Stéphane Raimbault píše v Čt 09. 04. 2009 v 11:39 +0200:
> Welcome, guys!
> Has previously said, is it possible to have a short introduction on
> each new member?
> We could also reuse the information provided through the application process.
> Regards,
> Stéphane

Hi, hereʼs Martin Picek.

GNOME-related information:

 * I translate (empathy, evince, gconf, gconf-editor, gnome-user-share,
totem, totem-pl-parser; rhythmbox; glipper, liferea)
 * I admin a Czech GNOME-related web-site called GNOME Česko (GNOME
 * Iʼm not a GNOME programmer, but I would like to be
 * you can find me on gnome-cs-list list
 * my most favorite GNOME applications are Epiphany and Vinagre
 * my less favorite GNOME application is Evolution (guys, stop the
copying of Outlook and do it better and cleaner)
 * …

Other information:

 * Iʼm 20- or 30-year-old man from the Czech Republic
 * Iʼm a Java (JEE) programmer
 * my hobbies are cycling, programming, tourism, listening to music (Tři
sestry, Simon & Garfunkel, The Cranberries, …) and so on
 * Iʼm single (girls, contact me, contact me, contact me!)
 * Iʼm a nationalist
 * I canʼt speak English, but I can read English (I donʼt know why)
 * Iʼm very shy
 * Iʼm not an computer expert; for me, the computer is something like a
 * …

For less (yes, less) information you can visit my personal web-site.

Best regards,

Martin PICEK
 * personal web-site:
 * e-mail:
 * public OpenPGP key:

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