Let's talk about "Error: not authorized to write" message.

I cloned the repo using fossil from trunk (1763f2879c):
f clone http://fossil-scm.org/ fossil.fossil
f open fossil.fossil

Changed a file and committed:
f ci
Autosync:  http://fossil-scm.org/
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
*** time skew *** server is slow by 2.7 minutes
Pull done, sent: 366  received: 283  ip: xx.xx.xx.xxx
continue in spite of time skew (y/N)? y
C:\Windows\notepad.exe "./ci-comment-B5483EC133DB.txt"
New_Version: f1b8192ce1d8ed845149ee9f63193c82b1fdbc67
Autosync:  http://fossil-scm.org/
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 2  received: 0
Error: not authorized to write
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 2  received: 0
Sync done, sent: 646  received: 311  ip: xx.xx.xx.xxx
Autosync failed.

Autosync has failed, and the reason is not specified. Aha, let's sync it
f sync
Sync with http://fossil-scm.org/
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 79
*** time skew *** server is slow by 2.7 minutes
Sync done, sent: 516  received: 2507  ip: xx.xx.xx.xxx

But is it success?
f push
Push to http://fossil-scm.org/
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
Error: not authorized to write
Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
Push done, sent: 413  received: 221  ip: xx.xx.xx.xxx

Now, I see the error in the middle of the log messages, which is not ideal.
I believe, "fossil sync" must log "not authorized to write" message too.
And ideally all three commands should show authorization error at the end
of the log. And maybe show username used to authorize too.

Hope my feedback doesn't look rude.

I am not a native English speaker,
so feel free to correct any spelling or grammatical errors!
I remain,
Arseniy Terekhin
fossil-users mailing list

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