Re: Board Meeting Minutes :: 15th February 2007

2007-02-20 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Tue, 2007-02-20 at 14:37 +0200, Lucas Rocha wrote:
> Hei,
> >Membership Committee
> >
> >Baris had worked on renewals, but his laptop was recently stolen so he 
> > has
> >to start again. There's a membership committee meeting next week where
> >this will be discussed, along with other topics (like membership
> >applications taking a long time to be processed, and new members for the
> >committee). Vincent will again be the board representative for the
> >membership commitee this year.
> I can/want help the membership commitee if needed. Just let me know.

I don't know if you thing I'm qualified to, but I want help too.



foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07

2007-06-14 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 23:24 +0300, Lucas Rocha wrote:
> There's a *big* difference between willing to increase collaboration
> between GNOME and KDE and merging their main conferences in one. I
> think this merge would bring really bad effects on our community.
> - Our conference would lose GNOMEsh identity. This is a subtle but
> essential aspect of GUADEC: it's where/when we meet the GNOME
> community. We cannot lose that.
> - Not everyone in GNOME community is interested in KDE. I understand
> that we, as a free desktop project, should be interested in KDE but we
> can't expect/enforce everyone in GNOME to think like this. Because we
> have similar goals than KDE, this does not mean we should meet at the
> same time and place in a generic/big free desktop conference. There
> are better places and times for putting both projects together and the
> really interested people will be there for sure.
> - If we're having problems on organizing our conference, let's try to
> solve them in the best possible way in our own boundaries. IMO,
> merging with KDE will bring more problems than solving from the
> communities point of view. Specially on defining the agenda.

Yes, Lucas... I have the same point of view about this question and I
guess many others have too.



foundation-list mailing list

Re: Hiring a part-time sysadmin?

2007-06-23 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Sat, 2007-06-23 at 12:05 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> The Board's finances seem to be OK right now, and I know that advisory
> board members have generally been ready to contribute for specific
> things that help the project.
> Meanwhile, our sysadmins seem overworked, causing understandable delays
> for simple requests. Now seems like a good time to pay someone so that
> requests for new accounts, mailing lists, bugzilla products, etc, get
> done almost immediately.
> It simple stuff, but that's why it's important. It could make a
> noticeable everyday difference to how we grow and work together. 

I'd like to help, but I need some training to do these things.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Hiring a part-time sysadmin?

2007-06-23 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Sat, 2007-06-23 at 13:35 -0500, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:
> On 6/23/07, Bruno Boaventura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-06-23 at 12:05 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > Meanwhile, our sysadmins seem overworked, causing understandable delays
> > > for simple requests. Now seems like a good time to pay someone so that
> > > requests for new accounts, mailing lists, bugzilla products, etc, get
> > > done almost immediately.
> > I'd like to help, but I need some training to do these things.
> >
> I say exactly the same.

I think it's time to add more contributors on sysadmin. Me and Diego are
very interested to contribute in many areas on GNOME. We have time,
motivation and love, but we need help to start. I'm a person who can
learn quickly.

Diego, ready to work? I am.



foundation-list mailing list

Re: Hiring a part-time sysadmin?

2007-06-23 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Sun, 2007-06-24 at 05:32 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > I think it's time to add more contributors on sysadmin. Me and Diego are
> > very interested to contribute in many areas on GNOME. We have time,
> > motivation and love, but we need help to start. I'm a person who can learn
> > quickly.
> I appreciate your enthusiasm, and there's every chance that we will take up
> both your offers. However, our experience shows that 'more' does not always
> mean 'better'. Don't be disappointed though -- that's just the gut reaction
> you're going to get from the team straight away.

Thanks... I'm not disappointed, but still offering my help in

You rock! We rock! GNOME rock!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Lucas Rocha joins board

2007-07-18 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 08:31 +0100, Glynn Foster wrote:
> In light of Dave's recently departure from the board, we've invited Lucas 
> Rocha
> to join the board for the remaining time left on our current term. We felt 
> that
> Lucas was a good fit to compliment the current set of board members, and we're
> all looking forward to working with him.
> I'd like to personally thank Dave for the time and commitment he provided to 
> the
> board, and Lucas for agreeing to join us this year.

Congrats, Lucas!!!
A brazilian on the board!
Let's go, more and more, brazilian GNOMErs!!!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: About the coming election

2007-11-08 Thread Bruno Boaventura
> In the years that I have been very peripherally associated (member of
> Membership Committee which gets the infrequent stick only during
> election time ), I somehow feel that the general perception is
> still that "rockstars rule the GNOME Board".

Hello! I'm a new member of the Membership Committee and I agree with
Sankarshan. In Brazil, for example, many people have that perception
about "rockstars".
We have to make GNOME more International in all aspects.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: The problem on the foundation front page

2007-11-15 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Nov 14, 2007 2:53 PM, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is a legitimate approach, and it can be helpful as you say.
> However, those precise words are subject to the reading, not intended,
> which Sergey saw in them.  Perhaps a rewording, or a link to
> would help clarify this.

I have the same thought. A link to can bring out
the idea: "Free Software" =  "Open Source".

My 2 cents.
foundation-list mailing list

GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Bruno Boaventura
With the final list of candidates announced, it's time to submit
questions about the GNOME Foundation and GNOME Project to this years
prospective Board of Directors.

The list, a summary of each candidate's statement and a link to each
candidate's candidacy can be found at:

Here we'll go:

[1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

[2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next
large step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and
Services and how would you measure them ?

[3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself
should you be elected to the Board ?

[4] If you were part of the GNOME Board last year and a candidate
again, what would you like to put as your achievements as a Board
member ?


[4] If you are a candidate for the first time, what are the areas that
you think you can do better ?

[5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders
in the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the
Board be in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

[6] Some of the tasks of a Board Member are mundane administrative
tasks, are you comfortable taking on such tasks as opposed to being
always involved in strategic and visionary thinking ?

[7] What or which according to you, is the one "tipping point" move
for GNOME in the coming year ?

[8] What do you think is the most important item on the Board's agenda
right now ? What will you do more or better than the previous boards
in that aspect ?

[9] What is your positioning with respect to the issue of OOXML?

[10] Why do you think we need a GNOME Foundation ?

We hope a very good debate!

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Nov 19, 2007 8:22 AM, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't the members get the opportunity to propose questions this year, as
> > in past years? Usually there is a gnomedesktop story & comments.

I've been posted to gnomedesktop too, but it's not appearing yet... is
there some type of moderation?

> I ask only because if members do have questions, it becomes extremely
> time-consuming for candidates to answer 10 or 15 different emails, and
> difficult for members to follow. The idea of a call for questions was to
> reduce the amount of mail people have to reply to & read.

I think the members can propose questions and send them to the
Membership Committee select the best questions. Can the others members
of MC say something about this?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: time to (re)consider preferential voting?

2008-02-27 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Vincent Untz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  It's hard to know if it's a good thing without trying it, but I think
>  I'd be interested to try preferential voting for the next elections.
>  As long as there's software ready for this, I mean (which seems to be
>  the case).

I'm +1 for trying it out (talking as a Foundation member and
Membership Committee member).


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-22 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Jonh Wendell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Oh, It would be really, really, amazing!
>  GUADLAC, as Behdad suggested. A GNOME Conference in Americas, with the
>  same structure as GUADEC (aka sponsorship).
>  /me wonders about a huge GNOME crowd here in Brazil... :-)

I like this idea, Jonh!!!
Brazil seems to be one of the countries with most growth in number of
contributors in recent years (I'm one of them!!!). The same for Chile.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GUADEC 2008 Registrations are Open

2008-06-10 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Baris Cicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GUADEC 2008 Registrations are Open!

Hi Baris!

What about speaker's registrations? Any different process?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: hiring Stormy Peters as executive director

2008-07-12 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is my pleasure to announce that the Board has decided to hire
> Stormy Peters as Executive Director of the Foundation. We've been in
> talks with her for some time and feel that she has an ideal
> combination of skills and background to fill the role, having been
> involved with GNOME and with the open source business community for a
> long time. For the fuller story on her bio, check out the press
> release, linked blow.

Hey guys,

It ıs great!!!
Please ask her for apply for membershıp at .


Bruno Boaventura
Membershıp Commıttee Chaır
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2008-10-20 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new members:

- Filippo Argiolas
- Flavio Percoco
- Jiri Eischmann
- Juanje Ojeda Croissier
- Mukund Sivaraman
- Pierre-Luc Beaudoin
- Vladimir de Araujo Albuquerque Melo

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation members

2008-11-11 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new mem=

- Mario Bl=E4ttermann
- Martin Sevior
- Ray Wang
- Seif Lotfy

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2008-12-05 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new members:

- Fábio Ricardo Nogueira
- Licio Fernando da Fonseca
- Mario Gonzalez

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Changes to the GNOME board

2008-12-15 Thread Bruno Boaventura
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Behdad Esfahbod  wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Diego Escalante Urrelo will be joining the board as a new member for
>>> the remainder of this term. Diego was a candidate for the board in the
>>> last election, and his energy, new blood, and Latin American
>>> perspective will be a great addition to the board.

Great news!!! Congratulations Diego! Now we can go with our plans from
Latin America Complot!

Bruno Boaventura
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-01-21 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new members:

- Aron Xu
- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
- Jorge Pereira
- Stéphane Raimbault
- Vicente Macedo de Aguiar
- Vinicius Scopel Depizzol

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-01-21 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Dave Neary  wrote:
> Welcome all, but I don't know any of you :)
> Could we get the first line ("stuff I do in GNOME") of the membership
> application added to the welcome emails of new members in the future? I
> don't expect a novel - just "Brazilian user group guy", "Mono
> developer", "Artist & graphic designer", "Maintainer of Parole", etc.

Great idea, Dave! Maybe we can change the application form to get this
information from our applicants.

> And for those who just joined, could you set the ball rolling by
> replying to introduce yourselves in 1 or 2 lines, please?

Vinicius, Vicente, Stéphane, Jorge, Aron and Iganacio: please do it!
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Travel Committee & Travel Policy: A proposal for consideration and feedback

2009-02-17 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hey Stormy, Dave and Claudio!

>> Seriously, I don't like this. Telling a student who's been contributing
>> on his free time to the project that he needs to request special
>> consideration if he can't afford those 200 € could even cause him not to
>> apply at all.
>> I think GUADEC is a special kind of conference in the sense it needs to
>> be inclusive, specially for people who is not so integrated in the
>> community and for whom attending may have a huge impact on their
>> involvement. Maybe hackfests and other local conferences may suit better
>> for the approach you propose, but definitively not GUADEC.

I'm with Claudio on this issue. Last year I could not go to GUADEC if
I had to pay 200 € (wait to be reimbursed has been difficult). GUADEC
should be a special case.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Travel Committee & Travel Policy: A proposal for consideration and feedback

2009-02-17 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Alberto Ruiz  wrote:
> I have to point out here, that when I got sponsored in Vilanova, my
> contributions weren't that many to the point that I felt kind of
> guilty. But the fact that I was there really boost my enthusiasm,
> involvement and I felt committed to the project since then. We have to
> think in sending students to GUADEC as an investment.

The same for me, Alberto! GUADEC really boost my enthusiasm.
Now, I can die for GNOME! :-)

My 200€  :-)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Travel Committee & Travel Policy: A proposal for consideration and feedback

2009-02-18 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Alberto Ruiz  wrote:
> Note that I'm not against a generalized co-pay policy, I'm just
> concerned about making it a rule set to stone that would have an
> impact on our ability to foster future contributors.

That's my position too. Co-pay policy is great, however, what we have
to think about students is: they have other costs with food and
transport (depending the place, can be > 200 EUR for a week).

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Travel Committee & Travel Policy: A proposal for consideration and feedback

2009-02-18 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 6:09 AM, Dave Neary  wrote:
> Hi Bruno,

Hey, Dave!

> You are making an assumption of unlimited funds!

I'm not disagreeing out of the co-pay policy, I'm just thinking that
we don't need fixed values to do this. The committee can treat each
case separately.

> Do you remember how much it cost you to get to Istanbul, Bruno? With
> accommodation, perhaps €1000? Baris told me that last year we funded
> people for $60,000 - which covered travel and accommodation for...
> flights for 27 people, and accommodation for 35 people. Do you think
> that perhaps we could have used this money more efficiently to benefit
> 60 or 70 people?

I remember. It was ~1,500 EUR (hey, I'm from Brazil).
I think we can pay for the people who can't pay (and of course, deserves it).

foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-03-16 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new members:

- Andrew T Veliath
- Jesse van den Kieboom
- Lionel Dricot
- Robert Carr
- Stef Walter

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-04-08 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new members:

- Andrew Stormont
- Jonny Lamb
- Li Yuan
- Martin Picek

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-04-09 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Diego Escalante Urrelo  wrote:
> Yes, let us know about you guys, so we can make you do our work, I mean,
> to know you better! :-)

I think some of them did not subscribed to the foundation-list. :-(
So... I'll CC everyone.

Hey guys (Andrew, Jonny, Li and Martin)!!! Please do that!!! And
welcome to GNOME Foundation!

foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-04-29 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Alex Launi
- Bertrand Lorentz
- James Liggett
- Marina Zhurakhinskaya
- Philip Withnall
- Rouquier Philippe
- Sébastien Granjoux
- Willie Walker

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-05-19 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Arun Raghavan
- Ava Zhang
- Bharath Acharya
- David Siegel
- Emily Chen
- Frederic Muller
- Jonathan Matthew
- Pablo Sanxiao Roca

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-06-04 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Brad Taylor
- Nils Faerber
- Paul Cutler
- Pockey Lam

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections Spring 2009 - Preliminary results

2009-06-26 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 5:11 AM, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> Tobias Mueller wrote:
>> These results can be challenged by sending an e-mail to
>> The challenges have to be sent before Tuesday,
>> June 30, 2009, 23:59 UTC. Please note that these results should not
>> be considered final until any such challenges have been resolved.
> Challenge!
> You just announced the results based on first-past-the-post, when the
> elections were to be run using preferential voting, with single transferable
> vote and fractional surplus transfer.
> Srinivasa and Diego get elected in that system instead of Jorge.

Dear Foundation Members,
Dear Dave,

We have received your challenge and accepted it as an issue.

We have used the counting method "Random Transfer STV with
Droop-Static-Whole threshold" which might produce different results if
you change the order of the ballots. Although we ran the counting
several times to check whether it produces different results, we did
not see any: We have not changed the order of the ballots, or, to be
more precise, the voting software did not change the order and thus
the results were perfectly reproducible for all of us.

We do, however, accept the fact that if you counted manually, you
could gather a different result. This is the reason why we decided to
use the deterministic "Fractional Transfer STV".
Thus we will not declare the preliminary result announced on
2009-06-24 as valid. Instead, we will announce new preliminary results
using Fractional STV soon, if there are no further objections. These
results can then be challenged.

As you stated that you wanted to have that method used, we assume that
this resolves your challenge. Is that correct?

We'd like to thank you for the challenge.
At your service,

The GNOME Foundation Membership and Elections Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-08-23 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Carl James Collier
- Halton Huo
- Javier Jardón Cabezas
- Milo Casagrande
- Tim Horton
- Will Thompson

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

Bruno Boaventura
GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-10-01 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Alexander Gabriel;
- Henrique Paulino Machado;
- Jerry Tan.

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Supporting GTK+

2009-10-28 Thread Bruno Boaventura
2009/10/23 Bruno Pinho :
> This tutorial about GTK+ is 100% translated to portuguese. What do you
> think?
> Can I offer it to my friends so they can study?
> thanks,
> Bruno

Hey, Bruno!

Please send it to . That's the right place for
portuguese translations.


foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation members

2009-11-02 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Adrien Bustany
- Felix Kaser
- Luca Ferretti
- Rodrigo Luiz Marques Flores
- Yan Li

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

Bruno Boaventura
GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation members

2009-11-11 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Andrea Veri
- Fabio Esteban Durán Verdugo

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

Bruno Boaventura
GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2010-01-15 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

I was quite busy due to my daughter. And now, she is almost three
months older, so... I'm back. Really. :-)

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Adam Janos Reviczky
- Benjamin Konrath
- David Schlesinger
- Frank Solensky
- James Vasile
- Jeff Schroeder
- Ke Wang
- Marc-Andre Lureau
- Thibault Saunier

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

New GNOME Foundation Members

2010-02-11 Thread Bruno Boaventura
Hello everybody!

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:

- Bradley M. Kuhn
- Holger Berndt
- Jim Evins
- Joanmarie Diggs
- Juan Jose Marin Martinez
- Scott Balneaves

If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.

If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.

At your service,

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation Members

2010-02-12 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Ruben Vermeersch  wrote:
> Why go through all the hassle if we can just copy/paste the description
> they already wrote :-) (also, the membership process can take some time,
> does it mean we should stay home and monitor our mailboxes to watch out
> for the 7-days introduction warning?)
> Yeah, I just want some statement. A no is fine as well, as long as it
> has a good reason. I've mentioned this quite a few times already now but
> I never got a decent reply.

We'll do it next time. Sorry about forget this.
An alternative is change the announce mail to request the information
from new members.
What do you think?
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Resigning from the Board

2010-02-17 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Lucas Rocha  wrote:
> Hi all,

Hey, Lucas!

> I've been thinking a lot about what to do about my participation on
> GNOME Foundation's Board of Directors in face of the fact that my wife
> and I are expecting our first baby in February. After careful
> consideration, I decided to resign. I want to be fully focused on my
> family (especially in the first few months) without feeling bad for
> doing Board stuff while I could be with my family or not doing Board
> stuff while I'm spending time with my family.

You're a great example for our community! Thanks for all the work
you've done! Unfortunately we lost the Brazilian guy on the board!
That's the right decision, I think. Welcome to the team. My daughter
is 4 months old now and these times were incredible!
"Não basta ser pai, tem que participar!" (in our secret language,
pt_BR - somebody will ask about it) is the rule!

> So, considering my priorities now, I feel that I would be more useful
> to the Board by stepping down and letting another person with a lot of
> energy to take my position on Board for the rest of this mandate. The
> Board has decided to appoint Jorge Castro to replace me. He's highly
> motivated and I'm sure he'll give good contributions as a member of
> the Board.

I don't personally know (yet) Jorge Castro, just bothered him with
some mails, but I see that he is rocking on our community. So, I want
to say: Congrats, Jorge! I tried to find where you've born without
success, but considering your name and surname, I think that the Latin
America Complot
is in the road!

> I've had a great time in my two and a half years on Foundation Board.
> It was a great way to support the community in several ways and to
> work with some very nice people. The GNOME Foundation is getting
> better everyday and I feel very proud to be part of it.

Good luck, my friend! And enjoy your "pre-father" and "fresh-father" times!
Is there any decision about the baby's name?


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Changes in Membership Committee

2010-03-22 Thread Bruno Boaventura

It was a pleasure for me hold the chairman position of Membership
Committee in the last two years.
Recently we had a meeting to resolve some issues. One of these things
were to elect another chairman to the committee.
I'm in the committee yet, but the chairman now is Andrea Veri.

The new Membership Committee is:

Bruno Boaventura (that's me!!!)
Tobias Mueller
Susana Pereira
Pedro Villavicencio
Andrea Veri (chairman)

If you want to know better the Committee, please visit our wiki page [1].

At your service,

Bruno Boaventura
GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Announcing our new Foundation members

2010-12-09 Thread Bruno Boaventura
2010/12/9 Andrea Veri :
> I would like to announce our new Foundation members we recently
> approved over these two months.


Welcome to our new members!
Keep rocking!


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