Hello Foundation Members.

During the last week of June we announced the call for GUADEC 2013 
proposals [1]. We have received feedback from the community that more 
time is needed. Therefore, in order to ensure we have a great GUADEC 
2013, we are extending the deadline for completed proposals.

Because it has been the Board's experience that face-to-face meetings 
are a valuable part of the proposal evaluation process, we would 
strongly encourage all parties who plan to submit a proposal to meet 
with the Board at GUADEC to present their tentative plans. However, if 
meeting face-to-face is not possible, we will work with you to arrange 
an alternative meeting.

The new deadlines are as follows:

* July 20th: Declaration of intent to propose hosting GUADEC 2013 sent
  to board-l...@gnome.org. In this declaration, please include a 
  statement of your availability to meet with the Board during GUADEC

* September 22nd: Formal, complete proposals for hosting GUADEC 2013
  sent to board-l...@gnome.org.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please let us know either on 
foundation-list@gnome.org or board-l...@gnome.org.

--joanie, on behalf of the Foundation Board

[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/2012-
foundation-list mailing list

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