Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 14th, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 14th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 21st 2017, 18:00 UTC

Wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20170214

== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-02-14 ==

 * WHS donation reports
 * Rust Hackfest 2017
 * ED hiring update

== Minutes ==

 * WHS donation reports
  * We will get an update from Alexandre when he's back
  * ACTION: Rosanna to check if there is any mention in the contract about
how reports are regulated
   * This was posted on the mailing list

 * Rust Hackfest 2017
  * According to Kat, in order for the event to count as an official GNOME
event, it needs to be voted on by the Board
   * The process does not seem to be very well-documented at the moment
   * General feeling that it sounds like a good idea to have the Board vote
to approve events
* Even more so if we have a Code of Conduct that would apply to this
kind of events
   * Board is responsible for
* Making sure that it complies with trademark, and that we want to be
associated to it
* Budget related to the organization of the event as a whole, such as
venue, location, materials, etc
   * Travel Committee is responsible for
* Individual travel expenses
   * We ought to document this process and set of responsibilities a bit
better, to make our life and the event organizers' easier
* ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at writing this documentation
  * VOTE: approve the hackfest as an official event
   * +1 Nuritzi, Meg, Allan, Cosimo, Shaun, Alexandre (on mailing list)

 * ED hiring update
  * Reimbursements for expenses
   * It may be cheaper to bundle the reimbursement together with the
paycheck, but it depends on the payroll company whether that's possible
   * ACTION: Rosanna to investigate
  * Neil starts tomorrow
   * Allan will have a call with him first thing in the morning, and kick
off the onboarding process, sharing the onboarding list that we have put
   * He has access to the wiki, perhaps not the private areas. We can add
him to the "employee group"
   * He is buying the laptop
   * Contacting the AdBoard members and start establishing a relationship
with them is a good first task
   * He can also contribute to the sponsorship brochure, which is an urgent
item we have on our list
   * Let's encourage him to use his channels and talk about GNOME

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * 2017-02-07
   * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
   * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * ED hiring update
  * 2017-02-14
   * Reimbursements for expenses
* It may be cheaper to bundle the reimbursement together with the
paycheck, but it depends on the payroll company whether that's possible
* ACTION: Rosanna to investigate
   * Neil starts tomorrow

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-02-14
   * Allan is working on a draft statement

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * 2017-02-07
   * For now, we are promoting the campaigns but not getting involved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done
  * 2017-02-07
   * ACTION: Alexandre to finish the contract draft for the Board to review

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on wha

Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 21st, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 21st 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 28th 2017, 18:00 UTC

Wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20170221

== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Shaun McCance

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-02-21 ==

 * Welcome to Neil!
 * SCALE 15x budget
 * UNIXSticker campaign
 * ED travel expenses (see conferences_2017.ods in cloud.gnome.org)
 * From board-list - "GIMP @ LGM 2016 Reimbursements - final 2"
 * Domains email from Andrea

== Minutes ==

 * Round of introduction to welcome Neil

 * SCALE 15x budget
  * Nuritzi is requesting a budget for $350 for stickers and other
materials to be used for SCALE and other US conferences/events
  * The US travel box went missing a few years ago and has not been
replaced since
   * It was inconvenient/expensive to use the US travel box, and it had no
SWAG in it either
   * People liked the fact that it had a bigger monitor in it though
   * It may be cheaper to print materials locally in the future, and focus
on making it easier for groups to be self-sufficient
  * Estimation of materials: 700 stickers, 100 flyers
  * VOTE: approve a $350 budget for the materials
   * +1 Nuritzi, Alexandre, Jim, Allan, Meg, Shaun, Cosimo. VOTE PASSED

 * UNIXSticker campaign
  * Signed stickers, Neil could participate.
   * ACTION: Nuritzi will connect Neil to them

 * ED travel expenses (see conferences_2017.ods in cloud.gnome.org)
  * We need to approve Neil's travel budget, so he can start booking
flights for the events he would like to attend
  * Neil sent a spreadsheet with the list of events
  * GTK+ hackfest and LibrePlanet (FSF conference) are the events that need
most urgent approval
   * Would be possible to also schedule a meeting with RH's advisory board
member (Christian Schaller) while there in Boston
  * How much oversight did EDs have in the past about which events they
attend and travel budget?
   * Not a lot of oversight, Stormy/Karen were quite independent in setting
their own schedule
   * It would be good to have an idea of how much we spent on this for
other EDs
  * Board and treasurer need to decide how comfortable they are with giving
the ED a travel budget and autonomy on this point
  * We should still vote on the two urgent events before having a broader
  * VOTE: approve these expenses only, before we have a broader
conversation about travel budget
   * +1 Nuritzi, Cosimo, Allan, Shaun, Meg, Alexandre, Jim. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Neil to reach out to Kat about travel budget

 * From board-list - "GIMP @ LGM 2016 Reimbursements - final 2"
  * Need to go through the receipts and put them on the wiki
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to work with Rosanna on this

 * Domains email from Andrea
  * gnomejournal.org, tomboy-online.com, tomboy-online.org
  * We don't want to keep them for now, but we can ask the community if
people want to pick them up
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with Andrea

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * UNIXSticker signed stickers campaign
  * http://andrea.s3.iubenda.com/49LSfNgYlT/signed-stickers.html
  * Neil could participate
  * 2017-02-21
   * ACTION: Nuritzi will connect Neil to them

 * From board-list - "GIMP @ LGM 2016 Reimbursements - final 2"
  * 2017-02-21
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to work with Rosanna on this

 * Domains email from Andrea
  * gnomejournal.org, tomboy-online.com, tomboy-online.org
  * 2017-02-21
   * We don't want to keep them for now, but we can ask the community if
people want to pick them up
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with Andrea

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * 2017-02-07
   * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
   * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * ED hiring update
  * 2017-02-14
   * Reimbursements for expenses
* It may be cheaper to bundle the reimbursement together with the
paycheck, but it depends on the payroll company whether that's possible
* ACTION: Rosanna to investigate
   * Neil starts tomorrow

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-02-14
   * Allan is working on a draft statement

 * 2017 Budget

Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 7th, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 7th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 14th 2017, 18:00 UTC

Wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20170207

== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun McCance
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Board organisation and workflow
 * Outreachy Sponsorship email
 * Software Inquiry email
 * ED Hiring Update
 * GNOME domains email
 * Participation in academic survey email
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Outreachy Sponsorship email
  * VOTE: Approve sponsorship ($6500) of one GNOME intern for Outreachy in
Spring 2017 if there's no other sponsor
   * +1 Alexandre, Nuritzi, Shaun, Allan, Cosimo. PASSED

 * Board organisation and workflow
  * We use the mailing list a lot less, and discuss more in the meeting. In
the past the mailing list was used more
   * Alexandre would like to encourage people to use the mailing list, to
focus the meeting time on things that do require personal discussion
  * About the minutes
   * Currently we have this large body of text with our ongoing items in
our pad
   * Alexandre would like to move the ongoing section into a wiki page
   * Cosimo feels that the wiki would be a bit better but would still
require a lot of maintenance

 * Software Inquiry email
  * They are able to sell the software, provided they respect the license
  * ACTION: Alexandre to get back to them

 * ED Hiring Update
  * Need to finish setting up payroll, things seem to be moving along well
  * Few more things to do/think about
   * Employee handbook
   * Laptop
* In the ballpark of $1200-$1500, he could send us a budget/quote for
us to approve
* ACTION: Allan to communicate this to Neil
   * Workplace assessment questionnaire
   * Manager

 * GNOME domains email
  * Somebody purchased gnomedesktop.org/com and other domains, wondering if
they should renew and pass them to us
   * They would want to renew them for another year
   * That feels like pushing the decision to the next Boad
   * We should only ask him to renew the domains if we want to keep them
  * We can encourage this person to offer the domains to the community
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GNOME domains email
  * We can encourage this person to offer the domains to the community
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * Software Inquiry email
  * They are able to sell the software, provided they respect the license
  * ACTION: Alexandre to get back to them

 * ED hiring update
  * 2017-02-07
   * Need to finish setting up payroll, things seem to be moving along well
   * Few more things to do/think about
* Employee handbook
* Laptop
 * In the ballpark of $1200-$1500, he could send us a budget/quote for
us to approve
 * ACTION: Allan to communicate this to Neil
* Workplace assessment questionnaire
* Manager

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-01-31
   * Jim thinks our statement should be about Freedom and not specifically
the ban
   * Allan reminds us that the bylaws state we shouldn't engage in politics
   * He also expresses concerns about how it would impact the foundation
   * We could ask Luis for advice
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Luis if that would be an issue
   * ACTION: Allan to draft a statement

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * 2017-02-07
   * For now, we are promoting the campaigns but not getting involved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done
  * 2017-02-07
   * ACTION: Alexandre to finish the contract draft for the Board to review

 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping
  * VOTE: send Jeff the funds (using CAD) (pre-approved)
   +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Jim, Meg. Vote passed

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an em

Minutes of the Board meeting of January, 31st, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 31st 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 7th 2017, 18:00 UTC

Wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20170131

== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
The Linux Foundation did:
 * Flatpak distribution question - indirect links to non-free software
 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
 * GNOME domains email
 * Participation in academic survey email
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
The Linux Foundation did:
  * Jim thinks our statement should be about Freedom and not specifically
the ban
  * Allan reminds us that the bylaws state we shouldn't engage in politics
  * He also expresses concerns about how it would impact the foundation
  * We could ask Luis for advice
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Luis if that would be an issue
  * ACTION: Allan to draft a statement
   * https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/GNOME_immigration_ban_statement

 * Flatpak distribution question - indirect links to non-free software
  * This would only download non-free software when matching non-free
drivers is already installed
  * Alexandre feels this is similar to enabling accounts to non-free
services in gnome-online-accounts
  * It is a bit different in the sense that here there would be a download
and installation of non-free software, but it is still similar
  * We don't want to engage in a situation where someone who cares about
running only Free Software ends up running non-free software without them
  * VOTE: approve inclusion of such links provided they respect our concerns
   * +1 Allan, Alexandre, Cosimo, Nuritzi, Jim, Shaun. Abstain: Meg. VOTE
   * ACTION: Allan to notify the approval and concerns

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * We're going to have an ED, it's going to cost us for a bit until they
can bring in money. We should be conservative in the meantime.
  * The campaigns are not very well framed, it is unclear what they would
be working on.
  * ACTION: Allan to encourage the engagement team to promote the campaigns
  * ACTION: Allan to reach out to Lapo saying we're keeping an eye on it
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2017-01-10
   * Allan is finalizing an updated agreement with HELLOTUX for the new
GNOME products

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Still waiting to hear back from Kat
   * ACTION: Alexandre to ping Kat
  * 2017-01-24
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done

 * Can the Foundation accept GUADEC registration payments through our
PayPal account?
  * The GUADEC team want to open registration sooner rather than later.
They need a way to accept payments.
  * Patrick needs to set it up.
  * ACTION: Alexandre to ask for Kat's opinion by the next board meeting

 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping
  * VOTE: send Jeff the funds (using CAD) (pre-approved)
   +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Jim, Meg. Vote passed

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discuss