Re: [fpc-pascal] GetTableNames in TSQLConnection / Postgresql

2012-12-16 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 16-12-2012 2:27, John wrote:
 As far as I can work out, a call to GetTableNames calls GetDBInfo, with
ASchemaType : TSchemaType - This specifies what info we want - user
 tables, sys tables, procedures, columns etc
ASchemaObjectName - Doesn't seem to be used, it is specified as 
 No, it's not used for GetTableNames; it is used e.g. to specify the
 table name if you want to know info about columns.
 Yes, I saw that, but there seems no reason why it could not be used as a
 schema selection.
I understand; just wanted to let you know what it was used for.

 I also had a flip through the previous discussion, but it was indeed a
 long and tortuous thread to follow!
Agreed. AFAIR, there was a decision in the end... but it was a long
thread and a long while ago.
I've incorporated some of Lacak's proposal into
... and will update that page going through that thread.
If anybody gets to it earlier, please feel free to update the page ;)

 So the question comes back to how should the table names be returned
 ?  Indeed, is there a specification for what should be returned for all
 of these metadata queries ?
AFAIR, there is no single spec as there are multiple examples we can
draw from (ODBC, JDBC, Delphi ADO etc)
IIRC, that thread did have a decision in the end though on what
everybody agreed was a good proposal.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] How do FreePascal implement hardware exceptions handling?

2012-12-16 Thread Andrzej Borucki
I analyze FreePascal exceptions handling. Instead use of try-excpt-finally
statement I rather use fpc_LongJmp,fpc_PushExceptAddr etc. It works fine
for software exceptions (fpc_RaiseException) but not handle hardware
exceptions. I use install_exception_handlers at start program. This call
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(@syswin32_i386_exception_handler) but is
in syswin32_i386_exception_handler is comparing if
excep^.ContextRecord^.SegSs = _SS then - _SS is correct stack segment but
excep^.ContextRecord^.SegSs - no, it is a different value, why?
I can attach my files

Andrzej Borucki
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How do FreePascal implement hardware exceptions handling?

2012-12-16 Thread Sven Barth

On 15.12.2012 18:40, Andrzej Borucki wrote:

I analyze FreePascal exceptions handling. Instead use of
try-excpt-finally statement I rather use fpc_LongJmp,fpc_PushExceptAddr
etc. It works fine for software exceptions (fpc_RaiseException) but not
handle hardware exceptions.

FPC relies on the hardware exception support provided by the operating 
system. For Windows this is accomplished by using 
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (or using SEH on Windows 64 if the compiler 
is compiled with the correct define) while on Unix this means that 
signals like SIGSEGV or SIGFPE are hooked.

It is not recommended to use fpc_LongJmp, fpc_PushExceptAddr etc. 
manually as FPC's code generation could interfere with your intentions 
here (note: the correct way of using longjmp would be by using the 
function LongJmp instead of fpc_LongJmp (and likewise SetJmp instead of 

So: why are you doing this?

I use install_exception_handlers at start
program. This call
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(@syswin32_i386_exception_handler) but is
in syswin32_i386_exception_handler is comparing if
excep^.ContextRecord^.SegSs = _SS then - _SS is correct stack segment
but excep^.ContextRecord^.SegSs - no, it is a different value, why?
I can attach my files

Why are you doing this? install_exception_handlers is called during 
process entry of Win32/Win64 programs already, so calling this twice can 
be considered a bad(TM) idea.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GetTableNames in TSQLConnection / Postgresql

2012-12-16 Thread John

On 12/16/2012 07:08 PM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
I've incorporated some of Lacak's proposal into 
... and will update that page going through that thread. If anybody 
gets to it earlier, please feel free to update the page ;) 
Which ignores the question I asked previously as to how you separate the 
system tables from the user tables ...

But I think I understand our different views a bit better now - you are 
looking at this from the point of view of simply getting the SQL and 
running it in a separate query ? Is this so ? Whereas I was specifically 
wanting to fix the TSQLConnection.GetTableNames. GetTableNames in its 
current form cannot benefit from adding the schema column into the query 
(or rather, getting it to work) as it only uses data from one column.

Anyway, it sounds like for now at least I had better just go down the 
path of deriving my own  tPQConnection descendant.

John Sunderland
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Feature announcement: Generic type constraints

2012-12-16 Thread Sven Barth

Hello Free Pascal community!

I'm pleased to announce the addition of generic type constraints to Free 
Pascal (beginning from revision 23158).


Generic type constraints allow to restrict the set of possible types 
that can be used to specialize a given generic. So for example one can 
restrict a type parameter to only allow descendants of a given class 
type that implement a specific interface.


A type parameter declaration now looks like this: a set of comma 
seperated generic parameter names is either followed by a ; or a :. 
If the former than another list of generic type parameters follows. 
Otherwise after the : follows a comma seperated list of the following 

- record
- class
- a class identifer
- an interface identifier
[- constructor (only allowed in mode Delphi; for the reason see 
Delphi compatibility)]

After such a constraint list follows either a  which means that this 
is the last parameter list or a ; after which another list of generic 
type parameters follows.


The rules for the above mentioned constraints are as follows:

- record can only be used by itself and is mutually exclusive to each 
other constraint; only record types can be used to satisfy this constraint
- class can be used together with any other constraint except record 
and a class identifier; it defines that the specialization type is a 
class type that's either TObject or a descendant of it
- multiple interface identifiers can be used to denote interfaces that 
the given identifier must implement; they are mutually exclusive to 
record; giving multiple interfaces implicitly requires the 
specialization parameter to be a class type; if only a single interface 
is given the specialization type can be an interface derived from that 
interface as well
- one class identifier can be given (mutually exclusive to class and 
record) to denote that the specialization parameter must be either of 
the given class type or a descendant of it
[- constructor is mutually exclusive to record and behaves like 
class ]

The order of the constraints is not important.


  { only class types deriving from TObject can be used }
  generic TExample1T: class = class

  { the same as the above with the exception that this is not valid 
code in Delphi }

  generic TExample2T: TObject = class

  { the parameter must derive from a TStrings class; valid types are 
for example TStrings or TStringList }

  generic TExample3T: TStrings = class

  { valid types are for example IInterface, IUnknown, 
TInterfacedObject or basically anything that derives from TComponent 
as that class implemnts IInterface as well }

  generic TExample4T: IInterface = class

  { unlike above interface types (IInterface, IUnknown, etc.) are 
not valid here }

  generic TExample5T: class, IInterface = class

  { same as above; the order is not important }
  generic TExample6T: IInterface, class = class

  { a class that implements the two given interfaces though this does 
not need to be the case on the same level; e.g. a class that derives 
from TInterfacedObject that implements ISomeOtherInterface is valid 
as well }

  generic TExample7T: IInterface, ISomeOtherInterface = class

  { the same as above; the class is redundant }
  generic TExample8T: class, IInterface, ISomeOtherInterface = class

  { the type must be a record }
  generic TExample9T: record = class

  { T1 must be a descendant of TObject while T2 can be of any type }
  generic TExample10T1: class; T2 = class

  { the inverse of the above: T1 can be any type while T2 needs to 
be a descendant of TObject }

  generic TExample11T1; T2: class = class

  { T1 and T2 need to be a descendant of TStrings, T3 can be of 
any type and T4 needs to be either a descendant of IInterface or a 
descendant of a class that implements IInterface }

  generic TExample12T1, T2: TStrings; T3; T4: IInterface = class

Delphi compatibility:

The compiler can correctly handle Delphi compatible type constraints in 
mode Delphi. It does not check though that the constraint : TObject is 
not used which is not allowed in Delphi.

Also in mode Delphi the constraint constructor is available as well. 
This constraint is not available in other modes because it is handled 
rather strangely in Delphi and in concept behaves like a complicated 
class constraint and is very likely a relict of Delphi.Net.

Delphi's behavior is as follows:
If the constructor constraint is not given (but e.g. class or class 
identifier is) one can NOT call .Create on that type (even if the 
constructor would need parameters). What is allowed however is to call a 
constructor that is not named Create, e.g. constructor 

It would be understandable if the constructor constraint would require 
the programmer to have a parameterless constructor Create defined in 
the given class type, but the compiler 

Re: [fpc-pascal] GetTableNames in TSQLConnection / Postgresql

2012-12-16 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 16-12-2012 2:27, John wrote:


As far as I can work out, a call to GetTableNames calls GetDBInfo, with
   ASchemaType : TSchemaType - This specifies what info we want - user
tables, sys tables, procedures, columns etc
   ASchemaObjectName - Doesn't seem to be used, it is specified as 

No, it's not used for GetTableNames; it is used e.g. to specify the
table name if you want to know info about columns.

Yes, I saw that, but there seems no reason why it could not be used as a
schema selection.

I understand; just wanted to let you know what it was used for.

I also had a flip through the previous discussion, but it was indeed a
long and tortuous thread to follow!

Agreed. AFAIR, there was a decision in the end... but it was a long
thread and a long while ago.
I've incorporated some of Lacak's proposal into
... and will update that page going through that thread.
If anybody gets to it earlier, please feel free to update the page ;)

It would be good to add a link to the 'standard sql' referred to ?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GetTableNames in TSQLConnection / Postgresql

2012-12-16 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 16-12-2012 14:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
 On 16-12-2012 2:27, John wrote:
 As far as I can work out, a call to GetTableNames calls GetDBInfo,
ASchemaType : TSchemaType - This specifies what info we want - user
 tables, sys tables, procedures, columns etc
ASchemaObjectName - Doesn't seem to be used, it is specified as 
 No, it's not used for GetTableNames; it is used e.g. to specify the
 table name if you want to know info about columns.
 Yes, I saw that, but there seems no reason why it could not be used as a
 schema selection.
 I understand; just wanted to let you know what it was used for.

 I also had a flip through the previous discussion, but it was indeed a
 long and tortuous thread to follow!
 Agreed. AFAIR, there was a decision in the end... but it was a long
 thread and a long while ago.
 I've incorporated some of Lacak's proposal into

 ... and will update that page going through that thread.
 If anybody gets to it earlier, please feel free to update the page ;)
 It would be good to add a link to the 'standard sql' referred to ?
The standard mentioned is the SQL ISO standard (e.g. the 2008 version).
Draft versions are floating around the internet, but the official one
you'd have to buy...


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GetTableNames in TSQLConnection / Postgresql

2012-12-16 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 16-12-2012 14:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
 On 16-12-2012 2:27, John wrote:
 As far as I can work out, a call to GetTableNames calls GetDBInfo,
ASchemaType : TSchemaType - This specifies what info we want - user
 tables, sys tables, procedures, columns etc
ASchemaObjectName - Doesn't seem to be used, it is specified as 
 No, it's not used for GetTableNames; it is used e.g. to specify the
 table name if you want to know info about columns.
 Yes, I saw that, but there seems no reason why it could not be used as a
 schema selection.
 I understand; just wanted to let you know what it was used for.

 I also had a flip through the previous discussion, but it was indeed a
 long and tortuous thread to follow!
 Agreed. AFAIR, there was a decision in the end... but it was a long
 thread and a long while ago.
 I've incorporated some of Lacak's proposal into

 ... and will update that page going through that thread.
 If anybody gets to it earlier, please feel free to update the page ;)
 It would be good to add a link to the 'standard sql' referred to ?
Also, e.g. PostgreSQL and Mimer have very good documentation on what
these information_schema views contain.
I vaguely recall this was covered in our previous thread...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Brook 1.0 - A new framework for web was born

2012-12-16 Thread Sven Barth

On 15.12.2012 04:24, silvioprog wrote:

More than 15,000 lines of source code, more than 90 test cases, more
than one year of work. Today, a new framework for web development was
born. It's name is Brook and its nice features are available for you.
I thank the FPWeb, the Freespider, the Powtils, the ExtPascal, the
CustCGI and the EazyCGI developers. I got inspiration in all of them and
and still in Rails and Slim Framework.

This sounds interesting. I'll evaluate your framework once I find the 
time to reimplement my website. :)

A small note though:
Here it should read If you 
are a Lazarus user instead of If you is a Lazarus user

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Feature announcement: Generic type constraints

2012-12-16 Thread leledumbo
Wonderful, Sven! Now we could have an even better generics feature than
Delphi or C++ (forget Java and .NET)

View this message in context:
Sent from the Free Pascal - General mailing list archive at
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Feature announcement: Generic type constraints

2012-12-16 Thread Sven Barth

On 16.12.2012 18:00, leledumbo wrote:

Wonderful, Sven! Now we could have an even better generics feature than
Delphi or C++ (forget Java and .NET)

Ehm... you know that AFAIK all those languages have constraints as well? :)

Though if your comment is regarding the possible future developments: of 
course :D


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
 The inotify calls are available on Linux. It tells you when a file/folder 
 function inotify_init: cint;
 function inotify_init1(flags:cint):cint;
 function inotify_add_watch(fd:cint; name:Pchar; mask:cuint32):cint;
 These calls are available in the linux unit. I have an article that describes 
 how it works, if you want.
 There is a similar mechanism on windows, but I haven't had time to look at it 
 I wanted to make a unified architecture for this kind of things.

I think Ales was at some point working on having a common kevent +inotify
support unit.  (Kevent is the OSX/BSD variant)
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:

The inotify calls are available on Linux. It tells you when a file/folder 

function inotify_init: cint;
function inotify_init1(flags:cint):cint;
function inotify_add_watch(fd:cint; name:Pchar; mask:cuint32):cint;

These calls are available in the linux unit. I have an article that describes 
how it works, if you want.
There is a similar mechanism on windows, but I haven't had time to look at it 
I wanted to make a unified architecture for this kind of things.

I think Ales was at some point working on having a common kevent +inotify
support unit.  (Kevent is the OSX/BSD variant)

Really ? Maybe it could be added to the fcl-base ?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Tomas Hajny
On 16 Dec 12, at 18:34, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:
  In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
  The inotify calls are available on Linux. It tells you when a file/folder 
  function inotify_init: cint;
  function inotify_init1(flags:cint):cint;
  function inotify_add_watch(fd:cint; name:Pchar; mask:cuint32):cint;
  These calls are available in the linux unit. I have an article that 
  describes how it works, if you want.
  There is a similar mechanism on windows, but I haven't had time to look at 
  it yet:
  I wanted to make a unified architecture for this kind of things.
  I think Ales was at some point working on having a common kevent +inotify
  support unit.  (Kevent is the OSX/BSD variant)
 Really ? Maybe it could be added to the fcl-base ?

If so, make sure to make it a separate unit and enable this unit in 
fpmake.pp for the supported targets only, because I don't think that 
such a functionality exists for OS/2 (not even mentioning other 
targets supporting fcl-base like go32v2)...


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Tomas Hajny said:
   I think Ales was at some point working on having a common kevent +inotify
   support unit.  (Kevent is the OSX/BSD variant)
  Really ? Maybe it could be added to the fcl-base ?
 If so, make sure to make it a separate unit and enable this unit in 
 fpmake.pp for the supported targets only, because I don't think that 
 such a functionality exists for OS/2 (not even mentioning other 
 targets supporting fcl-base like go32v2)...

I think that was what it stalled on. Ales not wanting to abstract windows
at that time.

IMHO packages in FCL should at least support the core platforms.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sun, 16 Dec 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Tomas Hajny said:

I think Ales was at some point working on having a common kevent +inotify
support unit.  (Kevent is the OSX/BSD variant)

Really ? Maybe it could be added to the fcl-base ?

If so, make sure to make it a separate unit and enable this unit in
fpmake.pp for the supported targets only, because I don't think that
such a functionality exists for OS/2 (not even mentioning other
targets supporting fcl-base like go32v2)...

I think that was what it stalled on. Ales not wanting to abstract windows
at that time.

IMHO packages in FCL should at least support the core platforms.

I will have a look at it. It's on my todo anyway. 
If Ales has a OSX/BSD variant, then that would be helpful.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Krzysztof
And which database you prefer? I don't need complicated functionality. The
most important is insert speed and it must be embedded. I'm thinking of
SQLight, DBF or Firebird Embedded
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Brook 1.0 - A new framework for web was born

2012-12-16 Thread silvioprog
2012/12/16 Sven Barth

 On 15.12.2012 04:24, silvioprog wrote:

 More than 15,000 lines of source code, more than 90 test cases, more
 than one year of work. Today, a new framework for web development was
 born. It's name is Brook and its nice features are available for you.
 I thank the FPWeb, the Freespider, the Powtils, the ExtPascal, the
 CustCGI and the EazyCGI developers. I got inspiration in all of them and
 and still in Rails and Slim Framework.

 This sounds interesting. I'll evaluate your framework once I find the time
 to reimplement my website. :)

 A small note though:
  should read If you are a Lazarus user instead of If you is a Lazarus


Thank you very much Sven! I'm sure Brook will reply your expectations. :)

And, your fix was applied:

Silvio Clécio
My public projects -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Websocket client

2012-12-16 Thread Krzysztof

Anyone know good and free websocket client which work on linux and windows?

What I found:
1. - looks nice, based on
synapse. But demo can't connect to ws:// on port 8080.
Seems that thread listener don't have exception handlers. I will try to add
it and see what is a reason. Probably only host format error
2. Habari components - not free
3. .
Can't compile demo. Seems free but uses uROIndyHTTPServer unit which is a
part of some not free package

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Websocket client

2012-12-16 Thread Ralf A. Quint

At 12:32 PM 12/16/2012, Krzysztof wrote:


Anyone know good and free websocket client which work on linux and windows?

Have you looked at what is included into Francois Piette's ICS? 


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Websocket client

2012-12-16 Thread Krzysztof
Yes, I saw it in google result. What I remember that ICS was only for
windows. Something changed in this case?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Websocket client

2012-12-16 Thread Ralf A. Quint

At 01:14 PM 12/16/2012, Krzysztof wrote:
Yes, I saw it in google result. What I remember that ICS was only 
for windows. Something changed in this case?

No, not that I am aware of, it is AFAIK still Windows only.
But then you did not mention that you're looking for something 
cross-platform either.. ;-)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Brook 1.0 - A new framework for web was born

2012-12-16 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 15/12/2012 21:22, Sven Barth wrote:

Maybe because the authors prefered inline comments instead of fpdoc's
XML files...

A shame, because the more detailed the documentation, the more it 
obfuscates the code.

eg: Documentation Insight, a popular Delphi IDE plugin for documenting 
frameworks from inside the IDE's most requested feature... external 
documentation files because good documentation means lots of text and 
examples, thus lots and lots of code obfuscation.

Anyway, it the Brook author's choice.

  - Graeme -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Indexing files

2012-12-16 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 15/12/2012 21:55, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

There is a similar mechanism on windows, but I haven't had time to look
at it yet:
I wanted to make a unified architecture for this kind of things.

I created a truly single source cross-platform system for this. Register 
your interest (file, directory or everything), and a background thread 
does the work freeing up your UI. I don't use any OS specific API's, and 
it is still fast.

  - Graeme -

fpc-pascal maillist  -