Re: Boston Summit 2013?

2013-05-01 Thread Piñeiro
On 04/30/2013 07:21 PM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 19:03 +0200, Piñeiro wrote:
 What is the point of that long previous paragraph? Sincerely, for me,
 taking into account that we are talking about a small event, just
 starting to move to a different city for the sake of moving is an overkill.
 AFAIU, the idea of doing it in different city is because of last
 incident in Boston.  It is not for the sake of moving it.

FWIW, you are the first one mentioning that reason on the thread.

 And as Benjamin opened the can of Europe is far far away from
 Portland, this is even worse for people living in small cities. In my
 case I assisted the Boston summit twice (2009, 2012). And it was a
 Coruña-Madrid-Boston. In the hypothetical case of repeating this year,
 that extra hop would mean Coruña-Madrid-Amsterdam-Portland or

 But I'm under no illusion that for some that this might be harder to
 get to.  I'm still working the venue and hopefully I'll have something
 by next week.
 Although working for the venue is appreciated, imho, is irrelevant.
 It is relevant.  Without venue or people organizing the event there is
 no event.

Yeah sorry, I didn't chose the proper word *.  And probably it is
complex to use just one word. Rewording my phrase: Although working for
the venue is appreciated, I really think that it would be better to use
that effort (so time) in a different place, because, in my humble
opinion, Portland is not a good option.

And again, sorry if I sounded rude in my previous mail.

Best regards

* In the same way that I were constantly falling on a false friend, 
using 'assist' instead of 'attend'.

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Could a few influential GNOME developers join

2012-01-17 Thread Piñeiro
Just an additional comment

On 01/17/2012 12:40 AM, Ciarán O'Riordan wrote:
 Bastien Nocera wrote:
 Could you go into a bit more details as to how those discussions might
 pertain to GNOME?
 It's a list for general discussion among programmers of GNU packages.
 Past discussions included choice of accessibility technology, autoconf,
 plug-in interface standards  preventing non-free plugins, can someone
 help with XYZ?, pkg-config, making the GNU system more coherent for
 developers, how to use OpenJDK  Classpath...

Sorry, but I still don't understand properly the purpose of this list.

The reason of that comment is this mention of accessibility technology
discussion. I'm subscribed to gnu-accessibility list and I didn't see
any mail about that discussion. So, I assume that although it was a mail
to discuss things about accessibility, on GNU mailing list, for some
reason, was more suitable that
gnu-accessibility. What was that reason?


Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

foundation-list mailing list

Announcing ATK/AT-SPI Hackfest 2012

2011-12-22 Thread Piñeiro

This will come as no surprise to many of you at this point, as we
already talked about it during the weekly accessibility meetings, but
I would like to officially announce that we are having an ATK/AT-SPI2
Hackfest in January. Funnily enough one of the things to debate is if
we should kill or not ATK.

For the new people, ATK is the accessibility toolkit. Right now the
main and more extensive implementation is done on GTK+ (a isolated
module called GAIL on the past), although it is also used in Clutter
(Cally), Java (via the Java Access Wrapper), Unity and others. AT-SPI
is the accessibility service provider interface. Accessibility tools
uses AT-SPI in order to interact with the applications. ATK works as
the common language that target applications uses to expose themselves
to AT-SPI.

This is a follow-up of the ATK/AT-SPI hackfest that we organized on
May (2011). We gathered a lot of information on that hackfest, and
more information since then. We also worked on some aspects of that
conclusion. In the same way some new actors appeared asking new
questions. At may the main questions about the accessibility framework
was how to improve ATK, AT-SPI, the ATK/AT-SPI relationship, and
clarify and simplify the life of any ATK implementation. Now there are
new questions related if the current pair and framework is the more
suitable for our needs. And if the answer is no, how to solve the
situation without totally break current user experience?

Who Should Attend?

  * Developers of applications and toolkits which implement ATK
  * Developers of ATK and AT-SPI
  * Developers of Assistive Technologies which rely upon AT-SPI
  * Developers of testing solutions which rely upon AT-SPI
  * Developers of Technologies used by the current framework, like DBUS

Location: Igalia (A Coruña, Galicia, Spain)
Dates: 18-22 January, 2012

For more information, including the proposed task, pre-event
homework, venue, and associated costs, please see:

  * Live GNOME Hackfest 2012 page :

For the moment the event is sponsored by Igalia (Venue) and the GNOME
Foundation (travel+hotel costs as far as we keep budget wise). Thank
you very much to all the sponsors. If any other company want to fund
this hackfest somehow, please contact me or Joanmarie Digss (and
thanks in advance).

Best regards

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Desktop Summit Planning

2011-12-14 Thread Piñeiro
On 12/14/2011 04:42 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:

 1. To not have a large combined GNOME+KDE event, and to instead have
a smaller Desktop Summit or focused hackfest(s) with a more clear
agenda to work on specific and measurable collaborative tasks.
GUADEC and Akademy would continue as separate events.

FWIW, in Spain we already organized this smaller Desktop Summit,
called Guademy. It was organized on 2007 [7] and 2008 [8] (and in theory
they were successful). As on 2009 Desktop Summit was a combined event,
it was not organized again. So this option is more or less bring it back
Guademy, although with a more wider (non-local-Spanish) approach.

 2. To arrange the Desktop Summit so that it is more of a co-located
event.  The GNOME and KDE events are separate but overlap on
certain days.  For example, GUADEC could happen first and continue
for several days, then a few combined days of Desktop Summit
followed by several days of Akademy.  This setup would likely be
more complicated for bidding, since it would likely require a
more dynamic space to accommodate the shifting needs.

This solution probably would mean that the combined event will be
longer. In my personal opinion, GUADEC is already a really long event.
And not all people can be on all the days of that such long event. This
means that some days, mostly the last ones, GUADEC became a empty event.
It is sad to see how many people attend to some talks during those days.



Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Additional Hackfests - Brno

2011-12-13 Thread Piñeiro
On 11/30/2011 08:26 PM, Brian Cameron wrote:

 Let the board know even if you would like to plan a Hackfest at some
 other location or timeframe.  There are currently no hackfests planned
 after February, so it would be good to start planning for more.  I
 understand the Marketing and a11y teams have been talking about having a
 Hackfest.  Have others?

Sorry, I should have answered this mail before. I thought that it was
just in order to ask accomodation for a hackfest at Brno, but re-reading
your mail you were also asking about other hackfests.

After debating and discarding other options (like co-hosting with
webkitgtk hackfest, and also this Brno option), the current plan for the
a11y hackfest is organizing it at Coruña, tentative (but almost written
in stone) dates are 18-22 of January.

Thanks for your interest.

Best regards


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation budget (Oct 2010-May 2011)

2011-07-05 Thread Piñeiro

On 07/04/2011 05:32 AM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:

Foundation members,

I have uploaded an updated budget for the current fiscal year.  It
includes the our income and expenses from October 2010 to May 2011 and
the expectations from June to September.

You will the information available at:

I noticed that at the real tab, on expenses, it is not listed anything 
related to a11y hackfests.

But we organized a atk hackfest on May, and although we reduced the 
costs as much as possible (food were payed by local LUGS, etc), some 
people asked to the travel committee in order to assist there.

Were those costs assigned to a different month?



Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias (API) (

foundation-list mailing list

Announcing ATK/AT-SPI Hackfest

2011-03-01 Thread Piñeiro

This will come as no surprise to many of you at this point, as we
already talked about it during the weekly accessibility meetings, but
I would like to officially announce that we are having an ATK Hackfest
in May.

For the new people, ATK is the accessibility toolkit. Right now the
main and more extensive implementation is GAIL (GNOME Accessibility
Implementation Library), although it is also used in Clutter (Cally),
Java (via the Java Access Wrapper), and others. AT-SPI is the
accessibility service provider interface. Accessibility tools uses
AT-SPI in order to interact with the applications. ATK works as the
common language that target applications uses to expose themselves to
AT-SPI, so a deep change on ATK would require an update also in
AT-SPI. In the same way, we would like to get a one-to-one relation
between the interfaces on ATK and AT-SPI as much as possible.

Applications and toolkits do not all implement ATK consistently. This
has a negative impact on the assistive technologies ability to provide
a consistent cross-application user experience. Even in applications
and toolkits in which the ATK implementation is complete, the
information obtained from a single event and/or object is not always
sufficient for an AT client to proceed immediately; instead it is
often necessary to perform further queries and make decisions based on
heuristics rather than concrete data. This has a negative impact on
both performance and reliability.

Accessibility team has come to the conclusion that this is time to
improve on ATK no matters if that means an API break. The primary goal
is to take what we have learned from years of ATK/AT-SPI and make
things better for all involved, and create the basis of what ATK 2.0
should be.

Location: Igalia (A Coruña, Galicia, Spain)
Dates: 9-15 May

Who Should Attend?

  * Developers of applications and toolkits which implement ATK
  * Developers of ATK and AT-SPI
  * Developers of Assistive Technologies which rely upon AT-SPI
  * Developers of testing solutions which rely upon AT-SPI

For more information, including the proposed task, pre-event
homework, venue, and associated costs, please see:

  * Live GNOME ATK Hackfest page :;
  * Metabug Towards ATK 2.0 :;
* Feel free to open more bugs on comment on the current ones

For the moment the event is sponsored by Igalia (Venue, part of the
food) and the GNOME Foundation (travel+hotel costs as far as the
current a11y budget allows it). If any other company want to fund this
hackfest somehow, please contact me or Joanmarie Digss (and thanks in

Best regards

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - November 11, 2010

2010-12-17 Thread Piñeiro
From: Cesar Mauri Loba

  Based on the Orca (or even a more general a11y) roadmap, it may be
  possible to get some funding from companies or associations
  in seeing Orca get better (although a lot of the associations seem to
  focussing more on NVDA because it works on Windows).
  Just thought I'd chime in here. I spent a bit of time searching for
  funding to work on Caribou after the ATRC  / IDRC cut funding for my
  position. The feedback I received was a similar story; the potential
  funders seemed only interested in an applications that would serve
  their users who primarily use Windows. Obviously this will be an issue
  when searching for funding for GNOME a11y projects - especially new
  projects that don't have an established group of users like Caribou.
 And what about turning Orca into cross-platform? I would attract funding
 from different sources.

When you mean turn Orca cross-platform I guess that you are thinking
in a cross GNU/Linux-Windows platform, instead of the currrent plan to
turn (in the future) Orca cross-desktop KDE-GNOME.

So now the problems. Take into account that turn Orca cross-platform
is not just be able to compile Orca on Windows. There are more pieces
that it would be required to turn:

  * at-spi: Orca is a screen reader that gets all the information from
at-spi. So at-spi should also be migrated.

  * new bridge: right now, the communication path between the apps and
at-spi is the ATK bridge or the QT bridge. Windows apps doesn't
use ATK, AFAIK, it uses IAccessible2. So a new bridge should be

So, turn cross-platform Orca means turns two modules, and create a new
one. This is a really big amount of work to do. And we enter in a
vicious circle. You proposed that turn in order to get funds. But we
would require a really big amount of funds to get that.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Some notes on GNOME Shell

2010-06-02 Thread Piñeiro
From: Emmanuele Bassi

 It's details like this that make the project look more like OpenOffice
 than a GNOME app (here's the resulting code versus here are the
 plans and the rationale, please discuss).
 what's fundamental is that not everything should be open to discussion.
 sure, if you disagree on the choice of colors in the CSS theme then you
 can discuss it with the UI design team - as long as you avoid
 bike-shedding them to death because that's not nice and all; but if you
 want to discuss the language of choice then you misunderstood how an
 open source project works. the gnome-shell developers decided, and you
 either follow them or you can start writing your own shell in your own

Probably offtopic, sorry, but ...

After read this paragraph, and reading again GS roadmap [1], I
realized that theming are not included in the issues listed on the
accessibility section of this roadmap. Anyway, Willie Walker
identified this as one of the big issues of GS towards GNOME 3.0. [2].

There is any possibility to include theming in the accessibility
issue list ?

As Emmanuele Bassi said, right now there are people with a deep
knowledge on design and usability working on GS, at it would be
awesome if they could be involved here (and it seems that they are
interested [3]).



foundation-list mailing list

Re: Inviting GNOME to participate at an accessibility event

2010-05-19 Thread Piñeiro
From: Stormy Peters

 It would be great to have GNOME a11y work well represented at this

Joanmarie Diggs pointed me this talk before the deadline (when she
told me it was 15th May, now it was extended to 28th May).

I have submitted a talk about Cally/GNOME-Shell, similar to the one I
will have on GUADEC, but more user oriented (although Peter Korn have
suggested that the title require further tuning).


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