Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of July 31st, 2013

2013-08-15 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 08/15/2013 07:40 AM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:
 On Wed, 2013-08-14 at 22:06 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 * The travel committee is currently verifying the travel
 requests * The event's local team should take over this role *
 The travel committee needs more resources * Three potential
 volunteers * Streamline the process * '''ACTION''': Joanie, Kat,
 Tobi, Rosanna, Karen will hold a work group at GUADEC about the
 travel committee process
 Any news about the outcome of this work group?

We drafted out the contents of the form and the proposed new procedure
for small events (hackfests and other things that are NOT GnomeAsia
or GUADEC). It needs cleaning up and formalization. We'll also need a
web-based form created.

I myself am still traveling this week, but will be home next week and
resuming a more normal routine and workflow. I am planning to tackle
the cleaning up and formalization. Someone else will tackle turning it
into something which can be filled out and submitted (by the event
organizer(s); not the individual travelers). Once it's not just a
bunch of notes we will present it to the Foundation for consideration
and (hopefully) adoption.

On a related note, one of the things we discussed and agreed upon at
our face-to-face meeting in Brno is that on the off weeks (when we
don't have a Board meeting), we'll allocate that same time period to
get things like this done. Thus hopefully things will happen in a more
timely fashion. I wish I could take credit for this idea, but it was
not mine. Sadly I cannot recall whose idea it was (I *think* it was

Take care.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions for candidates

2013-05-26 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 05/25/2013 05:21 PM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:
 I also thanks people running for the board.   I would like to
 In order to be in the board, what are you going to do *less*?  In
 other words, what would the trade-off be for you? Are you going to
 spend less time in other GNOME activities (which ones?), family,
 work, etc.?
 If you are already in the board, what have you done less?

In my case, there wasn't really a trade-off. When I joined Igalia in
late 2011, things I had been doing evenings and weekends (i.e. GNOME
Accessibility) became part of my DayJob. That freed up time for me
which I could allocate to serving on our Board.

Take care.
foundation-list mailing list

Extending the call for candidates (was Re: Withdrawal of board of idrectors candidacy)

2013-05-22 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 05/21/2013 10:46 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
 On Tue, May 21, 2013 1:14 pm, Richard Stallman wrote:
 The number of candidates so far is pretty small -- I saw only 8 -- so
 we will not have much choice in our voting.

 On general principles, and not as criticism of the people who have
 already stepped into the race, I think it would be good for more
 people to run.  I encourage you, and everyone who has already run, to
 stay in the race.
 I am pleased to say that the candidates we already have are *all*
 exceptionally strong.  I feel that I should point out that there are one
 or two people who would probably join the race as well if we extended the
 deadline. As I said, though, the current candidates are pretty awesome and
 they all got their announcements in on time :)

True, but the announcement period this time was shorter. In 2012, the
announcement went out 17 April with a deadline of 20 May. [1] This time,
the announcement went out 6 May with a deadline of 19 May. [2] Given
Richard's observation that we have a lack of choice combined with the
shorter announcement period, I wonder if it would be worth extending the
call for candidates for, say, another week.

Take care.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Boston Summit 2013?

2013-04-30 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 04/30/2013 01:11 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Piñeiro wrote:
 On 04/30/2013 06:22 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
 Although working for the venue is appreciated, imho, is irrelevant. If
 that extra hop means that suddenly every one (or almost every one)
 interested on assist the summit would need to ask for help (or
 extra-help) to the travel committee in order to assist, it doesn't
 matter if we got a venue for free. It would be still really more
 expensive, and more trip-exhausting.

 Hi Alejandro,
 If most people feel this way then I have no problem letting this go.
 Hopefully, we can find someone to do this in Boston or Montreal.

Were it up to me, that would be my recommendation.

It's not that we don't like Portland. Hell, if Portlandia is any
indication, Portland might be the best city EVER. :) Even the
inconvenience of people having to take an extra and/or longer flight,
while not great, is not a show-stopper. To me the show-stopper is
unbudgeted travel expenses with less than a year's notice.

It is my understanding that quite a few usual Boston Summit attendees
are within reasonable driving distance of Boston. And Montreal, while a
longer drive, is not undoable for this crowd. But at least in the case
of my company, the 2013 travel budget was set at the end of 2012. And at
the end of 2012, we had no indication that I would have to fly
cross-country from Southern New Hampshire to Boston. ;) ;)

Whether or not we want to rotate Boston Summit around the country is
something for the Foundation membership to decide. If they decide that,
great. But let's then ensure we have the location selected in time for
companies and the Foundation to include it in their travel budgets.

Take care.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Some news from GIMPNET (was A few observations about GIMPNET)

2013-01-31 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 01/31/2013 09:42 AM, Alexandre Franke wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Andrea Veri wrote:
 Pretty much (all?) the bots were used for auto-opping or updating channel's
 topics AFAIK, thus my statement to safely remove all the bots with these
 specific functions. I'll work on deploying a KGB bot anytime soon as well
 for git commits notifications on IRC.
 Some of us also use Supybot for bugzilla related services (bug change
 announcements, getting a description of a bug by giving its bug

Yup, the Accessibility Team does that. We also have the Supybot meetbot
plugin we find extremely helpful.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: A few observations about GIMPNET

2012-10-15 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 10/15/2012 06:53 AM, Andrea Veri wrote:


 I explained the benefits in my original mail but here they are again:
 - services, that means having the ownership of your nick. No one will
 be able to spoof your identity. (plus host cloaking with handy (for
 example) /gnome/marketing/foo that may help newcomers finding the
 right person to talk when the first join a certain channel.)
 - privacy, Freenode has SSL enabled so all conversations are crypted
 and don't happen in plain text.
 - no need to keep a bot to auto OP you every time you accidentally
 lose connection.

These would be nice to have. But I wonder if the best way to address it
is not to up and leave GimpNet, but instead to get those features added
to GimpNet.

 In the past I've joined the #opers channel multiple times asking why
 there was no intention to improve the GIMPNET network but I alwais
 received no answer and as of today I still don't know the real reason
 behind that decision.

Who exactly owns GimpNet and if asking on #opers doesn't get us the
answers we seek, how else can we get them?

Take care.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: A few observations about GIMPNET

2012-10-15 Thread Joanmarie Diggs

 Who exactly owns GimpNet and if asking on #opers doesn't get us the
 answers we seek, how else can we get them?
 Very nice question Joanmarie, who takes decisions on behalf of the
 GIMPNET network? if GIMPNET is aliased the GNOME IRC network why they
 don't listen to contributor's ideas and suggestions? why they don't
 have a single place where people can raise concerns? also how do you
 expect a newcomer to understand that GIMPNET is the GNOME network when
 the MOTD is still set to be bork bork...don't irc as root in many
 GIMPNET's servers? or when the topic of a channel isn't set at all or
 disappears because there are no services?
 There are several things to improve and as far as I see it now the
 GIMPNET networks looks like being unmaintained.
 Thanks Joanmarie for pointing this out.

You're welcome. But you answered my non-rhetorical question with
questions -- and rhetorical ones at that. ;)

So allow me to try again: Would it be possible for you or another member
of the sysadmin team to:

* determine who owns this network
* verify if it is really unmaintained
* if it really is unmaintained, offer to become a maintainer
* improve it with the specified features


Take care.
foundation-list mailing list

Call for GUADEC 2013 proposals - Deadline extended

2012-07-18 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hello Foundation Members.

During the last week of June we announced the call for GUADEC 2013 
proposals [1]. We have received feedback from the community that more 
time is needed. Therefore, in order to ensure we have a great GUADEC 
2013, we are extending the deadline for completed proposals.

Because it has been the Board's experience that face-to-face meetings 
are a valuable part of the proposal evaluation process, we would 
strongly encourage all parties who plan to submit a proposal to meet 
with the Board at GUADEC to present their tentative plans. However, if 
meeting face-to-face is not possible, we will work with you to arrange 
an alternative meeting.

The new deadlines are as follows:

* July 20th: Declaration of intent to propose hosting GUADEC 2013 sent
  to In this declaration, please include a 
  statement of your availability to meet with the Board during GUADEC

* September 22nd: Formal, complete proposals for hosting GUADEC 2013
  sent to

Should you have any questions or concerns, please let us know either on or

--joanie, on behalf of the Foundation Board

foundation-list mailing list

Facilitating the Integration of Free Software into Academic Courses (was Re: Questions for the board election candidates)

2012-05-24 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
I hope no one minds the new subject. But I started out innocently enough
answering Richard's question. But at the end had an essay plus a
proposal. I hate when I do that, but what's done is done, so I wanted to
separate it out from the Board Candidacy discussion.

On 05/22/2012 10:56 PM, Richard Stallman wrote:


 GNOME's usefulness as a software package is independent of how we talk
 about it.  However, the use of GNOME provides an opportunity to
 educate the users about this issue, in philosophical and political
 terms -- to teach them the idealism of the free software movement.

Exactly. Hence my statement in my candidacy announcement [1]:

... I would like to see GNOME working actively with
colleges and universities to facilitate the integration
of Free Software development and philosophies into their

We (GNOME Accessibility Team) have already done some work with
Dr. Heidi Ellis at Western New England University. She has been
introducing her students to Free Software through HFOSS (the H standing
for Humanitarian). This work has included coordinating with her, guest
lecturing in her course, finding GNOME projects towards which her
students can contribute, answering questions as needed, and so on.

What we (GNOME Accessibility, Heidi, and Heidi's students) have learned
in the process is that the idea is sound. We just need to iron out the
wrinkles. We can build upon our experiences, find more professors, and
get more GNOME teams involved in supporting this effort.

My reasons for why GNOME should (IMHO) get behind this approach very
much includes the need and desire to build support in the community for
free software and the freedom it provides. But it is by no means limited
to that. Far from it, in fact.

Having been an educator for 15 years, not to mention a graduate student
for two degrees prior, it's beyond obvious to me that there is no better
teaching/learning tool than real-world experience. I see GNOME being a
great way for college and university students to get this experience.
And I believe it benefits all parties involved:

* Students:
  - Learn about Free Software, not just what it is, but WHY it is.
  - Gain re-world work experience. And not just in terms of coding.
Sure, the Computer Science students would. But why stop there?
We could work with Technical Writing students, Art students,
Marketing students, HCI students, Foreign Language students.
Maybe even Law students and Philosophy students; Sociology
students if we're clever.

* Professors and Academic Institutions:
  - Give their students skills they'll need upon graduation.
  - Be seen as cool and innovative.

* Companies Contributing to GNOME:
  - More, and more-qualified, applicants from which to choose.
  - The opportunity to get to know, and get to be known by, future
potential employees.

  - More users (for those who aren't already users).
  - More contributors.
  - More people who know about Free Software and what we, as a
Foundation, stand for.

This, at least in my mind, makes a heck of a lot of sense. And as a Free
Software community, we're already quite used to and very well-equipped
to support people showing up and saying Hi, I want to help. So we just
need to get the professors on board, how hard could that be?


I had a couple of weeks off before I joined Igalia and I used some of
that time to visit a few computer science professors. Turns out getting
them on board may be a tad harder than I imagined.

* They are not familiar with -- and thus not comfortable teaching --
  all the tools we use.
* They want certainty in terms of assignments and projects.
* They want predictability with respect to a schedule.
* They want a curriculum they can follow.
* They do not want to be pioneers.

BUT, they seem to truly dig the idea other than that.

And, yes, that sounds like snark; I don't mean it that way. They really
were excited and enthusiastic about the idea. But then they started
thinking it through in terms of their actual courses and the doubts came
pouring in.

So my more specific response to this question:

 Thus, my question: how does each candidate propose to make use
 of GNOME and its communication to build support in the user
 community for free software and the freedom it provides?

is the following proposal:

GNOME Outreach Program for Professors

This would be an ongoing, largely self-sustaining program in which we:

* Introduce professors to GNOME and Free Software.
* Show them what we have to offer (the practical benefits listed above)
* Pair them with a GNOME mentor who would help them:
  - become familiar with the tools we use; the modules we have; our
culture, both GNOME-wide and team-specific; and relevant community
  - find a suitable project
  - provide support (iron out wrinkles, answer questions, etc.)

Suitable project types:

* Existing 

Re: Questions for the board election candidates

2012-05-22 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi Robert.

On 05/22/2012 03:58 AM, Robert Nordan wrote:

 1) Open Source or Free Software?

Open Source AND Free Software. :)

With respect to my own pragmatic idealism:

  * I value freedom and tend to say Free Software. BUT I have no
philosophical problems with those who say or prefer Open Source.
None whatsoever.

  * If you think I'm turning off my Android's GPS because getting lost
is preferable to using a non-free driver, think again. ;) BUT I did
donate money (the cost of a new unlocked QWERTY phone) to the
Replicant Project because I would much prefer to not get lost AND
to not use non-free software. As soon there is a fully free Android
with GPS and a QWERTY keyboard I will buy it. I hope that they
accomplish this soon.

  * I find it disturbing and unfortunate that with the very many things
these two groups have in common, the focus seems to always come
back to the few differences which exist. And I wonder if that is in
the best interest of either group. I myself do not think it is.

Thus as a pragmatist I will do everything I can to advance Free, Libre,
Open Source software. I will not engage in debates about Open Source
versus Free Software, however, because I feel doing so is to the
detriment of our shared goal of eliminating proprietary software. As an
idealist, I'm fully convinced we can achieve our shared goal -- if and
only if we work together.

 2) Overhaul of GNOME's git infrastructure
 I personally believe that the way the GNOME git system is set up is a
 bit antiquated and doesn't use git to its full potential.

I personally do not have serious problems with GNOME's git system or
associated infrastructure, though admittedly I am a tad antiquated
myself. ;) Having said that, I also do not have serious objections to an
overhaul -- with one possible exception: Any time my ears hear the word
overhaul, my brain receives potentially significant disruption.

GNOME 3 is still sufficiently young that I think all of us -- designers,
developers, document writers, marketers, translators, ... -- need to
keep our focus on it and not lose momentum. Thus if it were up to the
Board to decide upon this issue, my supporting it would be based
primarily on two things: overall community support of it and how
smooth/seamless the transition would be. If everyone wants it and it can
JustHappen(tm) without us skipping a beat, it's got my vote. Otherwise,
let's wait a couple of cycles.

 3) GNOME and Ubuntu
 4) Stance on GNOME forks

(I hope you don't mind my combining your last two questions, but from my
perspective they're just different flavors of the same general issue.)

From a *purely philosophical* standpoint, I don't think these schisms or
forks are necessarily a bad thing.

What's been happening lately is a demonstration of the beauties and
strengths of FLOSS: If you can do it better, if you can meet an unmet
need, if you disagree with the direction a project is taking, then get
the code and do it the way you think it should be done. Form a community
around your effort. Learn, create, and share.

If you're right and you indeed did it better, or met an unmet need, or
took a direction that needed to be taken, what you created makes the
world a better place. And even if you weren't right, you gained
knowledge and experience and skills in the process which you can apply
to other FLOSS software projects. And that, too, makes the world a
better place.

Being more practical and less pollyannaish: If you consider everything
we do in GNOME, it's a huge, huge amount of work. I think the odds of
any fork or schism becoming truly independent/separate are pretty
slim. So they still need GNOME. And I would argue that we need them (see
huge, huge amount of work above).

As for how to handle it Depends what it is. ;)

With respect to Canonical/Ubuntu: I'd love to have some discussion with
them around where they are investing (losing?) time with respect to
GNOME modules. Example: At one point, whilst trying to troubleshoot a
couple of downstream-only Orca bugs, I learned that their Gtk+ was
heavily patched; their... I *think* it was pygobject... was
essentially version Y, but claimed to be version X because they patched
it into almost-Yness rather than just pulling our version Y; they had
gnome-foo version 3.2.x, but gnome-bar version 3.0.x, but would ship
gnome-baz version 3.4. Why are they doing this?? And that is not a
rhetorical question; I genuinely would like to know. But more
importantly, if there are things we can be doing upstream to prevent or
reduce this extreme downstream smorgasbording, I think we should do so:

1. Extreme smorgasbording can lead to breakage. Breakage makes FLOSS
   software look less desirable. If the user knows that the module in
   question is a GNOME module, that makes GNOME look less desirable.

2. Extreme smorgasbording surely takes time. Wouldn't it be easier to
   just pull from upstream? Hopefully they would agree that it would

Re: Boston Summit?

2012-04-27 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On 04/27/2012 12:25 PM, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:

 I was thinking, size permitting, we may even be able to do at Mozilla offices?

What were you thinking about the date? Is Columbus Day weekend ideal,
inconvenient, or irrelevant?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Membership's Renewals Jan 2012

2012-01-07 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 15:47 +0100, Andrea Veri wrote:
 as per point 1.3 of [1], here it comes a list of members in need of a 
 renew in case they didn't receive their individual e-mail:

[15 people who are not me]

Andrea, I pretty sure I'm coming up for needing a renewal soon. Where
can I find my membership date?

Thanks in advance! Take care.

foundation-list mailing list

A11y Team NOT attending Montreal Summit

2011-09-15 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi Board and Foundation.

As I'm sure you are aware, presently there are 0 confirmed, and a
much-smaller-than-usual list of tentative attendees for the upcoming
Summit. [1] Furthermore, after much deliberation along with
consultation with other teams with whom we would like to meet in
Montreal, the only thing anyone seems to know for certain is that no
one knows for certain who is going to Montreal.

Given that the majority of our team is in Europe, travel is expensive,
and the Summit nearly here, we felt that we needed to reach a
decision. The conclusions from today's team meeting:

1. We will NOT be attending the Montreal Summit.

2. If for some reason a representative from our team is deemed
necessary, I shall drive up from New Hampshire.

3. We should share our decision here because others have been asking
us for our plans.

Take care.
--joanie, on behalf of the A11y team

foundation-list mailing list

The Boston (or Boston) Summit?

2011-09-06 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hey all.

The other day I heard an interesting rumor, which I've since been able
to confirm [1]: There's a small chance that the Boston Summit might be
the Montreal Summit.

Montreal is all kinds of charming awesomeness, and if that is where the
Summit is going to be this year, that's great. But it does of course
mean that some people who didn't have to travel will now have to, and
that some meetings of convenience with non-GNOME local folks might
need to be rescheduled. Thus, for the purpose of managing logistics, I
would find it extremely helpful to know where the Summit will be this
year and if it will be held on the traditional date (i.e. only one month
from now).

With apologies to all for being a noodge (and especially to Emmanuele
for my impatience after he suggested we might know something today.)

Thanks in advance!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Membership - Accepted

2011-01-13 Thread Joanmarie Diggs

Mario!! :-)

Back in April-May 2010, I joined the Igalia WebKit team to work on
improving the accessibility support in WebKitGTK+, so WebKit based apps
were able to integrate better with the ORCA screen reader and, even
though there's still a long way to go, I feel proud to see that it seems
the original situation actually improved after these months of work.

It's improved quite a bit! Thanks for all your work and welcome to the 

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - November 11, 2010

2010-12-08 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi All.

 Based on the Orca (or even a more general a11y) roadmap, it may be
 possible to get some funding from companies or associations interested
 in seeing Orca get better (although a lot of the associations seem to be
 focussing more on NVDA because it works on Windows). Where is the Orca

The (still in progress) Accessibility Roadmap (along with links to the
roadmaps to individual projects) can be found here:

  Are any of the features being requested by specific
 identifiable groups?

The Gecko and Performance work with Mozilla. That is related to the $10k

I don't know if something similar could be done with the other items.

Thanks for your ideas and support/help!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - November 11, 2010

2010-12-08 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
CCing the list as you replied to the copy of my message which never made
it to the list because I sent it via the wrong address. :-/ Sorry about

On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 21:01 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
 Hi Joanmarie,
 What I'm getting at is, if there were features which were particularly
 useful to, say, people using head-trackers, then we might be able to get
 funding from spina bifida support organisations, for example. If there
 are things in the a11y roadmap that we could loosely group as useful
 for people with handicap X that would give us an idea of the kinds of
 organisations that might fund that work.

Aha, well, yes. For starters:

* Speech recognition would be useful for at least some people with print
  learning disabilities as well as for certain people with physical 

* Caribou, especially were its functionality further expanded, would be 
  useful for people with physical disabilities.

Could we begin there? And if so, who is we and how do we begin? :-)

Thanks Dave.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - November 11, 2010

2010-12-08 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 22:58 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
 Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
  Aha, well, yes. For starters:
  * Speech recognition would be useful for at least some people with print
learning disabilities as well as for certain people with physical 
  * Caribou, especially were its functionality further expanded, would be 
useful for people with physical disabilities.
  Could we begin there? And if so, who is we and how do we begin? :-)
 OK - Caribou is the gok replacement, right?


 I guess we is us - the GNOME Foundation. I'm sure the board will help,
 I'll help, I'm certain the a11y team will help... we'll figure this out.

Awesome! Thank you.

 I guess begin begins with build a list of organisations we could
 contact for grants - organisations should include non-profits,
 foundations, universities, and government agencies. We could use a wiki
 page for that, or Etherpad, or Google Docs, perhaps SugarCRM? Open to
 Then, for each one, we try to get a good entry point.
 Then, we contact them, with a general  informal first approach - do
 you know GNOME? We're pretty cool. We do cool a11y stuff. and if they
 have heard of us, and are maybe using us a little, we can then pitch the
 roadmap for grants.
 For sure, it's a long shot approach, and we'll probably only ever get
 10% response to initial queries, and less than 10% of those interested
 in funding us

But it sounds like a good start and a sound one. And anything more than
0% will help out the development efforts of the A11y team.

  (and there, let me turn that question around to you -
 who's us?

Good question. I'll defer to Piñeiro (on holiday today). 

But my opinion is that it would depend on the size of the sums we're
talking about. For now, I'm going to assume bounties or small grants
sufficiently large to convince qualified individuals or entities that
taking on the associated task is worth their while. In which case us
would either be the Foundation or the GNOME A11y team. And in either
case, the {Foundation, A11y Team} would work together with the {A11y
Team, Foundation} to ensure that such a qualified individual or entity
is sought and tasked with the job.


foundation-list mailing list

Opportunity to Contribute to GNOME Accessibility: Orca Performance Improvements

2010-11-01 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi all.

As many of you are aware, GNOME recently received $15,000 for
accessibility work. [1] I have just posted [2] the description of the
first of the two projects: Orca Performance Improvements. In addition, I
have created a new Opportunities page for GNOME A11y. [3] It's
admittedly a bit on the sparse side at the moment, but with luck (and
work and community involvement) that will change. :-)

Take care.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Next Foundation IRC list is on November 3rd!

2010-10-29 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 09:42 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
 Hi GNOME folks,
 Thanks for participating in the GNOME Foundation meeting today.

Oops. :-(

 We had a lot of topics to discuss and did not get to them even though
 we went over 30 minutes! So by common agreement, we are having our
 next meeting next week!
   When: Wednesday, November 3rd, from 14:00 to 15:30 UTC
   Where:, #foundation

I will try better to attend that one. enters it in calendar Speaking
of which

Is there (or are there any plans to create) a subscribe-able calendar
for these meetings? As I'm sure y'all are aware, the Release Team does
this for the GNOME schedule, and I find it infinitely helpful: Thanks to
google calendar, I get email reminders, reminders on my phone, and
pop-up reminders in my browser. And as a result, I don't believe I've
ever forgotten about or missed an RT deadline. :-)

Thanks. Take care.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Speaker Guidelines

2010-06-25 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hey all.

I agree with this:

 I also don't think the ending is appropriate: These guidelines do not
 constitute censorship since you have many other forums and
 opportunities to say whatever you wish.

As a matter of fact, personally I am not jazzed by the entire ending:

Please keep in mind that the GNOME Foundation is not the right
forum to debate whether someone should feel offended or not; you
should simply avoid offending people even if you do not share
their views. These guidelines do not constitute censorship since
you have many other forums and opportunities to say whatever you

It is neither positive nor welcoming to would-be speakers -- and
thus contrasts rather starkly with bullet point 1 under Guidelines.

It also feels like an attempt to preempt a response/reaction, which is
perfectly understandable given the nature of the document. However, it
is the very nature of the people in question to ignore such language.

Were it me, I'd nix that paragraph. If the Board feels it must remain,
I'd suggest that someone come up with something more positive and

Take care.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Speaker Guidelines

2010-06-25 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hey Stormy.

 Perhaps we could replace the above text with something like this:
 If someone in your talk is offended, please try to avoid a
 conversation about whether or not they should be offended. Remember
 our community is very diverse and while we all share a common mission
 to provide a free GNOME desktop to the world, we do not always share
 religions, politics and other views. Focus on the subject of your talk
 and stick to the issues being discussed without making them personal.
 As the speaker, you may have to remind the audience of this. While
 it's hard, do your best to do it in a neutral, non argumentative way.
 Suggest that topics not relevant to GNOME (raised by you or others in
 the audience) be moved to a more appropriate non-GNOME forum. If you
 need help, please contact the GNOME board or GNOME Foundation member.
 But don't worry! These problems do not happen very often - we are just
 trying to help you out if they do. Most audiences are very friendly
 and welcoming of topics about GNOME.
 Please go out and speak about GNOME and enjoy!


Thank you.


foundation-list mailing list

Status update? (was Re: Starting the process for this year's Boston Summit)

2010-06-03 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi John.

A number of us from the a11y community will be attending the AEGIS
Conference in Spain. We're now in the (very early) planning stages of an
associated hackfest [1] and are trying to decide if it should extend
through 9 October. At least for me, the answer depends on what the plans
are for the Boston Summit this year.

Therefore, at the risk of being a noodge, would you happen to have any

Thanks in advance! Take care.


On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 10:25 -0400, John Palmieri wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm going to be starting the process for setting up the Boston Summit.
 That basically means getting the space at MIT and then a budget from
 the board.  Last year we saw an issue with the timing of other GNOME
 related conferences.  This year we have a choice of two dates,
 Columbus day weekend, October 9th-11th or piggyback the weekend after
 the Linux Plumbers conference, November 6th-8th.   
 I'm leaning towards keeping Columbus day weekend because it is easier
 to get rooms, and it reduces confusion by having it at the same time
 every year.
 The reasons for piggybacking the Plumbers conference is that a number
 of our fellow GNOMies will already be in Boston and we might get a few
 stragglers from other parts of the Linux stack to stop by and offer
 their perspective.
 I want to get the foundation members' opinion on this.  Ultimately it
 will be up to the board to make a final decision but I plan to have a
 concrete date by the middle of June if not sooner.
 I hope you are all getting excited to reflect on the work done in the
 past year and plan the future of the GNOME platform.  I hope to see as
 many of you as possible at GUADEC and the Boston Summit this year!
 John (J5) Palmieri
 Software Engineer
 Red Hat, Inc.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Starting the process for this year's Boston Summit

2010-05-19 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi John.

 This year we have a choice of two dates, Columbus day weekend, October
 9th-11th or piggyback the weekend after the Linux Plumbers conference,
 November 6th-8th.   

Put me down in the November column.

 I'm leaning towards keeping Columbus day weekend because it is easier
 to get rooms, and it reduces confusion by having it at the same time
 every year.


 The reasons for piggybacking the Plumbers conference is that a number
 of our fellow GNOMies will already be in Boston and we might get a few
 stragglers from other parts of the Linux stack to stop by and offer
 their perspective.

That would be awesome. 

Another reason is that at least some GNOMies will be in Spain for AEGIS
and coming back on the 9th. Or in the case of those in Europe, coming
here on the 9th. Either way, this literally back-to-back pair of events
is going to be harsh for those of us wanting to attend both.

Take care.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Stormy's Update: Week of April 12, 2010

2010-04-19 Thread Joanmarie Diggs
Hi Stormy.

On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 11:44 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
   * Ran the Desktop track on Friday morning. Many, many thanks to
 Dave Neary and Zonker Brockmeier for helping put it together.
 We had some good sessions and great discussions about web
 applications and the desktop. (Talks about Snowy, KDE web apps
 and Mozilla Weave.) We wanted a controversial panel and we got
 one. I think the whole room shouted through the whole thing
 but I think I kept it enough under control that we got a few
 questions answered. It was exciting if not 100% productive.

Curiosity successfully piqued. :-) Is there a video of this session?

foundation-list mailing list

New member introduction

2010-02-12 Thread Joanmarie Diggs

 The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new members:
  - Bradley M. Kuhn
  - Holger Berndt
  - Jim Evins
  - Joanmarie Diggs
  - Juan Jose Marin Martinez


I'm the second-to-last one. :-)

My DayJob is as an assistive technology specialist with the Carroll
Center for the Blind. Nights, evenings, and weekends for the past almost
four years, I've been one of the developers of the Orca screen reader.
I've also been dabbling in WebKitGtk accessibility lately. :-)

I'm thrilled to be a Foundation member, and really appreciate the
welcome messages I've received from those of you I already know. I
look forward to getting to know the rest of you.

Take care.

foundation-list mailing list