Re: GC Analyzer Control

2001-07-10 Thread kevin . fitzgerrell


I've seen a variety of implementations, all of which worked well enough,
although differently.

If your process is fast enough that after a controller output change it is
likely to come to a new steady state before the next sample, then you can
tune a continuous PI controller to produce a deadbeat response.

If your process is relatively slow compared to the sample interval +
deadtime, filtering (especially filters that give more weight to the most
recent sample) can be applied to smooth the step changes in GC output.
This increases the phase lag of the sampler but the filtered measurement is
easier to use in control.

Synchronizing the PID control with the sampler output is easy to implement
but can be difficult to tune.  Just connect the fresh sample flag to the MA
parameter (or HOLD parameter) in the PID controller.  This type of control
is convenient in that you can have it just ignore any GC output flagged as
bad without affecting control.

Continuous PID control can be used, however the spikes in manipulated
variable due to derivative action on the step change may be unacceptable in
many applications.  Often very fast stabilization come from using just
enough derivative filter to minimize excessive process disturbance.


Kevin FitzGerrell
Systems Engineer
Foxboro New Zealand

Tel:  +64 (9) 573 7690
Fax:  +64 (9) 573 7691

Loupe, Rory (RJ) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 'Foxboro - Cassandra' 
Sent by: cc:   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: GC Analyzer 
07/10/01 07:34 AM  
Please respond to Foxboro 
DCS Mail List 

I am converting some old Foxboro SMS control schemes to run on I/A.  There
is some code that does validity, rate of change and time-out checking on
some GC data.  If the GC data is good the code does PID control with this
data (in the code itself, not through a PID block).  The analyzer has a
cycle time of 15 minutes and sets a boolean flag true for 60 seconds on a
fresh update.

I am trying to determine if I should stick with code from the SMS and
convert it to HLBL or use standard I/A blocks to accomplish the same thing.
My idea for I/A is to do validity, rate of change and time-out checking via
a CALC block.  Do the pid control via a PIDA block and on invalid GC data
put the block in manual and alarm.  Part of the problem with this approach
is tuning the PIDA block.  I have done an extensive step test and have come
up with tuning parameters (with a large reset time).  The testing of this
PIDA seems to be doing a good job, but the GC update time has me concerned
about timing issues.

Could someone suggest a solution to GC control on I/A?


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RE: GC Analyzer Control

2001-07-10 Thread Rick Rys

Technically, you should get superior performance by using a Sampled Data
PID Controller rather than a fixed scan PID. i.e. enabling the PID
execution only upon receipt of a new analyzer (maybe a GC) update. This is
the SPLCOP option in the PIDA. One item you did not mention that has a big
impact on the control effectiveness is the analyzer delay time.  I.e. when
the analyzer is giving a new update, how old is this data?  In a GC this
would be the time to transport the sample from the process to the analyzer
plus the time for the analyzer to complete it's result and set the sample
ready timer to on (elution time of the applicable component peaks for a GC).
Also the use of inferred property control (like analyzer to temperature
cascade for distillation for example) can be effective to catch upsets that
are fast relative to the analysis frequency mitigating the need for
improving the analyzer PID loop.  In this case the temperature PID loop
essentially handles the upset. The PIDTAU option (deadtime compensation)
might be considered in conjunction with the SPLCOP option to better handle
the sample delay. Prior to the PIDA feature we would typically just run a
fixed scan PID but filter the measurement with 2 lags in series (set for
about .2 and .5 times the sample interval in minutes). This, in conjuntion
with signal validity logic, was typically satisfactory, but not technically
optimal.  Some multivariable controllers (I think that PCL Connoisseur does
this, and I know that BOSS blending can do this) can make a similar
synchronization and PCL control technology inherently compensates for the
sample delays.  Few of these tricks would substitute for a well designed
fast sample loop, and a fast responding analyzer technology.  My vote is to
implement this in the PIDA rather than sequence blocks or programs as it
will be simpler and easy to maintain.  The validity logic for holding the
PID and alamring might include frozen signal and provisions to
automatically detect analyzer maintenance like calibration in case the
operator did not take the precaution of putting the loop into manual first.

Rick Rys

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RE: Synchronization (was RE: HLBL REF.)

2001-07-10 Thread Stear, Bo

Other tools to check synchronization of all the pertinent data files can be obtained 
and aren't mentioned here.  When installed, check_db_sync and ck_multi_cps in the 
directory check_sync located in /opt/fox/bin/tools will give you a warm and fuzzy 
feeling when it successfully reports databases are synchronized.  These tools are a 
part of the (now partially defunct) 'bootless upgrade' feature.  I run these once a 
week and have discovered problems long before they cause real trouble.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 7:29 PM
To: Foxboro DCS Mail List
Subject: Synchronization (was RE: HLBL REF.)


It is critical that the CSA database, the station volume workfile and the
checkpoint file stay synchronized.  Because parameters are constantly
changing on the CP, it is normal that the setable parameters in the CP will
not match the other files, although the non-settable parameters must match.

There are several things that can cause a problem between CP, CSA, station
workfile and checkpoint file.  Some of these include:
1) Power failure or system reboot during ICC session
2) Improper exit from ICC
3) Tape restore
4) setpars
5) CSA tools
6) ICC use with severe station overloading
Other causes probably exist.  Corruption of CSA, work file or checkpoint
file is possible too.  Of the list above, #1 is the one I have seen most
often.  Typically, an ICC session is left open and is still open when the
computer or xterminal it is running on is rebooted (before checkpoint).
Tape restore of an AP or AW is a tricky one.  If changes have been made in
ICC since the tape you are restoring from was made, and if no current
SaveAlls exist, you will probably need to restore from tape, reboot the CP
(to checkpoint file from tape) and re-create the changes in ICC made after
the tape.

A couple of items that may not be obvious:
1) Upload only updates settable parameters from CP to workfile.  Assumption
probably is that non-settable parameters shouldn't need to be updated from
2) A SaveAll is not made from the CP but from the workfile.  If setpars is
used to change a non-settable parameter on the CP, a SaveAll won't reflect
that change even after an upload.

Tools are available for troubleshooting mismatches:
Select views parameters in CP.
iccprt views parameters in workfile.
dbvu views parameters in checkpoint file (-t option, needs checkpoint file,
map file and image file).
CSA_save exports an ascii copy of the CSA database.


Kevin FitzGerrell
Systems Engineer
Foxboro New Zealand

Tel:  +64 (9) 573 7690
Fax:  +64 (9) 573 7691

Corey R Clingo 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: Foxboro DCS Mail List 
Sent by: cc:   
07/10/01 11:17 AM  
Please respond to Foxboro 
DCS Mail List 

OK, you've gone and confused me now (don't get the big head; it's not that
to do ;-).

I am kind of new to I/A, and this whole checkpoint/workfile/CP's memory
has me asking a lot of questions, to say the least.  I had thought that the
checkpoint at least was a direct copy of the CP's memory, but from what you
below this is not the case.  (Emotional state on discovering this

Sois there anything else supplied by Foxvensys that can make changes to