Re: [fpc-pascal] Debug information

2012-05-29 Thread Rainer Stratmann
Am Tuesday 29 May 2012 01:42:12 schrieb Martin:
 On 28/05/2012 23:53, Rainer Stratmann wrote:
  Am Monday 28 May 2012 22:25:47 schrieb Martin:
  Check that you have not accidentally set any options that will block
  -gl, such as -Xs or maybe (may work but I do not know for sure) -Xg
  After changing options, change Build or Build all from run menu.
  All done, same effect (only addresses shown).
  I thought of other options that block the lineoutput, but can not imagine
  which one.

 Gets back to one of the questions of the last mail: Did you have a look
 at the exe size?
 The exe size is the easiest indicator, if debug info was added.
The program size (in Linux) is nearly 3 times more than without debug info.
 Running out of ideas myself.
May be someone else can help...
 Can you run with F9 in Lazarus? making sure the debugger is set up  ( )
I will try later.
 The debugger should stop on a run error, and you should be able to get
 the stacktrace.
 It does not solve the initial problem, but one step at a time.

 fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cross compiling x86_64 on i386 Linux.

2012-05-29 Thread Tony Whyman


If you are using a Debian derived distribution such as Ubuntu, you might 
find it easier to use debootstrap to create a 64 bit environment on your 
system and compile the program in that environment (see for a guide). Then 
you can be sure that you have all the correct libraries in their 
standard paths, etc.

In my set up, I compile for both 64 bit and 32 bit targets on a 64 bit 
machine and have separate debootstrap (chroots) for each target 
environment rather than compile in the development environment. This 
ensures that the final compilation takes place in a known clean 
environment. I also have a chroot for a win32 cross compiler.

Once you have created the chroot for each target, all you need to do is 
to install the fpc debs in the appropriate environment (64 bit fpc for 
the 64 bit environment, 32 bit for the 32 bit environment), install any 
other libraries you need for the distribution repository and then 
compile the software in each chroot separately. The result will be 
executables built for each target and built in a clean environment. If 
you also want to generate distribution packages (debs), this is also the 
best way to go about it.


Tony Whyman
MWA Software

On 29/05/12 03:19, Bruce Tulloch wrote:

Closer, but not quite there yet...

To get this going I've (sshfs) mounted a 64 bit system on /mnt/engels
and then attempted to cross-compile on the 32 bit system with:

   fpc -MDelphi -Scgi -CX -O3 -OoUNCERTAIN -OoREGVAR \
   -Tlinux -Px86_64 -Xs -XX -va -l \
   -dLCL -dLCLgtk2 -XR/mnt/engels

This compiles but fails at the linker:

   Searching file /mnt/engels/usr/lib64/crtn.o... found
   Searching file /usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld... found
   Using util /usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld
   /usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld: skipping incompatible
/lib/ when searching for /lib/
   /usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld: cannot find
   Error: Error while linking
   Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping

The linker


was created using (an appropriately modified)


i.e. built to run on i386 and target x86_64


and the pthread library is (presumably, given the -XR option)


which file reports as ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version
   1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux
   2.6.18, not stripped

How can I find out why x86_64-linux-ld reports it as incompatible?

Many thanks, Bruce.

On 05/28/12 23:02, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 28 May 2012, at 14:56, Bruce Tulloch wrote:

Am I correct to assume that if I drag in the x86_64 libraries I need
from another x86_64 system, put them in a local directory and then
reference then using the -XR option I can make this setup work?

-XR is for pointing the compiler/linker to the top of a complete sysroot (i.e., 
a hierarchy with /lib, /usr/lib etc), not to a directory with just few 
handpicked libraries. For the latter, use the -Fl command line switch instead, 
possibly combined with -Xd (to prevent the compiler from passing the default 
system directories as search paths to the linker).

And yes, that should indeed work fine.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Streaming of Generics

2012-05-29 Thread kyan
 Ideally, I'd only like to write the streaming mechanism for each set
 of types (normal, anisstring, dynamic array, objects, interfaced
 objects) once, and use it for every set of items. However, there's no
 reasonable way to detect the type and do an execution for it. Ideally

You can use the magic function TypeInfo() to detect the type of a
generic parameter inside a method of a generic class. It returns a
PTypeInfo pointer so you can use PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^ record to
determine the data type (Kind) -and other attributes- of the generic

For the lack of generic procedures, you can substitute a generic
procedure with a generic class method:

  generic TStreamerT = class
procedure StreamType( Stream : TStream; Data : T );

procedure TStreamer.StreamType( Stream : TStream; Data : T );
  case PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(Data))^.Kind of


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cross compiling x86_64 on i386 Linux.

2012-05-29 Thread Jonas Maebe

Bruce Tulloch wrote on Tue, 29 May 2012:

Closer, but not quite there yet...



Try adding --with-sysroot to the configure flags in that script.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Streaming of Generics

2012-05-29 Thread Kornel Kisielewicz
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:40 AM, kyan wrote:
 Ideally, I'd only like to write the streaming mechanism for each set
 of types (normal, anisstring, dynamic array, objects, interfaced
 objects) once, and use it for every set of items. However, there's no
 reasonable way to detect the type and do an execution for it. Ideally

 You can use the magic function TypeInfo() to detect the type of a
 generic parameter inside a method of a generic class. It returns a
 PTypeInfo pointer so you can use PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^ record to
 determine the data type (Kind) -and other attributes- of the generic

Seems TypeInfo is the only reasonable way. Somehow function
overloading is resolved before Generic type substitution so that won't
work. The set of generic classes is very basic, so speed is up the
essence (no variants).

I did manage to create a TStream helper, with the following prototypes

procedure ReadTyped( Ptr : Pointer; Size : Integer; Typ : PTypeInfo );
procedure WriteTyped( Ptr : Pointer; Size : Integer; Typ : PTypeInfo );

Surprisingly, trying to wrap it up nicely into

procedure ReadTyped( var Data );

... doesn't work because TypeInfo is lost (tkUnknown).
Kornel Kisielewicz
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Error in x32 compiler when using SSE3

2012-05-29 Thread Jonas Maebe

OBones wrote on Mon, 28 May 2012:

Boy, I'm having a hard day and I'm very sorry to make you waste so much time.
Frac was here to see the impact of some changes on the issue, but  
the original code that crashes is with Trunc instead of Frac so that  
the comparison looks like this:

  if Trunc(current/NS.VARIABLE) = current/NS.VARIABLE then

Once again, sorry for all the troubles.

Ok, please file a bug report so it won't be forgotten.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Error in x32 compiler when using SSE3

2012-05-29 Thread OBones

Jonas Maebe wrote:

OBones wrote on Mon, 28 May 2012:

Boy, I'm having a hard day and I'm very sorry to make you waste so 
much time.
Frac was here to see the impact of some changes on the issue, but the 
original code that crashes is with Trunc instead of Frac so that the 
comparison looks like this:

  if Trunc(current/NS.VARIABLE) = current/NS.VARIABLE then

Once again, sorry for all the troubles.

Ok, please file a bug report so it won't be forgotten.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: I need an lNet expert: multiple connections and only one central CallAction() - is this possible?

2012-05-29 Thread Bernd Kreuss
On 28.05.2012 16:02, Bernd wrote:

 What I would have expected would be some API where I can register
 all these connections (outgoing connections, listening sockets,
 etc) and then have only one thread blocking in only one call that
 will watch all these objects at once, but I can't find any
 explanation how this is supposed to be done with lNet.

I can now answer my own question:

It seems it is meant to be used in the following way. The first thing
I have to do is to have my own instance of a TLEventer class:

  FEventer: TLEventer;

and instantiate it:

  FEventer := BestEventerClass.Create;

and then set a short timeout (1000ms or so) to make the eventer
blocking but still be able to check the termination of the thread in
regular intervals and create a thread that calls CallAction in an
infinite loop:

  procedure TEventerThread.Execute;
FEventer.TimeOut := 1000;
until Terminated;

And then I can create as many TLTcp instances as I need and for every
such TLTcp the first thing after creation is to set the Eventer property:

  FLnetListener := TLTcp.Create(self);
  with FLnetListener do begin
Eventer := FEventer;
OnAccept := @OnListenerAccept;

and even more such objects for outgoing connections (one for each
connection), each setting the Eventer to the same one and only eventer

constructor TBuddy.Create(AClient: IClient);
  inherited Create;
  FClient := AClient;
  FLnetClient := TLTcp.Create(nil);
  FLNetClient.Eventer := AClient.Eventer;

procedure TBuddy.InitiateConnect;
  with FLnetClient do begin
OnConnect := @Self.OnProxyConnect;
OnReceive := @Self.OnProxyReceive;
OnDisconnect := @Self.OnProxyDisconect;
OnError := @Self.OnProxyError;
  FLnetClient.Connect(FClient.TorHost, FClient.TorPort);

Seems to work quite well, I only have to find out how to properly shut
down incoming connections that were disconnected by the other side and
then start rapidly firing recv events with 0 bytes (CPU goes 100%),
the only way seems to be to set the Dispose property of the TLHandle
to true once I receive 0 bytes for the first time on this connection
and then pretend the connection is closed but I am not sure if this is
allowed and I am not leaking OS handles that way. Also with my code I
seem to be able to produce strange crashes inside heaptrc that I have
never seen before, still investigating how to reproduce.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Streaming of Generics

2012-05-29 Thread Sven Barth

Am 29.05.2012 12:24, schrieb Kornel Kisielewicz:

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:40 AM,  wrote:

Ideally, I'd only like to write the streaming mechanism for each set
of types (normal, anisstring, dynamic array, objects, interfaced
objects) once, and use it for every set of items. However, there's no
reasonable way to detect the type and do an execution for it. Ideally

You can use the magic function TypeInfo() to detect the type of a
generic parameter inside a method of a generic class. It returns a
PTypeInfo pointer so you can use PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(T))^ record to
determine the data type (Kind) -and other attributes- of the generic

Seems TypeInfo is the only reasonable way. Somehow function
overloading is resolved before Generic type substitution so that won't
work. The set of generic classes is very basic, so speed is up the
essence (no variants).

I did manage to create a TStream helper, with the following prototypes

procedure ReadTyped( Ptr : Pointer; Size : Integer; Typ : PTypeInfo );
procedure WriteTyped( Ptr : Pointer; Size : Integer; Typ : PTypeInfo );

Surprisingly, trying to wrap it up nicely into

procedure ReadTyped( var Data );

... doesn't work because TypeInfo is lost (tkUnknown).

This isn't surprising, as TypeInfo resolves the type at compile time 
based on the expression you give it, but var Data has no type, thus 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Debug information

2012-05-29 Thread Bernd Kreuss
On 29.05.2012 10:25, Rainer Stratmann wrote:
 I will try later.

Also make sure you have turned *off* all optimizations, they can
sometimes mess up the stack trace badly (by removing unneeded stack
frames which can produce very confusing results) and also I have
witnessed at least one occasion where smart linking also somehow
interfered with debugging (but this might have been a gdb problem),
but maybe better turn this off also, just to be on the safe side.

Building your own compiler and RTL from source with debugging symbols
only sounds complicated the very first time you hear about this idea,
once you have successfully done it yourself you will find that it is
actually quite easy and not more complicated than installing a
compiler via the .deb packages.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] clarification about StackBottom and StackLength in threaded programs and/or shared libraries

2012-05-29 Thread Seth Grover
Hey, guys. I hate to crosspost but nobody answered me in fpc-devel so
I thought I'd try it here.

Here's my original email from

I've got a system which consists of a main program and a few shared
object libraries running under Linux. In a debugging routine I have, I
walk the stack and use BackTraceStrFunc to output the backtrace. The
code I use to do this I adopted from heaptrc.pp, which looks like

  { retrieve backtrace info }

  { valid bp? }
  if (bp=StackBottom) and (bp(StackBottom + StackLength)) then
for i:=1 to tracesize do
   if (bpoldbp) or (bp(StackBottom + StackLength)) then

However, I've found that in my .so, when the backtrace function runs
in the context of a new thread I've started up, sometimes I end up
breaking out of the for loop too soon, because of the
(bp(StackBottom + StackLength)) check. If I pad the comparand on
the right hand side the equation (ie., testing bp(StackBottom +
StackLength + 12 kilobytes or so)), then I get the full backtrace (and
the loop breaks out because (bpoldbp) rather than the second
comparision, which is how I think it should generally be.

How it appears to me is that in's InitThread, when
StackBottom is calculated it takes esp and subtracks StackLength. The
thing is, at the time this is run, we're really not the first thing in
the backtrace, so StackBottom is not actually precisely the stack

I read a few threads on the mailing list archives (Stack checking in
dynamic libraries and Heap, Stack, HeapTrc and threads) which seem
to touch on this issue, but I wanted clarification on one thing:
Jonas, in this message
you said And keep in mind that it's only an approximation when
referring to doing stack checking in dynamic libraries. Is the
calculation of StackBottom the approximation you're referring to? If
that is the case, is what I'm doing (checking bp(StackBottom +
StackLength + someArbitraryPadICameUpWith)) the right thing to do, or
is there a better way to know when to stop walking the stack? Also,
doesn't this mean that since heaptrc does the same thing, it's going
to not necessarily get the entire backtrace (although tracesize would
limit it anyway)?



This email is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events
or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Seth Grover
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: I need an lNet expert: multiple connections and only one central CallAction() - is this possible?

2012-05-29 Thread Bernd
2012/5/29 Bernd Kreuss
 Also with my code I
 seem to be able to produce strange crashes inside heaptrc that I have
 never seen before.

Here it is again:

Marked memory at $ACBCEC60 invalid
Wrong signature $ instead of F1283A25
  $015D75BD  FINISH_HEAP_FREE_TODO_LIST,  line 425 of ../inc/heaptrc.pp
  $015D75F0  TRY_FINISH_HEAP_FREE_TODO_LIST,  line 434 of ../inc/heaptrc.pp
  $015CCAB2  GETMEM,  line 251 of /home/bernd/lazsvn/fixes_2_6/rtl/inc/
  $0164E362  TTEMPLIST__GETENUMERATOR,  line 127 of
  $0164DE59  TTEMPLIST__CHECKSTATE,  line 82 of
  $0161535A  TTORCHATCLIENT__PUMP,  line 220 of
  $015B7FEE  CB_PURPLE_TIMER,  line 136 of purpletorchat.lpr
Marked memory at $ACBCEC60 invalid
Wrong signature $ instead of F1283A25

and then it is frozen.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: I need an lNet expert: multiple connections and only one central CallAction() - is this possible?

2012-05-29 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 29 May 2012, at 21:31, Bernd wrote:

 2012/5/29 Bernd Kreuss
 Also with my code I
 seem to be able to produce strange crashes inside heaptrc that I have
 never seen before.
 Here it is again:

It means that you have memory corruption in your program (using objects after 
freeing them, writing via pointers that have already been freed, writing past 
end of a memory block allocated to a pointer, etc).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cross compiling x86_64 on i386 Linux.

2012-05-29 Thread Bruce Tulloch
Hi Tony,

I use Debian as my Debian derived distro :-) I agree a minimal chroot
environment for each target is a good solution but it's predicated on
running a 64-bit kernel on the host (which I am trying to avoid so I can
use this setup on a 32-bit capable netbook).

Looks like I might have to abandon the idea (cross compiling for a
x86_64 target on a i386 host) and upgrade my mobile development platform
to something with an x86_64 capable CPU in it :-/

I'll see if Jonas has any more ideas.

Cheers, Bruce.

On 29/05/12 18:40, Tony Whyman wrote:
 If you are using a Debian derived distribution such as Ubuntu, you might
 find it easier to use debootstrap to create a 64 bit environment on your
 system and compile the program in that environment (see for a guide). Then
 you can be sure that you have all the correct libraries in their
 standard paths, etc.
 In my set up, I compile for both 64 bit and 32 bit targets on a 64 bit
 machine and have separate debootstrap (chroots) for each target
 environment rather than compile in the development environment. This
 ensures that the final compilation takes place in a known clean
 environment. I also have a chroot for a win32 cross compiler.
 Once you have created the chroot for each target, all you need to do is
 to install the fpc debs in the appropriate environment (64 bit fpc for
 the 64 bit environment, 32 bit for the 32 bit environment), install any
 other libraries you need for the distribution repository and then
 compile the software in each chroot separately. The result will be
 executables built for each target and built in a clean environment. If
 you also want to generate distribution packages (debs), this is also the
 best way to go about it.
 Tony Whyman
 MWA Software
 On 29/05/12 03:19, Bruce Tulloch wrote:
 Closer, but not quite there yet...

 To get this going I've (sshfs) mounted a 64 bit system on /mnt/engels
 and then attempted to cross-compile on the 32 bit system with:

fpc -MDelphi -Scgi -CX -O3 -OoUNCERTAIN -OoREGVAR \
-Tlinux -Px86_64 -Xs -XX -va -l \
-dLCL -dLCLgtk2 -XR/mnt/engels

 This compiles but fails at the linker:

Searching file /mnt/engels/usr/lib64/crtn.o... found
Searching file /usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld... found
Using util /usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld
/usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld: skipping incompatible
 /lib/ when searching for /lib/
/usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld: cannot find
Error: Error while linking
Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping

 The linker


 was created using (an appropriately modified)


 i.e. built to run on i386 and target x86_64


 and the pthread library is (presumably, given the -XR option)


 which file reports as ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version
1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux
2.6.18, not stripped

 How can I find out why x86_64-linux-ld reports it as incompatible?

 Many thanks, Bruce.

 On 05/28/12 23:02, Jonas Maebe wrote:
 On 28 May 2012, at 14:56, Bruce Tulloch wrote:

 Am I correct to assume that if I drag in the x86_64 libraries I need
 from another x86_64 system, put them in a local directory and then
 reference then using the -XR option I can make this setup work?
 -XR is for pointing the compiler/linker to the top of a complete
 sysroot (i.e., a hierarchy with /lib, /usr/lib etc), not to a
 directory with just few handpicked libraries. For the latter, use the
 -Fl command line switch instead, possibly combined with -Xd (to
 prevent the compiler from passing the default system directories as
 search paths to the linker).

 And yes, that should indeed work fine.

 fpc-pascal maillist  -
 fpc-pascal maillist  -
 fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cross compiling x86_64 on i386 Linux.

2012-05-29 Thread Bruce Tulloch
Thanks Jonas,

I tried --with-sysroot for configure in buildcrossbinutils and it does
not appear to make any difference. I still get the error
/usr/local/opt/binutils/bin/x86_64-linux-ld: skipping incompatible
/lib/ when searching for /lib/ at the
link phase.

I'm thinking that ld should be looking at:


but according to the error message it's looking at:


which read literally would explain the error. FWIW I have attached the
buildcrossbinutils build log in case there's a clue in there.

Unless you have any other suggestions I might just give up and upgrade
my mobile development environment to an x86_64 capable netbook and run a
mixed 64/32 bit system to build 64 bit (and 32 bit) targets.

I'm guessing not many people attempt to do it the other way around these
days so I might as well join the 64 bit party...

Cheers, Bruce.

On 29/05/12 18:45, Jonas Maebe wrote:
 Bruce Tulloch wrote on Tue, 29 May 2012:
 Closer, but not quite there yet...
 Try adding --with-sysroot to the configure flags in that script.
 fpc-pascal maillist  -

Description: application/gzip
fpc-pascal maillist  -