Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-22 Thread John Clymer
Ramtop for a generic part defined as having 1 MB of SRAM

In the generic startup file, place an 8 KB array, inside a chunk of assembly, 
set stack_top = top of the array.  So long as the program doesn't exceed the 
SRAM space AND the program doesn't exceed the array size - no problem.  (The 
actual size will have to be debated a bit, I think 8KB should suffice - but 
would preclude small devices from being used this way.)

From: Geoffrey Barton
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 21, 2011 7:06:05 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

On 21 Aug 2011, at 15:33, John Clymer wrote:

As part of my table-ization of cpuinfo.pas, I am including a generic part for 
each (no code published for this yet.)  The caveat to this is that FLASH size 
and SRAM sizes are just set to extremely large (1 MB each for now).  Which 
if the code size exceeds the space of the device - the compiler/linker will not 
catch the overflow of the available resource.  (Running objsize on the ELF file 
will display the sizes - so I just run that after every successful compile.)

As I pointed out, this will always fail because the stacktop is set beyond the 
available ram. It will cause an exception I think. How do you propose to be 
to set the actual ram top for the generic part, or am I missing something?

Also, still testing, but I have the interrupt reserved word working (more or 
less, more testing needed.)  This takes the interrupt codeword with an 
The integer is the offset into the vectors table.  If no interrupt is provided 
for the given address, it defaults to DefaultHandler in the startup file - 
is just a continual loop - so one can breakpoint on it.  (This can be enabled 
disabled via a define in the source.)  This is should only be enabled for the 
embedded target - but I need to double check to ensure that is the case.

This is a useful development; ideally the integer would be backed by an 
enumeration as it is a big table. One thing which I did find missing was the 
interrupt enable and disable assembler codes, so I patched them with data bytes 
hidden in functions. The keil C compiler does not like these if you link to 
units doing this (throws a data/code wobbly). See the file attached to bug 
tracker ID0017365 for how I hacked interrupts.

Fortunately, I have a few days off before the school semester starts - so I 
be working on this quite heavily over the next few days.

all power to your elbow...



From: Geoffrey Barton
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 21, 2011 6:01:22 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

On 20 Aug 2011, at 15:46, David Welch wrote:

 The great strength of ARM is that the peripherals, even if in different 
locations in different manufacturers parts, are identical in hardware terms 
they are all cortex m3; that is the IP which they license from So 
that is another reason for keeping the peripheral offset definitions and 
peripheral drivers separate and out of the compiler.
 Not sure what you are saying here, almost none of the peripherals are the 
from vendor to vendor.  With the cortex-m3 the systick timer and the VNIC for 
example are from ARM, sure, but the majority of the items you are going to 
timers, dma, pwm, gpio, clocks and enables, etc are vendor specific and 
different from vendor to vendor. Within a vendor they are very similar if not 
the same but from ti to st most of the items are not compatible, likewise 
ti to lpc/nxp or ti to atmel, etc.

You are right, of course. I have not looked at the data for other than 
devices, I just generalised from the ARM TRM.

 Normally these are libraries and not buried in the compiler proper, I agree 
with that.  Perhaps that is what you were saying and I misunderstood.

not quite, but it is my aspiration :-)

 And as with libraries you can take them or leave them, that would want to be 
the case here (without having to dig into the compiler proper). Would need to 
roll your own target to avoid/modify a library.  Ideally with the compiler 
want to specify the arm core to take advantages of instructions each newer 
supports.  Not use them to tie to boards or systems.
 I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are limited to 
arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb and thumb2).  
Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2 mix, so I will ride 
this along for a while and see what comes up, otherwise limit my use to ARM 
targets, or start working on a thumb backend.  Adding backends as well as arm 
embedded are of interest to me so I may work on a little of both.
 So far it seems to be very straight forward

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread John Clymer
Ok, not a full answer yet, but ...

Also have a fresh svn tree, built and got similar results.

Redirected build output to a text file, copied and pasted the line compiling 
unitstr file to batch file.  ADDED -Cpcortexm3 and rebuilt.

Disassembled the resulting object file and got:

stm32f103.o: file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text.n_stm32f103__fpc_haltproc:

   0:e7fe  b.n0 STM32F103__FPC_HALTPROC
   2:46f7  movpc, lr

Disassembly of section .text.n_stm32f103__fpc_start:

   0:f8df 1034 ldr.wr1, [pc, #52]; 38 
   4:4a0d  ldrr2, [pc, #52]; (3c 
   6:4b0e  ldrr3, [pc, #56]; (40 
   8:429a  cmpr2, r3
   a:bf9e  itttls
   c:f851 0b04 ldrls.wr0, [r1], #4
  10:f842 0b04 strls.wr0, [r2], #4
  14:e7f8  bls.n8 STM32F103__FPC_START+0x8
  16:4906  ldrr1, [pc, #24]; (30 
  18:4a06  ldrr2, [pc, #24]; (34 
  1a:f04f  mov.wr0, #0
  1e:4291  cmpr1, r2
  20:bf9c  ittls
  22:f841 0b04 strls.wr0, [r1], #4
  26:e7fa  bls.nfff8 PASCALMAIN+0xfff8
  28:f7ff bffe b.w0 PASCALMAIN
  2c:f7ff bffe b.w0 STM32F103__FPC_START
  44:0048 .word0x0048
  48:46f7  movpc, lr
  4a:46f7  movpc, lr

This looks more like what I would expect for Thumb mode, so it's a build 
where the cpu is not getting set to Thumb2 mode when it builds the Thumb2 RTL 


From: David Welch
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 21, 2011 12:24:34 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

thumb2 is an extension to thumb not arm, you can mix thumb and arm in T 
like the v4T v5T and anything after that v6 on up, except for the cortex-m 
variants which are thumb+thumb2 only and cannot execute ARM 32 bit instructions 
(yes thumb2 32 bit thumb extensions but nothing from the ARM instruction set).

Here is an example of the problem I am seeing:

took a clean copy from svn

svn co fpc

cd fpc

make clean buildbase installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded 

procedure Wait(d : dword);
  while d0 do


  while true do

./compiler/ppcrossarm -Parm -Tembedded -Wpstm32f103re -Cpcortexm3 test.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2011/08/20] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Embedded
Compiling test.pp
Assembling program
Linking test
/opt/embarm/arm-embedded-ld: warning: library search path 
/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/ is unsafe for 
14 lines compiled, 0.0 sec

then dumped the binary:

0800 _START-0x158:
800:2000fffc strdcspc, [r0], -ip
804:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
808:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
80c:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
810:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
814:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
818:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
08000194 PASCALMAIN:
8000194:46ec  movip, sp
8000196:e92d 4800 stmdbsp!, {fp, lr}
800019a:f1ac 0b04 sub.wfp, ip, #4
800019e:b08a  subsp, #40; 0x28
80001a0:f000 f844 bl800022c FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS
80001a4:e004  b.n80001b0 PASCALMAIN+0x1c
80001a6:bf00  nop
80001a8:f44f 3000 mov.wr0, #131072; 0x2
80001ac:f7ff ffd8 bl8000160 P$PROGRAM_WAIT$LONGWORD
80001b0:e7fa  b.n80001a8 PASCALMAIN+0x14
80001b2:f000 f8ff bl80003b4 FPC_DO_EXIT
80001b6:46dd  movsp, fp
80001b8:b001  addsp, #4
80001ba:e91d 8800 ldmdbsp, {fp, pc}
80001be:bf00  nop
08000404 STM32F103__FPC_START:
8000404:e59f103c ldrr1, [pc, #60]; 8000448 
8000408:e59f203c ldrr2, [pc, #60]; 800044c 
800040c:e59f303c ldrr3, [pc, #60]; 8000450 
8000410:e1520003 cmpr2, r3
8000414:94910004 ldrlsr0, [r1], #4

First off 0x08000405 implies a thumb target but it is not thumb code, it is arm 
code so 0x08000404 would be correct but that is still wrong because cores with 
that vector table (cortex-m) cannot execute arm

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread Jeppe Græsdal Johansen

Den 21-08-2011 00:00, David Welch skrev:
A! that makes sense.  I assume that is either leftover from a 
prior build?  And how do I get a new/fresh build to look in the right 
It's installed in /fpcarm. This directory should contain a bin and units 
directory. You simply need to change your main fpc.cfg file to match 
those settings. I don't know precisely how that would be done on a unix 

Maybe it would even install directly to your current install directory, 
if you just run this?
make buildbase OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm CROSSOPT=-Cpcortexm3 
sudo make installbase OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm 

On a side note, I find it strange that it even accepts your old leftover 
files. I thought the linker normally would complain about interwork stuff

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 20 Aug 2011, at 15:46, David Welch wrote:

 The great strength of ARM is that the peripherals, even if in different 
 locations in different manufacturers parts, are identical in hardware terms 
 if they are all cortex m3; that is the IP which they license from 
 So maybe that is another reason for keeping the peripheral offset 
 definitions and peripheral drivers separate and out of the compiler.
 Not sure what you are saying here, almost none of the peripherals are the 
 same from vendor to vendor.  With the cortex-m3 the systick timer and the 
 VNIC for example are from ARM, sure, but the majority of the items you are 
 going to use timers, dma, pwm, gpio, clocks and enables, etc are vendor 
 specific and vastly different from vendor to vendor. Within a vendor they are 
 very similar if not the same but from ti to st most of the items are not 
 compatible, likewise from ti to lpc/nxp or ti to atmel, etc.

You are right, of course. I have not looked at the data for other than 
Stellaris devices, I just generalised from the ARM TRM.

 Normally these are libraries and not buried in the compiler proper, I agree 
 with that.  Perhaps that is what you were saying and I misunderstood.

not quite, but it is my aspiration :-)

 And as with libraries you can take them or leave them, that would want to be 
 the case here (without having to dig into the compiler proper). Would need to 
 roll your own target to avoid/modify a library.  Ideally with the compiler 
 you want to specify the arm core to take advantages of instructions each 
 newer core supports.  Not use them to tie to boards or systems.
 I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are limited to 
 arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb and thumb2).  
 Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2 mix, so I will ride 
 this along for a while and see what comes up, otherwise limit my use to ARM 
 targets, or start working on a thumb backend.  Adding backends as well as arm 
 embedded are of interest to me so I may work on a little of both.
 So far it seems to be very straight forward to add a platform/device to fpc 
 arm embedded, so if the stock support is too bulky or confusing individuals 
 can cherry pick items they want and make their own simpler target.

The approach used in coide is quite interesting. Have a look on 
They have it down to box ticking.

 Actually what we definitely need here in the near term is an arm generic 
 target and a thumb2 generic target that does not have any of the vendor 
 specific items in it, perhaps not even core specific peripherals.

I agree.

 I understand this is a work in progress and sorting everything out will take 
 some time.

Unfortunately the discussion is rather torn between the basic simplicity camp 
and the portmanteau camp. I rather think the latter is more suitable for a 
commercial company which can afford the maintenance, otherwise it is always 
out-of-date. Keeping up with new ARM cores is perhaps enough to do already.


 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread David Welch

As interesting is that it will assemble thumb2 code as arm code and not 
fail/stop during that step in the build.

Thanks for the help, will try that.


On 08/21/2011 05:23 AM, Jeppe Græsdal Johansen wrote:

Den 21-08-2011 00:00, David Welch skrev:

A! that makes sense. I assume that is either leftover from a prior
build? And how do I get a new/fresh build to look in the right place?

It's installed in /fpcarm. This directory should contain a bin and units
directory. You simply need to change your main fpc.cfg file to match
those settings. I don't know precisely how that would be done on a unix

Maybe it would even install directly to your current install directory,
if you just run this?
make buildbase OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm CROSSOPT=-Cpcortexm3
sudo make installbase OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm

On a side note, I find it strange that it even accepts your old leftover
files. I thought the linker normally would complain about interwork stuff
fpc-devel maillist -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread John Clymer
As part of my table-ization of cpuinfo.pas, I am including a generic part for 
each (no code published for this yet.)  The caveat to this is that FLASH size 
and SRAM sizes are just set to extremely large (1 MB each for now).  Which 
if the code size exceeds the space of the device - the compiler/linker will not 
catch the overflow of the available resource.  (Running objsize on the ELF file 
will display the sizes - so I just run that after every successful compile.)

Also, still testing, but I have the interrupt reserved word working (more or 
less, more testing needed.)  This takes the interrupt codeword with an integer. 
The integer is the offset into the vectors table.  If no interrupt is provided 
for the given address, it defaults to DefaultHandler in the startup file - 
is just a continual loop - so one can breakpoint on it.  (This can be enabled / 
disabled via a define in the source.)  This is should only be enabled for the 
embedded target - but I need to double check to ensure that is the case.

Fortunately, I have a few days off before the school semester starts - so I 
be working on this quite heavily over the next few days.


From: Geoffrey Barton
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 21, 2011 6:01:22 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

On 20 Aug 2011, at 15:46, David Welch wrote:

 The great strength of ARM is that the peripherals, even if in different 
locations in different manufacturers parts, are identical in hardware terms 
they are all cortex m3; that is the IP which they license from So 
that is another reason for keeping the peripheral offset definitions and 
peripheral drivers separate and out of the compiler.
 Not sure what you are saying here, almost none of the peripherals are the 
from vendor to vendor.  With the cortex-m3 the systick timer and the VNIC for 
example are from ARM, sure, but the majority of the items you are going to use 
timers, dma, pwm, gpio, clocks and enables, etc are vendor specific and vastly 
different from vendor to vendor. Within a vendor they are very similar if not 
the same but from ti to st most of the items are not compatible, likewise from 
ti to lpc/nxp or ti to atmel, etc.

You are right, of course. I have not looked at the data for other than 
devices, I just generalised from the ARM TRM.

 Normally these are libraries and not buried in the compiler proper, I agree 
with that.  Perhaps that is what you were saying and I misunderstood.

not quite, but it is my aspiration :-)

 And as with libraries you can take them or leave them, that would want to be 
the case here (without having to dig into the compiler proper). Would need to 
roll your own target to avoid/modify a library.  Ideally with the compiler you 
want to specify the arm core to take advantages of instructions each newer 
supports.  Not use them to tie to boards or systems.
 I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are limited to 
arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb and thumb2).  
Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2 mix, so I will ride 
this along for a while and see what comes up, otherwise limit my use to ARM 
targets, or start working on a thumb backend.  Adding backends as well as arm 
embedded are of interest to me so I may work on a little of both.
 So far it seems to be very straight forward to add a platform/device to fpc 
embedded, so if the stock support is too bulky or confusing individuals can 
cherry pick items they want and make their own simpler target.

The approach used in coide is quite interesting. Have a look on 
have it down to box ticking.

 Actually what we definitely need here in the near term is an arm generic 
and a thumb2 generic target that does not have any of the vendor specific 
in it, perhaps not even core specific peripherals.

I agree.

 I understand this is a work in progress and sorting everything out will take 
some time.

Unfortunately the discussion is rather torn between the basic simplicity camp 
and the portmanteau camp. I rather think the latter is more suitable for a 
commercial company which can afford the maintenance, otherwise it is always 
out-of-date. Keeping up with new ARM cores is perhaps enough to do already.


 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, John Clymer said:
 As part of my table-ization of cpuinfo.pas, I am including a generic part
 for each (no code published for this yet.) The caveat to this is that
 FLASH size and SRAM sizes are just set to extremely large (1 MB each for
 now).  Which means if the code size exceeds the space of the device - the
 compiler/linker will not catch the overflow of the available resource. 
 (Running objsize on the ELF file will display the sizes - so I just run
 that after every successful compile.)

I don't use embedded arm, but on other microcontrollers, bootloaders are
often also at the end of the flash. The main reason for this is to avoid
having to modify the linker file for normal programs (to switch between
bootloadable and not). For that, you need to have the exact amount of flash
in your CPU profile.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 21 Aug 2011, at 15:33, John Clymer wrote:

 As part of my table-ization of cpuinfo.pas, I am including a generic part for 
 each (no code published for this yet.)  The caveat to this is that FLASH size 
 and SRAM sizes are just set to extremely large (1 MB each for now).  Which 
 means if the code size exceeds the space of the device - the compiler/linker 
 will not catch the overflow of the available resource.  (Running objsize on 
 the ELF file will display the sizes - so I just run that after every 
 successful compile.)

As I pointed out, this will always fail because the stacktop is set beyond the 
available ram. It will cause an exception I think. How do you propose to be 
able to set the actual ram top for the generic part, or am I missing something?

 Also, still testing, but I have the interrupt reserved word working (more 
 or less, more testing needed.)  This takes the interrupt codeword with an 
 integer.  The integer is the offset into the vectors table.  If no interrupt 
 is provided for the given address, it defaults to DefaultHandler in the 
 startup file - which is just a continual loop - so one can breakpoint on it.  
 (This can be enabled / disabled via a define in the source.)  This is should 
 only be enabled for the embedded target - but I need to double check to 
 ensure that is the case.

This is a useful development; ideally the integer would be backed by an 
enumeration as it is a big table. One thing which I did find missing was the 
interrupt enable and disable assembler codes, so I patched them with data bytes 
hidden in functions. The keil C compiler does not like these if you link to 
units doing this (throws a data/code wobbly). See the file attached to bug 
tracker ID0017365 for how I hacked interrupts.

 Fortunately, I have a few days off before the school semester starts - so I 
 will be working on this quite heavily over the next few days.

all power to your elbow...


 From: Geoffrey Barton
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Sun, August 21, 2011 6:01:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 On 20 Aug 2011, at 15:46, David Welch wrote:
  The great strength of ARM is that the peripherals, even if in different 
  locations in different manufacturers parts, are identical in hardware 
  terms if they are all cortex m3; that is the IP which they license from So maybe that is another reason for keeping the peripheral offset 
  definitions and peripheral drivers separate and out of the compiler.
  Not sure what you are saying here, almost none of the peripherals are the 
  same from vendor to vendor.  With the cortex-m3 the systick timer and the 
  VNIC for example are from ARM, sure, but the majority of the items you are 
  going to use timers, dma, pwm, gpio, clocks and enables, etc are vendor 
  specific and vastly different from vendor to vendor. Within a vendor they 
  are very similar if not the same but from ti to st most of the items are 
  not compatible, likewise from ti to lpc/nxp or ti to atmel, etc.
 You are right, of course. I have not looked at the data for other than 
 Stellaris devices, I just generalised from the ARM TRM.
  Normally these are libraries and not buried in the compiler proper, I agree 
  with that.  Perhaps that is what you were saying and I misunderstood.
 not quite, but it is my aspiration :-)
  And as with libraries you can take them or leave them, that would want to 
  be the case here (without having to dig into the compiler proper). Would 
  need to roll your own target to avoid/modify a library.  Ideally with the 
  compiler you want to specify the arm core to take advantages of 
  instructions each newer core supports.  Not use them to tie to boards or 
  I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are limited 
  to arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb and thumb2).  
  Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2 mix, so I will 
  ride this along for a while and see what comes up, otherwise limit my use 
  to ARM targets, or start working on a thumb backend.  Adding backends as 
  well as arm embedded are of interest to me so I may work on a little of 
  So far it seems to be very straight forward to add a platform/device to fpc 
  arm embedded, so if the stock support is too bulky or confusing individuals 
  can cherry pick items they want and make their own simpler target.
 The approach used in coide is quite interesting. Have a look on 
 They have it down to box ticking.
  Actually what we definitely need here in the near term is an arm generic 
  target and a thumb2 generic target that does not have any of the vendor 
  specific items in it, perhaps not even core specific peripherals.
 I agree.
  I understand this is a work in progress and sorting everything out

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread Jeppe Græsdal Johansen

Den 21-08-2011 17:06, Geoffrey Barton skrev:

On 21 Aug 2011, at 15:33, John Clymer wrote:

As part of my table-ization of cpuinfo.pas, I am including a generic 
part for each (no code published for this yet.)  The caveat to this 
is that FLASH size and SRAM sizes are just set to extremely large (1 
MB each for now).  Which means if the code size exceeds the space of 
the device - the compiler/linker will not catch the overflow of the 
available resource.  (Running objsize on the ELF file will display 
the sizes - so I just run that after every successful compile.)

As I pointed out, this will always fail because the stacktop is set 
beyond the available ram. It will cause an exception I think. How do 
you propose to be able to set the actual ram top for the generic part, 
or am I missing something?

Also, still testing, but I have the interruptreserved word working 
(more or less, more testing needed.)  This takes the interrupt 
codeword with an integer.  The integer is the offset into the vectors 
table.  If no interrupt is provided for the given address, it 
defaults to DefaultHandler in the startup file - which is just a 
continual loop - so one can breakpoint on it.  (This can be enabled / 
disabled via a define in the source.)  This is should only be enabled 
for the embedded target - but I need to double check to ensure that 
is the case.

This is a useful development; ideally the integer would be backed by 
an enumeration as it is a big table. One thing which I did find 
missing was the interrupt enable and disable assembler codes, so I 
patched them with data bytes hidden in functions. The keil C compiler 
does not like these if you link to units doing this (throws a 
data/code wobbly). See the file attached to bug tracker ID0017365 for 
how I hacked interrupts.

The CPS* instruction with the correct operand syntax was added in #18334

SVN trunk already has experimental support for the interrupt keyword. 
discovered a small bug with the current implementation which is fixed 
with the attached patch(which also includes some other stuff... the 
bugfix is in ncgutil. It didn't search the program file for interrupt 
handlers before)
Index: compiler/
--- compiler/ 18784)
+++ compiler/ copy)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   to to reactivate
   the corresponding code }
 { This fake CPU is used to allow incorporation of globtype unit
   into utils/ppudump without any CPU specific code PM }
Index: compiler/ncgutil.pas
--- compiler/ncgutil.pas(revision 18784)
+++ compiler/ncgutil.pas(working copy)
@@ -3197,7 +3197,30 @@
+for i := 0 to current_module.symlist.Count-1 do
+  begin
+if not assigned(sym) then
+  continue;
+if sym.typ = procsym then
+  begin
+for i2 := 0 to tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList.Count-1 do
+  begin
+if pd.interruptvector = 0 then
+  begin
+if pd.interruptvector  high(interruptTable) then
+  Internalerror(2011030602);
+if interruptTable[pd.interruptvector]  nil then
+  internalerror(2011030601);
+  end;
+  end;
+  end;
+  end;
 {$IFDEF arm}
Index: compiler/pdecsub.pas
--- compiler/pdecsub.pas(revision 18784)
+++ compiler/pdecsub.pas(working copy)
@@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@
   pd_flags : 
   handler  : @pd_interrupt;
-  pocall   : pocall_oldfpccall;
+  pocall   : pocall_interrupt;
   pooption : [po_interrupt];
   mutexclpocall : 
Index: compiler/systems.pas
--- compiler/systems.pas(revision 18784)

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread John Clymer
I found FPC_HAS_SYSTEMS_INTERRUPT_TABL, enabled it - but it was still broken 
Thumb2 (stellaris, stm32).

For Thumb2, it was broken in the following ways:

1) Stack_top should be placed at vector 0.
2) Each address should have the LSB set - to force Thumb mode when the PC 
loaded with that value.

I defined FPC_HAS_SYSTEMS_INTERRUPT_TABLE a little further down - so that was 
only enabled on ARM and AVR (trying not to break other things...)

I also have some added logic in ncgutil - for M3 devices - to place the 
stack_top into vector 0, then place handlers for vectors 1 to TOP.  The 
WriteVector routine for Thumb also adds an offset of 1 to each vector - so as 
force Thumb mode upon load to PC.


From: Jeppe Græsdal Johansen
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 21, 2011 7:27:48 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

 Den 21-08-2011 17:06, Geoffrey Barton skrev: 

On 21 Aug 2011, at 15:33, John Clymer wrote:

As part of my   table-ization of cpuinfo.pas, I am including a 
generic   part for each (no code published for this yet.)  The 
caveat to this is that FLASH size and SRAM sizes are   just 
to extremely large (1 MB each for now).Which means if the 
code size exceeds the space of the   device - the 
compiler/linker will not catch the   overflow of the available 
resource.  (Running objsize   on the ELF file will display the 
sizes - so I just run   that after every successful compile.)

As I pointed out, this will always fail because the stacktop is set 
beyond the available ram. It will cause an exception I think. How do 
propose to be able to set the actual ram top for the generic part, or 
I missing something?

Also, still testing, but I have the interrupt reserved   
working (more or less, more testing needed.)This takes 
interrupt codeword with an integer.The integer is the 
into the vectors table.  If   no interrupt is provided for 
given address, it   defaults to DefaultHandler in the startup 
file - which   is just a continual loop - so one can 
on   it.  (This can be enabled / disabled via a define in 
the source.)  This is should only be enabled for the   
target - but I need to double check to ensure   that is the 

This is a useful development; ideally the integer would be backed by an 
enumeration as it is a big table. One thing which I did find missing 
the interrupt enable and disable assembler codes, so I patched them 
data bytes hidden in functions. The keil C compiler does not like these 
if you link to units doing this (throws a data/code wobbly). See the 
file attached to bug tracker ID0017365 for how I hacked   
The CPS* instruction with the correct operand syntax was added in #18334

SVN trunk already has experimental support for the interrupt keyword. It's 
enabled with FPC_HAS_SYSTEMS_INTERRUPT_TABLE in I discovered a 
small bug with the current implementation which is fixed with the attached 
patch(which also includes some other stuff... the bugfix is in ncgutil. It 
didn't search the program file for interrupt handlers before)
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-21 Thread Jeppe Græsdal Johansen

Den 21-08-2011 17:43, John Clymer skrev:
I found FPC_HAS_SYSTEMS_INTERRUPT_TABL, enabled it - but it was still 
broken for Thumb2 (stellaris, stm32).

For Thumb2, it was broken in the following ways:

1) Stack_top should be placed at vector 0.
I disagree, but I guess that's a question of interpretation. I don't 
think it's really a vector. So currently vector 0 is for the reset 
vector at address 0x8004, and _stack_top is placed in front of the table
2) Each address should have the LSB set - to force Thumb mode when 
the PC gets loaded with that value.
That's the linkers job. And it is handled correctly currently as long as 
the labels where they are pointing to are marked with the .thumb_func 
directive(as they are when using -Cpcortexm3)
I defined FPC_HAS_SYSTEMS_INTERRUPT_TABLE a little further down - so 
that was only enabled on ARM and AVR (trying not to break other things...)

I also have some added logic in ncgutil - for M3 devices - to place 
the stack_top into vector 0, then place handlers for vectors 1 to 
TOP.  The WriteVector routine for Thumb also adds an offset of 1 to 
each vector - so as to force Thumb mode upon load to PC.

You shouldn't add anything to get thumb vectors, as I explained further up.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread John Clymer
Also, just peeked at current line up of STM32 controllers, there are 150 
different controllers available, consisting of 33 possible combinations of 
memory and SRAM size.  

I will try to get the controller specific parts boiled up into record 
this weekend, and get some added controllers installed into cpuinfo.pas.  (And 
fix any compiler breakages from the change.)  I have the SVN download - so 
generated diffs should be a bit easier (still learning SVN though...)

Also, I read through the ARM docs regarding the standard library - and can 
setup registers based on the each vendors published C library so they match 
the ARM/vendor docs.  However, as each controller in the line-up has only 
certain peripherals, is it the intention that EACH controller gets it's own 
controller file with memory definitions for peripherals ?  That's 300+ unit 
files between STM32 and TI's Stellaris line-ups.  

OR - does one try to merge as many controllers into 1 memory definition as 
possible.  i.e. ALL of stellaris could be defined for the maximal configuration 
of peripherals (as they have a standard mapping layout for peripherals i.e.  
LM3 devices have UART0 at the exact same location - and all have the same 
register layout.)  The caveat to this that one could compile code that won't 
actually run on a given device.

OR - we could leave the peripheral definitions to the user.  (Which I'm 
is not the preferred route.)


From: Florian Klämpfl
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Fri, August 19, 2011 12:19:05 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Am 19.08.2011 05:28, schrieb John Clymer:
 Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays.  Just wondering
 if it would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller
 entries - rather than individual arrays.  (Add in a variety of STM parts
 and the other manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory
 configurations in the table.)

Maybe it's indeed better to have an array of records, each record
describing one controller.

 My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT
 file that only defines registers.  The controller unit in the compiler
 source would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system
 up and call PASCALMAIN.  However, if it is deemed better to have the
 entire register set defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.

Well, isn't it for a user easier just to pass the controller he uses on
the command line and the compiler does the rest? Why bother with
addional uses etc. if the compiler knows already anything?
fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread David Welch

Just jumping in here and maybe it was discussed but the cortex-m3 
appears to have been designed so that if you match the arm abi you can 
put the address of handlers directly in the vector table and not have to 
trampoline off of a wrapper function.  basically 8 well chosen register 
are put on the stack so you dont have to preserve them, so that the 
handler has the look and feel of a standard function and not the look 
and feel of an interrupt handler.

I would not mix all cortex-m3 based devices into one definition.

Perhaps lumping all the stellaris parts into one but that would still 
get huge.  Maybe all the 800 series in one, all the 1000 series in 
another, and so on.  That is the way the vendors tend to manage 
information for their parts, and it makes sense as a sub-set of a larger 
family is very closely related and easier to manage the subtle differences.

Is it your intention to get all of the stellaris parts into this project 
all at once?  Or build some framework, add one or a few parts from each 
family and then over the course of time add a part or two here and there?

I would start with one family 800 series or 1000 series, one of the more 
simpler ones, and try to capture that series. If one series of parts is 
too bulky or complicated that is your answer, you may need to isolate 
each part by itself.

I would not try to cross vendors to the stm or lpc/nxp cortex-m3 or 
cortex-m0 parts etc.  the memory maps and peripherals across vendors are 
too different.  boot strategies, flash programming, etc.  I suspect 
everyone using an arm7 in a controller now will be using one of the 
cortex-m cores before long if they are not already.  Is it st or lpc 
that has both cortex-m3 and cortex-m0 based parts now?  I would have to 
look up the difference but know I bought/saw both at some point.


On 08/20/2011 02:20 AM, John Clymer wrote:

Also, just peeked at current line up of STM32 controllers, there are 150
different controllers available, consisting of 33 possible combinations
of FLASH memory and SRAM size.

I will try to get the controller specific parts boiled up into record
structures this weekend, and get some added controllers installed into
cpuinfo.pas. (And fix any compiler breakages from the change.) I have
the SVN download - so generated diffs should be a bit easier (still
learning SVN though...)

Also, I read through the ARM docs regarding the standard library - and
can setup registers based on the each vendors published C library so
they match the ARM/vendor docs. However, as each controller in the
line-up has only certain peripherals, is it the intention that EACH
controller gets it's own controller file with memory definitions for
peripherals ? That's 300+ unit files between STM32 and TI's Stellaris

OR - does one try to merge as many controllers into 1 memory definition
as possible. i.e. ALL of stellaris could be defined for the maximal
configuration of peripherals (as they have a standard mapping layout for
peripherals i.e. ALL LM3 devices have UART0 at the exact same location -
and all have the same register layout.) The caveat to this that one
could compile code that won't actually run on a given device.

OR - we could leave the peripheral definitions to the user. (Which I'm
assuming is not the preferred route.)


*From:* Florian Klämpfl
*To:* FPC developers' list
*Sent:* Fri, August 19, 2011 12:19:05 PM
*Subject:* Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Am 19.08.2011 05:28, schrieb John Clymer:
  Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays. Just wondering
  if it would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller
  entries - rather than individual arrays. (Add in a variety of STM parts
  and the other manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory
  configurations in the table.)

Maybe it's indeed better to have an array of records, each record
describing one controller.

  My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT
  file that only defines registers. The controller unit in the compiler
  source would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system
  up and call PASCALMAIN. However, if it is deemed better to have the
  entire register set defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.

Well, isn't it for a user easier just to pass the controller he uses on
the command line and the compiler does the rest? Why bother with
addional uses etc. if the compiler knows already anything?
fpc-devel maillist -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 20 Aug 2011, at 07:20, John Clymer wrote:

 Also, just peeked at current line up of STM32 controllers, there are 150 
 different controllers available, consisting of 33 possible combinations of 
 FLASH memory and SRAM size.  
 I will try to get the controller specific parts boiled up into record 
 structures this weekend, and get some added controllers installed into 
 cpuinfo.pas.  (And fix any compiler breakages from the change.)  I have the 
 SVN download - so generated diffs should be a bit easier (still learning SVN 
 Also, I read through the ARM docs regarding the standard library - and can 
 setup registers based on the each vendors published C library so they match 
 the ARM/vendor docs.  However, as each controller in the line-up has only 
 certain peripherals, is it the intention that EACH controller gets it's own 
 controller file with memory definitions for peripherals ?  That's 300+ unit 
 files between STM32 and TI's Stellaris line-ups.  
 OR - does one try to merge as many controllers into 1 memory definition as 
 possible.  i.e. ALL of stellaris could be defined for the maximal 
 configuration of peripherals (as they have a standard mapping layout for 
 peripherals i.e.  ALL LM3 devices have UART0 at the exact same location - and 
 all have the same register layout.)  The caveat to this that one could 
 compile code that won't actually run on a given device.

I think that anybody using a device would have to have already assigned pin 
connections in the board design and should know well which peripherals they are 

 OR - we could leave the peripheral definitions to the user.  (Which I'm 
 assuming is not the preferred route.)

It is to me. People can contribute definitions and drivers as they use the 
parts and these can just go in 'uses'.


 From: Florian Klämpfl
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Fri, August 19, 2011 12:19:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 Am 19.08.2011 05:28, schrieb John Clymer:
  Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays.  Just wondering
  if it would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller
  entries - rather than individual arrays.  (Add in a variety of STM parts
  and the other manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory
  configurations in the table.)
 Maybe it's indeed better to have an array of records, each record
 describing one controller.
  My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT
  file that only defines registers.  The controller unit in the compiler
  source would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system
  up and call PASCALMAIN.  However, if it is deemed better to have the
  entire register set defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.
 Well, isn't it for a user easier just to pass the controller he uses on
 the command line and the compiler does the rest? Why bother with
 addional uses etc. if the compiler knows already anything?
 fpc-devel maillist  -
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 20 Aug 2011, at 09:01, David Welch wrote:

 Just jumping in here and maybe it was discussed but the cortex-m3 appears to 
 have been designed so that if you match the arm abi you can put the address 
 of handlers directly in the vector table and not have to trampoline off of a 
 wrapper function.  basically 8 well chosen register are put on the stack so 
 you dont have to preserve them, so that the handler has the look and feel of 
 a standard function and not the look and feel of an interrupt handler.
 I would not mix all cortex-m3 based devices into one definition.
 Perhaps lumping all the stellaris parts into one but that would still get 
 huge.  Maybe all the 800 series in one, all the 1000 series in another, and 
 so on.  That is the way the vendors tend to manage information for their 
 parts, and it makes sense as a sub-set of a larger family is very closely 
 related and easier to manage the subtle differences.
 Is it your intention to get all of the stellaris parts into this project all 
 at once?  Or build some framework, add one or a few parts from each family 
 and then over the course of time add a part or two here and there?
 I would start with one family 800 series or 1000 series, one of the more 
 simpler ones, and try to capture that series. If one series of parts is too 
 bulky or complicated that is your answer, you may need to isolate each part 
 by itself.
 I would not try to cross vendors to the stm or lpc/nxp cortex-m3 or cortex-m0 
 parts etc.  the memory maps and peripherals across vendors are too different. 
  boot strategies, flash programming, etc.  

The great strength of ARM is that the peripherals, even if in different 
locations in different manufacturers parts, are identical in hardware terms if 
they are all cortex m3; that is the IP which they license from So 
maybe that is another reason for keeping the peripheral offset definitions and 
peripheral drivers separate and out of the compiler.


 I suspect everyone using an arm7 in a controller now will be using one of the 
 cortex-m cores before long if they are not already.
  Is it st or lpc that has both cortex-m3 and cortex-m0 based parts now?  I 
 would have to look up the difference but know I bought/saw both at some point.
 On 08/20/2011 02:20 AM, John Clymer wrote:
 Also, just peeked at current line up of STM32 controllers, there are 150
 different controllers available, consisting of 33 possible combinations
 of FLASH memory and SRAM size.
 I will try to get the controller specific parts boiled up into record
 structures this weekend, and get some added controllers installed into
 cpuinfo.pas. (And fix any compiler breakages from the change.) I have
 the SVN download - so generated diffs should be a bit easier (still
 learning SVN though...)
 Also, I read through the ARM docs regarding the standard library - and
 can setup registers based on the each vendors published C library so
 they match the ARM/vendor docs. However, as each controller in the
 line-up has only certain peripherals, is it the intention that EACH
 controller gets it's own controller file with memory definitions for
 peripherals ? That's 300+ unit files between STM32 and TI's Stellaris
 OR - does one try to merge as many controllers into 1 memory definition
 as possible. i.e. ALL of stellaris could be defined for the maximal
 configuration of peripherals (as they have a standard mapping layout for
 peripherals i.e. ALL LM3 devices have UART0 at the exact same location -
 and all have the same register layout.) The caveat to this that one
 could compile code that won't actually run on a given device.
 OR - we could leave the peripheral definitions to the user. (Which I'm
 assuming is not the preferred route.)
 *From:* Florian Klämpfl
 *To:* FPC developers' list
 *Sent:* Fri, August 19, 2011 12:19:05 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 Am 19.08.2011 05:28, schrieb John Clymer:
  Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays. Just wondering
  if it would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller
  entries - rather than individual arrays. (Add in a variety of STM parts
  and the other manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory
  configurations in the table.)
 Maybe it's indeed better to have an array of records, each record
 describing one controller.
  My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT
  file that only defines registers. The controller unit in the compiler
  source would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system
  up and call PASCALMAIN. However, if it is deemed better to have the
  entire register set defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.
 Well, isn't it for a user easier just to pass the controller he uses

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread John Clymer
For the cortex-m3 parts, one standard run-time is sufficient for all cortex 
parts, as their core systems are defined enough to get into a main pascal 
routine with the same code.

I'm specifically looking at Stellaris right now, specifically the Fury line of 
controllers, which is the largest line thus far.

However, in reviewing the Stellaris lineup - ALL Stellaris parts have their 
peripherals mapped out at exactly the same locations.  Which means that 1 
peripheral / register definition file could be used for all Stellaris parts.  
The confusion on this would be that symbols would exist for peripherals that 
might not exist for a specifically chosen part.  I'm just peeking around at 
other vendor's product lines to see how much work would be involved - and also 
trying to make things as generic as possible for re-use.

There are 180+ Stellaris parts currently active, of which 79 are Fury class 
parts.  Of the Fury class parts, there are 8 possible combinations of FLASH and 
SRAM amounts.  I'm looking to put all 79 parts into the table of controllers, 
HOWEVER, each part will reference a unit specific the same controller unit 
file.  I'm looking to change cpuinfo.pas to a structure, and part of that 
structure will be the FLASH and SRAM configurations, so that t_embed.pas won't 
even need a gazillion case() statements to generate the link info.

Once done with Fury class, I would move on to STM32 - as I have those available 
for ready use as well.

When STM32 and part of Stellaris have been created, a good framework should be 
in place to more easily add more vendors and/or parts.

From: David Welch
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sat, August 20, 2011 12:01:14 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Just jumping in here and maybe it was discussed but the cortex-m3 appears to 
have been designed so that if you match the arm abi you can put the address of 
handlers directly in the vector table and not have to trampoline off of a 
wrapper function.  basically 8 well chosen register are put on the stack so you 
dont have to preserve them, so that the handler has the look and feel of a 
standard function and not the look and feel of an interrupt handler.

I would not mix all cortex-m3 based devices into one definition.

Perhaps lumping all the stellaris parts into one but that would still get huge. 
Maybe all the 800 series in one, all the 1000 series in another, and so on.  
That is the way the vendors tend to manage information for their parts, and it 
makes sense as a sub-set of a larger family is very closely related and easier 
to manage the subtle differences.

Is it your intention to get all of the stellaris parts into this project all at 
once?  Or build some framework, add one or a few parts from each family and 
over the course of time add a part or two here and there?

I would start with one family 800 series or 1000 series, one of the more 
ones, and try to capture that series. If one series of parts is too bulky or 
complicated that is your answer, you may need to isolate each part by itself.

I would not try to cross vendors to the stm or lpc/nxp cortex-m3 or cortex-m0 
parts etc.  the memory maps and peripherals across vendors are too different.  
boot strategies, flash programming, etc.  I suspect everyone using an arm7 in a 
controller now will be using one of the cortex-m cores before long if they are 
not already.  Is it st or lpc that has both cortex-m3 and cortex-m0 based parts 
now?  I would have to look up the difference but know I bought/saw both at some 


On 08/20/2011 02:20 AM, John Clymer wrote:
 Also, just peeked at current line up of STM32 controllers, there are 150
 different controllers available, consisting of 33 possible combinations
 of FLASH memory and SRAM size.
 I will try to get the controller specific parts boiled up into record
 structures this weekend, and get some added controllers installed into
 cpuinfo.pas. (And fix any compiler breakages from the change.) I have
 the SVN download - so generated diffs should be a bit easier (still
 learning SVN though...)
 Also, I read through the ARM docs regarding the standard library - and
 can setup registers based on the each vendors published C library so
 they match the ARM/vendor docs. However, as each controller in the
 line-up has only certain peripherals, is it the intention that EACH
 controller gets it's own controller file with memory definitions for
 peripherals ? That's 300+ unit files between STM32 and TI's Stellaris
 OR - does one try to merge as many controllers into 1 memory definition
 as possible. i.e. ALL of stellaris could be defined for the maximal
 configuration of peripherals (as they have a standard mapping layout for
 peripherals i.e. ALL LM3 devices have UART0 at the exact same location -
 and all have the same register layout.) The caveat

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread David Welch

The great strength of ARM is that the peripherals, even if in different 
locations in different manufacturers parts, are identical in hardware terms if 
they are all cortex m3; that is the IP which they license from So 
maybe that is another reason for keeping the peripheral offset definitions and 
peripheral drivers separate and out of the compiler.


Not sure what you are saying here, almost none of the peripherals are 
the same from vendor to vendor.  With the cortex-m3 the systick timer 
and the VNIC for example are from ARM, sure, but the majority of the 
items you are going to use timers, dma, pwm, gpio, clocks and enables, 
etc are vendor specific and vastly different from vendor to vendor. 
Within a vendor they are very similar if not the same but from ti to st 
most of the items are not compatible, likewise from ti to lpc/nxp or ti 
to atmel, etc.

Normally these are libraries and not buried in the compiler proper, I 
agree with that.  Perhaps that is what you were saying and I misunderstood.

And as with libraries you can take them or leave them, that would want 
to be the case here (without having to dig into the compiler proper). 
Would need to roll your own target to avoid/modify a library.  Ideally 
with the compiler you want to specify the arm core to take advantages of 
instructions each newer core supports.  Not use them to tie to boards or 

I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are 
limited to arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb 
and thumb2).  Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2 
mix, so I will ride this along for a while and see what comes up, 
otherwise limit my use to ARM targets, or start working on a thumb 
backend.  Adding backends as well as arm embedded are of interest to me 
so I may work on a little of both.

So far it seems to be very straight forward to add a platform/device to 
fpc arm embedded, so if the stock support is too bulky or confusing 
individuals can cherry pick items they want and make their own simpler 

Actually what we definitely need here in the near term is an arm generic 
target and a thumb2 generic target that does not have any of the vendor 
specific items in it, perhaps not even core specific peripherals.

I understand this is a work in progress and sorting everything out will 
take some time.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread Jeppe Græsdal Johansen

Den 20-08-2011 16:46, David Welch skrev:
I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are 
limited to arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb 
and thumb2).  Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an 
arm+thumb2 mix, so I will ride this along for a while and see what 
comes up, otherwise limit my use to ARM targets, or start working on a 
thumb backend.  Adding backends as well as arm embedded are of 
interest to me so I may work on a little of both. 
Why thumb support? The choices are indeed currently only either ARM or 
Thumb2(which is Thumb+32 bit extensions). Thumb2 is a variable length 
instruction set that looks like an arm+thumb mix, so I guarantee you 
that it works :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread John Clymer
The thumb2 is meant to support Cortex M3 devices (STM32, Stellaris, etc.)  
- the mixing of modes is not currently an option.

From: Jeppe Græsdal Johansen
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sat, August 20, 2011 7:23:39 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Den 20-08-2011 16:46, David Welch skrev:
 I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are limited to 
arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb and thumb2).  
Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2 mix, so I will ride 
this along for a while and see what comes up, otherwise limit my use to ARM 
targets, or start working on a thumb backend.  Adding backends as well as arm 
embedded are of interest to me so I may work on a little of both. 

Why thumb support? The choices are indeed currently only either ARM or 
Thumb2(which is Thumb+32 bit extensions). Thumb2 is a variable length 
instruction set that looks like an arm+thumb mix, so I guarantee you that it 
works :)
fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread DaWorm
I'm not sure how FPC should handle the peripherals, but I don't think it
should be at the compiler level.  Even if the part I'm using has, for
instance, an ADC, if I'm not using it I do not want support for it built in
to my app.  With what I use currently (IAR C) I uncomment a #define for each
peripheral I want to add support for.  I'm sure something similar can be
done for FPC at the unit level.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread David Welch

right, when I build for stellaris or stm32f103re I get the cortex-m like 
vector table that uses arm 32 bit instruction startup code that branches 
to a pascalmain that is thumb2.  something that wont execute on 
hardware.  Had it been a thumb target with a traditional exeception 
table that would have been good and in fact desirable for some platforms 
(nintendo gba for example).  but the arm/thumb2 combination doesnt mix 
very well.

Maybe I need to re-try everything from scratch to see if I skipped a 
step or left out something and specified the wrong target or cpu.

Note you are giving up a stack location by using addresses in the form 
0x10007FFC instead of 0x10008000.  Minor point but it stands out in the 

This is all clearly a work in progress, I understand that...


On 08/20/2011 11:49 AM, John Clymer wrote:

The thumb2 is meant to support Cortex M3 devices (STM32, Stellaris,
etc.) AFAIK - the mixing of modes is not currently an option.

*From:* Jeppe Græsdal Johansen
*To:* FPC developers' list
*Sent:* Sat, August 20, 2011 7:23:39 PM
*Subject:* Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Den 20-08-2011 16:46, David Welch skrev:
  I was hoping for thumb support but I now see that the choices are
limited to arm and thumb+thumb2 (without any separation between thumb
and thumb2). Actually thumb2 wasnt working for me, I got an arm+thumb2
mix, so I will ride this along for a while and see what comes up,
otherwise limit my use to ARM targets, or start working on a thumb
backend. Adding backends as well as arm embedded are of interest to me
so I may work on a little of both.
Why thumb support? The choices are indeed currently only either ARM or
Thumb2(which is Thumb+32 bit extensions). Thumb2 is a variable length
instruction set that looks like an arm+thumb mix, so I guarantee you
that it works :)
fpc-devel maillist -

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread David Welch

I am rapidly seeing the problem, the linker script is hardcoded both by 
family (ARM as a whole) and by target.  So for example if you wanted a 
ram-only ARM generic target, you are in trouble, or if you wanted a 
flash/ram target arm generic target you are in trouble.  You have to 
override the compiled in maps.  Once you get target specific compiled in 
memory maps then the compiled in register addresses make sense.  At that 
point do the libraries, pll init, timers, etc make sense?


On 08/20/2011 11:57 AM, DaWorm wrote:

I'm not sure how FPC should handle the peripherals, but I don't think it
should be at the compiler level.  Even if the part I'm using has, for
instance, an ADC, if I'm not using it I do not want support for it built
in to my app.  With what I use currently (IAR C) I uncomment a #define
for each peripheral I want to add support for.  I'm sure something
similar can be done for FPC at the unit level.

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread David Welch

thumb2 is an extension to thumb not arm, you can mix thumb and arm in T 
variants like the v4T v5T and anything after that v6 on up, except for 
the cortex-m variants which are thumb+thumb2 only and cannot execute ARM 
32 bit instructions (yes thumb2 32 bit thumb extensions but nothing from 
the ARM instruction set).

Here is an example of the problem I am seeing:

took a clean copy from svn

svn co fpc

cd fpc

make clean buildbase installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded 

procedure Wait(d : dword);
  while d0 do


  while true do

./compiler/ppcrossarm -Parm -Tembedded -Wpstm32f103re -Cpcortexm3 test.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2011/08/20] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Embedded
Compiling test.pp
Assembling program
Linking test
/opt/embarm/arm-embedded-ld: warning: library search path 
/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/ is unsafe for 

14 lines compiled, 0.0 sec

then dumped the binary:

0800 _START-0x158:
 800:   2000fffcstrdcs  pc, [r0], -ip
 804:   08000405stmdaeq r0, {r0, r2, sl}
 808:   08000405stmdaeq r0, {r0, r2, sl}
 80c:   08000405stmdaeq r0, {r0, r2, sl}
 810:   08000405stmdaeq r0, {r0, r2, sl}
 814:   08000405stmdaeq r0, {r0, r2, sl}
 818:   08000405stmdaeq r0, {r0, r2, sl}
08000194 PASCALMAIN:
 8000194:   46ecmov ip, sp
 8000196:   e92d 4800   stmdb   sp!, {fp, lr}
 800019a:   f1ac 0b04   sub.w   fp, ip, #4
 800019e:   b08asub sp, #40 ; 0x28
 80001a0:   f000 f844   bl  800022c FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS
 80001a4:   e004b.n 80001b0 PASCALMAIN+0x1c
 80001a6:   bf00nop
 80001a8:   f44f 3000   mov.w   r0, #131072 ; 0x2
 80001ac:   f7ff ffd8   bl  8000160 P$PROGRAM_WAIT$LONGWORD
 80001b0:   e7fab.n 80001a8 PASCALMAIN+0x14
 80001b2:   f000 f8ff   bl  80003b4 FPC_DO_EXIT
 80001b6:   46ddmov sp, fp
 80001b8:   b001add sp, #4
 80001ba:   e91d 8800   ldmdb   sp, {fp, pc}
 80001be:   bf00nop
08000404 STM32F103__FPC_START:
 8000404:   e59f103cldr r1, [pc, #60]   ; 8000448 
 8000408:   e59f203cldr r2, [pc, #60]   ; 800044c 
 800040c:   e59f303cldr r3, [pc, #60]   ; 8000450 
 8000410:   e1520003cmp r2, r3
 8000414:   94910004ldrls   r0, [r1], #4

First off 0x08000405 implies a thumb target but it is not thumb code, it 
is arm code so 0x08000404 would be correct but that is still wrong 
because cores with that vector table (cortex-m) cannot execute arm 

Looking at that first instruction in the reset handler

08000404 STM32F103__FPC_START:
 8000404:   e59f103cldr r1, [pc, #60]   ; 8000448 

1110 01011001 r15, r1, 0x03C

And that was properly decoded by objdump, immediate offset rn+offset12, 
load, word sized, etc.

PC is 0x800040C at that time so load address is 0x800040C+0x03C = 0x8000448

You can tell both by 32 bit numbers in the dump but the dominance of an 
0xE as the first nibble also implies these are arm instructions not 
thumb (need to see a long chunk of code to see the pattern).  Had they 
been thumb instructions but decoded wrong by the disassembler then the 
first and fourth nibbles would have been dominated by like 6's and 7's 
or at least would stand out compared to the other


if we decode this as thumb/thumb2


//B(2) unconditional branch
if(rb(110)) rb|=(~0)11;


11100 1011001

...11  1011 0011 1110

pc = 0x405+4 = 0x409
pc + 0x...FFB3E =
0x409 - (0x4C1 + 1) =  0x747

Unconditional branch to 0x0747  so it is a valid instruction, but 
doesnt make much sense

This does though, the start code from stm32f103.pp

.globl _start

// Copy initialized data to ram
ldr r1,.L_etext
ldr r2,.L_data
ldr r3,.L_edata
cmp r2,r3
ittt ls
ldrls r0,[r1],#4
strls r0,[r2],#4
bls .Lcopyloop

The instructions the assembler was able to encode it did:

 8000404:   e59f103cldr r1, [pc, #60]
 8000408:   e59f203cldr r2, [pc, #60]
 800040c:   e59f303cldr   

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread Jeppe Græsdal Johansen

Den 20-08-2011 22:24, David Welch skrev:

thumb2 is an extension to thumb not arm, you can mix thumb and arm in 
T variants like the v4T v5T and anything after that v6 on up, except 
for the cortex-m variants which are thumb+thumb2 only and cannot 
execute ARM 32 bit instructions (yes thumb2 32 bit thumb extensions 
but nothing from the ARM instruction set).

Here is an example of the problem I am seeing:

took a clean copy from svn

svn co fpc

cd fpc

make clean buildbase installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded 

procedure Wait(d : dword);
  while d0 do


  while true do

./compiler/ppcrossarm -Parm -Tembedded -Wpstm32f103re -Cpcortexm3 test.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2011/08/20] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Embedded
Compiling test.pp
Assembling program
Linking test
/opt/embarm/arm-embedded-ld: warning: library search path 
/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/ is unsafe for 

14 lines compiled, 0.0 sec

then dumped the binary:

0800 _START-0x158:
 800:2000fffc strdcspc, [r0], -ip
 804:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
 808:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
 80c:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
 810:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
 814:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
 818:08000405 stmdaeqr0, {r0, r2, sl}
08000194 PASCALMAIN:
 8000194:46ec  movip, sp
 8000196:e92d 4800 stmdbsp!, {fp, lr}
 800019a:f1ac 0b04 sub.wfp, ip, #4
 800019e:b08a  subsp, #40; 0x28
 80001a0:f000 f844 bl800022c FPC_INITIALIZEUNITS
 80001a4:e004  b.n80001b0 PASCALMAIN+0x1c
 80001a6:bf00  nop
 80001a8:f44f 3000 mov.wr0, #131072; 0x2
 80001ac:f7ff ffd8 bl8000160 P$PROGRAM_WAIT$LONGWORD
 80001b0:e7fa  b.n80001a8 PASCALMAIN+0x14
 80001b2:f000 f8ff bl80003b4 FPC_DO_EXIT
 80001b6:46dd  movsp, fp
 80001b8:b001  addsp, #4
 80001ba:e91d 8800 ldmdbsp, {fp, pc}
 80001be:bf00  nop
08000404 STM32F103__FPC_START:
 8000404:e59f103c ldrr1, [pc, #60]; 8000448 
 8000408:e59f203c ldrr2, [pc, #60]; 800044c 
 800040c:e59f303c ldrr3, [pc, #60]; 8000450 

 8000410:e1520003 cmpr2, r3
 8000414:94910004 ldrlsr0, [r1], #4

First off 0x08000405 implies a thumb target but it is not thumb code, 
it is arm code so 0x08000404 would be correct but that is still wrong 
because cores with that vector table (cortex-m) cannot execute arm 

It implies thumb mode, which is the only valid mode on Cortex-M3

Looking at that first instruction in the reset handler

08000404 STM32F103__FPC_START:
 8000404:e59f103c ldrr1, [pc, #60]; 8000448 
The problem is that you are using an RTL built for ARM. That's what the 
warning is about. You installed the compiler in /fpcarm, but it's using 
units from /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/

A correctly compiled unit would look like this:
   0:   f8df 1034   ldr.w   r1, [pc, #52]   ; 38 
   4:   4a0dldr r2, [pc, #52]   ; (3c 
   6:   4b0eldr r3, [pc, #56]   ; (40 

   8:   429acmp r2, r3
   a:   bf9eitttls

1110 01011001 r15, r1, 0x03C

And that was properly decoded by objdump, immediate offset 
rn+offset12, load, word sized, etc.
PC is 0x800040C at that time so load address is 0x800040C+0x03C = 

You can tell both by 32 bit numbers in the dump but the dominance of 
an 0xE as the first nibble also implies these are arm instructions not 
thumb (need to see a long chunk of code to see the pattern).  Had they 
been thumb instructions but decoded wrong by the disassembler then the 
first and fourth nibbles would have been dominated by like 6's and 7's 
or at least would stand out compared to the other


if we decode this as thumb/thumb2


//B(2) unconditional branch
if(rb(110)) rb|=(~0)11;


11100 1011001

...11  1011 0011 1110

pc = 0x405+4 = 0x409
pc + 0x...FFB3E =
0x409 - (0x4C1 + 1) =  0x747

Unconditional branch to 0x0747  so it is a valid 

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-20 Thread David Welch

A! that makes sense.  I assume that is either leftover from a prior 
build?  And how do I get a new/fresh build to look in the right place?

If I remove the offending fpc/2.7.1 directory and rebuild. (without 
trying to change the prefix)  it puts the same stuff back in that directory:

/opt/embarm/arm-embedded-ld: warning: library search path 
/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/ is unsafe for 

Am I doing this wrong?

make clean buildbase installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded 

If I change it to this?

make clean buildbase installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded 

and provide the necessary cortexm3-embedded-* tools.

make: -iVSPTPSOTO: Command not found
make: -iSP: Command not found
make: -iTP: Command not found
make: -iSO: Command not found
make: -iTO: Command not found
Makefile:203: *** The Makefile doesn't support target cortexm3-embedded, 
please run fpcmake first.  Stop.


/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/ is unsafe for

The problem is that you are using an RTL built for ARM. That's what the
warning is about. You installed the compiler in /fpcarm, but it's using
units from /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/arm-embedded/rtl/

A correctly compiled unit would look like this:
0: f8df 1034 ldr.w r1, [pc, #52] ; 38 STM32F103__FPC_START+0x38
4: 4a0d ldr r2, [pc, #52] ; (3c STM32F103__FPC_START+0x3c)
6: 4b0e ldr r3, [pc, #56] ; (40 STM32F103__FPC_START+0x40)
8: 429a cmp r2, r3
a: bf9e ittt ls

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 19 Aug 2011, at 04:28, John Clymer wrote:

 Did an analysis of the Stellaris current product lineup, there are over 180 
 current Stellaris products on TI's selection guide.  Boiling through the 
 FLASH and RAM availability, there are 31 unique configuratios of FLASH / SRAM 
 between those 180 devices.  So, the case() statements in t_embed.pas will 
 have 31 more entries to completely support the entire line of Stellaris 
 processors (and a few more with products slated for future release).

could it not just be two numeric command line options which are used to write 
the relevant strings to 'linkres'? This would be future proof.

 Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays.  Just wondering if it 
 would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller entries - 
 rather than individual arrays.  (Add in a variety of STM parts and the other 
 manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory configurations in 
 the table.)
 Looking at RTL support.  Currently for each ARM variant, they have a 
 contoller unit (the controllerunitstr entry).  Inside the current controller 
 units, registers are defined.  These registers definitions automatically 
 become part of the variable space of an application.  Is the intent for ALL 
 controller registers be provided inside the RTL ?  I would think this would 
 be better provided by outside files.  (i.e.  uses LM3S8962 - brings in a 
 file containing all the 8962 register definitions.)  

I agree. The ones I included in 'stellaris.pas' were enough to get the basic 
system working with a non-trival test and to give anybody who took it further 
some suggestions which I found worked ok eg. putting the registers in absolute 
records. Really they should all be in separate files for each peripheral, then 
you only need to include whichever ones are relevant to the device you are 
actually using.

 Having an outside file (it would be akin to a C header file - interface only 
 specifications for the registers, and that would be it) would be much clearer 
 than hiding the details inside a hidden file.  If the user wants to chase 
 down exactly where the definition is coming from, using a non-RTL file saves 
 the user from having to dig through the compiler source to determine where it 
 was coming from.  (Although for a newb, it may be preferable to have them 
 automatigically available.)

In fact I have subsequently been using the C header files for bit definitions 
after conversion using h2pas. This saved a lot of time.
 My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT file 
 that only defines registers.  The controller unit in the compiler source 
 would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system up and call 
 PASCALMAIN.  However, if it is deemed better to have the entire register set 
 defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.

Units are convenient too; you can include access methods alongside the register 

 From: Florian Klämpfl
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Tue, August 9, 2011 7:59:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 Am 09.08.2011 17:04, schrieb Jeppe Græsdal Johansen:
  On 09-08-2011 15:53, Geoffrey Barton wrote:
  On 9 Aug 2011, at 14:14, John Clymer wrote:
  I was thinking more of a generic controller class, including a
  memory.def (or whatever one wants to name it) file.  That would be
  easiest as it would only effect the t_embed.pas file (and cpuinfo.pas
  file to add the generic type.)
  Haven't looked into possibly a compiler option (and may easily be
  more trouble than a command line option):
  But, I still think a static memory definition file would require the
  least amount of code changes.  And would only effect only the ARM
  related files.
  The compiler option works well when you have conditional options for
  different target builds using ifdefs, which I do I lot. It makes it
  very easy to see if it is in the source file as it can be locked to
  other options and you only need to select it in one place.
  A separate linker file starts to make FPC handle like any other
  compiler :( instead of the joy to use it is :)
  I agree. Keeping the configurations in code is easier to manage,
 Yes. I think as well that everything should stick in the compiler. FPC
 is open source, so no need for a convolution of compiler support and
 external files. Full support of all devices will lead to a huge number
 of interwinded include files in the rtl anyways.
  compared to the spiderweb of magically named files of other embedded
  I think that maybe creating an abstract class hierachy of chip families,
  instead of the current solution of a single large case statement, would
  be a better solution in the long run

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 19.08.2011 05:28, schrieb John Clymer:
 Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays.  Just wondering
 if it would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller
 entries - rather than individual arrays.  (Add in a variety of STM parts
 and the other manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory
 configurations in the table.)

Maybe it's indeed better to have an array of records, each record
describing one controller.

 My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT
 file that only defines registers.  The controller unit in the compiler
 source would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system
 up and call PASCALMAIN.  However, if it is deemed better to have the
 entire register set defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.

Well, isn't it for a user easier just to pass the controller he uses on
the command line and the compiler does the rest? Why bother with
addional uses etc. if the compiler knows already anything?
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 19 Aug 2011, at 09:19, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

 Am 19.08.2011 05:28, schrieb John Clymer:
 Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays.  Just wondering
 if it would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller
 entries - rather than individual arrays.  (Add in a variety of STM parts
 and the other manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory
 configurations in the table.)
 Maybe it's indeed better to have an array of records, each record
 describing one controller.
 My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT
 file that only defines registers.  The controller unit in the compiler
 source would only provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system
 up and call PASCALMAIN.  However, if it is deemed better to have the
 entire register set defined inside the RTL - that would be fine too.
 Well, isn't it for a user easier just to pass the controller he uses on
 the command line and the compiler does the rest? Why bother with
 addional uses etc. if the compiler knows already anything?

because one is forever re-compiling the compiler when one switches to a device 
with a new peripheral, and if your main activity is not compiler development 
but product development one has to go back and find out how to do it each time. 
Better that the core stays the same.

 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 19.08.2011 10:33, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 because one is forever re-compiling the compiler when one switches to
 a device with a new peripheral, and if your main activity is not
 compiler development but product development one has to go back and
 find out how to do it each time. Better that the core stays the

This is true, it makes things maybe easier for the first implementor, he
hacks together some units and directives but it is harder for any latter
user. He basically needs to do the same amount of work as the initial
implementator: find out that he needs some directive, find the correct
units etc.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 19 Aug 2011, at 09:55, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

 Am 19.08.2011 10:33, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 because one is forever re-compiling the compiler when one switches to
 a device with a new peripheral, and if your main activity is not
 compiler development but product development one has to go back and
 find out how to do it each time. Better that the core stays the
 This is true, it makes things maybe easier for the first implementor, he
 hacks together some units and directives but it is harder for any latter
 user. He basically needs to do the same amount of work as the initial
 implementator: find out that he needs some directive, find the correct
 units etc.

exactly so, IMHO! (and in my own experience).

If all he needs to add are a few peripheral definitions and drivers and there 
have been provided some examples of structures which work well in practice for 
these, a new user can be doing useful work very quickly and contributing to the 
collective knowledge from day one.

 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 19.08.2011 11:07, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 On 19 Aug 2011, at 09:55, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
 Am 19.08.2011 10:33, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 because one is forever re-compiling the compiler when one
 switches to a device with a new peripheral, and if your main
 activity is not compiler development but product development one
 has to go back and find out how to do it each time. Better that
 the core stays the same.
 This is true, it makes things maybe easier for the first
 implementor, he hacks together some units and directives but it is
 harder for any latter user. He basically needs to do the same
 amount of work as the initial implementator: find out that he needs
 some directive, find the correct units etc.
 exactly so, IMHO! (and in my own experience).
 If all he needs to add are a few peripheral definitions and drivers
 and there have been provided some examples of structures which work
 well in practice for these, a new user can be doing useful work very
 quickly and contributing to the collective knowledge from day one.

What I mean is: if the first user of a controller does things properly
(create startup and interface unit, extend t_embedded.pas), subsequent
users of the same controller have much less work, they need only to pass
the correct parameter to the compiler and not to fiddle with
configuration files, directives etc. The compiler takes care of everything.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 19 Aug 2011, at 10:10, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

 Am 19.08.2011 11:07, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 On 19 Aug 2011, at 09:55, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
 Am 19.08.2011 10:33, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 because one is forever re-compiling the compiler when one
 switches to a device with a new peripheral, and if your main
 activity is not compiler development but product development one
 has to go back and find out how to do it each time. Better that
 the core stays the same.
 This is true, it makes things maybe easier for the first
 implementor, he hacks together some units and directives but it is
 harder for any latter user. He basically needs to do the same
 amount of work as the initial implementator: find out that he needs
 some directive, find the correct units etc.
 exactly so, IMHO! (and in my own experience).
 If all he needs to add are a few peripheral definitions and drivers
 and there have been provided some examples of structures which work
 well in practice for these, a new user can be doing useful work very
 quickly and contributing to the collective knowledge from day one.
 What I mean is: if the first user of a controller does things properly
 (create startup and interface unit, extend t_embedded.pas), subsequent
 users of the same controller have much less work, they need only to pass
 the correct parameter to the compiler and not to fiddle with
 configuration files, directives etc. The compiler takes care of everything.

and I agree with you 100%.

as the 'first user' though I had other pressures on me, such as having to prove 
that using FPC on Stellaris was viable so that I could avoid being forced into 
writing in C. I therefore concentrated on the one device I had on the evm; 
maybe thats what everybody does. Then one looks for the time to tidy things up, 
or for someone else to come along wanting to go the same route and needing a 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread John Clymer
So, consensus is to include the register definitions - then I will work on 
these.  To get all the possible register structures for all possible 
will take some time.  And naming conventions come into play as well.

I prefer having my device registers defined in structures.  Other people prefer 
non-structured flat definitions for the registers.


PortA - DDR
PortA - PIN



The current stellaris has a start for structures, unless there are objections, 
would continue with these.

The actual names of the registers will be best to match the datasheet 
(otherwise, non-compiler writing / source reading people will need a manual 
somewhat lengthy one at that] to provide the correcting naming of each 
peripheral and register.)  BUT - there is no standard for what the peripheral 
structure instances should be named - so again, this would need to be 
if the target audience is people that won't be tearing the compiler apart.  
again, more work...]


From: Geoffrey Barton
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Fri, August 19, 2011 1:19:38 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

On 19 Aug 2011, at 10:10, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

 Am 19.08.2011 11:07, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 On 19 Aug 2011, at 09:55, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
 Am 19.08.2011 10:33, schrieb Geoffrey Barton:
 because one is forever re-compiling the compiler when one
 switches to a device with a new peripheral, and if your main
 activity is not compiler development but product development one
 has to go back and find out how to do it each time. Better that
 the core stays the same.
 This is true, it makes things maybe easier for the first
 implementor, he hacks together some units and directives but it is
 harder for any latter user. He basically needs to do the same
 amount of work as the initial implementator: find out that he needs
 some directive, find the correct units etc.
 exactly so, IMHO! (and in my own experience).
 If all he needs to add are a few peripheral definitions and drivers
 and there have been provided some examples of structures which work
 well in practice for these, a new user can be doing useful work very
 quickly and contributing to the collective knowledge from day one.
 What I mean is: if the first user of a controller does things properly
 (create startup and interface unit, extend t_embedded.pas), subsequent
 users of the same controller have much less work, they need only to pass
 the correct parameter to the compiler and not to fiddle with
 configuration files, directives etc. The compiler takes care of everything.

and I agree with you 100%.

as the 'first user' though I had other pressures on me, such as having to prove 
that using FPC on Stellaris was viable so that I could avoid being forced into 
writing in C. I therefore concentrated on the one device I had on the evm; 
thats what everybody does. Then one looks for the time to tidy things up, or 
someone else to come along wanting to go the same route and needing a 

fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 19.08.2011 12:02, schrieb John Clymer:
 So, consensus is to include the register definitions - then I will work
 on these.  To get all the possible register structures for all possible
 peripherals will take some time.  And naming conventions come into play
 as well.
 I prefer having my device registers defined in structures.  Other people
 prefer non-structured flat definitions for the registers.
 PortA - DDR
 PortA - PIN
 The current stellaris has a start for structures, unless there are
 objections, I would continue with these.
 The actual names of the registers will be best to match the datasheet
 (otherwise, non-compiler writing / source reading people will need a
 manual [and somewhat lengthy one at that] to provide the correcting
 naming of each peripheral and register.)  BUT - there is no standard for
 what the peripheral structure instances should be named - so again, this
 would need to be documented if the target audience is people that won't
 be tearing the compiler apart.  [And again, more work...]

Afaik there is a standard for the Cortex platform how to do it, google
for ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 19 Aug 2011, at 11:11, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

 Am 19.08.2011 12:02, schrieb John Clymer:
 So, consensus is to include the register definitions - then I will work
 on these.  To get all the possible register structures for all possible
 peripherals will take some time.  And naming conventions come into play
 as well.
 I prefer having my device registers defined in structures.  Other people
 prefer non-structured flat definitions for the registers.
 PortA - DDR
 PortA - PIN

surely porta.ddr

 The current stellaris has a start for structures, unless there are
 objections, I would continue with these.
 The actual names of the registers will be best to match the datasheet
 (otherwise, non-compiler writing / source reading people will need a
 manual [and somewhat lengthy one at that] to provide the correcting
 naming of each peripheral and register.)  

yes, it would be best to take them from the C definitions in 'stellarisware'. I 
shortened and changed some of them as they were unnecessarily flowery or 

 BUT - there is no standard for
 what the peripheral structure instances should be named - so again, this
 would need to be documented if the target audience is people that won't
 be tearing the compiler apart.  [And again, more work...]
 Afaik there is a standard for the Cortex platform how to do it, google
 for ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard

there is a generic doc on the site and a stellaris specific one on the 
TI site.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-19 Thread DaWorm
On Aug 19, 2011 7:13 AM, Geoffrey Barton wrote:

  Afaik there is a standard for the Cortex platform how to do it, google
  for ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard

 there is a generic doc on the site and a stellaris specific one on
the TI site.

Following the CMSIS would definitely make development easier, but it comes
with a tradeoff.  The generic nature of it makes it very wordy and somewhat
inefficient (sometimes you have to make several function calls to do what a
single assign could do).  If possible, it might be best to have the compiler
expose the raw registers, and add CMSIS as a unit that can be included in
your application source.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-18 Thread John Clymer
Did an analysis of the Stellaris current product lineup, there are over 180 
current Stellaris products on TI's selection guide.  Boiling through the FLASH 
and RAM availability, there are 31 unique configuratios of FLASH / SRAM between 
those 180 devices.  So, the case() statements in t_embed.pas will have 31 more 
entries to completely support the entire line of Stellaris processors (and a 
more with products slated for future release).

Currently, everything is in a handful of giant arrays.  Just wondering if it 
would be better to switch to a record structure for the controller entries - 
rather than individual arrays.  (Add in a variety of STM parts and the other 
manufacturers, and there could easily be over 100 memory configurations in the 

Looking at RTL support.  Currently for each ARM variant, they have a contoller 
unit (the controllerunitstr entry).  Inside the current controller units, 
registers are defined.  These registers definitions automatically become part 
of the variable space of an application.  Is the intent for ALL controller 
registers be provided inside the RTL ?  I would think this would be better 
provided by outside files.  (i.e.  uses LM3S8962 - brings in a file 
all the 8962 register definitions.)  

Having an outside file (it would be akin to a C header file - interface only 
specifications for the registers, and that would be it) would be much clearer 
than hiding the details inside a hidden file.  If the user wants to chase 
exactly where the definition is coming from, using a non-RTL file saves the 
from having to dig through the compiler source to determine where it was coming 
from.  (Although for a newb, it may be preferable to have them automatigically 

My suggestion would be that the register definitions come in an UNIT file that 
only defines registers.  The controller unit in the compiler source would only 
provide the bare minimum necessary to bring the system up and call PASCALMAIN.  
However, if it is deemed better to have the entire register set defined inside 
the RTL - that would be fine too.


From: Florian Klämpfl
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Tue, August 9, 2011 7:59:06 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Am 09.08.2011 17:04, schrieb Jeppe Græsdal Johansen:
 On 09-08-2011 15:53, Geoffrey Barton wrote:

 On 9 Aug 2011, at 14:14, John Clymer wrote:

 I was thinking more of a generic controller class, including a
 memory.def (or whatever one wants to name it) file.  That would be
 easiest as it would only effect the t_embed.pas file (and cpuinfo.pas
 file to add the generic type.)

 Haven't looked into possibly a compiler option (and may easily be
 more trouble than a command line option):

 But, I still think a static memory definition file would require the
 least amount of code changes.  And would only effect only the ARM
 related files.

 The compiler option works well when you have conditional options for
 different target builds using ifdefs, which I do I lot. It makes it
 very easy to see if it is in the source file as it can be locked to
 other options and you only need to select it in one place.

 A separate linker file starts to make FPC handle like any other
 compiler :( instead of the joy to use it is :)
 I agree. Keeping the configurations in code is easier to manage,

Yes. I think as well that everything should stick in the compiler. FPC
is open source, so no need for a convolution of compiler support and
external files. Full support of all devices will lead to a huge number
of interwinded include files in the rtl anyways.

 compared to the spiderweb of magically named files of other embedded
 I think that maybe creating an abstract class hierachy of chip families,
 instead of the current solution of a single large case statement, would
 be a better solution in the long run

Well, it can be done also by some sets like
controllers_stellaris128flash64ram. I don't think that a big full
fledged class hierary is needed. Even the case statement might be
fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 8 Aug 2011, at 21:13, Florian Klämpfl wrote:

 Am 08.08.2011 12:49, schrieb John Clymer:
 Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...
 I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it
 choked giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the
 portion of the program trying to generate a linker script.
 Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM
 controller will require it's own subsection of the case() statement. 
 This can easily get long and ugly.  As the only thing that changes
 between most of the arm variants is the memory layout - why not provide
 a generic stellaris switch - with reads in a text file containing the
 memory map and stack top (the rest of the link file remains the same for
 all variants of ARM) ? 
 This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires
 tweaking a memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of
 t_embed.pas ?  For that matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could
 be easily supported without requiring changes to the compiler.
 Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...
 Yes, this can be done. However, somebody who knows enough about a
 certain controller family must do this.

What in your view is the best way to separate link options such as these 
variations in memory maps between devices? I often have several projects at 
once and they can be using different parts within the same family; having to 
re-compile the compiler when switching between projects is not ideal.

 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

RE: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread Pierre Free Pascal

 -Message d'origine-
 De : [mailto:fpc-devel-] De la part de Geoffrey Barton
 Envoyé : mardi 9 août 2011 10:20
 À : FPC developers' list
 Objet : Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 On 8 Aug 2011, at 21:13, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
  Am 08.08.2011 12:49, schrieb John Clymer:
  Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...
  I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it
  choked giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the
  portion of the program trying to generate a linker script.
  Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM
  controller will require it's own subsection of the case() statement.
  This can easily get long and ugly.  As the only thing that changes
  between most of the arm variants is the memory layout - why not provide
  a generic stellaris switch - with reads in a text file containing the
  memory map and stack top (the rest of the link file remains the same
  all variants of ARM) ?
  This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires
  tweaking a memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of
  t_embed.pas ?  For that matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could
  be easily supported without requiring changes to the compiler.
  Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...
  Yes, this can be done. However, somebody who knows enough about a
  certain controller family must do this.
 What in your view is the best way to separate link options such as these
 variations in memory maps between devices? I often have several projects
 once and they can be using different parts within the same family; having
 re-compile the compiler when switching between projects is not ideal.

  What about adding some command line options
similar to -WB:
sets the default load address of Windows PE executables
to 0x4. Its value is stored in global variable ImageBase.

If only four or five values need to be set, we could just
implement option -WE option:
E for embedded, 

Of course, this depends if the list of required values is limited or not.
Another problem is if the script should include or not those
  But here also, we could create a list of args,
some would be tagged as having a default value, which would be used
if no command line option is given, while other args would 
have no default, meaning that the linker line would only be inserted
if the corresponding value are set at command line.
  If that case, it might be better to combine Origin and Length into a
where HexValueOfOrigin and HexValueOfLength would both bereplaced by
the valid values in order to avoid having only Origin and no Length for
Flash (or Ram, or anything else that would be needed).

  Maybe a special 'custom' controller type would be handy for this...

Pierre Muller

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread John Clymer
I was thinking more of a generic controller class, including a memory.def (or 
whatever one wants to name it) file.  That would be easiest as it would only 
effect the t_embed.pas file (and cpuinfo.pas file to add the generic type.)

Haven't looked into possibly a compiler option (and may easily be more trouble 
than a command line option):


But, I still think a static memory definition file would require the least 
amount of code changes.  And would only effect only the ARM related files.


From: Pierre Free Pascal
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Tue, August 9, 2011 1:00:53 PM
Subject: RE: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

 -Message d'origine-
 De : [mailto:fpc-devel-] De la part de Geoffrey Barton
 Envoyé : mardi 9 août 2011 10:20
 À : FPC developers' list
 Objet : Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 On 8 Aug 2011, at 21:13, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
  Am 08.08.2011 12:49, schrieb John Clymer:
  Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...
  I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it
  choked giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the
  portion of the program trying to generate a linker script.
  Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM
  controller will require it's own subsection of the case() statement.
  This can easily get long and ugly.  As the only thing that changes
  between most of the arm variants is the memory layout - why not provide
  a generic stellaris switch - with reads in a text file containing the
  memory map and stack top (the rest of the link file remains the same
  all variants of ARM) ?
  This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires
  tweaking a memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of
  t_embed.pas ?  For that matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could
  be easily supported without requiring changes to the compiler.
  Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...
  Yes, this can be done. However, somebody who knows enough about a
  certain controller family must do this.
 What in your view is the best way to separate link options such as these
 variations in memory maps between devices? I often have several projects
 once and they can be using different parts within the same family; having
 re-compile the compiler when switching between projects is not ideal.

  What about adding some command line options
similar to -WB:
sets the default load address of Windows PE executables
to 0x4. Its value is stored in global variable ImageBase.

If only four or five values need to be set, we could just
implement option -WE option:
E for embedded, 

Of course, this depends if the list of required values is limited or not.
Another problem is if the script should include or not those
  But here also, we could create a list of args,
some would be tagged as having a default value, which would be used
if no command line option is given, while other args would 
have no default, meaning that the linker line would only be inserted
if the corresponding value are set at command line.
  If that case, it might be better to combine Origin and Length into a
where HexValueOfOrigin and HexValueOfLength would both bereplaced by
the valid values in order to avoid having only Origin and no Length for
Flash (or Ram, or anything else that would be needed).

  Maybe a special 'custom' controller type would be handy for this...

Pierre Muller

fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 9 Aug 2011, at 14:14, John Clymer wrote:

 I was thinking more of a generic controller class, including a memory.def (or 
 whatever one wants to name it) file.  That would be easiest as it would only 
 effect the t_embed.pas file (and cpuinfo.pas file to add the generic type.)
 Haven't looked into possibly a compiler option (and may easily be more 
 trouble than a command line option):
 But, I still think a static memory definition file would require the least 
 amount of code changes.  And would only effect only the ARM related files.

The compiler option works well when you have conditional options for different 
target builds using ifdefs, which I do I lot. It makes it very easy to see if 
it is in the source file as it can be locked to other options and you only need 
to select it in one place.

A separate linker file starts to make FPC handle like any other compiler :( 
instead of the joy to use it is :)


 From: Pierre Free Pascal
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Tue, August 9, 2011 1:00:53 PM
 Subject: RE: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
  -Message d'origine-
  De : [mailto:fpc-devel-] De la part de Geoffrey Barton
  Envoyé : mardi 9 août 2011 10:20
  À : FPC developers' list
  Objet : Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
  On 8 Aug 2011, at 21:13, Florian Klämpfl wrote:
   Am 08.08.2011 12:49, schrieb John Clymer:
   Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...
   I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it
   choked giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the
   portion of the program trying to generate a linker script.
   Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM
   controller will require it's own subsection of the case() statement.
   This can easily get long and ugly.  As the only thing that changes
   between most of the arm variants is the memory layout - why not provide
   a generic stellaris switch - with reads in a text file containing the
   memory map and stack top (the rest of the link file remains the same
   all variants of ARM) ?
   This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires
   tweaking a memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of
   t_embed.pas ?  For that matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could
   be easily supported without requiring changes to the compiler.
   Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...
   Yes, this can be done. However, somebody who knows enough about a
   certain controller family must do this.
  What in your view is the best way to separate link options such as these
  variations in memory maps between devices? I often have several projects
  once and they can be using different parts within the same family; having
  re-compile the compiler when switching between projects is not ideal.
   What about adding some command line options
 similar to -WB:
 sets the default load address of Windows PE executables
 to 0x4. Its value is stored in global variable ImageBase.
 If only four or five values need to be set, we could just
 implement option -WE option:
 E for embedded, 
 Of course, this depends if the list of required values is limited or not.
 Another problem is if the script should include or not those
   But here also, we could create a list of args,
 some would be tagged as having a default value, which would be used
 if no command line option is given, while other args would 
 have no default, meaning that the linker line would only be inserted
 if the corresponding value are set at command line.
   If that case, it might be better to combine Origin and Length into a
 where HexValueOfOrigin and HexValueOfLength would both bereplaced by
 the valid values in order to avoid having only Origin and no Length for
 Flash (or Ram, or anything else that would be needed).
   Maybe a special 'custom' controller type would be handy for this...
 Pierre Muller
 fpc-devel maillist  -
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread DaWorm
For what it's worth, IAR's C compiler for Cortex-M3 uses an ICF file
to hold that information, so there is precedent for doing it that way.

It holds the following (edited slightly to remove fluff):

define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x0800;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__ = 0x08EC;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__   = 0x0801EFFF;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__ = 0x2000;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__   = 0x20004FFF;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__ = 0x400;
define symbol __ICFEDIT_size_heap__   = 0x4;

define memory mem with size = 4G;
define region ROM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_start__
to __ICFEDIT_region_ROM_end__];
define region RAM_region   = mem:[from __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__
to __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_end__];

define block CSTACKwith alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_cstack__   { };
define block HEAP  with alignment = 8, size = __ICFEDIT_size_heap__ { };

initialize by copy { readwrite };
do not initialize  { section .noinit };

place at address mem:__ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };

place in ROM_region   { readonly };
place in RAM_region   { readwrite,
block CSTACK, block HEAP };
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread Jeppe Græsdal Johansen

On 09-08-2011 15:53, Geoffrey Barton wrote:

On 9 Aug 2011, at 14:14, John Clymer wrote:

I was thinking more of a generic controller class, including a 
memory.def (or whatever one wants to name it) file.  That would be 
easiest as it would only effect the t_embed.pas file (and cpuinfo.pas 
file to add the generic type.)

Haven't looked into possibly a compiler option (and may easily be 
more trouble than a command line option):


But, I still think a static memory definition file would require the 
least amount of code changes.  And would only effect only the ARM 
related files.

The compiler option works well when you have conditional options for 
different target builds using ifdefs, which I do I lot. It makes it 
very easy to see if it is in the source file as it can be locked to 
other options and you only need to select it in one place.

A separate linker file starts to make FPC handle like any other 
compiler :( instead of the joy to use it is :)
I agree. Keeping the configurations in code is easier to manage, 
compared to the spiderweb of magically named files of other embedded 

I think that maybe creating an abstract class hierachy of chip families, 
instead of the current solution of a single large case statement, would 
be a better solution in the long run


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

DaWorm schrieb:

For what it's worth, IAR's C compiler for Cortex-M3 uses an ICF file
to hold that information, so there is precedent for doing it that way.

It holds the following (edited slightly to remove fluff):


IMO these are all values required by the linker, not by the compiler
itself. Both an internal or external linker should read these
definitions from an ICF (or similar) file. The name of that file, or of 
the concrete device, can be passed to the linker as a commandline 
argument. Some tables (devices) can be added to the linker code, of 
course, in detail when the devices also require specific linker code (in 
subclasses). [dunno about concrete requirements]


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-09 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 09.08.2011 17:04, schrieb Jeppe Græsdal Johansen:
 On 09-08-2011 15:53, Geoffrey Barton wrote:

 On 9 Aug 2011, at 14:14, John Clymer wrote:

 I was thinking more of a generic controller class, including a
 memory.def (or whatever one wants to name it) file.  That would be
 easiest as it would only effect the t_embed.pas file (and cpuinfo.pas
 file to add the generic type.)

 Haven't looked into possibly a compiler option (and may easily be
 more trouble than a command line option):

 But, I still think a static memory definition file would require the
 least amount of code changes.  And would only effect only the ARM
 related files.

 The compiler option works well when you have conditional options for
 different target builds using ifdefs, which I do I lot. It makes it
 very easy to see if it is in the source file as it can be locked to
 other options and you only need to select it in one place.

 A separate linker file starts to make FPC handle like any other
 compiler :( instead of the joy to use it is :)
 I agree. Keeping the configurations in code is easier to manage,

Yes. I think as well that everything should stick in the compiler. FPC
is open source, so no need for a convolution of compiler support and
external files. Full support of all devices will lead to a huge number
of interwinded include files in the rtl anyways.

 compared to the spiderweb of magically named files of other embedded
 I think that maybe creating an abstract class hierachy of chip families,
 instead of the current solution of a single large case statement, would
 be a better solution in the long run

Well, it can be done also by some sets like
controllers_stellaris128flash64ram. I don't think that a big full
fledged class hierary is needed. Even the case statement might be
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-08 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 7 Aug 2011, at 11:14, John Clymer wrote:

 Ok.  Give me a week or so (very hectic schedule right now...)  And I will see 
 if I can't patch it up some. 

To save you some time perhaps, the following was for lm3s9b92 and 
rtl/embedded/arm/stellaris.pas; I only tested with that device:-

1   in cpuinfo.pas,  tcontrollertype should include,  ct_lm3s9b92 rather 
than stellaris
2   also  'stellaris' in controllerunitstr should be 'lm3s9b92

3   in compiler/systems/t_embed.pas add:-

  with linkres do
  Add('flash : ORIGIN = 0x, LENGTH = 256K');
  Add('ram : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 96K');
  Add('_stack_top = 0x20017FFC;');

I also found I needed to comment out the controller types other than stellaris 
in rtl/embedded/makefile.fpc.

Then remake make,and make the compiler.

 New to this - what is procedure to generate and submit patch set ?


but Florian did offer to integrate any updates himself :)

 Thanks !
 From: Florian Klämpfl
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Sun, August 7, 2011 12:15:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 Am 06.08.2011 13:35, schrieb John Clymer:
  Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
  I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I
  attempt for the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error
  is coming from in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is
  missing linking information for the Stellaris.  
 Yes. arm embedded devices are only supported as far as somebody
 contributed the compiler and rtl support. Problem is: we don't have any
 chance to test it, so only users of these devices can contribute the
  Can someone confirm this
  is the case before I go on a wild chase changing things ?
 fpc-devel maillist  -
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-08 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 12:14 PM, John Clymer wrote:
 New to this - what is procedure to
 generate and submit patch set ?

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-08 Thread John Clymer
Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...

I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it choked 
giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the portion of the 
program trying to generate a linker script.

Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM controller 
require it's own subsection of the case() statement.  This can easily get long 
and ugly.  As the only thing that changes between most of the arm variants is 
the memory layout - why not provide a generic stellaris switch - with reads 
a text file containing the memory map and stack top (the rest of the link file 
remains the same for all variants of ARM) ?  

This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires tweaking a 
memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of t_embed.pas ?  For that 
matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could be easily supported without 
requiring changes to the compiler.

Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...

From: Geoffrey Barton
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Mon, August 8, 2011 12:17:03 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

On 7 Aug 2011, at 11:14, John Clymer wrote:

Ok.  Give me a week or so (very hectic schedule right now...)  And I will see 
I can't patch it up some.  

To save you some time perhaps, the following was for lm3s9b92 and 
rtl/embedded/arm/stellaris.pas; I only tested with that device:-

1in cpuinfo.pas,  tcontrollertype should include,  ct_lm3s9b92 rather than 
2also  'stellaris' in controllerunitstr should be 'lm3s9b92

3in compiler/systems/t_embed.pas add:-

  with linkres do
  Add('flash : ORIGIN = 0x, LENGTH = 256K');
  Add('ram : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 96K');
  Add('_stack_top = 0x20017FFC;');

I also found I needed to comment out the controller types other than stellaris 
in rtl/embedded/makefile.fpc.

Then remake make,and make the compiler.

New to this - what is procedure to generate and submit patch set ?


but Florian did offer to integrate any updates himself :)


Thanks !

From: Florian Klämpfl
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 7, 2011 12:15:02 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Am 06.08.2011 13:35, schrieb John Clymer:
 Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
 I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I
 attempt for the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error
 is coming from in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is
 missing linking information for the Stellaris.  

Yes. arm embedded devices are only supported as far as somebody
contributed the compiler and rtl support. Problem is: we don't have any
chance to test it, so only users of these devices can contribute the

 Can someone confirm this
 is the case before I go on a wild chase changing things ?

fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-08 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 8 Aug 2011, at 11:49, John Clymer wrote:

 Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...
 I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it 
 choked giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the portion 
 of the program trying to generate a linker script.
 Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM controller 
 will require it's own subsection of the case() statement.  This can easily 
 get long and ugly.  As the only thing that changes between most of the arm 
 variants is the memory layout - why not provide a generic stellaris switch 
 - with reads in a text file containing the memory map and stack top (the rest 
 of the link file remains the same for all variants of ARM) ?  

yes, this could be applied to any of the M3 variants.

 This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires tweaking a 
 memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of t_embed.pas ?  For that 
 matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could be easily supported without 
 requiring changes to the compiler.
 Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...

absolutely, I did not go any further as I needed one particular controller at 
the time to prove I could use FPC on a commercial project, so just hacked what 
Jeppe had done. Really all the reg definitions can be separate too (and not in 
stellaris.pas). Even the interrupts can be handled separately as you can flip 
the NVIC into ram in your application, it just happened to be convenient to put 
uart0 in stellaris.pas as this port is configured  for debugging by default on 
all the stellaris mcus.

 From: Geoffrey Barton
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Mon, August 8, 2011 12:17:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 On 7 Aug 2011, at 11:14, John Clymer wrote:
 Ok.  Give me a week or so (very hectic schedule right now...)  And I will 
 see if I can't patch it up some. 
 To save you some time perhaps, the following was for lm3s9b92 and 
 rtl/embedded/arm/stellaris.pas; I only tested with that device:-
 1 in cpuinfo.pas,  tcontrollertype should include,  ct_lm3s9b92 rather 
 than stellaris
 2 also  'stellaris' in controllerunitstr should be 'lm3s9b92
 3 in compiler/systems/t_embed.pas add:-
   with linkres do
   Add('flash : ORIGIN = 0x, LENGTH = 256K');
   Add('ram : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 96K');
   Add('_stack_top = 0x20017FFC;');
 I also found I needed to comment out the controller types other than 
 stellaris in rtl/embedded/makefile.fpc.
 Then remake make,and make the compiler.
 New to this - what is procedure to generate and submit patch set ?
 but Florian did offer to integrate any updates himself :)
 Thanks !
 From: Florian Klämpfl
 To: FPC developers' list
 Sent: Sun, August 7, 2011 12:15:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status
 Am 06.08.2011 13:35, schrieb John Clymer:
  Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
  I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I
  attempt for the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error
  is coming from in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is
  missing linking information for the Stellaris.  
 Yes. arm embedded devices are only supported as far as somebody
 contributed the compiler and rtl support. Problem is: we don't have any
 chance to test it, so only users of these devices can contribute the
  Can someone confirm this
  is the case before I go on a wild chase changing things ?
 fpc-devel maillist  -
 fpc-devel maillist  -
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-08 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 08.08.2011 12:49, schrieb John Clymer:
 Kicking it around in the back of my head at work today...
 I tried doing a compile to assembly language for the stellaris - and it
 choked giving the error from t_embed.pas.  The error comes from the
 portion of the program trying to generate a linker script.
 Looking at t_embed.pas, it looks like every single flavor of ARM
 controller will require it's own subsection of the case() statement. 
 This can easily get long and ugly.  As the only thing that changes
 between most of the arm variants is the memory layout - why not provide
 a generic stellaris switch - with reads in a text file containing the
 memory map and stack top (the rest of the link file remains the same for
 all variants of ARM) ? 
 This way - switching to a new variant of stellaris only requires
 tweaking a memory map file - rather than a re-build and patch of
 t_embed.pas ?  For that matter - entirely foreign Cortex M3 parts could
 be easily supported without requiring changes to the compiler.
 Just pondering how to make it easier and more flexible ...

Yes, this can be done. However, somebody who knows enough about a
certain controller family must do this.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-07 Thread John Clymer
Ok.  Give me a week or so (very hectic schedule right now...)  And I will see 
I can't patch it up some.  New to this - what is procedure to generate and 
submit patch set ?

Thanks !

From: Florian Klämpfl
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sun, August 7, 2011 12:15:02 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

Am 06.08.2011 13:35, schrieb John Clymer:
 Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
 I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I
 attempt for the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error
 is coming from in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is
 missing linking information for the Stellaris.  

Yes. arm embedded devices are only supported as far as somebody
contributed the compiler and rtl support. Problem is: we don't have any
chance to test it, so only users of these devices can contribute the

 Can someone confirm this
 is the case before I go on a wild chase changing things ?

fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-06 Thread John Clymer
Ok, maybe I'm missing something...

I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I attempt for 
the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error is coming from in 
t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is missing linking information 
for the Stellaris.  Can someone confirm this is the case before I go on a wild 
chase changing things ?


John Clymer___
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-06 Thread Geoffrey Barton

On 6 Aug 2011, at 12:35, John Clymer wrote:

 Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
 I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I attempt for 
 the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error is coming from 
 in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is missing linking 
 information for the Stellaris.  Can someone confirm this is the case before I 
 go on a wild chase changing things ?

Yes, it should have the part specific memory map there.


 John Clymer
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Arm Thumb2 - Stellaris status

2011-08-06 Thread Florian Klämpfl
Am 06.08.2011 13:35, schrieb John Clymer:
 Ok, maybe I'm missing something...
 I can compile and get a binary for an STM32F103RE.  However, if I
 attempt for the STELLARIS target, I get an error.  I see where the error
 is coming from in t_embed.pas.  It looks like the t_embed.pas file is
 missing linking information for the Stellaris.  

Yes. arm embedded devices are only supported as far as somebody
contributed the compiler and rtl support. Problem is: we don't have any
chance to test it, so only users of these devices can contribute the

 Can someone confirm this
 is the case before I go on a wild chase changing things ?

fpc-devel maillist  -