Re: [fpc-pascal] Is such memory statistics possible?

2011-08-19 Thread Max Vlasov
On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

 In our previous episode, Max Vlasov said:
  about collecting some statistics.
  The idea is similar to some disk utilities that collects and sort the
  of directories. You know when every folder on the computer is scanned and
  all the resulting paths are sorted by the summed size. Such utilities
  usually help to find space on the hard drive to free.
  With memory for every memory allocation we can call the path the
  of procedures in stack. So when a function funci() is called from the
  function parentfunc() and getmem is called inside func() then we should
  this size to the corresponding entries both for func() and parentfunc().
  Do tools(units) like this already exist? If not, is developing such unit
  technically possible/hard with the currently available debug information?

 This is basically what valgrind (or fulldebugmode of fastmm) does. But they
 do this by parsing the stack on each call to the memory manager, and then
 keep track of it.

 Note that all these techniques can be very, very slowing. E.g. I tried to
 the CHM support with valgrind, and I terminated the valgrind process after
 hours because it was not even half way to where the bug was.

 Without valgrind the program reached the point in 1-2 minutes.

Based on this discussion and the following research I made an attempt to
implement something like this for fpc/lazarus.

The final result are a couple of units and a dialog that allows to see the
results in any time inside the program. You can see the real example in the

The download link for pascal sources: (5k)

The module traditionally installs its memory manager replacement procs and
collects statistics. To make things faster on this step it just detects and
saves addresses on the stack that falls into code segment range of the main
module. When a request for actual dialog is made then it parses all
allocated data and resolves the addresses to symbols with GetLineInfo proc.
This step is much longer, the dialog in the screenshot took 15 seconds to
appear (on my 1.7 GHz Celeron).

Currently the monitor is only win32-compatible, but the only
platform-specific code is about getting current stack range (I took it
according this information and getting
code segment range that is made with toolhelp32 snapshots and virtualquery.
Finding a way to do the same on linux will possibly make it compatible with
linux also.

The usage:
- add uProcMemMon first in the lpr
- define -dPROCMEMMON in the project options-other-custom options
- add uProcMemDlg to unit (form) from where you want to show the statistics.
- call ProcMemShowDialog from any click handler. Sure you can call the
dialog as many times as you want looking what's wrong or right with
different states of you program
- if you don't want gui then don't use uProcMemDlg, just call PMMCollectStat
that will return TStringList with objects as sizes (unsorted)

Current limitations:
- As I already said, currently it's win32-only
- I assume it's currently not thread-safe because of global variable usage
- Several first lines of the dialog are not very useful since they're either
getmem related chain or main-related procedures, those are always on stack.
- The speed of collecting is ok, but although it uses linked list so with
many allocation it can drop. Resolving to symbols takes some time by default
(GetLineInfo is not very good for thousands of queries) so in these areas
some further optimization might possible.
- No dynamic loading support. This is due to the fact that the monitor uses
the address range of the main module.
- Initially I got numbers for winners that were bigger than total allocated
memory. This was because of exception blocks so from the point view of the
parser this getmem were called at once from multiply lines of the same
function. I fixed this by ignoring function duplicate while parsing the same
memory block. It seems it worked, but maybe there are cases when some new
trick will be necessary

If someone finds time to test this approach on real projects, that would be
great. As for usefulness the time will show, this time I'd like to know that
it at least provide sane results :)


Max Vlasov
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] TTimeStamp and TBCD properties of a class cannot published?

2011-08-19 Thread Gerard Visent
Hi all,

I am developing a new app using a persistence framework initially developed
for Delphi.
The following code doesn't compile:

property AsTimeStamp: TTimeStamp read GetAsTimeStamp write

property AsBCD: TBCD read GetAsBCD write SetAsBCD;

The compiler error is:  Error: This kind of property can't be published
If I move the properties declaration to the public section of the class
declaration,it's fine.

The class implements an interface of the type:

  // Interface to provide access to attribute as TimeStamp
  IAsTimeStampAccess = interface(IInterface)
 function GetAsTimeStamp: TTimeStamp;
 procedure SetAsTimeStamp(const aValue: TTimeStamp);
 property AsTimeStamp: TTimeStamp read GetAsTimeStamp write

But it works for string, integer and other basic type properties.

Is this a bug?

Best regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

RE : [fpc-pascal] Is such memory statistics possible?

2011-08-19 Thread Ludo Brands

Based on this discussion and the following research I made an attempt to
implement something like this for fpc/lazarus. 

The final result are a couple of units and a dialog that allows to see the
results in any time inside the program. You can see the real example in the

The download link for pascal sources: (5k)


Where can I find units uNtSnapshot, uMem32, uUniCompat?
Looking at the screenshot, I'm confused. Memory allocated by FreeMem. How
should that be interpreted?
thanks, Ludo
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: RE : [fpc-pascal] Is such memory statistics possible?

2011-08-19 Thread Max Vlasov
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Ludo Brands wrote:


 Based on this discussion and the following research I made an attempt to
 implement something like this for fpc/lazarus.

 The final result are a couple of units and a dialog that allows to see the
 results in any time inside the program. You can see the real example in the

 The download link for pascal sources: (5k)

 Where can I find units uNtSnapshot, uMem32, uUniCompat?

 Looking at the screenshot, I'm confused. Memory allocated by FreeMem. How
 should that be interpreted?

 thanks, Ludo

Sorry about that, I uploaded the archive once again with only uNtSnapshot

As for the numbers, they're not supposed to be pieces to be summed. I
mentioned utilities for finding space on drive, for example my FindFatFolder
(, every reachable
folder (also nodes, not only leafs) is used and calculated, if you want to
find the eater, you just look from the top to the bottom and wait for
'bingo'. In other words If you see a big number and the name of the function
looks like a strange source of such big number (cumulative) you look deeper.
For folders it works, but will it work for function I still don't know :)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

RE : RE : RE : [fpc-pascal] Is such memory statistics possible?

2011-08-19 Thread Ludo Brands

OK compiles now. I tested this with 2 programs but when I include
uProcMemMon as the first unit in lpr and define -dPROCMEMMON then they both
crash with a sigsegv. Undefine PROCMEMMON and they run fine.  I've attached
a small testprogram that crashes in bufdataset. 

Just a small copy paste problem:
change line 295 
  Result := OldMemMgr.GetMem(Size);

  Result := OldMemMgr.AllocMem(Size);

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Suggestions on array allocation pattern/rules of thumb?

2011-08-19 Thread Flávio Etrusco
In Lazarus I found (pseudo)some code like this:

procedure DoSomething(...)
  v_Results: PInteger;
  v_ResultCount: Integer;
  v_Result := nil;
  PrepareData(..., v_Results, v_ResultCount);
  InternalDoSomething(v_Results, v_ResultCount);

procedure PrepareData(..., var p_Results: PInteger; var p_ResultCount: Integer)
  for (...)
if (...)
 ReallocMem(p_Results, p_ResultCount);

As you might guess my main gripe is about the repeated calls to
ReallocMem. The real case in the LCL is far from critical, it's
infrequently and the array won't ever be bigger than 10 elements, I
just thought it could a good example to hear from someone
knowledgeable in FPC heap-allocator about any rules of thumb :-)
Apart from making the parameters 'out' - ;) - what would you do?
1) This is this ok.
2) Allocate a buffer with maximum size and then trim it after the loop.
3) Declare a type for the maximum size, allocate it on the heap (in
4) Declare a type for the maximum size, allocate it on the stack (in
5) Any other options?
Any remarks regarding different scenarios is also appreciated.

fpc-pascal maillist  -