Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Davyd,

Davyd Madeley wrote:
 It seems to me that sponsorship to this event should really be
 handled by, but I was wondering if the Foundation saw
 any place for itself here.

I tend to agree with you. We have helped bring people to conferences in
the past, and are doing so at the moment for a Chilean conference, but
in that case, it's paying for the flights of someone who will be
presenting, which (if I understand correctly) isn't the case here.

I think the best thing is to let see if they can help out.
If you feel that the presence of this person will dramatically improve
the experience, then write a short proposal (that is,
include the name of the person, why they rock, and how much the ticket
will cost) to board@ and we'll consider it.

 While we're on the topic of money. Last year we put together
 t-shirts, which were highly successful and I'm hoping to do the same
 again. I was thinking that it might be nice to give each person who
 presents a complementry t-shirt. Unfortunately, to do this requires
 funding. Does the Board think this is a good idea, and would
 Foundation be able to fund such an initiative?

This is something we'd be prepared to consider. We have set aside a
budget for conference material and marketing for things like printing
flyers and t-shirts, and we'll consider requests against that budget.
Send us a proposal (cost per t-shirt, number of prints, total cost)
today if possible, we'll consider it at tonight's board meeting.



David Neary

foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Davyd Madeley
On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 09:28 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:

 Davyd Madeley wrote:
  It seems to me that sponsorship to this event should really be
  handled by, but I was wondering if the Foundation saw
  any place for itself here.
 I tend to agree with you. We have helped bring people to conferences in
 the past, and are doing so at the moment for a Chilean conference, but
 in that case, it's paying for the flights of someone who will be
 presenting, which (if I understand correctly) isn't the case here.

I think she is interested in presenting. That was the impression I got
at least.

 I think the best thing is to let see if they can help out.
 If you feel that the presence of this person will dramatically improve
 the experience, then write a short proposal (that is,
 include the name of the person, why they rock, and how much the ticket
 will cost) to board@ and we'll consider it.

Ok. I'll wait until Jeff is back in the world. He has more of an idea of
what's happening on both sides of the coin.

  While we're on the topic of money. Last year we put together
  t-shirts, which were highly successful and I'm hoping to do the same
  again. I was thinking that it might be nice to give each person who
  presents a complementry t-shirt. Unfortunately, to do this requires
  funding. Does the Board think this is a good idea, and would
  Foundation be able to fund such an initiative?
 This is something we'd be prepared to consider. We have set aside a
 budget for conference material and marketing for things like printing
 flyers and t-shirts, and we'll consider requests against that budget.
 Send us a proposal (cost per t-shirt, number of prints, total cost)
 today if possible, we'll consider it at tonight's board meeting.

I don't have anything harder than an idea so far. So I'm not going to be
able to get anything to you today. I was more hoping to gauge the
current situation with regard to funding and establish what
possibilities are available.


Davyd Madeley
08B0 341A 0B9B 08BB 2118  C060 2EDD BB4F 5191 6CDA

foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Dave Neary


Davyd Madeley wrote:
 Send us a proposal (cost per t-shirt, number of prints, total cost)
 today if possible, we'll consider it at tonight's board meeting.
 I don't have anything harder than an idea so far. So I'm not going to be
 able to get anything to you today. I was more hoping to gauge the
 current situation with regard to funding and establish what
 possibilities are available.

Sometime in the next two weeks should be fine.


David Neary

foundation-list mailing list

Software Freedom Day on the 18th November, 2006

2006-10-11 Thread jimmy Pierre
Hi,The mail below is self explanatory.We are planning an event every two months, so help us God!Please advise modalities in order to satisfy your requirements and qualify for such benefits and facilities.
Cheers,Jimmy PierrePresidentNovell Users International49 rue de Sotteville76100 Rouen+33 680[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 12:27:18 +0200 From: Murray Cumming 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: Murray Cumming [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Greetings from Novell Users International - France To: Jimmy Pierre 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 06:20 -0400, Jimmy Pierre wrote: Hi Murray,  We are having a Software Freedom Day on the 18th November, 2006.
  I was just wondering if the Events Box could be lent to us.  Here is our site :  It's in French, but you will get the zist :-) The event page :  I look forward to reading you on this.The GNOME Events Box is really for GNOME events. You might ask on, if you really want it for a non-GNOME event,and/or would like the GNOME Foundation to fund delivery of the box toand from your event.
-- Murray Cumming[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- End forwarded message -
foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Richard Stallman
One problem of associating GNOME with the name Linux is that it could
tend to encourage the widespread tendency to think of GNOME and all of
GNU as part of Linux.  Arranging sponsorship through
instead of would be a small step to avoid encouraging this.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Sara Khalatbari
Hi all I am the one who has asked for sponsorship. Knowing that would be a miniconf to be held after I have already mailed 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and Jeff just before mailing Davyd.I submitted a proposal to
 and they replied that it would be of more interest to I did in guadec, I am again volunteer to help in organizing the conference if you there is anything I can do.
Regards,SaraOn 10/11/06, Davyd Madeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Board et al,I received today a request for travel sponsorship to,, being run as a no-money event (where we
charge no entry, but all the facilities we require are provided forus by seems to me that sponsorship to this event should really behandled by, but I was wondering if the Foundation sawany place for itself here.-While we're on the topic of money. Last year we put togethert-shirts, which were highly successful and I'm hoping to do the same
again. I was thinking that it might be nice to give each person whopresents a complementry t-shirt. Unfortunately, to do this requiresfunding. Does the Board think this is a good idea, and wouldFoundation be able to fund such an initiative?
--d--Davyd Madeley 341A 0B9B 08BB 2118C060 2EDD BB4F 5191 6CDA___foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Davyd Madeley

 I received today a request for travel sponsorship to
 Obviously,, being run as a no-money event (where we charge
 no entry, but all the facilities we require are provided for us by
 It seems to me that sponsorship to this event should really be handled by, but I was wondering if the Foundation saw any place for
 itself here.

My 2007 lead organiser hat is very firmly on for this reply
(and I'll mention some things that Davyd already knows, just so everyone
else can understand where I'm coming from). is a community-focused, non-profit conference held by a fresh
volunteer team, in a different Australasian city each year. It is one of the
world's very best. You're all too late to submit for the 2007 CFP (suffer in
your jocks), but you could always come down for For three
years now, it has been one of the best miniconfs (community organised
streams) supported by the main conference.

The miniconfs are not funded (aside from basic venue, signage and so on) and
are not allowed to source sponsorship independently from the main conference
organisation. Most of the miniconfs don't need sponsorship anyway, so this
might seem unnecessarily fascist -- however, we have to work around multiple
events harassing potential sponsors, and inappropriate commercialisation of
the miniconfs (such as a miniconf being run by a company, for their own
interests). Mostly, it means no banners, no advertising, no naming rights.

However, miniconf organisers can work with the main conference organisers to
sort out sponsorship issues, should they arise. For instance, agreeing that
a sponsor can support travel/accomodation for a particular person at a
miniconf, but being visible as a sponsor as the main conference, etc.

So, the simple answer from's point of view is this: We don't
have the money to sponsor miniconf participants -- we already invest *lots*
(seriously *LOTS*) of money in travel/accomodation for the main conference.

In terms of the Foundation, while it can't sponsor, there is
no issue whatsoever with the Foundation funding travel/accomodation for an
attendee (much like a company will pay for a staff members to attend, but
this would not be considered sponsorship).


- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
  Hunch, n.: U.S. Foreign Policy.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Jeff Waugh
quote who=Jeff Waugh

 My 2007 lead organiser hat is very firmly on for this reply

With my GNOME Foundation hat on: There are *lots* of Foundation members who
I would love to fund to attend (thus too), as I
believe it is one of the most valuable and influential events in the FLOSS
world [1]. Without wanting to offend Sara, I think that other contributors
would be more appropriate, meritocratically speaking.

However, Sara demonstrated the initiative to ask, which counts for a lot. I
hope other Foundation members do so in the future.

- Jeff

[1] and not just because I'm deeply involved with it -- maybe talk to Keith,
Jim, or some of the other unbiased attendees and speakers who have been to
the conference *and* want to come back year after year.

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
  Acts of random.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: and sponsorship

2006-10-11 Thread Davyd Madeley

On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 01:11 +0200, Sara Khalatbari wrote:

 I am the one who has asked for sponsorship. Knowing that
 would be a miniconf to be held after I have already
 mailed [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Jeff just before mailing
 I submitted a proposal to and they replied that it would
 be of more interest to

Just to clear things up, you submitted a paper to and it
was rejected, and you would still like the chance to present that paper

What was that paper?


Davyd Madeley
08B0 341A 0B9B 08BB 2118  C060 2EDD BB4F 5191 6CDA

foundation-list mailing list