Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread j. v. d. hoff

just my 2 cents:

I agree that it should be easier (or occuring even automatically?) to  
merge such random forks. the `monotone' example was given. `hg' is another  
obvious one doing that painlessly.

I agree that improvement of the CLI is not given enough attention in  
comparison to the GUI and that is especially difficult (not reall  
feasible, that is) to keep track of the branch/fork/merge structure of the  
timeline when solely using the CLI. in this context: some time ago I asked  
the list whether an 'ASCII art' DAG added to the timeline could be added  
(as an option, not as default!) which looks like this in `Mercurial':

@  changeset:   230:ba70fc98b524
|  user:u2
|  date:Thu Dec 02 19:33:36 2010 +0100
|  summary: inclusion of joe's changes, part 3.
ochangeset:   229:896e4bf421cc
|\   parent:  228:b577d53d4484
| |  parent:  227:096dd5485186
| |  user:u2
| |  date:Thu Dec 02 17:43:29 2010 +0100
| |  summary: Automated merge with ssh://somehost/somefile
| o  changeset:   228:b577d53d4484
| |  parent:  226:25a0f016d4e5
| |  user:u1
| |  date:Thu Dec 02 17:15:43 2010 +0100
| |  summary: - updated fig.13
| |
o |  changeset:   227:096dd5485186
|/   user:u2
|date:Thu Dec 02 17:43:24 2010 +0100
|summary: intermediate state

I believe if such a thing were available, even militant CLI users would  
be able to keep track where they are on the graph (`hg' uses the `@' sign  
for *CURRENT*, by the way) and the reported problem would be less  
annoying/confusing. doing this is probably somewhat tedious but at least  
the logic for drawing the graph is already in place and used in the web  
GUI. so maybe it is feasible in finite time...


On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 07:45:51 +0100, Matt Welland  

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Matt Welland  

This is with regards to the problem described here:

We are seeing on the order of 3-5 of these a year in our heaviest hit
repos. While this may seem like no big deal the fact that it is so  
is quite disruptive. The problem is that a developer working intently  
on a

problem may not notice for hours or even days that they are no longer
actually working on the main thread of development.

I contend that this points up issues with your development process, not
with Fossil.  If your developers do not notice that a fork has occurred  

days, then they are doing heads down programming.  They are not
maintaining situational awareness.  (  They are fixating on
their own (small) problems and missing the big picture.  This can lead
dissatisfied customers and/or quality problems.

Situational awareness is usually studied in dynamic environments that
are safety critical, such as aviation and surgery.  Loss of situational
awareness is a leading cause of airplane crashes and medical errors.   
of situational awareness is sometimes referred to as tunnel vision.   
person fixates on one tiny aspect of the problem and ignores the much  

crisis unfolding around him.  Eastern Airlines flight 401 ( is a classic
example of this: All three pilots of an L-1011 where working intently  

a malfunctioning indicator light to the point that none of them noticed
that the plane was losing altitude until seconds before it crashed in  

Florida Everglades.

Though usually studied in safety critical environments, situational
awareness is applicable in any complex and dynamic problem environment,
such as a developing advanced software.  When you tell me that your
developers are intently working on one small aspect of the problem, to
the point of not noticing for several days that the trunk as forked -  

tells me that there are likely other far more serious problems that they
are also not noticing.  The fork is easily fixed with a merge.  The  
more serious problems might not have such an easy fix.  And they might  

undetected until your customer stumbles over them.

So, I would use the observation that forks are going undetected as a
symptom of more serious process problems in your organization, and
encourage you to seek ways of getting your developers to spend more time
heads up and looking at the big picture.

(Did you notice - situational awareness is kind of a big issue with  
Fossil is my effort at building a DVCS that does a better job of  

situational awareness that the other popular VCSes out there.  I'm
constantly looking for ways to enhance Fossil to 

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Ramon Ribó
In my opinion, the solution is more simple. Instead of:

- sync
- stop if would fork
- commit
- sync

The procedure should be:

- commit
- sync
- rollback if would fork

Ramon Ribó
El 13/01/2013 13:11, Richard Hipp va escriure:

 On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Matt Welland wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 Curious response. Did you intend to be insulting? I'm working with a
 bunch of very smart people

 No insult intended.  It's the smart people who have the greatest tendency
 to go heads down.  I'm sorry that insult was inferred - my fault for
 sending a long and ranting post late on a Saturday night.

 who are very reluctantly learning a new tool and a different way of doing
 things and forks are very confusing when they happen in a scenario where
 they seemingly should not. We are not operating in a disconnected fashion
 here. Fossil falls somewhat short in the support of people who like to get
 their job done at the command line (about 80% of users on my team).
 Distilling from the fossil timeline command that there is a fork and how to
 fix it is not easy. It is very tiresome to have to go back to the ui to
 ensure that a fork hasn't magically appeared.

 This is the part I don't understand, apparently:  Your developers don't
 like to use the web interface to see what is happening?  One quick glance
 at the web timeline would reveal the unintentional fork.

 The Fossil web interface is intended to aid developers in keeping track of
 what other team members are doing.  Is there a reluctance among your people
 to use this interface?  Please help me to understand the source of this
 reluctance so that I can try to address it.

 Anyhow, I misunderstood the exact nature of the cause. I assumed that the
 race condition lay within the users fossil process between the time the db
 query that checked for leaf and the insertion of the new checkin data in to
 the db. That is of course incorrect. The actual cause is that the central
 database is free to receive a commit via sync after having just done a sync
 that informs the users fossil process that it is fine to commit. Something
 like the following:

 User1   User2central
 leafcheck   sync
 commit  leafcheck
 synccommit   receives delta from user1 just fine
 sync receives delta from user2 and now a fork

 As you point out below that is very difficult if not impossible to fix.
 What I think would alleviate this issue would be a check for fork creation
 at the end of the final sync. If a fork is found notify the user so it can
 be dealt with before confusion is created.

 OK.  Right now the first sync is really just a pull, and the second is
 really just a push.  But it is no big deal to change the second to a full
 sync.  Then, you think it should issue a warning if there is another open
 leaf on the same branch?

 A quick check shows that this would causes warnings every time we check
 into the Fossil trunk, as there are a few abandoned trunk leaves:


 These leaves would have to be closed to silence the warnings.  I'm
 guessing that every long-running project would have a few abandoned trunk
 leaves like this.

 Or, maybe the warning should only complain if the fork involved two
 check-ins occurring within a small amount of time of each other?  Say, for
 example, that the warning only appears if the other leaf is within the
 previous 50 commits?

 Just to illustrate, I think monotone deals rather nicely with the natural
 but annoying creation of forks. The user is informed immediately the fork
 occurs. Then the user only has to issue mtn merge and it does the easy
 and obvious merge.

 Huh.  OK - I think I can arrange for fossil merge (with no argument) to
 merge the most recent other leaf of the current branch, if there is one,
 and fail if there is none.  Then you can simply type fossil merge from
 time to time, and if there has been a fork it will be resolved, and if
 there is no fork, you will be told and the command will be a no-op.

 With fossil I have to poll the ui to ensure I don't have a fork, if I do
 have a fork I have to browse the UI and figure out the hash id of the fork,
 do the merge and finally do a commit, manually doing what could probably be
 mostly automated.

 Contrast with git where you know when you are causing a fork because you
 do it all the time and dealing with forks is just day to day business.
 Fossil will silently fork and only by starting up the ui and digging around
 will it become apparent that there is a fork.

 In the referred to message DRH writes:

 DVCSs make it very easy to fork the tree.  To listen to
 Linus Torvalds you would think this is a 

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Matt Welland
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 5:10 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Matt Welland wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 Curious response. Did you intend to be insulting? I'm working with a
 bunch of very smart people

 No insult intended.  It's the smart people who have the greatest tendency
 to go heads down.  I'm sorry that insult was inferred - my fault for
 sending a long and ranting post late on a Saturday night.

Ok. Thanks.

 who are very reluctantly learning a new tool and a different way of doing
 things and forks are very confusing when they happen in a scenario where
 they seemingly should not. We are not operating in a disconnected fashion
 here. Fossil falls somewhat short in the support of people who like to get
 their job done at the command line (about 80% of users on my team).
 Distilling from the fossil timeline command that there is a fork and how to
 fix it is not easy. It is very tiresome to have to go back to the ui to
 ensure that a fork hasn't magically appeared.

 This is the part I don't understand, apparently:  Your developers don't
 like to use the web interface to see what is happening?  One quick glance
 at the web timeline would reveal the unintentional fork.

These are busy repos. It sometimes takes me a minute to figure out what is
happening so I agree it is most often a quick glance but not always. I'm
not sure how to communicate the efficiency some people experience with a
cli. Some people like vi, compile, test, examine history etc. all from one
or two xterms and indeed I sometimes like this mode also. I personally find
it a minor annoyance to have to bring up the ui, possibly because on a
daily basis I'm dealing with five or more different fossil areas and
keeping track of which ui goes with which task is distracting whereas if
I'm working in an xterm with repoX then when I type in fossil timeline I
know with 100% confidence in zero time that the timeline I'm looking at is
for repoX. The ui will pop up another window that must be found in the
myriad of windows with chip layout, schematics and other fossil repo ui's
etc. already filling my desktop.

The Fossil web interface is intended to aid developers in keeping track of
what other team members are doing.  Is there a reluctance among your people
to use this interface?  Please help me to understand the source of this
reluctance so that I can try to address it.

I think the fossil ui doe a great job, it is just the nature of yet another
window to deal with that is an issue for some (I'm speculating here but
know that this is sometimes true for myself).

 Anyhow, I misunderstood the exact nature of the cause. I assumed that the
 race condition lay within the users fossil process between the time the db
 query that checked for leaf and the insertion of the new checkin data in to
 the db. That is of course incorrect. The actual cause is that the central
 database is free to receive a commit via sync after having just done a sync
 that informs the users fossil process that it is fine to commit. Something
 like the following:

 User1   User2central
 leafcheck   sync
 commit  leafcheck
 synccommit   receives delta from user1 just fine
 sync receives delta from user2 and now a fork

 As you point out below that is very difficult if not impossible to fix.
 What I think would alleviate this issue would be a check for fork creation
 at the end of the final sync. If a fork is found notify the user so it can
 be dealt with before confusion is created.

 OK.  Right now the first sync is really just a pull, and the second is
 really just a push.  But it is no big deal to change the second to a full
 sync.  Then, you think it should issue a warning if there is another open
 leaf on the same branch?

 A quick check shows that this would causes warnings every time we check
 into the Fossil trunk, as there are a few abandoned trunk leaves:


 These leaves would have to be closed to silence the warnings.  I'm
 guessing that every long-running project would have a few abandoned trunk
 leaves like this.

 Or, maybe the warning should only complain if the fork involved two
 check-ins occurring within a small amount of time of each other?  Say, for
 example, that the warning only appears if the other leaf is within the
 previous 50 commits?

There might be some minor transition pain where a bit of clean up of old
repos would be necessary. I personally feel that keeping it simple and
encouraging a clean history is good. If you have an old fork in the repo
convert it to a branch and annotate appropriately. Using a heuristic such
as the last 50 commits is sure to 

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Eric
On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 16:35:11 +0100, Ramon Ribó wrote:
 In my opinion, the solution is more simple. Instead of:
 - sync
 - stop if would fork
 - commit
 - sync
 The procedure should be:
 - commit
 - sync
 - rollback if would fork

There is no rollback, an commit has been done. I suppose you mean
to reverse the commit, but you can't do that. Apart from it being a
key part of fossil that everything is immutable, you still can't do
it. Which repository do you undo the commit in, the one synced to or
the one synced from? What happens to other repositories? What if someone
else does a commit based on the one you are reversing? The only way to
deal with those is to stop fossil being distributed!

Anyway the issue is not that forks can happen (which is inevitable),
but that users should know they have happened and be able to deal
with them.

ms fnd in a lbry
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Eric
On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 07:48:59 +0200,
John Found wrote:
 On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 21:22:28 -0800
 Michael L. Barrow wrote:
  Please stop trolling
 I am not trolling.

I am prepared to believe you but I can see how tone and content might
make people believe that.

 It is Reductio ad absurdum that proves D. Richard Hipp is wrong in
 his statement.

It isn't, and it doesn't. Your extrapolation introduces factors which
were not originally there.

 Solving technical problems by high-handed methods is wrong by definition.

It is not a technical problem. Fossil is a loosely-connected distributed
system, and what happens with forks is a consequence of that. Any
technical way of preventing them or dealing with them automatically will
make fossil something other than what it was intended to be.

The answer does lie in choosing appropriate working practices (workflow
if you like), and if making those choices ends up looking high-handed
then by all means suggest alternative working practices, and even
changes to fossil to help with them, but not changes which contradict
the basic principles of the software.

ms fnd in a lbry
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Eric Junkermann
On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 20:36:50 +0100, Ramon Ribó wrote:
 There is no rollback, an commit has been done. I suppose you mean
 to reverse the commit
 I know it is not there. This is exactly the reason for me to write this

Sorry for being less than clear - I mean that a rollback is not
possible, that is what the rest of my message was about.

Your extra detail (not quoted) does not change this.

ms fnd in a lbry
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Richard Hipp
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 I'll see what I can do about enhancing Fossil with an approaching puma
 warning (warnings that a fork has occurred) and a shoot puma with sidearm
 command (fossil merge with no argument).

Latest Fossil on trunk contains two new features:

(1) Typing just fossil merge without a version argument will attempt to
merge any forks that exist on the current trunk.  No need to go looking up
the version number of the fork - Fossil will figure it out automatically.

(2) After each commit in auto-sync mode, Fossil now does both a push and a
pull.  (Formerly it only did the push.)  The extra pull means that if a
fork occurred due to a race, it will be detected and a warning message will
be printed.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-13 Thread Matt Welland
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 I'll see what I can do about enhancing Fossil with an approaching puma
 warning (warnings that a fork has occurred) and a shoot puma with sidearm
 command (fossil merge with no argument).

 Latest Fossil on trunk contains two new features:

 (1) Typing just fossil merge without a version argument will attempt to
 merge any forks that exist on the current trunk.  No need to go looking up
 the version number of the fork - Fossil will figure it out automatically.

 (2) After each commit in auto-sync mode, Fossil now does both a push and a
 pull.  (Formerly it only did the push.)  The extra pull means that if a
 fork occurred due to a race, it will be detected and a warning message will
 be printed.

Both new features seem to work well for me. Thanks!

 D. Richard Hipp

 fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread Matt Welland
This is with regards to the problem described here:

We are seeing on the order of 3-5 of these a year in our heaviest hit
repos. While this may seem like no big deal the fact that it is so silent
is quite disruptive. The problem is that a developer working intently on a
problem may not notice for hours or even days that they are no longer
actually working on the main thread of development.

We added the fork detection code to the fossil wrapper which helps (we also
see forks due to time lag on syncing between remote sites) but it is still
a rather annoying problem.

My question is can this be solved by wrapping the code that determines that
we are at a leaf and the code that does the final commit with a BEGIN

This increases the risk of leaving the db in a locked state so having a
fossil command to unlock a database would be nice.

In this same vein it would be very nice to be able to control the sqlite3
timeout. I'm fairly sure that a longer timeout would give us much better
behaviour in our usage model.

I have some scripting that can generate the forks and I'm willing to take a
stab at making this change but wanted to hear from the list if this
solution was worth trying.
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread Richard Hipp
On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Matt Welland wrote:

 This is with regards to the problem described here:

 We are seeing on the order of 3-5 of these a year in our heaviest hit
 repos. While this may seem like no big deal the fact that it is so silent
 is quite disruptive. The problem is that a developer working intently on a
 problem may not notice for hours or even days that they are no longer
 actually working on the main thread of development.

I contend that this points up issues with your development process, not
with Fossil.  If your developers do not notice that a fork has occurred for
days, then they are doing heads down programming.  They are not
maintaining situational awareness.  (  They are fixating on
their own (small) problems and missing the big picture.  This can lead
dissatisfied customers and/or quality problems.

Situational awareness is usually studied in dynamic environments that are
safety critical, such as aviation and surgery.  Loss of situational
awareness is a leading cause of airplane crashes and medical errors.  Loss
of situational awareness is sometimes referred to as tunnel vision.  The
person fixates on one tiny aspect of the problem and ignores the much large
crisis unfolding around him.  Eastern Airlines flight 401 ( is a classic
example of this: All three pilots of an L-1011 where working intently on
a malfunctioning indicator light to the point that none of them noticed
that the plane was losing altitude until seconds before it crashed in the
Florida Everglades.

Though usually studied in safety critical environments, situational
awareness is applicable in any complex and dynamic problem environment,
such as a developing advanced software.  When you tell me that your
developers are intently working on one small aspect of the problem, to
the point of not noticing for several days that the trunk as forked - that
tells me that there are likely other far more serious problems that they
are also not noticing.  The fork is easily fixed with a merge.  The other
more serious problems might not have such an easy fix.  And they might go
undetected until your customer stumbles over them.

So, I would use the observation that forks are going undetected as a
symptom of more serious process problems in your organization, and
encourage you to seek ways of getting your developers to spend more time
heads up and looking at the big picture.

(Did you notice - situational awareness is kind of a big issue with me.
Fossil is my effort at building a DVCS that does a better job of promoting
situational awareness that the other popular VCSes out there.  I'm
constantly looking for ways to enhance Fossil to promote better situational
awareness.  Suggestions are welcomed.)

 We added the fork detection code to the fossil wrapper which helps (we
 also see forks due to time lag on syncing between remote sites) but it is
 still a rather annoying problem.

 My question is can this be solved by wrapping the code that determines
 that we are at a leaf and the code that does the final commit with a BEGIN

No.  Fossil already does that.  Has done so for years.

The problem is that there are multiple disconnected replica of the
database.  You cannot (reasonably) lock them all.  See - DVCSes like Fossil choose
availability and partition tolerance and the expense of (immediate)
consistency, since consistency is easily restored later by merging in the
rare event where it doesn't work out straight away.

To fix this problem (and again - I'm not yet convinced that it is a
problem that needs fixing) I think what you would need to do is create some
kind of reservation system for commits.  Suppose user A and user B both
are about to commit.  Each local fossil sends a message to the central
repository that tries to reserve the tip of trunk for some limited period
of time, say 60 seconds.  (The reservation interval might need to be
adjusted depending on network latencies).  The first reservation wins.  If
user B is second, he gets back an error that says User A is also trying to
commit - wait 60 seconds and try again.  That gives user B an opportunity
to go for coffee, then merge in user A's changes before he tries again
later.  You can make a reasonable argument that this is a good approach to
development.  In terms of the CAP theorem, you are selecting CP rather than
the current AP.

Of course, this fix doesn't really work if you try to do a commit while off
network, since then you cannot make a reservation.  It also doesn't work if
you don't have a single central repository that everybody commits to.  So
it isn't for everybody.  But I can understand how some organizations would
want this.

 This increases the risk of leaving the 

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread K

on Jan 12, 2013, Richard Hipp wrote:

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

Loss of situational awareness is a leading cause of airplane crashes and 
Here's another example of loss of situational awareness, which seems likely to 
in an adverse outcome:

Love it.

D. Richard Hipp

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread John Found
On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 19:31:26 -0500
Richard Hipp wrote:

 I contend that this points up issues with your development process, not
 with Fossil.  If your developers do not notice that a fork has occurred for
 days, then they are doing heads down programming.  They are not
 maintaining situational awareness.  (  They are fixating on
 their own (small) problems and missing the big picture.  This can lead
 dissatisfied customers and/or quality problems.

If this is the case, I whould suggest better solution. Only 3..5 cases in a 
year are not enough to train the team enough and to increase the situation 
awareness of the people. 
Isn't it better to make fossil to fork randomly with probability, let say, 
This approach will train the users very quick. They will acquire good habits 
and will never allow airplain crashes and medical errors because of situation 
awareness loss.

John Found
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread Michael L. Barrow

On 01/12/2013 09:22 PM, John Found wrote:
If this is the case, I whould suggest better solution. Only 3..5 cases 
in a year are not enough to train the team enough and to increase the 
situation awareness of the people. Isn't it better to make fossil to 
fork randomly with probability, let say, 1:20. This approach will 
train the users very quick. They will acquire good habits and will 
never allow airplain crashes and medical errors because of situation 
awareness loss. 

Please stop trolling

Michael Barrow
michael at barrow dot me
+1 (408) 782-4249

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread John Found
On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 21:22:28 -0800
Michael L. Barrow wrote:

 Please stop trolling

I am not trolling. It is Reductio ad absurdum that proves D. Richard Hipp is 
wrong in his statement.

Solving technical problems by high-handed methods is wrong by definition. 

John Found
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread Michael L. Barrow

On 01/12/2013 09:48 PM, John Found wrote:
I am not trolling. It is Reductio ad absurdum that proves D. Richard 
Hipp is wrong in his statement. Solving technical problems by 
high-handed methods is wrong by definition. 

The source is available, so you should feel free to download and add in 
the random fork feature you described. Enjoy!

Michael Barrow
michael at barrow dot me
+1 (408) 782-4249

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Unintentional fork/race condition

2013-01-12 Thread Matt Welland
On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Matt Welland wrote:

 This is with regards to the problem described here:

 We are seeing on the order of 3-5 of these a year in our heaviest hit
 repos. While this may seem like no big deal the fact that it is so silent
 is quite disruptive. The problem is that a developer working intently on a
 problem may not notice for hours or even days that they are no longer
 actually working on the main thread of development.

 I contend that this points up issues with your development process, not
 with Fossil.  If your developers do not notice that a fork has occurred for
 days, then they are doing heads down programming.  They are not
 maintaining situational awareness.  (  They are fixating on
 their own (small) problems and missing the big picture.  This can lead
 dissatisfied customers and/or quality problems.

 Situational awareness is usually studied in dynamic environments that
 are safety critical, such as aviation and surgery.  Loss of situational
 awareness is a leading cause of airplane crashes and medical errors.  Loss
 of situational awareness is sometimes referred to as tunnel vision.  The
 person fixates on one tiny aspect of the problem and ignores the much large
 crisis unfolding around him.  Eastern Airlines flight 401 ( is a classic
 example of this: All three pilots of an L-1011 where working intently on
 a malfunctioning indicator light to the point that none of them noticed
 that the plane was losing altitude until seconds before it crashed in the
 Florida Everglades.

 Though usually studied in safety critical environments, situational
 awareness is applicable in any complex and dynamic problem environment,
 such as a developing advanced software.  When you tell me that your
 developers are intently working on one small aspect of the problem, to
 the point of not noticing for several days that the trunk as forked - that
 tells me that there are likely other far more serious problems that they
 are also not noticing.  The fork is easily fixed with a merge.  The other
 more serious problems might not have such an easy fix.  And they might go
 undetected until your customer stumbles over them.

 So, I would use the observation that forks are going undetected as a
 symptom of more serious process problems in your organization, and
 encourage you to seek ways of getting your developers to spend more time
 heads up and looking at the big picture.

 (Did you notice - situational awareness is kind of a big issue with me.
 Fossil is my effort at building a DVCS that does a better job of promoting
 situational awareness that the other popular VCSes out there.  I'm
 constantly looking for ways to enhance Fossil to promote better situational
 awareness.  Suggestions are welcomed.)

Curious response. Did you intend to be insulting? I'm working with a bunch
of very smart people who are very reluctantly learning a new tool and a
different way of doing things and forks are very confusing when they happen
in a scenario where they seemingly should not. We are not operating in a
disconnected fashion here. Fossil falls somewhat short in the support of
people who like to get their job done at the command line (about 80% of
users on my team). Distilling from the fossil timeline command that there
is a fork and how to fix it is not easy. It is very tiresome to have to go
back to the ui to ensure that a fork hasn't magically appeared.

Anyhow, I misunderstood the exact nature of the cause. I assumed that the
race condition lay within the users fossil process between the time the db
query that checked for leaf and the insertion of the new checkin data in to
the db. That is of course incorrect. The actual cause is that the central
database is free to receive a commit via sync after having just done a sync
that informs the users fossil process that it is fine to commit. Something
like the following:

User1   User2central
leafcheck   sync
commit  leafcheck
synccommit   receives delta from user1 just fine
sync receives delta from user2 and now a fork exists

As you point out below that is very difficult if not impossible to fix.
What I think would alleviate this issue would be a check for fork creation
at the end of the final sync. If a fork is found notify the user so it can
be dealt with before confusion is created.

Just to illustrate, I think monotone deals rather nicely with the natural
but annoying creation of forks. The user is informed immediately the fork
occurs. Then the user only has to issue mtn merge and it does the easy
and obvious merge. With fossil I have to poll the ui to ensure I don't have
a fork, if I do have