Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: customvariant handling in variants.pp and fmtbcd.pp

2011-04-15 Thread LacaK

Could I ask why is there needed VarDataInit ? (only for my interest ;-))

A good question. Formally it is not needed, but in general 
initializing variables before use remains a good idea. Here the 
TVarData is passed to VarDataCastTo, and after initializing we can be 
sure that VarDataCastTo won't find garbage in remaining 4 bytes of 
structure if it accesses them for whatever reason.

Thanks for explain


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Announcement: Free Pascal CompilerDelphi XEPortProject (type override idea)

2011-04-15 Thread Skybuck Flying

- Original Message - 
From: Hans-Peter Diettrich

To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Thursday, 14 April, 2011 15:12 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Announcement: Free Pascal CompilerDelphi 

Skybuck Flying schrieb:

Anyway if somebody could take a look at all of this and make some sense 
of it that would be great/nice, saves me some time and could clear some 
confusion (?) ;)

Before looking at your code, I'd know the role that your project plays at 
all. Is it only about making the FPC code compilable by Delphi, as the 
first stage in the FPC bootstrap?


Plan is as follows:

1. Compile free pascal compiler sources without free pascal rtl and instead 
use a bootstrapping rtl.

The bootstrapping rtl is a mix of Delphi's own RTL (which is implicitly 
present and doesn't require any additional files/sources) and any RTL 
inconsistencies/extensions placed in my own mini extension RTL which is 
currently simply called unit_skybuck_types.pas LOL.

2. Once free pascal compiler is compiled towards an executable by Delphi it 
should then be possible to compile Free Pascal's own RTL with Free Pascal.

An alternative idea could be to start working on compiling the Free Pascal 
RTL with Delphi as well.

This would be possible by renaming all conflicting files, so at least no 
unit name conflicts like system.pas.

However if this would work is doubtfull because of potential type 
conflicts but perhaps Delphi allows types to be overriden or redeclared 
or overloaded.

That in itself could actually be an interesting language feature/extension. 
(I shall post this idea later on on usenet as well)

Such a language feature would be nice to solve unit type conflicts, for 
example some unit defined TSomething and now another unit wants to define 
TSomething as well, however because the unit scope is in affect this is not 
an issue...

For other units it's also not an issue because they could simply write: 
unit1.TSomething and unit2.TSomething however that does require putting the 
unit name in front of it.

Perhaps a type override could specify which TSomething to prevail for 


   TSomething = unit2.TSomething; override;

Then in the rest of the unit TSomething from unit2 would be used without 
having to write Unit2.TSomething all the time.

It could also have written the following:
   TSomething = SomethingElse; override;

This will override the type from unit1 and unit2 so that unit3 can use that 
namespace/type for itself.

3. Once the RTL is compiled use the original RTL sources and/or RTL binaries 
to recompile the free pascal compiler so it's fully self-hosting and 


(I am a little bit exciting about this potential new language feature so I 
am cutting this short, but this is basically the plan ;) =D).

In this case it would be easier to use an older Delphi commandline 
compiler, from the time before the Ansi-To-Unicode move, or simply an

I don't do command line compiling, I hate it, working with the command line 
is freaking slow.

I don't think ansi will be much of a problem, it's kinda cool to have a 
unicode compiler...

Perhaps it will be the first in the world, or perhaps not... who knows (for 
real lol) ?

legacy FPC. You also could try to make the FPC sources compile by gcc -

The whole idea is to not require FPC to do any development, all development 
done on/in Delphi IDE and then final stage compile with FPC for 

GNU Compilers are slow, furthermore they are not object-oriented as far as I 
know/last time I checked so they totally out-of-the-question.

The least I would want is record with properties support, not yet sure if 
Free Pascal has that record-language-feature but if not then Tobject could 
be used for that.

And thus oo needed.

Furthermore class support is nice.

but I'd delay any such attempts to the time, when there doesn't exist any 
immediately applicable compiler any more.

Let me know if there is a pascal to c converter or object pascal to c 
converter or object/pascal to cuda/opencl/glsl/cg converter because as 
far as I know it don't exist or it's really shitty (delphi to c converter).

In other words the time for me has already come to attempt it ;) =D and thus 
this project came to be ! ;) =D and ofcourse it will be most handy for the 

And now I go post that language/type override idea ;)


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Android native application with local webserver

2011-04-15 Thread Michael Schnell

On 04/14/2011 05:12 PM, Dariusz Mazur wrote:
 I've implement message queue (like in Windows), also VCL/LCL  style 
communication with widgets. TThread.synchronize was reimplement, 
because there is many Main thread - per each session. All enough to 
use the same source do build desktop and web application.

Would it not make sense to make this a new LCL Widget Set ?

server work in own thread, each request in own, each session (whole 
application for one user) in own
communication between request thread and session threads are done 
via FIFO queue
So the Server is the Main Thread, 

No , I mean this is main thread of listen socket

Sorry I can't follow you here :-( .

which is supposed to do most of the Office Logic work, 
office logic and changes in used widgets (controls)  is done in 
session thread, and when computing if finished,  request thread 
prepare response, based on new state of visible widgets, there are 
mutexes, to coordinate flow between this two threads.
Is this invisible to the application programmer, so that (s)he sees just 
one thread with no need to synchronization ?

including handling the TTimer events. IMHO, it's not a good idea top 
do the Office Logic stuff directly in the threads that are fired by 
the single requests, as this will ask for huge problems with mutual 
access of commonly used data, which the user does not really want to 
handle with a great count of CriticalSections or similar 
synchronization stuff. I feel that it would be good to have the 
requests transformed to main Thread Events, so that a normal (= 
not  thread aware) user is able to do the programming seeing only a 
single thread.
In my attempt single session (like desktop application) work in own 
thread. In session can be use inner threads, events, modal windows 
etc. similar like in desktop.

Sorry I can't follow you here :-( .

I don't think so
But when browser send request, server don't response at now, only 
wait 30s and then (if its nothing to respond) send message to 
browser with order to repeat request.
OK. If the program works only on request and the java code does a 
long sleep, the CPU use will be decently low. But of course this will 
not provide a very agile experience to the user.
Why. When server want to push to browser response earlier (response 
took less than 200ms including ping), when browser (user) want  ask, 
then send new request, no one wait

Sorry I can't follow you here :-( .  (Julian, can you help ?)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] helper feature finished

2011-04-15 Thread Sven Barth

Am 14.04.2011 22:29, schrieb Florian Klämpfl:

Am 13.04.2011 12:11, schrieb Sven Barth:

Am 12.04.2011 21:41, schrieb Sven Barth:

The latter change is not yet commited (I will do that tomorrow), but the
implementation of the flag and the removing of current_syssym are
already commited.


Looks good to me now. So imo it can be merged.

Jippieh :D

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Announcement: Free Pascal CompilerDelphi XEPortProject (type override idea)

2011-04-15 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

Skybuck Flying schrieb:

Before looking at your code, I'd know the role that your project plays 
at all. Is it only about making the FPC code compilable by Delphi, as 
the first stage in the FPC bootstrap?


Okay, so far.

3. Once the RTL is compiled use the original RTL sources and/or RTL 
binaries to recompile the free pascal compiler so it's fully 
self-hosting and self-compiling.

This can be accomplished already, without any modifications to the FPC 
code, by using FPC instead of an Delphi compiler.

The whole idea is to not require FPC to do any development, all 
development done on/in Delphi IDE and then final stage compile with FPC 
for non-supported-delphi-platforms.

Development can be done in whatever IDE you like. This is absolutely 
independent from the compilation and linking of the developed code.

When you want to use FPC as an alternative compiler for Delphi, then 
you'll have to make it output binaries in a way that the Delphi linker 
can use. In order to make use of further targets, as already supported 
by FPC but not by Delphi, you'll have to update the Delphi RTL 
accordingly, and you must add linkers, debuggers etc. for all these 
targets. Here the Delphi license gets into the way, so that you'll have 
to implement a new Delphi-compatible RTL from scratch.

This suggests to me that your approach means much work without any 
practical use, you better create that RTL first, so that it can be used 
already in the compilation of FPC itself.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Announcement: Free Pascal CompilerDelphi XEPortProject (type override idea)

2011-04-15 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Hans-Peter Diettrich said:
 Development can be done in whatever IDE you like. This is absolutely 
 independent from the compilation and linking of the developed code.
 When you want to use FPC as an alternative compiler for Delphi, then 
 you'll have to make it output binaries in a way that the Delphi linker 
 can use. In order to make use of further targets, as already supported 
 by FPC but not by Delphi, you'll have to update the Delphi RTL 
 accordingly, and you must add linkers, debuggers etc. for all these 
 targets. Here the Delphi license gets into the way, so that you'll have 
 to implement a new Delphi-compatible RTL from scratch.
 This suggests to me that your approach means much work without any 
 practical use, you better create that RTL first, so that it can be used 
 already in the compilation of FPC itself.

IMHO you'll describing problems he'll never reach. After he gets a Delphi
compiled FPC, he still needs to make the resulting product _work_. 

If I understood it correctly, this (making the Delphi compiled FPC work
stable enough) was the problem with earlier attempts, and the unicode
version won't make it any easier.

It could be bugs in Delphi, it could be bugs or assumptions in the FPC code
that only surface with Delphi, but either way, this has to be examined, and
that is way more difficult then cobbling up a bit of replacement code here
and there for places that Delphi can't yet compile.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Announcement: Free Pascal CompilerDelphi XEPortProject (type override idea)

2011-04-15 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

Marco van de Voort schrieb:

When you want to use FPC as an alternative compiler for Delphi, then 
you'll have to make it output binaries in a way that the Delphi linker 
can use. In order to make use of further targets, as already supported 
by FPC but not by Delphi, you'll have to update the Delphi RTL 
accordingly, and you must add linkers, debuggers etc. for all these 
targets. Here the Delphi license gets into the way, so that you'll have 
to implement a new Delphi-compatible RTL from scratch.

This suggests to me that your approach means much work without any 
practical use, you better create that RTL first, so that it can be used 
already in the compilation of FPC itself.

IMHO you'll describing problems he'll never reach. After he gets a Delphi
compiled FPC, he still needs to make the resulting product _work_.

That's exactly my impression, as outlined before. It may be easier to 
start a project from the easy side, but chances are high that it will 
never reach the goal, when the difficulties increase with every futher step.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Can't build FPC what can be a reason?

2011-04-15 Thread Paul Ishenin

13.04.2011 8:12, Paul Ishenin wrote:

make clean all OPT=-g -gl -gw -godwarfsets

I do it also on Windows 7/win32.

I tried both 2.4.4 and 2.5.1 as the starting compiler.

this compiles: make clean all
this does not: make clean all OPT=-gwl

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Announcement: Free Pascal CompilerDelphi XEPortProject (type override idea)

2011-04-15 Thread Matt Emson

On 14/04/2011 15:10, Skybuck Flying wrote:

Anyway if somebody could take a look at all of this and make some 
sense of it that would be great/nice, saves me some time and could 
clear some confusion (?) ;)

Before looking at your code, I'd know the role that your project 
plays at all. Is it only about making the FPC code compilable by 
Delphi, as the first stage in the FPC bootstrap?

Skybuck Flying schrieb:


Plan is as follows:


2. Once free pascal compiler is compiled towards an executable by 
Delphi it should then be possible to compile Free Pascal's own RTL 
with Free Pascal.

Why? Free Pascal already compiles its own RTL - why do you need to do 
this? What advantage would there be in tying FreePascal to a Windows 
only compiler, when it is already cross platform - the RTL already 
compiling on multiple platforms?

An alternative idea could be to start working on compiling the Free 
Pascal RTL with Delphi as well.

Why? What advantage would this have? The FreePascal RTL is not radically 
different from Delphi in many ways, so what advantage would this give? 
And we are not talking about GUI here at all - we are talking about 
fundamental types and such. GUI is a completely different subject, as 
the toolkits API would be built with the basic building blocks for each 

3. Once the RTL is compiled use the original RTL sources and/or RTL 
binaries to recompile the free pascal compiler so it's fully 
self-hosting and self-compiling.

 It already is. Am I missing something here?

legacy FPC. You also could try to make the FPC sources compile by gcc -

The whole idea is to not require FPC to do any development, all 
development done on/in Delphi IDE and then final stage compile with 
FPC for non-supported-delphi-platforms.

There was a Delphi IDE plug-in that did this - would that just not be, 
you know, simpler?

GNU Compilers are slow, furthermore they are not object-oriented as 
far as I know/last time I checked so they totally out-of-the-question.

What does that have to do with anything? The compiler being OO has 
nothing to do with the capability of the compiler to compile OO code.

Honestly, even the explanation isn't making what you are trying to do 
make any more sense than it did before you started. So, can you please 
explain exactly what you are doing - without digressing and assuming we 
already understand? Because, really, I don't think we really do - at 
least not all of us ;-)

fpc-devel maillist  -