On 24/01/18 16:15, AlexeyT wrote:
In Lazarus component EControl I call Sleep(30) to wait when timer tick work is done.
while FBusy do Sleep(30);
and app loops forever now in sleep().
procedure Sleep(milliseconds: Cardinal);Var   timeout,timeoutresult : TTimespec;   res: cint;begin   timeout.tv_sec:=milliseconds div 1000; timeout.tv_nsec:=1000*1000*(milliseconds mod 1000);   repeat res:=fpnanosleep(@timeout,@timeoutresult);     timeout:=timeoutresult; until (res<>-1) or (fpgeterrno<>ESysEINTR);end; It is fpc 3.0.2. IDE Lazarus shows long loop inside this 'repeat'. i waited 10-20seconds.

What happens if you put an Application.ProcessMessages in there?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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