Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Sven Barth

Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the right 
side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not 
implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:
  As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
  to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
  you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.
 At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the right 
 side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not 
 implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Also: You can get a tcomponent though, if you implement 

TComponent implements this.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Sven Barth

Am 29.11.2012 10:12, schrieb Marco van de Voort:

In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the right
side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not
implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Also: You can get a tcomponent though, if you implement 

TComponent implements this.
I haven't tested that, but does SomeCorbaInterface as SomeCOMInterface 
work? Because maybe the IInterfaceComponentReference trick would only 
work if the interface I'm working on is also a COM interface (because it 
could rely on the existence of QueryInterface)...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

Given the considerations i did about the observer feature, here are
some simple projects that supports my concerns and therefore the
request i made to change the interface of two functions.

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

This limits the programmer choice to use a TObject in such situations,
in this case the Observer property.

All objects in memory descend from TObject, so this is not a problem.
COM provided objects are not supported. That would require COM interfaces.

I have looked at your tests. They are IMHO rather theoretical and will not
happen in real life. I can think of plenty of things that will not work even
with TComponent or TObject. That doesn't mean they will happen.

Your 'problem' is that you store only interfaces for objects that will
observe. Indeed, this is a programming model I do not care to support 
*for observers*, because I  do not think it is likely to happen in real 
life situations.

I explain this below.

Pretty simple: if you don't know if a TObject descendant instance
implements a IFPObserver (most cases) you have to do a check before
attaching to a IFPObserved otherwise an exception is raised.

Let me get this straight:

What you say is that you get from somewhere an unknown object 
(or an interface) and just decide to let it observe another object ? 
For what ? For fun ?

That is a very strange argument. You don't accidentally observe.
It is also not true that all objects A that have the IFPObserver 
interface are suitable to observe a particular object B.

You observe for a purpose. I'll say even more: in most cases your 
observer will be written to specifically observe the observed class.

You will not let object A observe object B for no good reason.
Observing introduces an overhead. For this reason alone, you 
should not 'just observe'.

A will observe B in order to react on changes that B reports,
and A will act on these changes. In almost all cases, A will 
have specific knowledge about B: even if it is just that B 
has a published property named XYZ.

So you will know in advance that when attaching A to B, that A will 
have the IFPObserver interface.

Therefore your test to see if A has the observer interface is simply redundant.

Anyway, all this is why I think that using an interface-based API
has no value in this case. There will be an object somewhere that 
you will have written to do some observations and act on changes.

All I require is that you use the actual object in the API.
It's guaranteed to be there anyway.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the right side 
is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not implemented 
(yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Well. I did not know of this feature. I should document it :-)

If so, that solves Luiz' problem, since it would allow him to retrieve the 
to use as an observer.

I'm assuming that Luiz uses COM interfaces. But in the case he uses CORBA
interfaces: What routine needs to be implemented to do this for Corba 
interfaces ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

 Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

 As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
 to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
 you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

 At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the right
 side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not
 implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

 Well. I did not know of this feature. I should document it :-)

 If so, that solves Luiz' problem, since it would allow him to retrieve the
 to use as an observer.

 I'm assuming that Luiz uses COM interfaces.

Again: in this case, i don't use COM interfaces nor do i propose to use

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:


On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the right
side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not
implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Well. I did not know of this feature. I should document it :-)

If so, that solves Luiz' problem, since it would allow him to retrieve the
to use as an observer.

I'm assuming that Luiz uses COM interfaces.

Again: in this case, i don't use COM interfaces nor do i propose to use

That's not what I meant with this statement:

I meant that if you do happen to use COM interfaces for everything else, 
the above means you can get the object that's associated with it and pass 
it on as an observer, so the current implementation will work for you as

it is now.

If you use CORBA interfaces, it means you must wait till the corresponding
code is implemented (which I am willing to do) for it to work.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Hi Luiz,

First off, thanks for take the trouble it creating test projects.

On 2012-11-29 02:59, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:
 As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
 to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
 you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

OK, there are quite a few things I consider wrong with your Test1

 1) Nothing stops Michael from extending the IPFObserver interface to
include a GetObject function that returns a TObject reference of
the observer.
I have seen many such cases in the wild. Not sure if I agree
with it, but that is another story.

 2) What exactly are you observing in Test1? What are you trying to
TMyParentView is a TObject. Adding children to the Children property
doesn't notify the observer about anything.
... now if the Observer property is holding reference to something
that should observer each of the Children, well, then that is very
easy to accomplish too. Simply changes the Observer property to
a TObject instance.

 3) Something Michael should fix. TFPObjectList doesn't support
IPFObserver. TObjectList does though. I guess many of the list
classes in the Contnrs unit should be double checked.

 4) If you change FChildren to TObjectList, then it can be observer.
Then simply attach observers directly to the Children property. That
way if you add or remove children, the observers are notified.

 5) I guess this depends on what you want to accomplish. But if you
first add children, then only call Initialize, then the observer
will never be notified that children was added to the list.

It was actually hard to figure out what you are trying to accomplish
with your test project. I think I'm still unclear of this. I'm seriously
under the weather at the moment (bad case of flu), so that probably
affects my judgement. So if I misinterpreted your Test project, please
do let me know. In the mean time, I modified your test1 (see attached).
The Observer now observes the Children List, and each Child - again, not
100% sure what you wanted to accomplish.

So solving your supposedly impossible problem was rather easy. So I'm
still on Michael's side that the FPC Observer API needs no change.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

program ObserverTest1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  Classes, contnrs;


  { TMyParentView }

  TMyParentView = class
FChildren: TObjectList;
FObserver: TObject;
constructor Create;
destructor  Destroy; override;
procedure Initialize;
property Children: TObjectList read FChildren;
property Observer: TObject read FObserver write FObserver;

  { TMyObserver }

  TMyObserver = class(TObject, IFPObserver)
procedure FPOObservedChanged(ASender : TObject; Operation : TFPObservedOperation; Data : Pointer);

{ TMyObserver }

procedure TMyObserver.FPOObservedChanged(ASender: TObject; Operation: TFPObservedOperation;
  Data: Pointer);
  writeln('Observer changed');

constructor TMyParentView.Create;
  writeln('Creating MyParentView...');
  FChildren := TObjectList.Create(True);

destructor TMyParentView.Destroy;
  i: Integer;
  Observed: IFPObserved;
  Child: TObject;
  writeln('Destroying MyParentView...');
  for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
Child := FChildren[i];
if Child.GetInterface(SGUIDObserved, Observed) then
  //AFAIK it's not possible to get a TObject instance from an interface reference
  //so if you have an IFPObserver variable or field it cannot be used to attach dettach to IFPObserved
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TMyParentView.Initialize;
  i: Integer;
  Observed: IFPObserved;
  Child: TObject;
  for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
Child := FChildren[i];
if Child.GetInterface(SGUIDObserved, Observed) then
  //AFAIK it's not possible to get a TObject instance from an interface reference
  //so if you have an IFPObserver variable or field it cannot be used to attach dettach to IFPObserved

  View: TMyParentView;
  ObserverObj: TMyObserver;

  ObserverObj := TMyObserver.Create;
  View := TMyParentView.Create;
  View.Observer := ObserverObj; // as IFPObserver;
  //Execute View

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Hi Luiz,

First off, thanks for take the trouble it creating test projects.

On 2012-11-29 02:59, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

OK, there are quite a few things I consider wrong with your Test1

1) Nothing stops Michael from extending the IPFObserver interface to
   include a GetObject function that returns a TObject reference of
   the observer.
   I have seen many such cases in the wild. Not sure if I agree
   with it, but that is another story.

2) What exactly are you observing in Test1? What are you trying to
   TMyParentView is a TObject. Adding children to the Children property
   doesn't notify the observer about anything.
   ... now if the Observer property is holding reference to something
   that should observer each of the Children, well, then that is very
   easy to accomplish too. Simply changes the Observer property to
   a TObject instance.

3) Something Michael should fix. TFPObjectList doesn't support
   IPFObserver. TObjectList does though. I guess many of the list
   classes in the Contnrs unit should be double checked.

No. This is left out on purpose.

If you want observer support, you need TObjectList and TList.

The primary reason of existence for TFPList and TFPObjectList is speed and
minimal overhead. TList and it's observer/notification capabilities introduce 
a serious speed penalty.

For instance when doing a Clear, all items are removed one by one as opposed 
to just de-allocating the array used to hold them.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara

 On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

 Given the considerations i did about the observer feature, here are
 some simple projects that supports my concerns and therefore the
 request i made to change the interface of two functions.

 As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
 to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
 you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

 This limits the programmer choice to use a TObject in such situations,
 in this case the Observer property.

 All objects in memory descend from TObject, so this is not a problem.
 COM provided objects are not supported. That would require COM interfaces.

 I have looked at your tests. They are IMHO rather theoretical and will not
 happen in real life. I can think of plenty of things that will not work even
 with TComponent or TObject. That doesn't mean they will happen.

 Your 'problem' is that you store only interfaces for objects that will
 observe. Indeed, this is a programming model I do not care to support *for
 observers*, because I  do not think it is likely to happen in real life

 I explain this below.

 Pretty simple: if you don't know if a TObject descendant instance
 implements a IFPObserver (most cases) you have to do a check before
 attaching to a IFPObserved otherwise an exception is raised.

 Let me get this straight:

 What you say is that you get from somewhere an unknown object (or an
 interface) and just decide to let it observe another object ? For what ? For
 fun ?

 That is a very strange argument. You don't accidentally observe.
 It is also not true that all objects A that have the IFPObserver interface
 are suitable to observe a particular object B.

 You observe for a purpose. I'll say even more: in most cases your observer
 will be written to specifically observe the observed class.

 You will not let object A observe object B for no good reason.
 Observing introduces an overhead. For this reason alone, you should not
 'just observe'.

 A will observe B in order to react on changes that B reports,
 and A will act on these changes. In almost all cases, A will have specific
 knowledge about B: even if it is just that B has a published property named

 So you will know in advance that when attaching A to B, that A will have the
 IFPObserver interface.

Well i have at least two situations, with code that is already
running, that the observer pattern would fit as i described.

- I implemented a Wizard Page component where i can attach a page to
any TFrame. Each page can be assigned as an instance or it can be
created at demand when is entered. Optionally the TFrame (Observed)
can implement a CORBA interface to communicate with the wizard
controller (Observer). This same TFrame can be used elsewhere, e.g, in
a configuration page, in this case, the wizard functionality will be
ignored since there's no observer.

I could use the native Observer support to simplify the interface,
making easier implement.

- I have a code that takes a TFrame and show as dialog with some
configurable buttons. To communicate to inform of state changes i use
LCL messages that is really cumbersome.

I could use the native observer support also. So if something changed
in the TFrame i could enable the save button or popup a dialog to save
the changes. If this same frame is used every where the Notidications
would be discarded since there's no observer

In the two cases one does not know about the other. What links is if
the owner implements an interface or not and the implicit contract of
this interface usage that is defined by the programmer. So i cannot
simply call AttachObserver(Owner).

Anyway, to me is clear that you wont change your mind regardless of
the arguments i use since you are not willing to change your code that
relies on it.

The alternative i proposed does not forbid the current usage pattern,
just add an option with possible performance benefits with no, or very
small, costs.

Generally now, it's up to the programmer takes what way best fit his
need and if a pattern is not used by a programmer, how good or
experienced he is, does not mean there are not valid usage scenarios.
This is even more true with new stuff that still not exposed for a
wider audience. I won't discuss this more, the arguments are there to
anyone judge.

BTW: Graeme already pointed, that the Observer methods should be
public. Does not makes sense to protect methods that are exposed by an
interface. You can just do (APersistent as
IFPObserved).FPOAttachObserver.  And yes, i have real life examples
that should be useful.

Also in TPersistent.FPONotifyObservers you should not be using ASender
in Obs.FPOObservedChanged?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2012-11-29 12:10, wrote:
 The primary reason of existence for TFPList and TFPObjectList is speed and
 minimal overhead.

OK, I understand now.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

Well i have at least two situations, with code that is already
running, that the observer pattern would fit as i described.

- I implemented a Wizard Page component where i can attach a page to
any TFrame. Each page can be assigned as an instance or it can be
created at demand when is entered. Optionally the TFrame (Observed)
can implement a CORBA interface to communicate with the wizard
controller (Observer). This same TFrame can be used elsewhere, e.g, in
a configuration page, in this case, the wizard functionality will be
ignored since there's no observer.

I could use the native Observer support to simplify the interface,
making easier implement.

I still do not see how this is forbidden by the observers as they work now.

- I have a code that takes a TFrame and show as dialog with some
configurable buttons. To communicate to inform of state changes i use
LCL messages that is really cumbersome.

I could use the native observer support also. So if something changed
in the TFrame i could enable the save button or popup a dialog to save
the changes. If this same frame is used every where the Notidications
would be discarded since there's no observer

I fail to see how the current interface forbids this ?

In the two cases one does not know about the other. What links is if
the owner implements an interface or not and the implicit contract of
this interface usage that is defined by the programmer. So i cannot
simply call AttachObserver(Owner).

So you say, but you do not explain why not.

Anyway, to me is clear that you wont change your mind regardless of
the arguments i use since you are not willing to change your code that
relies on it.

No, actually that is the least of my worries. 
It is an argument, not *the* argument.

The argument is:

I am not a fan of interfaces, and will avoid them like the plague when
possible. The current implementation makes absolute minimal use of them and
it works.

Your proposal goes against all that I try to avoid, meaning that if I do 
as you ask, I am in fact changing it to something that I will later try 
to avoid as much as possible ?

I am willing to do this for the sake of FPC in general, but then you'll 
have to convince me of the huge benefits this change will bring.

You now present a use case where you do not want to change your own 
implementation in order to be able to use Observer ?

When in fact you could most likely perfectly use it as it is (see the as
TObject elsewhere), or in the worst case slightly change your interface 
so the observer support can be used.

All you need to do is 'expose' the observer TObject (implicitly or explicitly). 
I hardly see how this compromises your interface/implementation separation, 
by definition it is a TObject anyway ?

So in my eyes, you fail to present a clear use case to show that
use of interfaces would actually be beneficial for the majority of 
intended use cases of observers.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Sven Barth

Am 29.11.2012 10:44, schrieb

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces as and is with a class type on the 
right side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces 
is not implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Well. I did not know of this feature. I should document it :-)

It's also supported by newer Delphi versions (I don't know from when on 

interfaces: What routine needs to be implemented to do this for Corba 
interfaces ?
After thinking this through a bit I don't think that this will be 
possible... the intf as class and intf is class code relies no the 
existence of the QueryInterface function which is not supported by CORBA 
interfaces. It's also not possible to cast a CORBA interfaces to a 
another CORBA interface (or even a COM interface) exactly because of this.

Nevertheless the corresponding RTL code is located in rtl/inc/ 
from ~ line 110 to ~ line 270 (these are the compilerprocs which are 
used by the compiler). Of course compiler code would be needed as well...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

 Well i have at least two situations, with code that is already
 running, that the observer pattern would fit as i described.

 - I implemented a Wizard Page component where i can attach a page to
 any TFrame. Each page can be assigned as an instance or it can be
 created at demand when is entered. Optionally the TFrame (Observed)
 can implement a CORBA interface to communicate with the wizard
 controller (Observer). This same TFrame can be used elsewhere, e.g, in
 a configuration page, in this case, the wizard functionality will be
 ignored since there's no observer.

 I could use the native Observer support to simplify the interface,
 making easier implement.

 I still do not see how this is forbidden by the observers as they work now.

 - I have a code that takes a TFrame and show as dialog with some
 configurable buttons. To communicate to inform of state changes i use
 LCL messages that is really cumbersome.

 I could use the native observer support also. So if something changed
 in the TFrame i could enable the save button or popup a dialog to save
 the changes. If this same frame is used every where the Notidications
 would be discarded since there's no observer

 I fail to see how the current interface forbids this ?

It does not forbids. It's just an example of the need to check if a
object implements an IFPObserver before attaching it.
You have said that there's no real life situation you need to do this
check since the programmer should know that implements always before

 In the two cases one does not know about the other. What links is if
 the owner implements an interface or not and the implicit contract of
 this interface usage that is defined by the programmer. So i cannot
 simply call AttachObserver(Owner).

 So you say, but you do not explain why not.

It can crash since not necessarily owner (e.g. a simple TForm) will
implements IFPObserver?

 Anyway, to me is clear that you wont change your mind regardless of
 the arguments i use since you are not willing to change your code that
 relies on it.

 No, actually that is the least of my worries. It is an argument, not *the*

 The argument is:

 I am not a fan of interfaces, and will avoid them like the plague when
 possible. The current implementation makes absolute minimal use of them and
 it works.

 Your proposal goes against all that I try to avoid, meaning that if I do as
 you ask, I am in fact changing it to something that I will later try to
 avoid as much as possible ?

You would not be forced or induced to use an interface it would be optional.
Other programmer can have a different view/need of you. It's up to him
decide what to use.

BTW: did you read my comment about observer method not being public?
By the currently implementation to attach a Observer to a TPersistent
the programmer is _forced_ to use an interface contradicting what you
said above.

 I am willing to do this for the sake of FPC in general, but then you'll have
 to convince me of the huge benefits this change will bring.


 You now present a use case where you do not want to change your own
 implementation in order to be able to use Observer ?

As i said Observer would simplify the usage, so i'm willing to change my code.

 When in fact you could most likely perfectly use it as it is (see the as
 TObject elsewhere), or in the worst case slightly change your interface so
 the observer support can be used.

 All you need to do is 'expose' the observer TObject (implicitly or
 explicitly). I hardly see how this compromises your interface/implementation
 separation, by definition it is a TObject anyway ?

I know what to expect when i see an IFPObserver property but not when
i see an TObject (although i can guess by the name).

 So in my eyes, you fail to present a clear use case to show that
 use of interfaces would actually be beneficial for the majority of intended
 use cases of observers.


Thanks for taking your time reading my comments

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara
2012/11/29 Graeme Geldenhuys
 Hi Luiz,

 First off, thanks for take the trouble it creating test projects.

Thanks for looking at them ;-)

 On 2012-11-29 02:59, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

 As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
 to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
 you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

 OK, there are quite a few things I consider wrong with your Test1

  1) Nothing stops Michael from extending the IPFObserver interface to
 include a GetObject function that returns a TObject reference of
 the observer.
 I have seen many such cases in the wild. Not sure if I agree
 with it, but that is another story.

Yep but would be yet another type cast although Sven have concerns
about if is really possible

  2) What exactly are you observing in Test1? What are you trying to

It's just to say that sometimes you have only an interface reference
(in the case IFPObserver)

In some of my code i have properties of an interface type like
IPageController. So i know what it does (or what is supposed todo) and
i'm not tied for any specific implementation or class.

In this case a IPageController can be a non visual component placed in
a form that controls the page behavior or it can be TTreeView or
TListBox descendant

  4) If you change FChildren to TObjectList, then it can be observer.
 Then simply attach observers directly to the Children property. That
 way if you add or remove children, the observers are notified.

The example was simply a quick demo.
Think Children as private and not necessarily a TObjectList or TList,
just an structure that holds more than one object that can be observed
by the same observer.

BTW: the objective of Test2 is to show that it can be unnecessary
typecasts. In the example if Observer was IFPObserver no type casts
would be done when attaching child objects

  5) I guess this depends on what you want to accomplish. But if you
 first add children, then only call Initialize, then the observer
 will never be notified that children was added to the list.
 It was actually hard to figure out what you are trying to accomplish
 with your test project. I think I'm still unclear of this. I'm seriously
 under the weather at the moment (bad case of flu), so that probably
 affects my judgement. So if I misinterpreted your Test project, please
 do let me know. In the mean time, I modified your test1 (see attached).
 The Observer now observes the Children List, and each Child - again, not
 100% sure what you wanted to accomplish.

See above

There's a more concrete example about the duplicate typecast.

I'm developing a model manager that would be responsible to easily
create LCL forms/frames, html forms, LazReport reports etc with the
same set of data/models

Each project has a TModels collection with a TModel item
Each TMode item has a TFields collection with a TField item
Each TField has a unique Id managed per project
Currently to set the id of new Fields i have a circular reference
TField  Project
My idea is to isolate TModel/TField to be independent of TProject
I can add a intermediate class to connect each other
But i could also takes advantage of Observer so i could observe the
Fields collection of each TModel to update the id when is added
The idea is add a FieldsObserver property to TModels and attach it to
each TModel

It can be done as today?. Sure. My concerns are

- I cannot define FieldsObserver as IFPObserver (the reasons why do i
prefer as it are above)
- Using FieldsObserver as TObject each time i attach/dettach from a
TFields there will be a type cast that i know before hand is not
necessary and could avoid.

In my proposition, is up to programmer decide if will use TObject or
IFPObserver in FieldsObserver, different from today that i'm tied with

Different from what Michael stated in previous email, in my
proposition there would be no increase of interface usage in the
functionality itself. Just would be explicit to the programmer that
this feature requires a interface rather than now, that is hidden in
the implementation.

BTW: TField name is abbreviated so no clash with db.TField

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

I fail to see how the current interface forbids this ?

It does not forbids. It's just an example of the need to check if a
object implements an IFPObserver before attaching it.
You have said that there's no real life situation you need to do this
check since the programmer should know that implements always before

Yes. I still do not see how your example shows this ?

Your wizard knows it can observe. It attaches itself to the frame.
The code frame does not need to know the observing object ?

In the two cases one does not know about the other. What links is if
the owner implements an interface or not and the implicit contract of
this interface usage that is defined by the programmer. So i cannot
simply call AttachObserver(Owner).

So you say, but you do not explain why not.

It can crash since not necessarily owner (e.g. a simple TForm) will
implements IFPObserver?

Who takes the decision to observe or not ? The TForm, I assume.
Somewhere the decision is made. In this location you will necessarily know
who will do the observing, and you will know it has IFPObserver.

Anyway, to me is clear that you wont change your mind regardless of
the arguments i use since you are not willing to change your code that
relies on it.

No, actually that is the least of my worries. It is an argument, not *the*

The argument is:

I am not a fan of interfaces, and will avoid them like the plague when
possible. The current implementation makes absolute minimal use of them and
it works.

Your proposal goes against all that I try to avoid, meaning that if I do as
you ask, I am in fact changing it to something that I will later try to
avoid as much as possible ?

You would not be forced or induced to use an interface it would be optional.

Eh ? 
I would need to do a AttachObserver(MyObservingObject as IFPObserver) everywhere 
where I want to observe, instead of AttachObserver(MyObservingObject).

That is hardly optional ?

Other programmer can have a different view/need of you. It's up to him
decide what to use.

BTW: did you read my comment about observer method not being public?
By the currently implementation to attach a Observer to a TPersistent
the programmer is _forced_ to use an interface contradicting what you
said above.

I already fixed that. I also fixed the sender problem. 
In my cases I always had (Sender=Self).

I am willing to do this for the sake of FPC in general, but then you'll have
to convince me of the huge benefits this change will bring.


You now present a use case where you do not want to change your own
implementation in order to be able to use Observer ?

As i said Observer would simplify the usage, so i'm willing to change my code.


When in fact you could most likely perfectly use it as it is (see the as
TObject elsewhere), or in the worst case slightly change your interface so
the observer support can be used.

All you need to do is 'expose' the observer TObject (implicitly or
explicitly). I hardly see how this compromises your interface/implementation
separation, by definition it is a TObject anyway ?

I know what to expect when i see an IFPObserver property but not when
i see an TObject (although i can guess by the name).

I am sorry, but I really still do not understand your problem with the 

Contrary to what it may look like, it is not so that I am dead set 
against such a change. However, to me, your change presents a serious 
disadvantage. Therefore I expect you at least to show to me that there 
is a substantial need or benefit in this for all of us.

Because till now I simply do not see the need or benefit...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

- I cannot define FieldsObserver as IFPObserver (the reasons why do i
prefer as it are above)
- Using FieldsObserver as TObject each time i attach/dettach from a
TFields there will be a type cast that i know before hand is not
necessary and could avoid.

That depends on the implementation.

Not everybody will have the IFPObserver available as a separate field.
I suspect that in many cases, it will be the observer object itself.

In that case you would have to do 
(YourObserverObject as IFPObserver)

anyway, and you gain nothing. the 'as' does the same thing as what is now in
the implementation of attachobserver...

In my proposition, is up to programmer decide if will use TObject or
IFPObserver in FieldsObserver, different from today that i'm tied with

Since every object is TObject, I do not see this as a problem.

Since in your code you will only attach a FieldsObserver, you 
lose nothing in the process.

Different from what Michael stated in previous email, in my
proposition there would be no increase of interface usage in the
functionality itself. Just would be explicit to the programmer that
this feature requires a interface rather than now, that is hidden in
the implementation.

That it is hidden, is exactly what I wanted. To me, that is a plus.

Anyway, with this I have a clearer example of what you want to achieve.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Hello luiz,

Thursday, November 29, 2012, 12:31:41 PM, you wrote:

 BTW: Graeme already pointed, that the Observer methods should be
 public. Does not makes sense to protect methods that are exposed by an

When   did  I  say that? [Though my memory has been failing me once or
twice.  :)]

As  far  as I'm concerned it should be the other way  round. Interface
implementations   should   all  be  done private - because  you should
always access those   interface  methods  using  an  Interface
reference. That's the way I do it in my own code.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara
2012/11/29 Graeme Geldenhuys
 Hello luiz,

 Thursday, November 29, 2012, 12:31:41 PM, you wrote:

 BTW: Graeme already pointed, that the Observer methods should be
 public. Does not makes sense to protect methods that are exposed by an

 When   did  I  say that? [Though my memory has been failing me once or
 twice.  :)]

In the message of the example observer:

 1) I would probably surface the IFPObserver methods to Public. Though
there is good arguments to not do it either - thus you are forced
to use correct interface usage... via Supports(), getting a
interface pointer back, and using that interface pointer to make
method calls.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Hello luiz,

Thursday, November 29, 2012, 9:39:36 PM, you wrote:

 In the message of the example observer:

It  seems  Gmail  searching  has  failed  me. Thanks for fulfilling my

As  for  my  comment. It was purely a suggestion (for convenience). My
personal  preference  is  still  to  use  interface methods only via a
interface  reference. As I also mentioned in my quoted comment - there
is good arguments for doing so.

Best regards,

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara

 On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

 Yes. I still do not see how your example shows this ?

 Your wizard knows it can observe. It attaches itself to the frame.
 The code frame does not need to know the observing object ?

Yes, you are right in this wizard case the page owner would know it's
an observer.

 It can crash since not necessarily owner (e.g. a simple TForm) will
 implements IFPObserver?

 Who takes the decision to observe or not ? The TForm, I assume.
 Somewhere the decision is made. In this location you will necessarily know
 who will do the observing, and you will know it has IFPObserver.


 You would not be forced or induced to use an interface it would be

 Eh ? I would need to do a AttachObserver(MyObservingObject as IFPObserver)
 everywhere where I want to observe, instead of

 That is hardly optional ?

It's the small cost i pointed elsewhere.
In the other hand makes the code contract (what AttachObserver
expects) clear in the declaration. Also improves compiler type check
This is a trade off. I see your reason to hides the interface.

 BTW: did you read my comment about observer method not being public?
 By the currently implementation to attach a Observer to a TPersistent
 the programmer is _forced_ to use an interface contradicting what you
 said above.

 I already fixed that. I also fixed the sender problem. In my cases I always
 had (Sender=Self).


Did you read the TGUID (not necessary) part?

 I know what to expect when i see an IFPObserver property but not when
 i see an TObject (although i can guess by the name).

 I am sorry, but I really still do not understand your problem with the

 Contrary to what it may look like, it is not so that I am dead set against
 such a change. However, to me, your change presents a serious disadvantage.
 Therefore I expect you at least to show to me that there is a substantial
 need or benefit in this for all of us.

 Because till now I simply do not see the need or benefit...

In the program that i mentioned in other message there's a use case
for observer. I'll try to implement it and post the result here.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread luiz americo pereira camara
2012/11/29 luiz americo pereira camara

 There's a more concrete example about the duplicate typecast.

 I'm developing a model manager that would be responsible to easily
 create LCL forms/frames, html forms, LazReport reports etc with the
 same set of data/models

 Each project has a TModels collection with a TModel item
 Each TMode item has a TFields collection with a TField item
 Each TField has a unique Id managed per project
 Currently to set the id of new Fields i have a circular reference
 TField  Project
 My idea is to isolate TModel/TField to be independent of TProject
 I can add a intermediate class to connect each other
 But i could also takes advantage of Observer so i could observe the
 Fields collection of each TModel to update the id when is added
 The idea is add a FieldsObserver property to TModels and attach it to
 each TModel

 It can be done as today?. Sure. My concerns are

 - I cannot define FieldsObserver as IFPObserver (the reasons why do i
 prefer as it are above)
 - Using FieldsObserver as TObject each time i attach/dettach from a
 TFields there will be a type cast that i know before hand is not
 necessary and could avoid.

Attached is the classes as is today.

I'll try to get rid of circular dependency from TProject using the
observer pattern. I 'll post the result later


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fpc-devel maillist  -