Op zo 30 mei 2021 10:44 schreef Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-devel <>:

> On Sun, 30 May 2021, Marco van de Voort via fpc-devel wrote:
> > Before the 3.2.2 release I looked into mantis 0038496 and now I come
> > back to it.
> >
> > I noticed that custom variants are completely undocumented, is this know
> > (IOW should I file a bug?).
> Please do. I am aware of this issue, but it always falls between the other
> issues. If you happen to have some sample programs (however small) I can
> use to document this, please attach them to the issue.
> I know that Synopse makes heavy use of the customvariant (I believe their
> JSON document it a customvariant), maybe it can be a source of inspiration.
> Michael.
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