Re: [Foundation-l] Wikipedia meets git

2009-10-19 Thread Joshua Gay
> I will apply for an account when It is ready for integration.
> this is still in experimentation mode.
> The git replaces the mysql database.
> But there is alot more work to do to make this viable.
> thanks for all your encouragement and support.
Since there are other people out there, perhaps we can start a mediawiki-git
discussion list and/or wiki discussion page? I'd love to post the work I'm
doing, too as it starts to come together.

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Re: [Foundation-l] [Announcement] Guillaume Paumier joins the Ford multi-media usability project

2009-10-19 Thread Joshua Gay
Congratulations, Guillaume, and best of luck. If the modern proverb, "a
picture is worth ten thousand words", is true,  then right now commons is
worth over 50 billion words!


On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Naoko Komura wrote:

> It is my real pleasure to announce that Guillaume Paumier has joined the
> usability team as Product Manager of the Ford multi-media usability
> project.  Guillaume has been the author of Wikipedia articles, Wikipedia
> handbook and active Commons contributor since 2005, and served as a
> board member of French chapter from 2007 to 2009.  He also coordinated
> the chapter meeting in Berlin for German chapter earlier this year.
> Outside of the "Wikimedia universe", Guillaume is actively advocating
> potential of Wikimedia Commons and has taken steps to create ties
> between Wikimedia and desktop imaging applications.
> Guillaume has a master's degree in nanotechnology from Institut national
> des Sciences appliquées and a PhD in microsystems for life sciences from
> Université Paul Sabatier, both in Toulouse, France.
> Guillaume will be working remotely as a consultant until the visa to
> work in the United States is approved.  He can be reached at
> Please join me welcoming Guillaume.
> Naoko Komura
> Program Manager
> Usability Initiative
> Wikimedia Foundation
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Re: [Foundation-l] Wikipedia meets git

2009-10-15 Thread Joshua Gay
This is very awesome. I am in the early stages of trying to scope out a
small side project to do a mediawiki <-> git bridge; it is very
challenging.  Being able to download the complete edit history in this
fashion is extremely useful. Thank you very much for sharing this work.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:45 AM, <> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:40 AM,
>  wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Gregory Maxwell 
> wrote:
> >> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:38 PM,
> >>  wrote:
> >>> There are ways to optimize all of this. Most users will not want to
> >>> download the full history.
> >>
> >> Then why are you using git?
> >
> > I am not most users. I am using git because I think it is the best way
> > forward to implement many of the ideas discussed in the strategy wiki.
> if you want only the last 3 revisions checked out , it takes about 10
> seconds and produces 300k of data.
> git clone --depth 3 git://
> du -h gittest/
> 252Kgittest/
> Log file :
> Initialized empty Git repository in
> /home_data2/2009/10/KosovoWikipedia/gittest/KosovoWikipedia/.git/
> remote: Counting objects: 21, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
> remote: Total 21 (delta 3), reused 20 (delta 3)
> Receiving objects: 100% (21/21), 40.98 KiB, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.
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Re: [Foundation-l] Alphascript Publishing scam

2009-10-15 Thread Joshua Gay
I have submitted the following to

It doesn't make sense to send something like this to a mailing list.
The GNU project does not accept copyrights in any official capacity--that
work is done by the FSF. And, it's really only worth emailing them if people
actually assigned copyright to the FSF of the work. Besides, people from the
GNU project and friends of the FSF are on *this* mailing list already.

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Re: [Foundation-l] Projekt: OpenCritics (let's free subjective content, too!!)

2009-08-29 Thread Joshua Gay
So, I think that such a project works well with the concept of NPOV. I think
you can break the site into two distinct parts.

Part 1: You collect opinions of various sorts in various ways.
Part 2: You organize them in terms of their relative significance to each
other and summarize them in a disinterested voice.

This would be a lot like Wikibooks and Wikipedia; people write stuff on
Wikibooks and then people cite those books on Wikipedia.


On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Victor Vasiliev  wrote:

> Sage Ross wrote:
> > I think this is an excellent, long overdue idea and something
> > Wikimedia should be interested in.  I was actually thinking of
> > proposing something like this at (and may still
> > do so).
> >
> I don't think that creating such a project within Wikimedia would be a
> great idea. NPOV is one of the most important Wikimedia principles.
> --vvv
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Re: [Foundation-l] Omidyar Network Commits $2 Million Grant to Wikimedia Foundation

2009-08-27 Thread Joshua Gay
When Matt Halprin is on the board of Wikimedia, he is doing his job for
Omidyar Network. So, when we read, a statement like:

> [Matt Halprin] has important nonprofit experience, serving on the boards of
> organizations like and the Sunlight Foundation.

Just remember that he was put on the board of Sunlight Foundation it was the
same day ON cut them a check for $2M [1], and similarly, although he is on
the board of DonorsChoose, ON has given them over $6M so far [2].

I think it's good to remember that when he makes vote on the board of WM, he
is doing so with as much interesest in his role as board member as he is in
his roll at ON, which is to lead their Media, Markets & Transparency
initiative [3]. Within those three, Wikimedia is considered to be a "Social
Media," investment, and the goal that ON is tryign to achieving in investing
in these kinds of initiatives is to:

"We aspire to amplify the transformative character of social media and
facilitate the creation, discovery, and distribution of trustworthy
information and original content. We hope to enable more individuals to
express themselves, make more informed decisions, connect with others, and
take action on what matters to them." [4]

So, yes, I think ON has bought a seat on the board, and I even think that it
is likely that Matt personally orchestrated that it. But, taking a big step
back, I also really trust the ON and I think the choices Matt has made on
their behalf over the past year or so have been really smart decisions. I
think he'll bring a lot to the board and I hope that this will be the start
of a beautiful relationship for the ON and WM foundation.

Best of luck to everyone!

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Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikisource-l] Open Library, Wikisource, and cleaning and translating OCR of Classics

2009-08-21 Thread Joshua Gay
> Interesting, I didn't know that. Is this demo available somewhere?

Here is a demo of it up and running:

Click edit and then click on the OL button on the tool bar and enter a
search item.

Also, I think someone I shared this with had trouble getting it to work with
IE -- I've only ever tried it on firefox.

foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wikisource-l] Open Library, Wikisource, and cleaning and translating OCR of Classics

2009-08-21 Thread Joshua Gay
David Strauss did a quick implementation (basically a demo) of an
OpenLibrary extension for MediaWiki. In very little amount of code, he was
able to easily search the OL (via AJAX) and when the user selected a given
result, it poppulated a Citation template. What was nice is that when no
results came up for a given search, there was an "add to open library"
button that brought you to the OL site to add your bibliographic

I think it would be easy to build upon this work and one could do a really
powerful MW extension (and maybe some new templates, etc) that would allow
people to contribute to both MW and OL simultaneously.

I think that the OL should continue to do what is trying to do. I also think
people should be able to quickly and easily create new and important
wikimedia projects, especially when people are passionate to do so. And, I
think when different projects on the Internet have a lot of overlap in what
they are trying to do, and share similar philosophy and ethics,  that they
should have their machines play nice with each other and make sharing
(reading and writing) data between them easy.


On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Yann Forget  wrote:

> Lars Aronsson wrote:
> > Yann Forget wrote:
> >
> >> As I already said, the first steps would be to import existing
> >> databases, and Wikimedians are very good at this job.
> >
> > Do you have a bibliographic database (library catalog) of French
> > literature that you can upload?  How many records?  Convincing
> > libraries to donate copies of their catalogs has been a bottleneck
> > for OpenLibrary.
> No, I don't have such a database. There is a copyright on databases in
> Europe, which makes things complicated.
> Probably we need to start with libraries which are already collaborating
> with open content projects. There was a GLAM-wiki meeting in Australia
> recently: there might be a possibility with an Australian library?
> But even before that, if we could extract the data from Wikimedia
> projects, we could create a basic working frame. I have been collecting
> such data on Wikisource and Wikibooks, but the lack of a structured
> system is a bottleneck.
> Examples:
> 1. Comprehensive bibliography of Gandhi in French
> 2. French translations of Russian authors:
> Regards,
> Yann
> --
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Re: [Foundation-l] Alphascript Publishing: 1900+ copy&pasted books from Wikipedia

2009-08-18 Thread Joshua Gay
This won't work. The problem is that these books are not being clearly
marketed as printed Wikipedia articles. So, marketing your books as up to
date printed versions of Wikipedia articles isn't going to be competing with
these books.

I recommend doing a positive campaign where you encourage people to log onto
amazon and leave helpful comments and tag and categorize books

However, I don't think this is the work of the foundation. I think some
active wikipedians and wikimedians should bring this to the community. If I
had more energy I would do it myself, and here is what I would do:

1) Write a blog post encouraging people to log onto Amazon and write a
short, respectable, and helpful comment on the books so that consumers can
understand the situation.

2) Get this blog post translated into a few languages.

3) Write an email that asks the reader to:
* Pass this email on to others
* Vote the story up on various news aggregator sites (Digg, etc).
* Go to the page and read the blog for more details and to take part in this
collaborative effort to inform consumers.

4) Send it out to a lot of people (many thousand).

5) Release a short press release about the blog and the people joining in
this effort and send that out to various news sources.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Ray Saintonge  wrote:

> Geoffrey Plourde wrote:
> > The single best way to kill them is to reprint the exact same books, then
> sell them at the low low price of cost + 10%. When people start snapping
> them up like fruitcakes, Alphascript will be finished.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Not just the same books, but the same books corrected and updated.
> Ec
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Re: [Foundation-l] Alphascript Publishing: 1900+ copy&pasted books from Wikipedia

2009-08-13 Thread Joshua Gay
When I worked for the FSF I helped to run a campaign against the
Amazon Kindle (and, DRM in general). We did an action called "The
Kindle Swindle" in which we asked people to tag all DRM ebooks and the
kindle itself with the tags "kindle swindle" and "DRM".

People went ahead and tagged close to a thousand products with the
term "Kindle Swindle" and the Kindle advice was tagged with that
phrase close to 400 times making it become one of the top four tags on
the Kindle page.

What is kind of neat is that for each tag-term has its own discussion
forum. The "Kindle Swindle" tag has a relatively active set of
discussion threads [1], and the original comment I wrote [2] has over
250 replies to it.

I imagine some combination of blogging, tagging, and letter writing
could help in some way to increase consumer awareness and this kind of
work can be done in a distributed fashion by wikimedians worldwide.


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Renata St wrote:
> It was raised before on the Village Pump, but I think this is so disturbing
> that we ought to do something.
> "Alphascript Publishing" has published over 1900 (and counting) books, all
> available on Amazon. Prices range from $31 to $179. All of these books are
> simple computer-generated copies from Wikipedia and (at least according to
> one Amazon reviewer) couple other public domain websites. Trouble is, from
> book description page there is absolutely no way of knowing that the book is
> a Wikipedia mirror on paper. At least several Amazon buyers have been
> fooled. What really gets my blood boiling is that Amazon user "VDM Verlag
> Dr.Müller" (I think someone exposed him as 100% shareholder of the
> publishing co) goes on rating these products as "five star"
> The publisher seems to observe the copyright (even includes full edit
> history) so legal action seems impossible. Someone already contacted Amazon,
> but they "are not responsible for the quality of books sold". In the
> meantime the number of such books grew from 900 in June to almost 2000 as of
> today... I think we should do something. At the very least publishing
> product reviews warning that what this is
> See:
> Thanks,
> Renata
> P.S. on a happier note: half of Wikipedia editors now can claim to be
> "published authors".
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