[fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Florian Klaempfl
Am 06.09.2010 10:17, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> On 6 September 2010 10:04, Florian Klaempfl  wrote:
>> Yes, I forgot that you don't like easy to use software.
> I'm using FPC and Lazarus, aren't I?  ;-)

Indeed, rather strange ...

>> Oh really? Strangly enough other software works fine on my system :)
> Nothing strange really. Windows behaviour is so random, nobody can
> predict how Windows will behave next. 

At least it behaves, other OSes misbehave ;)

>> Sometimes one can guess from the look of a software (yes, git gui looks
>> poor) on its quality.
> You should know the old saying: Don't judge a book my it's cover.
> Have you ever seen cad engineering software 

And even there is applies. CATIA, one of the top cad systems, looks very

> or machine control/monitor
> software. 
> They all look pretty crap to me (UI interface), yet with the
> correct person driving those software, it works like a dream to them.

Yes, I know this kind of software: only if you know all its pitfalls and
avoid them, you can use it like a dream and that's what I call crap.

> Anyway Florian, nice to see I'm off your "junk mail" filter.  ;-)

You're only filtered directly to "FPC gelesen" for a few weeks already,
sometimes I look through it :)
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 6 September 2010 10:27, Henry Vermaak wrote:
> The install is crazy, it basically installs a whole mingw/msys system
> (when I last checked).  I've already got an mingw/msys install and
> having two is suicide.  I've heard that people use the git install as
> a base and then install other mingw/msys packages on top of it.

No idea which Windows git version you are running. There is the old
Cygwin version, and the newer (windows native) msysGit version. The
latter is a mere 12MB download, and allows install customization on
how it should integrate with Windows, and how it should handle
LineEnding characters etc.  Nothing difficult about it, and the tools
included work just fine.

Saying that, my Windows usage is limited these days. For the last few
years, most of my time spent developing software is under Linux. But
we do test our software and do bug fixing under Windows, in a
VirtualBox session. In such cases I do use msysGit (last installed
version is from 2009-03), and found none of the issues Florian
raised. I have a cloned copy of FPC & Lazarus git mirrors, and of our
company software repositories all setup in the VM session. A
stand-alone development VM environment. Maybe I'm just lucky, or
Windows behaves better in a limited VM environment.  Who knows? :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Henry Vermaak
On 6 September 2010 10:20, Graeme Geldenhuys  wrote:
> On 6 September 2010 10:27, Henry Vermaak wrote:
>> The install is crazy, it basically installs a whole mingw/msys system
>> (when I last checked).  I've already got an mingw/msys install and
>> having two is suicide.  I've heard that people use the git install as
>> a base and then install other mingw/msys packages on top of it.
> No idea which Windows git version you are running. There is the old
> Cygwin version, and the newer (windows native) msysGit version. The
> latter is a mere 12MB download, and allows install customization on
> how it should integrate with Windows, and how it should handle
> LineEnding characters etc.  Nothing difficult about it, and the tools
> included work just fine.

Yes, I'm talking about msysgit.  It installs a whole msys tree, which
I am not interested in, as I've explained above.  Perhaps I'll try and
build git inside my own msys.  I have no idea why they just didn't
integrate it - I'm sure there must be a reason.

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Florian Klaempfl
Am 06.09.2010 11:20, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> Saying that, my Windows usage is limited these days. For the last few
> years, most of my time spent developing software is under Linux. But
> we do test our software and do bug fixing under Windows, in a
> VirtualBox session. In such cases I do use msysGit (last installed
> version is from 2009-03), and found none of the issues Florian
> raised.

git command line works for me as well under Linux in a Virtual Box ;)
But that's not what I want :)
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
> > how it should integrate with Windows, and how it should handle
> > LineEnding characters etc. ?Nothing difficult about it, and the tools
> > included work just fine.
> Yes, I'm talking about msysgit.  It installs a whole msys tree, which
> I am not interested in, as I've explained above.  Perhaps I'll try and
> build git inside my own msys.  I have no idea why they just didn't
> integrate it - I'm sure there must be a reason.

Afaik, like cywin, msys has also started with keeping a global state. It
might be possible that recent builds of GIT have problems with installing
 multiple versions (or just moving them), while olders (that Graeme uses)
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-other] Re: inf files and textmode IDE (fwd)

2010-09-06 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 6 September 2010 10:52, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
> When the recent discussion about git moved to fpc-other, that reminded me
> that the last to-fpc-other discussion had loose ends :-)

Oh boy, this sounds serious.   Doesn't not replying, also answer a
question. ;-)  Just kidding.

> - Don't compare compressed sizes if you must depack to use. OR at least
>         clearly annotate such (or provide both statistics)

Not 100% sure what you mean here. I thought I compared a INF file to a
CHM file to the unpacked HTML help archive.  3 size comparisons. Lets
use LCL.

 lcl.inf   ->  3.8MB

 lcl.chm ->  10.9MB
but apparently you need the lcl.xct file too for keyword support
which is already
included in the INF file, so lets add that file too.
 lcl.chm + lcl.xct  ->  12.1MB

 lcl help in HTML format  -> 65MB  (
This is the /docs/lcl/html/ directory after generating
the LCL help in
HTML format.

So as you can see, having the same content, but in different formats,
there is a big difference in size. So why download a larger archive,
when a smaller archive contains the same help content, plus index,
keyword search plus TOC etc...

At one stage (a couple months back), did a speed comparison between
the help viewers for use with Lazarus IDE as well. I used EpikTimer,
to wrap the code that loads a topic and displays that topic - ready
for a end-user to start reading the content.  I compared DocView
against LHelp. In my tests, DocView was about 20+ times (on avg.)
faster than LHelp, loading and displaying the same topics.

I then disregarding the "displaying of topics", and only timed the
loading of topics. Again, DocView was considerably faster that LHelp.

I also did a speed comparison in loading of the help file itself, and
simply populating the Table of Content and Index. Again DocView was
some 20-25 times faster than LHelp. This I believe was after some
binary tree addition to the CHM code which should have increased the
CHM speed.

Another test I did was scrolling of loaded content. Load a large
topic, then drag the scrollbar button from the top to the bottom.
After all, help is there to me read, and the end-user is bound to
scroll the help. So my thinking was to test what the end-user would
experience. If memory serves me well, I used the LCL TApplication
topic (in INF help, that would be the TApplication Method Overview
node). LHelp was simply unusable, but apparently the HTML Viewer
component used by LHelp is to blame for that. Never the less, that is
the experience the end-user would get.

So if any of these tests and comparisons seem unfair in any way,
please let me know, and suggest any alternative way I can do similar
comparisons. My main point I was trying to get at was download size
(myself and many others I have limited internet bandwidth per month),
and end-user experience.

> The main reason seems to be to make html usable without an index tab left to
> it.  This is useful for online use (though strictly, you could have an index

Just like the HTML or CHM help needs additional information to have
some form of navigation like a Table of Content, so do does the INF
format have additional information for TOC and Index support. A TOC
does not appear magically in INF, the fpdoc IPF writer needs to add
information in the IPF output for that. The Index is a different
matter. You can have built-in Index information in the INF file, but
DocView has a special ability to build it's own Index or or even use a
combined Index (one from the INF file, and one it generates itself).

> Example: If I press F1 in the textmode IDE on TStringlist, I go to the
> tstringlist overview page, and from there can go to all stringlist topics.
> If I do the same with .inf, I end up on tstringlist, but can go nowhere, and
> have to look up tstringlist methods in the main index.

I can count on my one hand how many times I have used the textmode FP
IDE. I was under the impression that the textmode IDE is a dying
project. Either way, I fired it up at tried it for the first time with
the INF files I generated recently. Attached is a screenshot of how I
setup textmode FP IDE for INF. I included two more screenshots (in
separate emails) showing what I saw. I used separate emails because I
don't know the attachment size limit in fpc-other mailing list. Do you

Pressing F1 while the cursor was on TStringList, the help windows
showed me an Index page. A rather large list. I took a guess and
started typing TStringList, and it automatically jumped to TStringList
in the Index. I pressed Enter and saw the TStringList overview page
(image in part 1 email). The overview pages is what I would have
expected to see if I searched any help for TStringList. So this is
good so far.

I then tried the Prev / Next links you mentioned. These are not part
of the INF topics content by the way, they are inserted by textmode
IDE help system. I selected next, and it showed me the TStringList
Method Overview. As I expected too. It 

[fpc-other] Re: inf files and textmode IDE (fwd)

2010-09-06 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
In case those previous attachments don't go through (which it seems
they didn't), here are some external links to those images.

How I setup INF files with textmode IDE:

TStringList overview topic as shown in textmode IDE:

After following the "next topic" link from the previous image

PS to mailing list admin:
Could the attachment size be increased for this mailing list? My
previous attachments where 22-25KB and they didn't seem to make it
through to the mailing list. External links don't always last forever,
so including images in messages is nice for archiving purposes.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Sven Barth

Am 06.09.2010 11:29, schrieb Henry Vermaak:

Yes, I'm talking about msysgit.  It installs a whole msys tree, which
I am not interested in, as I've explained above.  Perhaps I'll try and
build git inside my own msys.  I have no idea why they just didn't
integrate it - I'm sure there must be a reason.

It simplifies installation. They might have come to the conclusion that 
most users that want to use Git don't have a msys installation. And msys 
is needed for the tools and environment that Git relies on.

I personally prefer it this way, because for all other tasks that are 
better done with Unix tools I use the POSIX subsystem (Interix, SFU, 
SUA) that comes with Windows :)

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Henry Vermaak
On 6 September 2010 12:21, Sven Barth  wrote:
> Am 06.09.2010 11:29, schrieb Henry Vermaak:
>> Yes, I'm talking about msysgit.  It installs a whole msys tree, which
>> I am not interested in, as I've explained above.  Perhaps I'll try and
>> build git inside my own msys.  I have no idea why they just didn't
>> integrate it - I'm sure there must be a reason.
> It simplifies installation. They might have come to the conclusion that most
> users that want to use Git don't have a msys installation. And msys is
> needed for the tools and environment that Git relies on.


The problem, as I've stated previously, is that (imo) having two
different mingw/msys installations on the path would be asking for
trouble (different versions of gcc, libs, etc).  That's why some
people start with the git install, then unzip extra packages into that
directory when they need them.  Hopefully with the new mingw-get there
will be a package for git in time.

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Sven Barth

Am 06.09.2010 13:46, schrieb Henry Vermaak:

The problem, as I've stated previously, is that (imo) having two
different mingw/msys installations on the path would be asking for
trouble (different versions of gcc, libs, etc).  That's why some
people start with the git install, then unzip extra packages into that
directory when they need them.  Hopefully with the new mingw-get there
will be a package for git in time.

At least in my installation (I've set Git to be run in Cmd (or 
PowerShell in my case)) only the directory that contains the cmd 
wrappers (%GitInstallDir%\cmd) is in the PATH. And as that directory 
only contains that wrappers it might set up its environment on start by 
itself. Thus it should not conflict with other msys installations.

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Henry Vermaak
On 6 September 2010 13:32, Sven Barth  wrote:
> Am 06.09.2010 13:46, schrieb Henry Vermaak:
>> The problem, as I've stated previously, is that (imo) having two
>> different mingw/msys installations on the path would be asking for
>> trouble (different versions of gcc, libs, etc).  That's why some
>> people start with the git install, then unzip extra packages into that
>> directory when they need them.  Hopefully with the new mingw-get there
>> will be a package for git in time.
> At least in my installation (I've set Git to be run in Cmd (or PowerShell in
> my case)) only the directory that contains the cmd wrappers
> (%GitInstallDir%\cmd) is in the PATH. And as that directory only contains
> that wrappers it might set up its environment on start by itself. Thus it
> should not conflict with other msys installations.

Perhaps it'll work o.k. then.

fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-other] Re: inf files and textmode IDE (fwd)

2010-09-06 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 6 September 2010 15:36, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
> No, you compared a compressed INF to a CHM, on the basis that they had the
> exact same context, while in fact the content generating routines are
> different (html vs linear, with html repeating more code, e.g. for the
> larger class overviews).

I'm working on the premiss that they have the same content
(originating from the fpdoc XML description files). Whatever is
available in the XML files _are_ in the final help format.

Of course you can't compare INF content to CHM content (not referring
the help content here, but to file structure content), because they
are different file formats with different file structures to
ultimately produce the same result to the end user.

So to be clear:  same content = same xml description files.

As for the "larger class overviews". I consider them the same, just
presented differently to the end-user. CHM and HTML shows one LARGE
page with Class summary, Method overview and Event overview and
implemented Interface overview.  One big ass page (which doesn't do
LHelp any favours).  In INF, that _exact_ same information is split
across three/four tree nodes in the TOC. Again using the TStringList
as an example.

  TStringList>  Class summary page: used units, short & long description
 Interface Overview   --> list implemented interfaces with
   if no interfaces
are used, this node does not exist
 Method Overview -> list all methods of the class with
 Event Overview -> list all events of the class
with descriptions

So CHM "class overview"  =   INF's Class summary + Interface Overview +
Method overview + Event overview

And if we really want to nitpick, the only thing INF doesn't currently
show (which I'll be adding before the next INF docs release) is the
class declaration. But surely something as small as the class
declaration can't contribute for a 3.8MB vs 11.9MB difference. And by
class declaration, the only physical text strings that are missing in
INF is the keywords 'type', 'class', 'destructor', 'constructor',
'procedure', 'function' and 'property'. The actual identifier for the
class name, and its methods and properties, including descriptions for
each of those _are_ in XXX Overview pages in INF.

> I'm not interested in the unpacked .html, since I don't consider it a help
> system.

Good, we agree on something.  :)

> But _is_ it equal? Since the CHM files had the following (uncommitted) patch
> to the build systems applied:

I use the same build scripts included with Lazarus, and I call it as follows:

./build_lcl_docs --outfmt ipf --fpdoc /opt/fpc-2.5.1/src/utils/fpdoc/fpdoc

And yes I know about the flaw in the Lazarus docs build script where
they disregard order. I actually created a console docs build app for
fpGUI to fix a similar issue. It doesn't use scripts (so runs on all
platforms), and I specify the correct order of units inside the
console app.

> where you can insert your advocacy. .xct are related to fpdoc only, and
> not part of the helpsystem. The fact that you don't know that doesn't bode
> well for inter-inf links.

OK, so that's probably where the confusion came in. I call those files
.cnt where you call them .xct
So if they are not part of the help system, why did you include them
in the latest chm zip archive you published?  It was part of your
published zip archive, so I count them as part of the download size

> A 100% difference in archive size is about true. A significant part of that
> is due to a bigger class overview, and links from topic to topic outside the

See above, I already explained that. The information IS in the INF
file, just over 3 or 4 TOC nodes.  It's simply a difference in
presentation/layout, not in help content.

> A small price to pay for a format that comes with multiple viewers default
> on various operating systems and a portable compiler.

Don't even go there... Multiple CHM viewers under Linux! Yeah right!
Lets see... some don't display the CSS stylesheets, some don't support
Indexes and Searching, some don't display the TOC, most don't support
cross-chm links (unknown ms-its: protocol errors), and if they do
support it, the Back button doesn't take you back to the original CHM
file, most can't load multiple CHM files, and the list goes on.   A
pretty huge mess - and a good example of the failure of open-source
software. Sh**ty levels of implemented features - or the lack thereof.

Hence I compare something closer to home... something written in FPC's
Object Pascal. Hence... LHelp and DocView.

> The CHM support is not really optimized at all atm, but pitted for

For your information, I haven't even started profiling or optimizing
DocView. The only profiling I done (a few days ago after the docview
release) was to see where the slow initial loading bug was under

Re: [fpc-other] Re: inf files and textmode IDE (fwd)

2010-09-06 Thread Tomas Hajny
On Mon, September 6, 2010 17:20, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 6 September 2010 15:36, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
>> I assume the inf stuff is easily fixable if sb could be bothered, but
>> the
>> problem is also a bit that the whole helpsystem is too simplistic.
> Like I said, I don't mind taking a look. But you keep talking about
> redesigning the textmode IDE help system. Is that effort really worth
> in for that one or two developers still using it. I thought everybody
> moved to greener pastures (where development still occurs) and now use
> Lazarus IDE or MSEide.

Neither Lazarus IDE nor MSEide are available under OS/2 and I don't expect
that to change any time soon. So if I use an IDE (rather than a standalone
editor and command line tools - that is an option I occasionally use too
depending on the particular task), it's the textmode IDE.

> I'll fix the INF help in the textmode IDE, but I really don't see the
> point in redesigning something that is ultimately not use by anybody.
> Silent developers don't count - they might already be dead for all we
> know.  :-)

I'm not sure whether redesigning it is really necessary (especially if the
goals, advantages and collateral damages are not known beforehand ;-) ),
but I'd appreciate fixing whatever bugs are there.

>> enthusiast) are going to fix .INF in the textmode IDE, or if I can
>> delete/disable it otherwise ;)
> Because it's probably something small, I'll fix it.

That would be nice. Obviously, having the official IBM docs working there
would be even better. ;-)


fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: inf files and textmode IDE (fwd)

2010-09-06 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 6 September 2010 17:58, Tomas Hajny wrote:
> Neither Lazarus IDE nor MSEide are available under OS/2 and I don't expect
> that to change any time soon. So if I use an IDE (rather than a standalone
> editor and command line tools - that is an option I occasionally use too
> depending on the particular task), it's the textmode IDE.

Ah, a valid point. I forgot about the OS/2 developers. This brings me
to another question I have been meaning to ask you (seeing that you
are the only FPC developer under OS/2 I know). Sybil (or WDSybil)
still runs under OS/2, does it not?  It is open-source, so is it not
possible to allow Sybil to call FPC instead of the Sybil compiler?
This should give you an instant "object pascal friendly" IDE to work
with - hopefully with relatively little effort.

Alternatively, and something that has been on my mind for a while. I
was a big fan of OS/2 in the early 90's. I even did promotional work
for IBM (not that it helped much). Does OS/2 support SDL? I'm seeing a
gap in the market, and would like to kill two birds with one stone.
I'm getting a renewed interest in OS/2, and I'm lately rather
impressed with Haiku as well. I think Haiku supports SDL already. What
I'm getting at, is writing a new fpGUI backend with SDL, so I can
target all those "specialized" platforms with a single fpGUI backend -
similar to what Pixel32 (photo editing software) project did.

In my spare time (when I wasn't arguing with Marco or the Lazarus
developers ), I starting writing a fpGUI based IDE. This was
done two-fold: 1) to get the features I wanted in a IDE,  2) to create
a more realistic "real world" application that can show off fpGUI a
bit. Many developers still think fpGUI is pretty useless, but they are
wrong. Hopefully DocView was a push in the right direction. As a side
note, I would also like the efforts I put into the IDE, to help some
platforms get more use out of FPC. Platforms like OS/2 and Haiku, by
giving them a new GUI development framework and some tools to use it
with. After all, they already have the excellent FPC compiler.

> I'm not sure whether redesigning it is really necessary (especially if the
> goals, advantages and collateral damages are not known beforehand ;-) ),
> but I'd appreciate fixing whatever bugs are there.

Exactly my point. I would rather fix the few bugs in the textmode IDE,
and then spend the bulk of my spare time developing a more up-to-date
IDE and GUI framework for those niche/specialized OS's. OS's which
Lazarus and MSEide are not currently targeting. The benefits will be
much greater I think.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-other] Re: inf files and textmode IDE (fwd)

2010-09-06 Thread Tomas Hajny
On Mon, September 6, 2010 19:14, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 6 September 2010 17:58, Tomas Hajny wrote:
>> Neither Lazarus IDE nor MSEide are available under OS/2 and I don't
>> expect
>> that to change any time soon. So if I use an IDE (rather than a
>> standalone
>> editor and command line tools - that is an option I occasionally use too
>> depending on the particular task), it's the textmode IDE.
> Ah, a valid point. I forgot about the OS/2 developers. This brings me
> to another question I have been meaning to ask you (seeing that you
> are the only FPC developer under OS/2 I know). Sybil (or WDSybil)
> still runs under OS/2, does it not?  It is open-source, so is it not
> possible to allow Sybil to call FPC instead of the Sybil compiler?
> This should give you an instant "object pascal friendly" IDE to work
> with - hopefully with relatively little effort.

The effort would not be that little, unfortunately. (WD)Sybil class
library is obviously based on (WD)Sybil RTL and that isn't completely
compatible to FPC RTL (for various reasons). Yuri Prokushev tried to
restructure the FPC RTL in order to improve the compatibility few years
ago, but he didn't finish the task and even if he did, it wouldn't be so
nice to have two different sets of RTL units (one based on the standard
FPC structure and the other following the (WD)Sybil structure). Moreover,
(WD)Sybil compiler parameters are completely different from that one of
FPC, of course. Debug information is incompatible, executable format is
incompatible, etc. Quite some work, in fact; possibly more than what would
be necessary to port one of the FPC IDEs to OS/2 (especially if you
consider that (WD)Sybil people are probably not really motivated to move
to FPC and thus not much support could be expected from their side)...

> Alternatively, and something that has been on my mind for a while. I
> was a big fan of OS/2 in the early 90's. I even did promotional work
> for IBM (not that it helped much). Does OS/2 support SDL? I'm seeing a
> gap in the market, and would like to kill two birds with one stone.
> I'm getting a renewed interest in OS/2, and I'm lately rather
> impressed with Haiku as well. I think Haiku supports SDL already. What
> I'm getting at, is writing a new fpGUI backend with SDL, so I can
> target all those "specialized" platforms with a single fpGUI backend -
> similar to what Pixel32 (photo editing software) project did.

Yes, some version of SDL is available and Pavel Kanzelsberger used it when
porting Pixel32 to OS/2. I don't know much about its completeness and
stability, though (but I believe that the person who performed the OS/2
port of SDL was quite supportive in removing any reported bugs).


fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org