Re: [fpc-devel] indexed property with default value for param?

2009-06-11 Thread Martin Friebe

Daniël Mantione wrote:

Op Thu, 11 Jun 2009, schreef Michael Van Canneyt:

On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Jonas Maebe wrote:
I would think it is a natural extension of procedural overloading ?

It's not that simple. Properties can be both hidden variable access as 
well as procedure access. Variable overloading is not allowed, because 
it causes a lot of issues, i.e.:

var a:word;

  writeln(a); {what does this mean??}

Property overloading gets you the same issues, i.e. in the example 
above you could replace both variables with properties and answer the 
same question.

Considering this, I do not think it can considered a logical extension 
of procedure overloading.

Good point.

However the example above (even so you use the setter [assign to the 
property] instead of reading), is the same as overloading *functions* by 
You can not overload functions by result; still you can overload them by 

So consistency of overloading functions is *not* defined by being able 
to use every bit of information on the function for the overloading; but 
only selected (the parameters passed to the function).

On properties this question was about the index given to a property 
(number and type of indexes). I do agree, it can not be about the type 
of the property itself.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] indexed property with default value for param?

2009-06-11 Thread Martin Friebe

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Wed, 10 Jun 2009, Martin wrote:

However the follwing Syntax compiles fine:
function GetFoo(Bar: integer; XY: Boolean = True): Integer;
property Foo[Bar: integer; XY: Boolean] read GetFoo;
a := Object.Foo[1];

Is that supposed to work?

No, it is not. It is a compiler bug. Could you please create a bug 


However it would be nice to have a feature like

   property Foo[Index: Integer]: Integer  write SetFoo  read GetFoo;
   property Foo[Index: Integer; Ask: Boolean]: Integer  write 
SetFooAsk   read GetFooAsk;

The must have different Method Names, because the Setters(write SetFoo) 
last argument is the Value, so it' can not have a optional Ask element:
 procedure WrongSetFoo(Index: Integer; Ask: Boolean= True; AValue: 
But with different Setter/Getters that would not be a problem. In fact 
they can have the same name, if they are overloaded.

Any idea if such a feature would have a chance?

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] local "class of" error?

2009-06-02 Thread Martin Friebe

Not sure if this is intended, or just a wrong assumptions by the parser?

Procedure foo;
 TSomeClass = Class of TSome;
gives the error:  Error: Local class definitions are not allowed

But there is no Class declaration. (Not sure what you call "class of") 
TSome is declared elsewhere already.

Hence my question:
Is this intended to give an error? (or does the parser just see class 
and makes the assumption a new class will be declared?)

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi smart-linking perspective ( Language change and implementation ... )

2009-06-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Marc Weustink wrote:

Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Florian Klaempfl said:
Also note that WPO can do little about published methods (since 
it must assume that these can all be called via RTTI).

Maybe the IDE can feedback some info about used classes and methods?
In time, a pascal analyser would be a good thing to have. I think 
of smartlinking is more something for an analyzer than the compiler 

(though the compiler could generate certain datafiles obviously).

This won't help lazarus. For lazarus, also the contents of the lfms is

Yeah, I got it when I saw Jonas' reply. The IDE could list all visual
components in forms in a file and hand it to the compiler. And a 

list could allow additional streaming types (for users code)

All components are already sortof reported :)
In order to get streamed, each component must have a member variable 
in the owning form.
However what is needed is a list of properties touched in the lfm 
(setting control.caption or control.font.color for instance).

Unfortunately, thanks to RTTI this isn't enough.

Because any published property can be changed to any value, even:
- if it is not referred in the code
- if it is not in any LFM
The code could read some kind of .ini file (or worse ask the user to 
input a property name and value (ouch)) and use RTTI to find and set the 

As a result, any code that can be triggered by a puplished property must 
be included.

This means:
- drag and dock manager (since they are enabled by setting a boolean 

- probably a lot of image code
- many others

The only way round this, is to break compatibility with the VCL. If 
drag/dock (just a random picked example) were components, that must be 
put on the form or otherwise can not be used, then they would not need 
to be included.

With graphics a lot of image-format readers are registered, if the unit 
is used. Again the issue is to find if they could be used in some 
automated way...


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] bug in 2.3.1 with -O2 -Os

2009-04-13 Thread Martin Friebe

Just want to draw attention to

I don't know any more than is said in the report (the problem still 
exists, despite it being closed). Maybe some one has any idea about it.

Feel free to reopen and move the issue to the fpc section of mantis.

Best regards
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] virtual methods and smart-linking?

2009-04-09 Thread Martin Friebe

Just a question. Can smart linking detect and remove unused virtual methods?

I did a few tests and it seems it does not remove them. If I understand 
it correctly, then this could be because virtual methods are nver 
directly linked (they go via the VMT) so the linker would not know?

Best Regards
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] unit imm.pp on windows

2009-02-19 Thread Martin Friebe


does anyone know if a unit imm.pp (see below) was ever part of FPC?
(See )

If it was, what was the reason for it's removal?


head of imm.pp:

This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
Copyright (c) 2005 by the Free Pascal development team
Header translation by Alexey Barkovoy for Free Pascal Platform

Input Method Manager definitions

See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
for details about the copyright.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


(*  imm.h - Input Method Manager definitions  *)
(*  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. *)

{$mode objfpc}


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] valgrind, parsing sym from exe

2009-01-28 Thread Martin Friebe


I am trying to use Valgrind on a executable build with fpc. I get the 
following error (the error was while using callgrind, with verbose output)

==18293== Reading syms from /data/OTHER/laz_trnc/lazarus (0x8048000)
@@ unlikely looking definition in unparsed remains ";"

@@ expected ',' at struct TYPE (remains="PCHAR:t166=*180")
@@ parsing 
gave NULL type 

--18293-- INTERNAL ERROR: Valgrind received a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - exiting
--18293-- si_code=0xC Fault EIP: 0xB8060318 (); Faulting address: 0x0

Are there any known restrictions?

- I am using the fpc 22 fixes branch (checked out today)
- compile with either "-g -gv" or "-gs -gv"  (same error in both cases)

- The application I am trying to run under valgrind is lazarus, but as 
for reading the symbol tables from the file, that shouldn't matter?

- Ah yes, and the OS is FreeBSD (whic may be part of the problem...)
- valgrind identifies itself as 2.1.2.cvs (I had to go for the cvs 
version or it wouldn't start at all)

Any idea if there are fixes in later versions of  FPC? Or other compiler 

Thanks for any feedback

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] units not getting rebuild after changes in other used ("uses") units

2009-01-21 Thread Martin Friebe


I encountered a strange problem. I am not yet sure what causes it, but I 
have a suspicion. Before I go all the way, of trying to prove the cause, 
and report it as a bug, let nme ask here if it may already be a knonw 
issue, or maybe is by design.

Normally if I change a unit (e.g. changes to the inteface of "unit 
Nested"), and then compile my project, fpc will recompile all other 
units that have a "uses Nested;" (new ppu files, new .o files)

In my case for some reason this does not happen, and all I get is an 
error from the linker at the very end: "Error: Undefined symbol: 
Btw, anyone, is there a way to make the linker tell me which file is 
requiring this symbol?

Anyway, this means some unit was compiled using the other unit declaring 
the symbol. Then when the symbol was removed, the unit was not recompiled.
The package containing it was rebuild, so it must have been fpc 
believing that the file and all dependencies where unchanged; even so 
dependencies had changed)

I have a suspicion why FPC may not see the change in the underlying unit.

- TSYNEDITMARK is defined in "unit SynEditMarks"

- "unit SynEdit" has a forward declaration (in it's interface)
 that is "unit SynEdit" uses SynEditMarks, and then has a "type 

- Whatever unit causes the error, hust uses "Unit SynEdit", but not 
"unit SynEditMarks"

Should such a case be detected?

Best Regards/Thanks

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Multithreading wait for

2008-12-03 Thread Martin Friebe

Mattias Gärtner wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a high performance 'wait-for'.

The situation:
There are m threads working in parallel on n chunks of work (n>=m).
The n chunks are indexed 0..n-1.
Sometimes one thread needs the result of some of the lower indexed chunks. For
example the chunk number 5 needs chunks 0..2.
So I have a function WaitForIndex(LowerIndex: integer) which should wait until
all chunks with less or equal to LowerIndex have finished.

My current approach is this:
EnterCriticalSection (try..finally)
Check if all lower chunks have finished, if yes then exit

And each time a thread has finished a chunk, it wakes all corresponding threads.

The problem is the gap between LeaveCriticalSection and RTLeventWaitFor. During
this time the other threads may finish. So there is no one left to wake up the
waiting thread.

Moving the RTLeventWaitFor into the CritialSection creates a deadlock.
I can use the timeout of RTLeventWaitFor and check in intervals, but
criticalsections and low response times don't fit together.


"high performance 'wait-for'. "
First think that came to mind was Spin-Locks, so you never enter a wait 
state. But that only works, if you know you will never have to wait for 

Another possibility is a set of Semaphores. Each thread needs one 
semaphore. You can use zero wait on all semaphores of "lower" threads. 
Each thread sets it sem to 1 while working and to zero once finished.

You can reverse the logic: 0 eq thread is busy,  1 (via increment, not 
via set-value) means thread is done. Then the waitng thread tries to 
decrement all semaphores

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Call initialisation of library automatically in unit-initialization?

2008-12-03 Thread Martin Friebe

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

Op woensdag 03-12-2008 om 13:09 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Michael
Van Canneyt:

On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

When you use the MySQL client, you have to call myslq_library_init to
initialise the library, and mysql_library_end to de-initialize it again.

When the library is dynamically loaded using mysqlXXdyn.pp, shall I call
these functions automatically? Or should we leave it to the programmer?
(I'm in favour of doing it automatically)

Are there any options to these calls ?

If there are, it is a no, I think ?

Didn't thought about that. And yes, there are options. They are in
practice only used with the embedded-mysql version. And iven in that
case I guess they are rarely used: 

So, what to do?

There is another option. You can keep track if the user called it. If 
the user did not call it, but any other function is called, then call it 

procedure MaybeCallInit;
 if InitCalled then exit;
 DoCallInit(0, nil, nil);
 InitCalled := True;

Well it will be more complex, as if this is in a multi threaded 
environment you have to keep track for each Thread. That is unless the 
library is loaded and initialized before any threads are spawned...

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Also it would be nice (so I do not know how) not to have to
duplicate code, in order to archive this. Something like generics,

The goal of RTLString is to avoid duplicate code in the RTL.

Yes I acknowledged that this would be a problem. And also RTLString
has the benefit, of allowing unicode fpc to be available far earlier
than it would otherwise.

The question remains, could it then be extended/optimized? Maybe a 
generic like template (for functions, instead of objects)? Which

needs to be written only once, and the will be specialized for each
string type?

I wonder, how many are there that really need this?

Can you estimate?

You mean how many rttl functions would benefit. I do not know. But I do 
think it's the wrong question.
In order to do it you would want something like function-templates 
(generics equivalent for functions).

I do not believe such a template system would be developped for the sole 
purpose of doing the above rtl work.

If however such a template system would be implemented anyway (because 
it would benefit everyone in the same way generics do (actually I never 
checked: can generics do simple functions or only classes?)),  so if it 
was there, then why not use it for the rtl too? In such a scenario does 
it matter if you optimize 5 or 5000 functions?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Point taken.

And point also taken that it's not a solution to to a "half job", 
meaning overload only methods based on parameters, but not results. This 
would be a false pretence, ending people n a believe they do the right 
thing where they do not.

Another idea:
The programmer should be able to set himself what RTLString means, (with 
the default being the OS depended). It isn't really a nice solution 
though. But I throw it into the discussion anyway.

Otherwise I''ll have to see, If I can come up with something else.

Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 01 Dec 2008, at 22:33, Martin Friebe wrote:
I suggested to have a rtl, that has overloaded functions for each 
string type.

of course that sounds easier than in fact it will be.

Florian pointed out a few issues, like overloading by result is not 
possible (yet?).
No, it is fundamentally impossible. First of all, because a Pascal 
compiler does not look at how the result of an expression is used 
while parsing the expression (so while evaluating a function call, the 
compiler has no idea what the "expected" result type is). That's 
simply how Pascal works.

And how could the compiler decide what to call here:

function f: longint;

function f: string;


There are an immense amount of similar examples possible (and if you 
add operator overloading in the mix, it increases exponentially), and 
you'd get a huge amount of "can't decide which overloaded function to 
call" errors even if the compiler were hacked to take the use of the 
function results into account.

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Martin Friebe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I suggested to have a rtl, that has overloaded functions for each string
of course that sounds easier than in fact it will be.

This is about the same as having all string routines in 3 flavours:
RTLString, utf-8 and utf-16
If you have a function overloaded in utf6 and utf16, then You will not 
need to have it in RTLString. RTLString will be equal to either of the 2?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Mattias Gaertner said:

Florian Klaempfl wrote:
My opinion is that it should be the programmers choice. I a
programmer wants or needs a simpler way (keeping all the strings in
is application in one format, which will be known to him) then he/she
should have that choice. And then on this type the person could
perform any index or index-like operation.

About: keeping all the strings in is application in one format, which will be 
known to him

This is not possible, since you don't control OS + headers. Most stuff will
come from the outside in the system encoding. 

This way you can do the whole app in the system encoding, and only face
conversions when outputing to the GUI, which is (relatively) infinitely slow
I never needed an argument for the introduction of RTLString. It's a 
great idea. It allows a programmer at hi/her choice to make applications 
much more portable.
Even so, in fact it is not new. You could always just have introduced 
your own type, and set it OS depended with a few IFDEFs

I argue against a RTL that *only* provides a RTLString interface. 
Instead of various overloaded methods (see other mails, for which set of 
functions/methods this actually makes sense).

I have however so far got good arguments for starting with  RTLString 

- a solution with many overloads would defer release
- overloads (currently) lead to code duplication (so that needs to be 
solved first)

- overloads are not possible based on function results

But on the long term (fpc 2.6 or maybe 2.8) surely those issues can be 
overcome (if wanted)?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Florian Klaempfl

I assume that the new variable encoding type would be used for all
unicode routines, am I right?

No, it will be RTLString which type depends on the OS.

The more I think about it the more I like this solution. I think it's
better then the previous idea of a string with encode information
inside it.
That I agree with. A string with encode information in it (I read that 
as a type-data field at runtime ) is not good (IMHO)

Best Regards
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 15:06:45 +
Martin Friebe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

That would mean that in order to avoid conversation, some functions
of the RTL would be needed in overloaded versions for each string
type. IMHO this applies only to those, which do not (or not always)
make calls to the OS. Any other function does the conversation
anyway. (It will be a case by case base)

Sorry, I can't follow here.
Please enlighten me, why an overloaded function with an internal
conversion is better than an implicit conversion?
I made a difference between rtl function which will call OS functions 
(the one that would need to internally convert the format) and those 
that do not make OS calls (or do not always make them)

Yes I agree, and said so before: If a rtl function is going to pass on 
the data to the OS, and conversation is always needed, then no 
overloading is needed. Use RTLString.

If an function does not use the OS (e.g extract file-path or name) then 
no internal conversion is needed. Therefore overloaded functions would 
give benefit to some programmers. (to name one group: most beginners, 
who have more than enough to worry about; and will be glad if strings 
are kept simple to use ( a fixed known type, not a type that looks 
somehow abstract, because you do not know its implementation at the time 
you write your code)

Also it would be nice (so I do not know how) not to have to duplicate 
code, in order to archive this. Something like generics, maybe.

The goal of RTLString is to avoid duplicate code in the RTL.
Yes I acknowledged that this would be a problem. And also RTLString has 
the benefit, of allowing unicode fpc to be available far earlier than it 
would otherwise.

The question remains, could it then be extended/optimized? Maybe a 
generic like template (for functions, instead of objects)? Which needs 
to be written only once, and the will be specialized for each string type?

Best Regards
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Martin Friebe escreveu:

All the code
 Widestring := RtlFunction;
 Utf8string := RtlFunction;
will run, it may just perform badly.

Yes and no.

Let's assume the platforms windows and unix having UnicodeString 
(UTF-16) and UTF8String as native types respectively.

You choose to use UnicodeString type in your app.

Using the rtlstring approach you get:

Under windows: the native string type of platform is the same as you 
are using no conversion is taken. Good.
Under unix: the native string type of platform is NOT the same as you 
are using ONE conversion is taken. Bad.

Now let's assume that fpc team decided to use a fixed unicode encoding 
for the RTL. Let's say a UnicodeString RTL.

You choose to use UnicodeString type in your app.
I never suggested the RTL to be in a fixed encoding. I fully agree that 
this would be far worse.

I suggested to have a rtl, that has overloaded functions for each string 

of course that sounds easier than in fact it will be.

Florian pointed out a few issues, like overloading by result is not 
possible (yet?). And code duplication would be a maintenance hell.
But those limits can be overcome. Maybe not in full for the first 
Unicode fpc release.

I can see that in order to get at least something (and in a way forward 
compatible) to all the waiting users of fpc, the RTLString solution is a 
good solution (or compromise: full function, limited optimization).

The functions that can be overloaded with what fpc already has, could be 
written for the various types. Maybe a template system for plain 
functions (like generics for objects) could be found? So code would not 
be duplicated.
Maybe fpc could be extended to allow overloading by result? (sure that 
has other uses too?)

It's just a suggestion.

Best Regards
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Martin Friebe said:
Of course they are still there, to be used in the few parts of your 
code, where you specialize on whatever string type you deal with.
But otherwise, using  RTLString  IMHO will abandon this part of pascal 

It removes ASCII legacy. I don't see you complaining about the fact that
char is not 8 bit anymore, and that that abandons that part of the pascal
It does not abandon the syntax.  It only adds to it's meaning (*adds*, 
any existing meaning is unaltered.).

I can still do:  foo[1]  for *any* type of string. (well yes even 
RTLstring, but see below)
- If string happens to be an old ascii string, that still works as it 
always has
- If string happens to be any unicode => that is still the same syntax, 
but with a new meaning.
 The new meaning doe snot break anything, because it only applies to 
new types.
 It is usable too, because I know, I am dealing with codepoints, or sub 
code points. And I know how they look, and how to identify them

The introduction of RTLString is fine. I do say it is a good thing. 
RTLString does not interfere with the above. In fact even for RTLstring 
the syntax  foo[1]  does exist. Just it is not useful. If I tread it as 
utf8 sub code point, I can be wrong. If I tread it as ascii, I can be 
wrong. If I tread it as UTF16 I can be wrong

My argument was not against RTLString. However it was my understanding 
that RTL functions will "enforce" RTLString. That they will only exist 
for RTLString, and they will *not* exist for other string types.
That I would call enforcing RTLString, because of penalties on using 
other string types.

I acknowledge, that if the end result of calling the RTL function, is an 
OS call, the conversation/penalty is always there. But not every RTL 
function ends up in an OS call.

I admit that the Problem started (and that has been discussed more than 
enough) starts with UTF8string (yes even with utf16 string). But in this 
case those functions became a new, but predictable meaning. I can do 
utf8string[1], and I can use the result. Only I have to be aware what it 

Yes. As widestring[1] also requires interpretation. That's unicode.

See above: Yes it requires interpretation. But it allows me to do so

I can not see how I can interpret RtlString[1]. If the result is bigger 
than 128, then I must know what type it is. If it is ANSI, it is a 
single byte char. If it is utf8, it is a sub-codepoint which will be 
part of a codepoint.
If it is widestring, well yes, here breaks my assumption that 
RtlString[1] returns a byte ouch

I can *not* do rtlString[1], as at the time of code writing I can not be 
aware what it means.

You don't have to. You carry it around as long as you can, and when you
don't can, you assign it to your type of choice and bite the penalty.
As I said in another mail. Every programmer starts as a beginner. And 
for many of those this is the last thing to think about.

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Martin Friebe schrieb:

In other words, write pascal code, just do not use some of the (imho)
most common elements of pascal syntax?
I acknowledge a language is a living thing, and needs to be adjusted to
the new things, that come up over time. I only ask, if this is the best

We're open to proposals, make one.

Well, RTLString will have it's place, same as something like 
RawByteString would. It sounded to me, that this will be the only way of 
communicating with the RTL.

My opinion is that it should be the programmers choice. I a programmer 
wants or needs a simpler way (keeping all the strings in is application 
in one format, which will be known to him) then he/she should have that 
choice. And then on this type the person could perform any index or 
index-like operation.

That would mean that in order to avoid conversation, some functions of 
the RTL would be needed in overloaded versions for each string type.
IMHO this applies only to those, which do not (or not always) make calls 
to the OS. Any other function does the conversation anyway. (It will be 
a case by case base)

It is nothing urgent, as it can always be added to the RTL. In the end 
this is an optimization, not a feature.

All the code
 Widestring := RtlFunction;
 Utf8string := RtlFunction;
will run, it may just perform badly.

And that is my point. Not everyone using pascal, is an expert. Pascal is 
also an attractive language to beginners. And not every bit of code will 
be written for a bg application; some may go into a small tool, for a 
very specific task at hand. There may be valid reasons to not keep every 
string in your code as RTLString.

I believe FPC should do a good job for this kind of code too?

Anyway. I know "Patches are welcome"  Unfortunately at the moment I 
will have to keep it to contribute ideas.

Also it would be nice (so I do not know how) not to have to duplicate 
code, in order to archive this. Something like generics, maybe.

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Marco van de Voort wrote:
In our previous episode, Martin Friebe said: 
I agree, using RTlString will probably help fpc to optimize your exe for 
each OS.

But, using RTLString means you do not know, if you have UTF8 or not. 

Because UTF8 behaves slightly different from other Strings, many 
operations can not be performed on RTLString

foo[1], copy, pos ... simply because you do not know, if the result is a 
char, a codepoint or a subcodepoint (single utf8 byte)

You don't know that about UTF-16 either. Even though that is no problem in

True, good point

most cases, it is slowly time to abandon too simplistic thinking about
strings. The best solution is to minimize editing, and localize them in
certain parts of the code, keeping most of the code encoding agnostic.
True, too. But we are talking Pascal, not some other language. 
string[index], copy, pos, length have always been part of Pascal.

Of course they are still there, to be used in the few parts of your 
code, where you specialize on whatever string type you deal with.
But otherwise, using  RTLString  IMHO will abandon this part of pascal 
syntax.  A function of which the result can not be used, as it can 
change at compile time => such a function can not be used. (or we will 
have buffer overflows, code injection and more ...)

I admit that the Problem started (and that has been discussed more than 
enough) starts with UTF8string (yes even with utf16 string). But in this 
case those functions became a new, but predictable meaning. I can do 
utf8string[1], and I can use the result. Only I have to be aware what it 

I can *not* do rtlString[1], as at the time of code writing I can not be 
aware what it means. It is only decided, at compilation time. IFDEFs 
won't help neither, because they can only cope with the set of 
stringtypes know at the time the code is written.  This breaks each time 
FPC will be extended.

> and localize them in
> certain parts of the code, keeping most of the code encoding agnostic.
Sorry I can't help taking that into another direction, (which also has 
been discussed before). The above quote sounds like a sentence from a 
introduction into  "object orientation".  Sure it is the right thing.. 
It is right for OO. So it should be right for strings as well.
Just again, it simply will be a new language, which a string-object, 
instead of pascal.

And yes, if you lazy, you lose performance due to automatic conversions. It
has always been that way (also when mixing short and ansistring)
In other words, write pascal code, just do not use some of the (imho) 
most common elements of pascal syntax?
I acknowledge a language is a living thing, and needs to be adjusted to 
the new things, that come up over time. I only ask, if this is the best way?

This is not just a good thing for OS interfacing code, but a good thing in

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Martin Friebe said:

Why would you do this and not
MyString := SomeRTLRoutine;
If I understand that right, this may cause some overhead, that in 
some(few) cases is not needed.

If I write an application using  stringtype "X" (WideString for 
example), then in the above "MyString" would be WideString.

The in/ouput for SomeRTLRoutine are RtlString, they are OS depended. If 
I compile for a OS using "UTF8" then that means for each and every call, 
it needs a string conversation.

Of course I understand, *if* some RTLFunction calls the OS, then the 
string must be converted. But if I simply want to extract the drive 
letter, or trim the path, and get the file name, without actually 
accessing the file or OS? Should it be possible to skip converting?

Use rtlstring. Do the conversion to widestring after.

IOW, you should do it the other way around. Use the OS dependant stringtype
for mostly encoding independant operations, and only the few things where
you need specific encodings force a certain encoding (using utf8string or

I agree, using RTlString will probably help fpc to optimize your exe for 
each OS.

But, using RTLString means you do not know, if you have UTF8 or not. 
Because UTF8 behaves slightly different from other Strings, many 
operations can not be performed on RTLString

foo[1], copy, pos ... simply because you do not know, if the result is a 
char, a codepoint or a subcodepoint (single utf8 byte)

RTLString is or will be great, if you simply need to store an OS 
depended string in order to later give it back to the OS. (eg open file, 
remember file name, but do not process it (displaying it would be vi 
OS), and save file back to the same name.)

For this you could also use ByteString: if there is such a thing, and if 
it behaves as "not converting, if assigned to any string"

Best Regards

Disclaimer: Just to keep this discussion where it was:
- I do understand why the above is as it is (string index not being utf8 
chart access).
- I do not believe that this is correct too (and any discussion should 
be a new thread)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and UTF8String

2008-12-01 Thread Martin Friebe

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schrieb:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Florian Klaempfl

No, it will be RTLString which type depends on the OS.

Ok, so code would be something like this:

  OSString: RTLString;
  MyString: UTF8String;
  OSString := SomeRTLRoutine;
  MyString := OSString;


Why would you do this and not
MyString := SomeRTLRoutine;
If I understand that right, this may cause some overhead, that in 
some(few) cases is not needed.

If I write an application using  stringtype "X" (WideString for 
example), then in the above "MyString" would be WideString.

The in/ouput for SomeRTLRoutine are RtlString, they are OS depended. If 
I compile for a OS using "UTF8" then that means for each and every call, 
it needs a string conversation.

Of course I understand, *if* some RTLFunction calls the OS, then the 
string must be converted. But if I simply want to extract the drive 
letter, or trim the path, and get the file name, without actually 
accessing the file or OS? Should it be possible to skip converting?

Best Regards
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode support in RTL - Roadmap

2008-11-21 Thread Martin Friebe

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Michael Schnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And thus forces all users to "understand the full UTF-8 spec" and to rewrite
their programs, even though the old code perfectly compiles and up to a
certain extent seems to work.

This is what I think is "not at all desirable" :( .

Your comments are absolutely vague and meaningless. Not to mention
thay also don't propose an alternative.

Sorry to be blunt, but so were your comments

I must agree with the "FPC can not to it all automatically" line (as 
much as I regret, and admit the beauty there was, if fpc could).

What I mean is:

1) Any Application/Program, that currently compiles and works (using 
none utf8, never mind if ascii or ansi) will keep working, if compiled 
using *none* utf8 mode.

2) If such a program wants to be compiled to be extended to utf8 
support, then there is a need for decisions that can not be made without 
knowledge what the program is doing. Or even within the same program in 
which context the operation takes place.
Such knowledge is only available to the programmer of this application, 
therefore the application must be changed to include this decisions. FPC 
simple can not make them. (And even {$SWITCH} would not solve the issue.)

Example is the composed and decomposed "ü":

- If you edit a text (human readable text), or search in a text, you 
certainly do want to handle both representations as equals (a Find 
dialog must find both)
- If the same text editor saves the file, it must handle them as non 
equal.   Assume the user has 2 files "wünsche.txt" in the same folder. 
The filesystem allows this, because one of them is decomposed and one is 
composed.  If the user had opened a text from the composed version, it 
should be written back to the composed version. If the user had opened 
it from the decomposed version it must be written back to the decomposed 
version. Otherwise a completely unrelated file would simply be 
overwritten, and the contents lost. (the same applies if the application 
iterates through the directory content and compares file names. So here 
the same compare version that would be used by the "Find dialog" must 
behave different)

FPC can simply not know, if a string contains a file name, which must be 
kept exactly as it, or a string contains some human readable text, which 
would benefit from a "normalisation".

If you are going to put a compiler switch in front of each statement to 
indicate the needs, you may as well change the statements. There is no 
one statement for the whole application, as both of the above example 
occur within a single application.

You could use two different UTF8Strings which behave different on 
decomposed chars (I am *not* proposing this as a solution). But then you 
can not just recompile your app by saying "string" now means UTF8String 
throughout the whole application. You have again to  go through all of 
the source code and edit the app. So you may as well just go through the 
sourcecode, and add the appropriate utf8-clean up calls to those part in 
the code, that will need it.

In the end, switching an application to unicode means that within the 
same app different parts are going to need different handling of unicode 
(where no such difference existed for ascii/ansi). And no compiler can 
figure out which part will need which behaviour.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode and Lazarus

2008-11-20 Thread Martin Friebe

Daniël Mantione wrote:

Op Thu, 20 Nov 2008, schreef Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho:

So, what kind of support could be implemented in Free Pascal to
improve things for Lazarus and it´s users?

Maybe a real UTF8String?
There will be a real UTF8string, i.e. ansistring with UTF-8 encoding 
as part of type information, this will help Lazarus users to get rid 
of the utf8encode/utf8decode.

" ansistring with UTF-8 encoding as part of type information"

This sounds like a dynamic solution? As in the info that it is UTF8 
encoded is part of the data, not of the type? Or do I misunderstand?

IMHO UTF8String should be like widestring. The encoding/decoding related 
parts are decided at compile time; not at runtime.

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] assembler error with inlining on power pc / mac? [Fwd: [Lazarus] PPC: SynEditFoldedView giving "parameter syntax error"]

2008-11-06 Thread Martin Friebe


I do not have myself a power-pc, nor mac. But I have several reports 
like the below.

I know from one instance (where this happened during cross-compiling 
from a linux box) that the error disappeared, when inlining was disabled 
(The units explicitly marks a lot of procedures for inlining)

First: On power-pc/Mac, does fpc always use an external assembler? Or is 
there a build in assembler.

I know that the person cross-compiling was using an external assembler. 
/ I do not know if the reporter below did or did not use an external 
assembler (but I see the "Assembling unit" in the output.)

I'd appreciate any other hints too.


 Original Message 
Subject:[Lazarus] PPC: SynEditFoldedView giving "parameter syntax error"
Date:   Thu, 6 Nov 2008 12:29:36 +0100
From:   EarMaster - Bent Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:   General mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'General mailing list' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

I have updated Lazarus to latest revision (17246) on Win32 and Mac i386/PPC,
and downloaded latest FPC 2.2.2 (20081106 on Win32, 20081104 on Mac

Lazarus are build nicely and with no errors on Win32 and Mac i386, but on
PPC it is throwing:

Assembling syneditfoldedview
Syneditfoldedview.pp:3191:Parameter syntax error (parameter 2)
Syneditfoldedview.pp:3202:Parameter syntax error (parameter 2)
[...]/lazarus/components/synedit/syneditfoldedview.pp(81,75) Error: Error
while assembling exitcode 1
[...]/lazarus/components/synedit/syneditfoldedview.pp(81,75) Fatal: There
were 2 errors compiling module, stopping

Except for the compiler path, the environment settings, versions, and
installations on Mac i386 and PPC are identical, so I have no clue as to why
SynEdit will not compile.

These are on Mac OS X version 10.4.11.

Any clue as to what I might have missed out?

Thanks, and best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] a few installation issues (trunc on freebsd)

2008-11-02 Thread Martin Friebe
I have a few question, regarding my attempts to install fpc from trunc 
(I read the build faq, yet I have not succeeded...)

On a freebsd (7.0) box, I have downloaded and installed the pre-compiled 
fpc 2.2.2 ( to use as my initial compiler.)

I have created my workind dir /data/fpc_trunc/svn and done my checkout 
(Revision: 12021)

 cd /data/fpc_trunc/snv
 svn co .

then according to the build-faq, I have done
 cd compiler
 gmake cycle

* First problem: I found if I simply go to the parent (svn) directory, 
and do a "gmake all PP=/data/fpc_trunc/svn/compiler/ppc386" there, it 
will do some clean out, and stop because halfway through it will have 
deleted this compiler.

So instead (which is not mentioned in the buildfaq?), I have installed 
the compiler and rtl at this stage:

  gmake install  INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/fpc_trunc/inst/
  cd ../rtl
  gmake install  INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/fpc_trunc/inst/

Note: I am installing to a separate dir, as I want to use this 
installation in parallel to other installations.

* Second Problem: when using fpc (instead of ppc), it will always find 
the ppc386 in the default installation. The only way I can change this 
is "fpc -Xp/path/to/my/ppc386". (Which I found no documentation for. I 
got that from looking through the source) However, if I want to use fpc 
from lazarus, I may not be able to pass that (convenient) on the command 
Is there any INI file? (fpc.cfg did not help here, at least not the 
fpc.cfg in the same path as fpc exe).

Or is it save to substitute fpc, with ppc386 everywhere it is called?

any way I then go and create my fpc.cfg:
 cd ../../inst
 ./bin/fpcmkcfg -d basepath=/data/fpc_trunc/inst/lib/fpc/2.2.2 > 

* 3rd problem, it uses the same prefix for the units (-Fu) and the bin 
(-FD), so the above creates correct -Fu config, but I must change the 
-FD conf. Any solution to this ?

-Fu will be correct:
but -FD will *NOT* be (which I think it should?, or am I wrong?)

now I go back to the top svn checkout and to
  gmake all PP=/data/fpc_trunc/inst/lib/fpc/2.2.2/ppc386 

* 4th Problem the compilation aborted (Sorry I don't remember where) 
because it tried to access the x11 package
=> I did solve that by going int packages/x11, did the make there, and 
did install it (with the install prefix)

* 5th problem packages/graph stops, because it tries to use x86. (This 
exists in the sources rtl/unix/x86.pp) Somehow all the above has not 
installed this (not on my FreeBSD), the package is missing int he 
inst/lib directory

And last not least, having checked out trunc (or being under the 
impression to have done so), why has the "make install" in the rtl 
installed something with 2.2.2 in the path? (If I run the ppc386 that 
was installed it will say 2.3.1.

Maybe this last bit will solve some of the other questions...

Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] assign constant text to widestring

2008-10-22 Thread Martin Friebe

Michael Schnell wrote:

Hi Experts,

When I want to simply assign a constant text "ö2" to a WideString I 
would think that I just write s := 'ö2'; . But I found that this does 
not work, but that it creates a WideString of length 3 that contains 
the three 8-Bit subcodes of the utf8-coded string "ö2", zero-extended 
to 16 Bits, each in one WideChar element. For me this is very 
surprising and incompatible to the same code (s := 'ö2'; ) used in a 
Turbo-Delphi program.

Obviously - other than Turbo-Delphi that uses ANSIString here - a 
constant string gets UTF8String as it's intermediate type. This might 
be a useful definition, but if that is done this way why does an 
assignment WideString := UTF8String inot implicitly call UTF8Decode as 
a type conversion ? In my example it calls  fpc_ansistr_to_widestr 
instead, just as if the UTF8String would be an ANSIString.

I am not an expert, but here is what I believe to know:

This is the result of 2 (hidden) "features":

AFAIK the compiler reads the source as non-utf8 (latin or some 8 bit 
encoding). This leads to other things too, like identifiers cannot 
contain utf8.

The String within the quotes is a byte sequence to the compiler. And the 
compiler does not know it to be utf8. From your description I take it 
the compiler does translate those 3 "8bit chars" into some 16bit chars 
(correctness of this translation based on the 8bit source encoding is 
another question)

Lazarus uses UTF8 for everything, it will save your string as utf8. If 
Your string was kept as ansistring, the compiler would treat it as 
bytes, and pass it through, so any code wanting to see the utf8 would be 

You can try and tell Lazarus to save you file as latin1. As long as all 
you strings fit into latin1, this may work; IF and only if the compiler 
will translate the latin1 into correct Widechars.

It will not work for anything not in utf8. AFAIK Lazarus currently 
doesn't save in ucs2 (or any 16 bit encoding). But even if Lazarus did, 
since the compiler wants 8bit encoding, your whole source would be broken.

Not much help, I know. Maybe some one else does have more ideas / knowledge.

Is there some compiler setting to change this ?


fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-web improvement for apache modules, question

2008-09-19 Thread Martin Friebe

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008, ABorka wrote

Hi Michael,

It was created in fpapache.pp in the handlerequest event.


It worked without using the createnew, with the latest FPC source code.

This is weird, because the code before that searches if there is an existing
instance. If so, it should be reused ?

OK, I'll have a look at it. It should probably be created with owner Nil,
and then a unique name should be made and assigned, after which self can
be put as the owner.
Just an idea (not tested), but why creating it with owner nil, and 
assign self later.

Just immediately after the create (or better within the create) assign 
it a new unique name (using a counter, or the address in memory). Then 
when the next instance is created it can be created again with the 
default name, as all others have already new names. (Only have to make 
sure that it's done thread save, if threads are in use)

If the default name is set via the property, setter-method, then it can 
be modified there too...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Bug in FPC and declaring distinct types

2008-09-18 Thread Martin Friebe

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Yury Sidorov schrieb:

Yury Sidorov schrieb:
Yes. But it works only partially. For example the following code 
is not compilable:

Well, I wouldn't know either what you expect :)
I expect that compiler will choose DoTest with ansistring parameter 
in that case.

What rule do you apply to say this?
Compiler treats '1234' as ansistring constant. Therefore ansistring 
overload must be choosen here.

No, '1234' is taken as generic string constant.
I was able (with "Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.2rc1 [2008/06/27] for 
i386") to compile the below.

(I know it's an old fpc version, but I am not at my home PC)

As shown with the non-overloaded procedures p1a, p1w, p1s: the string 
'xx' can be given to any of them.
On the other hand the compiler allowed me to overload p1 for short, ansi 
and wide-sring

I do not know which rule it followes if p1('xx') is called?

 sstr = String[3];

 procedure p1s (s : sstr);
 procedure p1a (s : ansistring);
 procedure p1w (s : widestring);

 procedure p1 (s : sstr); overload;
 procedure p1 (s : ansistring); overload;
 procedure p1 (s : widestring); overload;


procedure main;

Warning: Use of ppc386.cfg is deprecated, please use fpc.cfg instead
Hint: Start of reading config file 

Hint: End of reading config file c:\lazarus\fpc\2.2.2\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Warning: You are using the obsolete switch -OG
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.2rc1 [2008/06/27] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2008 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling C:\DOCUME~1\Martin\LOCALS~1\Temp\project1.lpr
Compiling unit1.pas
unit1.pas(23,18) Hint: Parameter "s" not used
unit1.pas(24,18) Hint: Parameter "s" not used
unit1.pas(25,18) Hint: Parameter "s" not used
unit1.pas(27,17) Hint: Parameter "s" not used
unit1.pas(28,17) Hint: Parameter "s" not used
unit1.pas(29,17) Hint: Parameter "s" not used
Linking C:\DOCUME~1\Martin\LOCALS~1\Temp\project1.exe
101 lines compiled, 1.3 sec , 1056816 bytes code, 280748 bytes data
2 warning(s) issued
8 hint(s) issued
Project "project1" successfully built. :)

Like in this case:

 sss: ansistring = '1234';

 TUTF8String = type ansistring;

procedure DoTest(const s: ansistring); overload;

procedure DoTest(const s: TUTF8String); overload;



fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

2008-09-12 Thread Martin Friebe

listmember wrote:

IMHO The discussion splits here between:
1) How can this be done in a specific app
2) what should fpc provide

as for 2: This would be on top of yet (afaik) missing basic functions
such as
Compare using collation x (where collation is given as argument to
compare, not as part of any string)
I think we're beginning to be on the same page --but, please, can you 
refrain from using the word 'collation'; every time I see that in this 
context, I feel a strong need to open the window and shout "collation 
isn't the most important/used part of a language wrt programming" :)
Sorry, but I meant comparing with collation. I did not mean comapring 
within labguage context.

language context is to complex to be basic (see busstop below)

2) actual compare, you need to "normalize" all strings before comparing,
then compare the normalized string as bytes.

normalizing means for each char to decide how to represent it. German
"ae" could be represented as a umlaut for the compare.
Or (in German text) you expand all umlaute first.

IOW, SameText() and similar stuff must take normalization into account.

But, you do know that 'normalization' is a very rough assumption and 
land you in some very embarassing situations.

Here is 2 words from Turkish.

1) 'sıkıcı' which means 'boring' in English (notice the dotless small 

2) 'sikici' which means 'fucker' in English
Depends how you normalize. Normalize should sbstitute all *equal* 
letters (or combination thereof) into one single form. That allows 
comparing and matching them.
But yes, even this is very limited (busstop), because even if you know 
the language of the wort (german in my example) you do not know its meaning.

Without a full dictionary, you do not know if ss and german-sharp-s are 
the same or not.
So basically what you want to do, can only be done with a full 
dictionary. Or you have to accept false positives.

I also fail to see why a utf8 string is a half baked solution. It will 
serve most people fine. It can be extended for those who want more.

IMHO this is a case for an add-on library.
And apparently no one has yet volunteered to write it

Now, when you normalize these you get 'SIKICI' for both which --then-- 
you would assume to be the same.

BUT of course there is no way do deal with the ambitious "Busstop"

In deed. For this case, you need to know what language "Busstop" was 
written in.
you need a dictionary. knowing it is German is not enough. because all 
that "it is german" tells you is, that "ss" maybe a sharp-s, but doesn't 
have to be

What I can not do (or what I do not want to do) is to decide which of
them other people do want to use.

But, isn't this just that: IOW, you're deciding what other people will
NOT want to use if you throw the 'language' attribute (for each char)
out of the window..

True, I am happy to do that. NOT

I am glad we have met :)

have we? I remember a mail conversation, but not an actual meeting :) SCNR

Why you can always extend this. Store you string in any of the following
1) every 2nd char is a language attribute, not a char
2) store the language attributes in a 2nd string, always pass both
strings around

Of course, these and even more creative hacks could be devised.
The question is, is the language an attribute of a unicode character?

(I assume "mandatory attribute")

Well as much as it is or is not an attribute of a latin1 or iso-whatever 

I do not think it is. I have no proof. But a lot of people seem to think 
so, if I goggle Unicode (or any other char/latin./iso...) I get nice 
character tables; and no language info.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

2008-09-12 Thread Martin Friebe

listmember wrote:

Martin Friebe wrote:

Just to make sure, all of this discussion is based on various collation

No part of this discussion is based on collation.

Ok, so we were talking about different things

Here is a scenario for you:

You have multilanguage text as data. Someone has asked you to search 
it and see if a certain peice of string (in a given language) exists 
in it.

This search needs to be NOT case-sensitive.
Actually for you example case doesn't matter. as you need to decide if 
"ss" = "ß"

How can you do this?
Is it doable if TCharacter (or wahtever you call it) has no 'langauge' 

For the purpose of case-sensitivity. I still do not know of a character 
or rather a pair of upper and lower case char)  that maps different in 
some languages?
Is there a pair of character "x" and "X"  which should in some languages 
be matching upper/lower, but in other languages should not?

^^ ignore, found your example at the end of mail

Otherwise how do I understand the case-insensitive part of your 
question? Because if "x" is the lowercase of "X" in *all* languages, 
then I do not need the language specific info to do the 
none-case-sensitive compare.

Sorry if I am still missing some point...

[Note that, here 'TCharacter' isn't necessarily an object; it might as 
well be a simple record structure.]

Yes we agreed on this part

Besides instead of storing it per char, you can use unused unicode as
start/stop markers. So it can be implemented on top of a string that
stores unicode-chars (and chars only, no attributes)

Is there, in Unicode, start-stop markes that denote 'language'?
I do not know, that was why I said "unused unicode" and "implemented on 
top" (as part of the specific app)

IMHO The discussion splits here between:
1) How can this be done in a specific app
2) what should fpc provide

as for 2: This would be on top of yet (afaik) missing basic functions 
such as
Compare using collation x (where collation is given as argument to 
compare, not as part of any string)

Why is language intrinsic to the text? An "A" is an "A" in any language.
At best language is intrinsic to sorting/comparing(case on non
case-sense) text

Comparing is a lot more important an operation than collating --or, 
rather, collation is achieveable only if you can do proper comparisons.

Take this, for example:

"if SameText(SomeString, SomeOtherString) then do ..."
For this to work properly, in both 'SomeString' and 'SomeOtherString', 
you need to know which language *each* character belongs to.

I would rather say:
"There are special cases where you need/want to know which language"

So I do not imply how special or none special those cases are => you do 
not always need to know. (continued below on your example)

If you dont have that informtaion, you might as well not have a 
SameText() function in FPC.

Please note the 'case-INsensitive' keyword there.

Well I needed an actual example where case sense differs by language
(assuming we talk about language using the same charset (not comparing
Chinese whit English).

Here is a simple example for you:

"if SameText('I am on FoolStrasse', 'I am on FoolStraße') then do ..."

Well that is a good question, do you always want that to return the same?
"Busstop" and "Bußtop" (Yeah the second is not a word, but could occur 
in a text)

Also in Names this comparisons does not always apply.

the Name "Heiße" (originally with ß) can be spelled as "Heisse"
But the Name "Heisse" (originally with "ss") is never the same has "Heiße"

But as for asking me: This a specialized comparison, Similar to soundex 
(compare sound of 2 words, usually based on english)
Something like this is usually found in extension libraries, but not in 
the standard functionally of a (many/most) languages.

In any case I think this also has the minority problem. Most people do 
not want to compare pascal strings this way (and if it only is because 
of false positives)

That does not mean that I say such functionality is not desirable. It 
would be great having a unit that can be used if needed.

Based on the idea that this are optional (or 3rd party) functions, the 
normal String would not provide for this. (Besides attaching info to 
each char would probably be to costly, even if implemented in the fpc 
core string.)
Functions like this could take an additional structure declaring the 
start/stop/change point of every language.

In any case, I can write up several different algorithms how to do that.

Please do. SameText(), for one, will need all the help it can get.
The initial comment was based on collation, and basically would have 
been about prioritizing in conflict

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

2008-09-12 Thread Martin Friebe
Just to make sure, all of this discussion is based on various collation 
for European languages? Or shall we include Arabic, Chinese and other 
languages? But they have there own chars, they can be identified without 
collation, so they do not need the language info, to be distinguished 
from European text. (They may have collations, the same as a German text 
could be handled in different collations)

listmember wrote:

So maybe the design is quite well thought?

Adding a flag field is easy enough --if all you're doing is to do some 
sort of collation. In that sense, everything is well tought out.


Life becomes very complicated when you begin to do things like FTS 
(full text search) on a multilanguage text in a DB engine.

Your options, in this case, is just very limited:
  -- Ignore the langage issue.
  -- store each language in a different field (that is if you know how 
many there will be).

Do you think this is a good solution --or, a hack.

True, that would be hard to do (in DB or pascal, or most other places). 
But again this is a very special case. And that is why none of the 
frameworks (DB, pascal, ...) include it. You have to do your own solution.

At no time did I say (nor did afaik anyone else say) that you can not do 
your own object based text holding objects.

The question were:
1) should FPC replace the string, by an object (like java)
2) which additional attributes should be stored by a string (per string 
/ per char)

And actually both of those question can be moved out of the context of 
Unicode implementation. Because, both of them could also bee applied to 
current (char=byte) based strings.

I am going to leave out the object question for now. I said all I can 
say in earlier mails. And also from your comments it appears more a 
question of collation being stored with the string, substring, or even 
each char.

As found in the last mail, there is currently no standard for handling 
cross-collation in any string function (that is string function, which 
could be collation based).
1) IMHO only few people would need this. For the majority it would be 
unwanted overhead.
2) Within those few, there would be too many different Expectation as to 
what the "standard" should be. If FPC choose one such standard at will, 
it would benefit almost no one.

The best FPC could to is provide storage, for something that is not 
handled or obeyed in any function handling the data. This doesn't sound 
desirable to me. If anyone who needs it will have to implement the 
functions, then those may add there own storage for it too.

Besides instead of storing it per char, you can use unused unicode as 
start/stop markers. So it can be implemented on top of a string that 
stores unicode-chars (and chars only, no attributes)

As for Storing info per string or per char. (Info could be anything:
collation, color, style, font, source-of-quote, author, creation-date,
file, ) everyone would like there own. So again FPC shouldn't do it.
Or everyone gets all the overhead of what all the others wanted.

Collation is a function of language.
Right but language is something you can apply to strings. You are not 
forced to do so. Strings work very well without language too.
Same as you saying "no gui". Strings work without display. Font/Style is 
a function of rendering. I may want to search a string but only want to 
look at chars marked as bold.

Languages is an extension to string, in the same way than rendering 
info, or source info is. To you language may matter a great deal. To 
others other attirbutes will matter.
All the others are not an intrinsic part of o a char at all --they 
vary by context.
Why is language intrinsic to the text? An "A" is an "A" in any language. 
At best language is intrinsic to sorting/comparing(case on non 
case-sense) text

If pascal doesn't suit the need of a specific task, choose a different
tool. Instead of inventing a new pascal.

Thank you for the advice.
But, instead of jailing this discussion to at best a laterally 
relevant issue of collation, can I ask you to think for a moment:
How on earth can you do a case-INsensitive search in *any* given 
string contains multiple language substrings?

Please note the 'case-INsensitive' keyword there.
Well I needed an actual example where case sense differs by language 
(assuming we talk about language using the same charset (not comparing 
Chinese whit English).

In any case, I can write up several different algorithms  how to do 
that. What I can not do (or what I do not want to do) is to decide which 
of them other people do want to use.

search none-case-sensitive 'UP LOW' in ' ups upper lows lower'

with the following attributes:
'UP LOW' is a string of 2 languages.
The word UP is in a language that defines "U" and "u" as different 
letters (not only differ by case, but differ the same as "a" and "b" do 
The word LOW is in a languages where all letters are having low-case 
equivalents (as in Engl

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

2008-09-11 Thread Martin Friebe

listmember wrote:

I also do not know of other apps that could do this. (And it may not be
possible). Look around. Databses for example, AFAIK the most you can do
is define a collation per column.
True. But, that does not mean that those app/databases are well 
thought out. Does it?
Point of View. Those DB get sold, so either people take what they can 
get and silently accept it (I haven't seen discussions like this on 
related DB discussion groups [ or maybe I read the wrong groups :) ])

or the majority of people doesn't need it.

BTW people want there DB to sort text in a way, that help finding 
entries in the result. So the ordering process should not rely on 
knowledge if a word is English or French. If It did rely on the 
language, then the ordering would not help the search, because you have 
to know the language of all other words to find the one word you are 
looking for.

So maybe the design is quite well thought?

And how would you sort the following example, with mixed collation. Take
the various german collations. ae can be used as a substitution for
This is actulaly an arbitary decision --there is no agreed standard on 
this, that I am aware-- so, each developer can have their own way.
Well yes of course you can define how to. But then everyone has a 
different need, and a different definition. That would mean FPC had to 
implement dozens of algorithms.
So it seems better to leave it to each person, as it seems it will be an 
individual thing anyway.

As for Storing info per string or per char. (Info could be anything: 
collation, color, style, font, source-of-quote,  author, creation-date, 
file, ) everyone would like there own. So again FPC shouldn't do it. 
Or everyone gets all the overhead of what all the others wanted.

Also FPC is a programming language. Not a word processing tool
And FPC is pascal. Pascal (afaik) has reference counted strings. And 
objects are not reference counted. Not to mention objects (as string 
type) would only benefit if everyone was allowed to create their own 
Then instead of asking for strings as object, I would ask for an 
additional ref-counted object type (with auto destruction). The string 
library could be based on this. I am not asking for suxch a think 
because a) it wouldn't be pascal anymore. b) beware of the mem-leaks

If pascal doesn't suit the need of a specific task, choose a different 
tool. Instead of inventing a new pascal.

I don't to shell scripts in pascal. And simple web scripts are php or perl.

How would you sort data where one source is of one collation, the other
source of another (or even worse the collation changes halfway through)?
It is impossible by definition.

No. It is not impossible.
But, yes, there is no definition (standard).

It would be upto the developer or the entity that the developer is 
working in.
Btw in normal math you can not devide a number by zero... Of course you 
can define your own math

I even thing that collation is not part of the string. it does not
change the meaning of the string. It is only used in specific
operations. And then it must be one collation for both strings. So if
each of the string had a collation that would cause an issue.

But, my question is --imho-- a lot more relevant to the thread at hand:

How would you do case-insensitive search in a multilangual text.
same as above applies. If every char (or substring) has a collation of 
its own, then you need to define how to compare cross-collation.

find('E'[collation1],  'merci'[collation2] + 'mein herr'[collation3])

needs to compare an E (that wants collation1 for the compare) with each 
of the 'e' (that want other collations)
maybe collation1 says that E should equal in upper and lower, while the 
other collations do not? ore vice versa.

there is no standard.

[this has nothing to do with rendering or GUI.]

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

2008-09-11 Thread Martin Friebe

listmember wrote:

Actually, UTF-8 can contain bidi info, it's indeed a matter of the
And, how do you propose doing a case-insensitive search in a given 
text that contains multiple languages?

I assume you speak of multiply collations in on string?
IMHO You can't? But you could use a TStringList.

I also do not know of other apps that could do this. (And it may not be 
possible). Look around. Databses for example, AFAIK the most you can do 
is define a collation per column.

And how would you sort the following example, with mixed collation. Take 
the various german collations. ae can be used as a substitution for 

In some collation it sorts as ae (between ad and af), in others it sorts 
as "a-umlaut" (immediately behind "a")

1)   a, ab, ae
2)   a, ae, ab

How would you sort data where one source is of one collation, the other 
source of another (or even worse the collation changes halfway through)? 
It is impossible by definition.
Because taking the 2 Strings above, each of them can come first when 
sorted depending on the collation, but if more than one collation was 
involved the result was undefined.

I even thing that collation is not part of the string. it does not 
change the meaning of the string. It is only used in specific 
operations. And then it must be one collation for both strings. So if 
each of the string had a collation that would cause an issue.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

2008-09-11 Thread Martin Friebe

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Thu, 11 Sep 2008, Anton Kavalenka wrote:

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:

Remember, Unicode support is much more that simply storing and
displaying text. You have various encodings, RTL or LTR direction etc.
I can't see how a simple type can keep track of all such information
- but then, I don't know the internals of FPC either.  ;-) 

How would an OOP approach solve this? The problem isn't the tracking of
things like encoding or directions but handling all these information. 

procedure TLabel.Paint(...)
 if *Caption.IsRTL *then
   DrawCaptionRTL(0,0,*Caption.AsUTF8*, flags)
   DrawCaption(0,0,*Caption.AsUTF8*, flags);

Is not that enough?

What is the gain as opposed to

 procedure TLabel.Paint(...)
  if IsRTL(Caption) then

In other words where is the benefit from OOP in this ? 


1) keeping track of info:
If you can store the info on an object, so you can store it on a record 
(afaik). And a string (even current string) is nothing else but a 
(hidden) record. It already contains length info, and char data.

2) OO style vs functional:
Caption.IsRtl may be seen as syntactical sugar. But as far as I can see, 
it can (almost?) always be translated into functional style. Instead of 
having child-classes you could overload the function for different types 
of arguments

3) For the real usage of OO using inheritance:
I am not sure if that is a good idea, on any kind of *ref-counted* 
data/object. I can see cases where the full OO power can make sense. But 
using OO the objects should not be ref-counted. (IMHO)
Ref-Counting mainly is used to free memory automatically. People relay 
on it, and you get memory leaks.

Strings as they currently stand can not contain pointer to other 
strings. You can not get circular references. ref-counting will work.
Objects on the other hand can contain any data, including pointers to 
other objects or self. Even if the buildin string-objects don't contain 
that kind of pointer, they can be sub-classed and people will end up 
with circular references.

Oh, and yes, I am aware. This risk already exists with dynarrays. But no 
need to extend it.

So in my opinion, it may be nice to have a library of classes handling 
all kind of string(or shall we call it "text") data. But no magic on 
them. They can use PChar and there own GetMem internally.

fpc-devel maillist  -

synchronous class [Re: Multi threading support was Re: [fpc-devel] Russian locale information not compatible withFPClocale variables]

2008-07-31 Thread Martin Friebe
IMHO per class may create some problems? but maybe I am just overlooking 

TBar =class( TFoo ) end synchronized class;

Let's say TFoo was declared in another unit, and TFoo was not declared 
Synchronized. Then TFoo code can be entered by anyone at any time.
Even if a thread is in TBar. How would one make sure, that a base class, 
knows about all classes that inherit from it?

Neither can you say the baseclass must also be "synchronous class", 
because ultimately there always is TObject. and TObject does not want to 
be Synchronous class, or all Create/destroy would be in critical sections?

It my be possible to work around, this, but it would probably create a 
ig overhead, as every method one very class would have to perform checks 
at runtime.

Similar for instance wide protection.


Michael Schnell wrote:

Per class. The question is if it's possible to do this per class 
instance too.
To me "Per class" does not seem appropriate at all. "Per instance" in 
fact seems to make sense.

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] protected members access across classes in the same package, but what about inherited cross package

2008-07-20 Thread Martin Friebe
Just a question, which came to my mind in relation to

I understand that if you declare 2 classes in the same package (same 
file), then they are allowed to look at each others protected members 
(variables, properties, func, proc).
I wonder what the intend or language definition says about inherited 
protected members those classes have, if the parent implementation comes 
from different files?


[file foo.pp]
  TThat = class(TObject)
 ThatValue : integer

  TThis = class(TObject)

implementation ...
[/end of file foo.pp]

I know it is correct that any code of TThis can access ThatValue.
If you have code in any other package/file (belonging to any other 
class) it should not be able to access ThatValue.

[file bar.pp]
 TThatFake class(TThat)
 end; // intntionally empty class

 TSomething = class(...)

[/end of file bar.pp]]

- If TThatFake had any code, then any code belonging to TThatFake would 
be allowed to see it's anchestor protected members, that would be correct.
- If TThatFake had any protected mebers implemented in bar.pp they 
should be visble to other code in bar.pp
- But what about inherited members? Should TSomething be able to access 

I do not know the answer, it can be argued both ways. But it allows to 
bypass proper encapsulation as seen in the above link.

Best Regards

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] C style operator doesn't work with properties in 2.3.1

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Friebe

From my understanding ( the fpc team probably can to more exact):

* lexical level
This would be like a simple "Find and Replace" on the text. This would 
work with anything, as it doesn't know what it is translating.

(It is very similar to a (non-buildin) C-preprocessor)

* parser level
The parser will likely translate the source into a structure of objects
 a := a + 1
 LeftHandTerm = ObjVariable "a"
 RightHandTerm = ObjExpression ( ObjAddition: Op1 = Variable "a"; 
Op2= 1 )

If that happens to "+=" then "a+=1"
 LeftHandTerm = ObjVariable
 RightHandTerm = ObjExpression

if the left hand term is a property, then because it is the left hand 
(which will be assigned to), the lefthand term becomes the property-setter.

The ObjectAssignmenOpIncr then has no reference to the property-getter.

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Micha Nelissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jonas Maebe wrote:

Indeed. I've checked the code and properties are explicitly not allowed
for the C-style operators. The reason is that the x+=y is translated into
"x:=x+y" at the parser level rather than at the lexical level. This

So I guess the obvious question is: would it be risky to change that so it
parses it at the lexical level? :-)

My question too   Would somebody be so kind as to explain the
difference to me?  As I mentioned before, I'm not a compiler

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] C style operator doesn't work with properties in 2.3.1

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Friebe
Or Add a Method to the target object. (as long as it is part of your 
code base, or can be modified by you)

and then do


In the class that defines
 property AvailableSlot;
you can add
 procedure AvailableSlotsInc(n : Integer);

Same for include, exclude, and all the others.

Best Regards

Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 17 Jul 2008, at 08:41, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Simple one liners like the following:

  FDayList[itm.WeekDayNum].Rows[itm.Timeslot].AvailableSlots += 

now has to change to this ugly line...

  FDayList[itm.WeekDayNum].Rows[itm.Timeslot].AvailableSlots :=
 FDayList[itm.WeekDayNum].Rows[itm.Timeslot].AvailableSlots +


with FDayList[itm.WeekDayNum].Rows[itm.Timeslot] do
  AvailableSlots:= AvailableSlots+itm.CountSlots;

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] The usage of Include() doesn't work any more in 2.3.1

2008-07-16 Thread Martin Friebe


just to add another opinion. Personally, I would thing that it was nice 
to allow (write-able) Properties to any var-param (even out-param).

Write-able include properties with a setter-procedure.

IMHO the way it could be done would be for the compiler to create a 
temporary variable. This could be passed in as var/out-param, and then 
be assigned to the property, using the proper setter-procedure.

I do of course understand, that this is extra work on the compiler. And 
I can not judge if it has enough value for anyone to implement it.

Best Regards

Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 16 Jul 2008, at 10:01, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Daniël Mantione

I think there can be two visions here:
- Include is not a real procedure, so this internal implementation 

should be hidden and this can/should be allowed; the
compiler internally should convert it into set:=set+[member].

I think this would be ideal.  Using Include() is much cleaner than set
:= set + [member].  And yes I understand that as it was implement, you
could circumvent the getter/setter, but I believe it's something the
compiler must handle correctly.

Adding such exceptions complicates both the compiler sources (special 
cases have to be added for particular constructs in particular 
circumstances) and the language ("x is not allowed, except in cases a, 
b and c"). Over time, such exceptions (even if initially added for 
convenience reasons) actually make things harder rather than easier 
for most developers, because they keep adding up and you create a 
completely inconsistent set of rules.

The reason is that you end up in a situation where people have to be 
aware which routines are compiler-internal and thus can be magically 
changed to do "the right thing", and which are plain rtl routines 
which abide by the normal language rules (other exampleq would be 
inc/dec). Such differences in behaviour actually already exist 
nowadays, e.g. regarding overloading, causing confusion:

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] move(xx, ansistring[1] versus ansistring, len)

2008-05-12 Thread Martin Friebe

Ah, ok, thanks.
that may work.

Is it documented somewhere, under which circumstances uniquestring is 
inserted by hte compiler, and when not? In other words, is there a way 
to be sure, that it will not be called twice in future versions?
(Not that it would be a big issue, if it was called twice, but always 
eager to learn.)

The background for this question is motivated by:

Many of the occurrances look like
   SetLength(s, count);
   move(str^, s[1], count);
where "s" is a local variable, not used before. So currently it would be 
safe to skip uniquestring.
But I consider this as a trap, because future changes may act on "s" 
before, without the author being aware of the exact behaviour of move.

Since the issue is widespread throughout the code (the bug only shows a 
few samples), and the current access "s[1]" does work, except for the 
(falsely) triggered rang-check, I find it a bit over the top to prefix 
every line with "if length(s)>0"

I also see that (s: AnsiString)
   move(str^, s, count);
seems to work too. (again without implicit uniquestring)

Is there anything against this syntax?
It does not convert s to nil, in case of empty string, but since len is 
0 nothing will happen.

Thanks a lot

Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 13 May 2008, at 00:17, Martin Friebe wrote:


doesn't check fpc_ansistr_unique. So it works only if ansi_str_dest 
has only one reference; or both strings will be modified (because no 
copy-on-write happens).

At least, that's what I get to see, if I compile with -al and look at 
the assembler.

You can call uniquestring(ansi_str_dest) before the move()

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] move(xx, ansistring[1] versus ansistring, len)

2008-05-12 Thread Martin Friebe


doesn't check fpc_ansistr_unique. So it works only if ansi_str_dest has 
only one reference; or both strings will be modified (because no 
copy-on-write happens).

At least, that's what I get to see, if I compile with -al and look at 
the assembler.

JoshyFun wrote:

Hello Martin,

Monday, May 12, 2008, 11:27:08 PM, you wrote:

MF> Hi,
MF> I am trying to find some info on how I can use move to archive the
MF> following:
MF> I am looking for an equal replacement of
MF> move(somepchar^, ansi_str_dest[1], len)
MF> I could prefix it with "if length(dest) > 0 then ", but I would prefer
MF> something less noticeable...

I had not checked it but I think you can use the typecasting:


as typecasting an ansistring to a pchar should return (repeat "I
think") a pointer to ansi_str_dest[1], and if length(ansi_str_dest)=0
then the pointer should be $0001 :-? which should not raise any
kind of range check.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] move(xx, ansistring[1] versus ansistring, len)

2008-05-12 Thread Martin Friebe


I am trying to find some info on how I can use move to archive the

I am looking for an equal replacement of
move(somepchar^, ansi_str_dest[1], len)

The problem with ansi_str_dest[1] is that if the above call happens with
a len of 0, and an ansi string with 0 length => this leads to a range
check exception.
 SetLength(as,0); copy(src^, as[1], 0);
Accessing the first of zero characters => range check.
( It will work without range-checking, since whatever address is
returned by [1] is never accessed )

I could prefix it with "if length(dest) > 0 then ", but I would prefer
something less noticeable...

I could do
 SetLength(as,0);  copy(src^, as, 0);
But from looking at the assembler produced during compilation, this does
not check for fpc_ansistr_unique. Same for any type casting to PChar.

Anyone any idea?

fpc-devel maillist  -

interlocked commands [Re: [fpc-devel] LockFree Queue algorithm]

2008-01-27 Thread Martin Friebe
While watching this thread, I started to ask myself 2 questions (which 
may be related):

They just came to mind a multi-core systems where mentioned, possible 
even systems with several CPUs.
(Admiringly they are more looking like they should be on an 
intel-mailing list, I just hope someone may know...)

procedure tFLQueue.setObject(lp : integer;const aobject : tNodeQueue);
tab[lp and fMask]:=aObject;

The index ("lp and fMask") has been derived via "interlockedIncrement", 
and the surrounding code makes sure, that only one thread will access 
this value at this time.

But lets assume the value was read immediately before, by another 
core/cpu. It therefore is in that core/cpu's cache. Will this cache be 
invalidated/updated by a *simple* write to memory? Or will the other 
core/cpu see the old value from it's cache?
I am no expert on this, but from the page referred below, "lock"ed 
cpu-instructions, take special care of this.

I don't know about unlocked instructions?
chapter 7

Because frequently used memory locations are often
cached in a processor's L1 or L2 caches, atomic operations can often 
be carried out
inside a processor's caches without asserting the bus lock. Here the 
cache coherency protocols insure that other processors that are 
caching the same
memory locations are managed properly while atomic operations are 
performed on

cached memory locations.
"caching the same memory locations are managed properly while atomic 
operations are performed"
What does the cache coherency do (if anything) while non atomic 
operations are performed?

I found various references that interlockedIncrement and co, work only 
on 32 bit bounded data? This may or may not vary on the CPU.
The Intel doc only says, it will affect execution time, but looking at 
the MS doc it 
says it must be on a 32bit boundary.

Does that affect FPC? ( as there may be none intel CPUs?)

If so, then the Implementation of the Queue would have to ensure 
alignment (as I believe fpc, aligns integer on 16 bit?)


Florian Klaempfl wrote:

DarekM schrieb:

Martin Friebe pisze:

You will need to test it, but the following may also work

procedure tFlQueue.push(const tm : tNodeQueue);
 newTail : integer;
 newTemp := temp;
 while newTemp >= fsize begin
   // if it is true, every thread is going to attempt to fix it,
before doing the increment.
   // this means no thread will increase the value
   //  => one thread will to succeed (since the only reason "temp NE
newTemp" is that temp has been decreased)
   // newTemp is bigger than fsize, so the result can not become

newTemp := temp;

newTemp:=interlockedIncrement(temp) mod fsize; // make sure we are
always in range

 if lastTail < 0 then lastTail := fsize -1;
 setObject(lastTail,tm); // you can remove the "mod" in setobject

 until (newTail=lastTail);


It seems ok, but then we have 2 IF more.

An if is unimportant, more important is the number of locked operations,
especially on multi core systems they might eat hundreds of clock cycles.
fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] LockFree Queue algorithm

2008-01-27 Thread Martin Friebe

You will need to test it, but the following may also work

procedure tFlQueue.push(const tm : tNodeQueue);
 newTail : integer;
 newTemp := temp;
 while newTemp >= fsize begin
   // if it is true, every thread is going to attempt to fix it, before 
doing the increment.

   // this means no thread will increase the value
   //  => one thread will to succeed (since the only reason "temp NE 
newTemp" is that temp has been decreased)

   // newTemp is bigger than fsize, so the result can not become negative.


newTemp := temp;
 newTemp:=interlockedIncrement(temp) mod fsize; // make sure we are 
always in range

 if lastTail < 0 then lastTail := fsize -1;
 setObject(lastTail,tm); // you can remove the "mod" in setobject

 until (newTail=lastTail);

The "repeat" at the end does still work. In order to set "tail" to "0" 
(newTemp=0) => "tail" must first get "9" (as lastTail will be 9).

Only flaw is, if fsize is close enough to the upper data tpye boundary, 
and enough threads do InterLockedInvrement, (after all having 
simultaneously passed the repeat at the start), then you can still run 
over the boundary.
However this can only happen if you have more threads, than 
(upperBoundary - fsize).

So you can specify, that it is save up to this amount of parallel threads

IMHO the unit should have a warning (in the comments) that there it is 
the users responsibility *not* to store more elements than fsize. There 
is no check, and you will loose data, if you try to do so.

But as I said, no warranty that this will work, I haven't done any 


DarekM wrote:

Martin Friebe pisze:

What about a long running (eg daemon) application?

If temp/tail hits the upper boundary of Integer?

(If I understand it correctly)
I don't know if interlockedIncrement gives a boundary error, but if not,
it still fails.
- With currently integer, it gets a negative value, once crossing
0x7fff, and SetObject will attempt to read/write out-of-bounds 

- Assuming temp/tail being unsigned: it will go from 0x to 0.
"0x mod fsize" may return a value greater 0, "0x00 mod fsize"
will be zero. You make an unexpected jump within the list.

Thats right.
But I can avoid this.
1. make length of tab equal power of two
2. use longword instead of integer
3.instead MOD use   result:=tab[lp and  fmask];
and fmask:=$F or $FF or $FFF

Thanks to find bug.


fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] LockFree Queue algorithm

2008-01-27 Thread Martin Friebe

What about a long running (eg daemon) application?

If temp/tail hits the upper boundary of Integer?

(If I understand it correctly)
I don't know if interlockedIncrement gives a boundary error, but if not,
it still fails.
- With currently integer, it gets a negative value, once crossing
0x7fff, and SetObject will attempt to read/write out-of-bounds memory.
- Assuming temp/tail being unsigned: it will go from 0x to 0.
"0x mod fsize" may return a value greater 0, "0x00 mod fsize"
will be zero. You make an unexpected jump within the list.


DarekM wrote:

This is my proposition of algorithm and its implementing multithreaded 
FIFO queue without lock.

First use array of pointers to handle messages.
I've use it in my program, it works.
I think it may by useful.


There is also generic implementation of the same algorithm. Its my 
first generic approach.

Any help appreciated.

it;s not so much text, but  source is very short, its explain much 

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Debug Info proposal

2008-01-13 Thread Martin Friebe

sorry my mailer wrapped that a bit awkward. the important part was:

|symbol-file [ filename ]|
Read symbol table information from file filename. |PATH| is
searched when necessary. Use the |file| command to get both symbol
table and program to run from the same file. 

Martin Friebe wrote:

I haven't tested this, but from what I read, if strip can preserve the
symbols in a separate file then gdb should be able to load them.

|exec-file [ filename ]|
Specify that the program to be run (but not the symbol table) is
found in filename. GDB searches the environment variable |PATH| if
necessary to locate your program. Omitting filename means to
discard information on the executable file. |symbol-file [ 
filename ]|

Read symbol table information from file filename. |PATH| is
searched when necessary. Use the |file| command to get both symbol
table and program to run from the same file.

I am not sure what file format gdb expects for symbols. It may well be,
that you can take your original (unstripped) executable for the symbols.
Please try it out yourself.

Good luck


Daniël Mantione wrote:

Op Sun, 13 Jan 2008, schreef Joost van der Sluis:

Op zaterdag 12-01-2008 om 20:11 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Bogus?aw

Jonas Maebe wrote:

Could fpc devel team provide application with source code which could
translate addresses from bare bone stacktrace generated from stripped
executable into full stacktrace with unit/line info using bare bone
stacktrace file and executable with debug info included ?

Why would we? This is exactly what strip does! It strips out the
debug-info to a seperate file. This is wat the -debug package is when
you create a .rpm. That -debug package stores the debuginfo. If you
install the -debug package, you can use gdb to debug your application.
If you don't install it, you can't.

To be honest, if you would receive a runtime error + stack backtrace 
output from a user, converting it back to a source line back trace 
isn't that easy currently. Sure, you can load the debuginfo 
executable in gdb, then look up the lines one by one, but it would be 
a time consuming process.


fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Debug Info proposal

2008-01-13 Thread Martin Friebe

I haven't tested this, but from what I read, if strip can preserve the
symbols in a separate file then gdb should be able to load them.

|exec-file [ filename ]|
Specify that the program to be run (but not the symbol table) is
found in filename. GDB searches the environment variable |PATH| if
necessary to locate your program. Omitting filename means to
discard information on the executable file. 
|symbol-file [ filename ]|

Read symbol table information from file filename. |PATH| is
searched when necessary. Use the |file| command to get both symbol
table and program to run from the same file.

I am not sure what file format gdb expects for symbols. It may well be,
that you can take your original (unstripped) executable for the symbols.
Please try it out yourself.

Good luck


Daniël Mantione wrote:

Op Sun, 13 Jan 2008, schreef Joost van der Sluis:

Op zaterdag 12-01-2008 om 20:11 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Bogus?aw

Jonas Maebe wrote:

Could fpc devel team provide application with source code which could
translate addresses from bare bone stacktrace generated from stripped
executable into full stacktrace with unit/line info using bare bone
stacktrace file and executable with debug info included ?

Why would we? This is exactly what strip does! It strips out the
debug-info to a seperate file. This is wat the -debug package is when
you create a .rpm. That -debug package stores the debuginfo. If you
install the -debug package, you can use gdb to debug your application.
If you don't install it, you can't.

To be honest, if you would receive a runtime error + stack backtrace 
output from a user, converting it back to a source line back trace 
isn't that easy currently. Sure, you can load the debuginfo executable 
in gdb, then look up the lines one by one, but it would be a time 
consuming process.


fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -