Minutes of the Board meeting of June 3, 2014

2014-06-30 Thread Emmanuele Bassi
wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20140603

= Minutes for Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014, 16:00 UTC =

== Next meeting ==
 * Tuesday, June 17th, 2014, 16:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Marina Zhurakhinskaya
 * Joanmarie Diggs
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Sriram Ramkrishna

=== Regrets ===
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Tobias Mueller

=== Missing ===

== Board Meeting Agenda ==

 * Monthly financial update
  * We have received various adboard and outreach payments
  * USD 361k in cash reserves
  * Just over half is earmarked
  * This allows to send out reimbursements for West Coast hackfest and
DX hackfest
  * Should be possible to increase the travel budget for GUADEC to EUR 30k

 * Reimbursements:
  * '''VOTE''': early reimbursement for GNOME.Asia for Sammy Fung:
$400: +1 Kat, Marina, Joanie, Sri, Emmanuele
  * West coast hackfest reimbursements
   * Need to get all the details and receipts for the attendees
  * Delegating back to the Travel Committee
   * Updated proposal from the Travel Committee to the board:
* '''VOTE''': Approve the proposal from the Travel Committee: +1
Kat, Marina, Joanie, Emmanuele, Sri

 * Events
  * GUADEC 2014
   * '''VOTE''': Rosanna's flight (USD 1900): +1 Kat, Marina, Joanie, Emmanuele
* Hotel, internet connection reimbursements are under operational
expenses for Rosanna
   * Board/adboard meeting dates
* Proposal for board meeting on the 24th July (Thursday)
* Proposal for adboard meeting on the 25th July (Friday)
* Local organizers are okay with the dates
* Need the dates to check with the candidates for the elections
* '''ACTION''': Kat to contact the board candidates for the dates
for the board/adboard meetings at GUADEC
   * Contract with LiLo
* Time sensitive
* Needs final review from the board
* '''ACTION''': All board directors to vote on the contract with
LiLo on board-list
   * Organisation
* Papers
 * Emmanuele wants to thank Allan, Kat, David, and the other
members of the papers committee for picking up the task
* Travel
 * Proposal to increase travel budget from €15000 to €3
(standard travel budget)
 * '''VOTE''': Increase the budget for GUADEC travel to EUR 30k:
+1 Kat, Marina, Sri, Joanie, Emmanuele
 * No extra money from GSoC towards interns
  * No budget from Google this year
  * Google allocates a maximum of USD 5000 per organization per year
  * In 2013 we funded 21 GSoC interns, and ended up getting $10K
from Google, which took up our allowance for two years
  * Evince hackfest
   * Pre-GUADEC
   * USD 1767.96 requested by two interns from the GUADEC budget
   * A donation of $840 will be made to the Foundation to cover the
costs of this hackfest
   * '''VOTE''': USD 840 to sponsor Christian Persch, José Aliste and
Juanjo Marín: +1 Marina, Kat, Emmanuele, Sri, Joanie
  * GNOME.Asia
   * Reports
* Good outreach for users, not just developers and then
encouraging them to apply for sponsorship to attend GUADEC
* We need more outreach for getting non-coding contributors in
Asia into the Foundation
 * The proportion of foundation members attending GUADEC/GNOME
summits is higher than that attending GNOME.Asia
  * Even if the amount of contributions is comparable
 * Outreach in both directions is harder because of the disconnect
between western and eastern social services
 * It would be good to have a greater presence of the Asian
community leaders on the engagement team
 * Increase the visibility of the eastern contributors
   * Preliminary estimate that $2500 is left over
* Good news, it has been a cost-effective conference
* Increases the chances for outreach
* We have great potential for expansion of the community

 * OPW
  * Intern payments: board review of which ones can be sent and which
ones cannot be sent yet for the upcoming round
   * We sent out a purchase order to Intel, but it got re-routed
towards a different session
* We also had issues with the Intel online system for submitting PO
   * Mozilla were invoiced late for round 5, but they did pay for
round 6, 7, and 8
* They haven't paid yet for round 5
* '''ACTION''': Marina to follow up with Mozilla for the payment
for OPW round 5
   * We received payments for the current round, but we're still
waiting for the money for a previous round
   * We will have to front the payment for the interns
   * '''VOTE''': Unblock payments for OPW interns sponsored by Intel
and Mozilla: +1 Marina, -1 Kat, Emmanuele and Joanie abstain
   * '''ACTION''': Marina to request for the vote to be finished on
the mailing list.

 * Reach out from SourceForge to the Foundation
  * Emmanuele was contacted by a rep from SourceForge
  * There's the possibility of partnering and generate additional
income for the Foundation
  * '''ACTION''': Emmanuele to send the SorceForge information to board-list

 * Potential meeting on 

Minutes of the Board meeting of June 17, 2014

2014-06-30 Thread Emmanuele Bassi
wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20140617

= Minutes for Tuesday, June 17th, 2014, 16:00 UTC =

== Next meeting ==
 * Tuesday, July 1st, 2014, 16:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Joanmarie Diggs
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Tobias Mueller (connection issues towards the later end of the call)

=== Regrets ===
 * Marina Zhurakhinskaya
 * Sriram Ramkrishna

=== Missing ===

== Board Meeting Agenda ==

 * Trademark request
  * Carol Hanson wants to print a one-off t-shirt design that includes
the GNOME logo, for personal use
  * Cafepress raised the issue of the trade mark
  * We should put Karen and Pam in the loop
  * '''ACTION''': Kat to contact Karen and Pam about the trademark use
request from Carol Hanson

 * GUADEC invitation letters
  * There is the issue of invitation letters for GUADEC for
non-members going through the foundation
  * We need to keep proper records of who sends and who gets invitation letters
   * It also depends on who is sending the invitation letters for
GUADEC: either LiLo (the legal entity organising GUADEC) or the
Foundation itself
   * LiLo is involved on behalf of the foundation, so the Board will
have to vote on every invitation letter in order to record the details
for the future
   * '''VOTE''': Record every request for visa invitation letters: +1
Kat, Joanie, Andreas, Emmanuele
  * Coordinators for the invitation letters: Marina, Srini, and other
foundation members

 * Events
  * GNOME.Asia
   * Leftover funds: USD 5000
   * We should use these funds for direct GUADEC travel sponsorship of
foundation members from China
   * It would be more expensive to have those funds transferred back
to the foundation and then used for sponsorship
  * GUADEC 2014
   * Report from the team meeting yesterday
   * Accommodation and venue are sorted
   * Presentations: we had late cancellations from speakers
* We have a pool to pick speakers from
* We can also expand the lightning talks slots, or leave them open
for last minute submissions directly at the conference
   * Travel committee: does not need a budget extension
* Allan asked if there can be an increase in sponsorship for
speakers if that is an issue for attendance
* The travel committee should be able to handle that on a case by case basis

 * Dates of the board/adboard meetings at GUADEC
  * Proposed dates: 24/7 and 25/7
  * We don't have consensus on the dates yet
  * Further discussion on the mailing list

 * Privacy campaign
  * Stef won't be able to coordinate, but will be able to work as an advisor
  * Open a proposal period on foundation-list

 * OPW
  * OPW travel sponsorship
  * We should ask for a report/blog post for all the sponsored interns
  * '''VOTE''': Request a report/blog post for OPW interns sponsored
for travel: unanimous

 * Visa fees reimbursements
  * To be discussed further on the board list

 * Next meeting: July 1st
  * New board directors will attend and vote
  * Old board directors will attend in advisory capacity
  * Current officers will maintain their role until the hand over
meeting at GUADEC

== Discussed on the mailing list ==

 * Privacy campaign

== Completed Actions ==

 * Kat to contact the board candidates for the dates for the
board/adboard meetings at GUADEC
 * Kat to propose the meeting for June 10th on board-list

== Pending action items ==
 * All Directors to reply Andreas's/Kat's email on board list about
visa fees reimbursements
 * All board directors to vote on the contract with LiLo on board-list
 * Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
 * Andreas, Joanie to draft thank you letters to our donors
 * Andreas to investigate the GNOME gifts situation
 * Emmanuele to send Zana and Tobi an update on FoG donors gifts
 * Emmanuele to draft a date and time for the post-release meeting
 * Emmanuele to send the SorceForge information to board-list
 * Joanie to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME
conferences to discuss on foundation-list
 * Joanie and Karen to meet and discuss about the photography policy
for GNOME events
 * Kat to create a private wiki page on the web services accounts
holders and passwords
  * Allan and Kat decided to go for a private git account instead for
security reasons
 * Kat to draft a proposal for a privacy policy for review
 * Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for
which we handle money
 * Karen to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services
 * Karen will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
 * Marina to contact the GNOME.Asia local team on their current budget
 * Marina to follow up with Mozilla for the payment for OPW round 5
 * Marina to request for the vote to be finished on the mailing list.
 * Tobi to continue pursuing the fund collection in Europe
  * Tobi to draft a new WHS agreement after the feedback from the board
 * Tobi to talk to Andrea to move the !PayPal data extraction scripts

Re: Agenda for board meeting on July 1sd

2014-06-30 Thread Jim Campbell
Thank you for the advanced notice, Andreas.

On Sun, Jun 29, 2014, at 05:08 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
 Hello Foundation members!
 The next board meeting is on July 1st at 16:00 UTC.
 This is the agenda.
   * Welcome new board!
* This is the first meeting with both the outgoing and incoming board.
   * Monthly financial update
* Current cash
* Planned spending
* Cash available to spend
   * Groupon update
   * Events
* GUADEC 2014
 * Sponsors
 * Funds
 * Travel sponsorships
* GNOME.Asia
 * Leftover funds
   * Privacy campaign
   * Receiving Donations in the EU via the WHS
 - Andreas

I would like to note that several members of the GNOME docs team paid
their own way to a recent hackfest in Cincinnati. We knew that travel
funding was not approved, but several people chose to meet up and work
anyway. Of those who funded their own trip, at least two traveled
internationally for the event.

I just thought the board should be aware of that.


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