Hello everyone,

Recently we had to deal with spam in several main IRC channels on 
irc.gnome.org, and we realized some of those channels didn't have any OP able 
to deal with it in a timely manner.
These channels included gnome-design, gnome-hackers and evolution among others.
In this case we needed a server wide ban, and Andrea Veri responded very quick 
and in less than 5 minutes the ban was applied. However, this situation kinda 
broke the current workflow of the people on those channels, and is kinda a bad 
image users on those channels are asking for help and nobody is able to chime 
in applying a quick /kick.
Having an OP in every main channel also ensures any social problem or issue 
could be handled in a quick way and users know who to contact in case of any 

For that reason I proposed to Andrea Veri to give OP status on several main 
channels to some of us that are more time present in most of main IRC channels. 
I gathered some information of what channels need some established OP's and 
what people could be those OP's, effectively creating a kinda "GNOME IRC 
Operators Team".
Here is the info I gathered (main strategic channels or channels with most 
connected users at irc.gnome.org):

Channels that already have established OP's (more or equal than 2 op's during 
weekends) and therefore don't need us to add OP's:
a11y docs gimp gnomefr gnucash mono monodev monodevelop vala

Channels that are in need of established ops (no current OP's or just 1 during 
banshee board bugs clutter documents empathy engagement evolution foundation 
geary gegl gitg gnome gnome-builder gnome-calendar gnome-design gnome-games 
gnome-os gnome-shell gnome-software grilo gtk+ guadec i18n introspection 
libpeas libsoup nautilus opw-admin outreachy outreachy-admin photos polari 
release-team rust soc-admin totem tracker gnome-hackers fedora-desktop

And the people I though to be part of this team of OP's in those channels are 
Andre Klapper (andre), Alexandre Franke (afranke) and me, Carlos Soriano 

I plan to put this information in the wiki, so users of IRC can know who to 
contact in case of any issue (for example in case some of us prefer to be on 
non-OP status for regular talking in the channel).

If you are current op or creator of those channels, what do you think of this 
idea? What do you think of the people and channel selection?

Best regards,
Carlos Soriano
foundation-list mailing list

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