.fossil,  
> def.fossil, ghi.fossil and so forth.  Then to reach each repository,  
> visit:
>  http://localhost/abc
>  http://localhost/def
>  http://localhost/ghi

I also like this idea a lot -- it would make my life easier.  But -- how does 
this work for a CGI-based server?  I'm having trouble figuring out how it 
should be set-up...

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