Re: [fpc-pascal] ENoWideStringSupport

2019-08-11 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On Aug 11, 2019, at 4:55 PM, Jeppe Johansen  wrote:
> Are you on a Unix platform? If so, adding cwstring as the first unit in your 
> program should fix it, I think

Thanks that fixed it.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-08-11 Thread James Richters
Thank you for the help.  I made most of the changes you recommend and I was 
able to get it to compile,  the only one I had trouble with was
If I take out the ^ from:
   if (EP^.bmAttributes and LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK =
  (EP^.bEndpointAddress and LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK <> 0) then

So it looks like this:
   if (EP.bmAttributes and LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK =
  (EP.bEndpointAddress and LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK <> 0) then

I get a compiler error:
libusboop.pas(1168,14) Error: Illegal qualifier
libusboop.pas(1168,14) Fatal: Syntax error, ")" expected but "identifier 
libusboop.pas(0) Fatal: Compilation aborted

With the ^ in it compiles anyway... I don't know how to adjust the format to 
not have the ^

I have not tried to do anything with TLibUsbPseudoHIDInterface yet, I was just 
trying to get libusboop.pas to compile, and be able to still run the previous 

I've updated my repository at

Let me know if I should do something different with the ^ above, or if you see 
anything else I missed.


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Johann 
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2019 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices


Am Samstag, den 10.08.2019, 17:50 -0400 schrieb James Richters:
> I'm making an attempt to copy TUSBPseudoHIDInterface into 
> libusboop.pas.  I've made the recomended name changes and then tried 
> to compile it.  Some things I found like the names changing from 
> things like
> PUSBInterfaceDescriptop to Plibusb_interface_descriptor

OK, there are two things. Names directly from libusb-1.0 (as used in
libusb.pas) should be identical to the original C code, i.e., 
Plibusb_interface_descriptor as you've written.

The second thing are the classes in the OOP wrapper in libusboop.pas.
Please use CamelCase for them, e.g., TLibusbPseudoHIDInterface.

> are pretty obvious, but just taking a guess on other things like:
>  changing:
>   if (EP.bmAttributes and USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK =
>  (EP.bEndpointAddress and USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK <> 0) then
> To:
>   if (EP^.bmAttributes and LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK =
>  (EP^.bEndpointAddress and LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK <> 0) then

Yes, very good, thanks!

Whether EP is a pointer (--> EP^.bmAttributes) or a record
(EP.bmAttributs) just depends on the usage in the code. As I see in usb.pas in 
line 846, in TUSBPseudoHIDInterface.Create, it is actually the record, so you 
should stay without the '^'.

> Based on looking at something similar in libusbutil... but I'm not 
> sure it's right at all I'm not sure if USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK was 
> really changed to LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK or if something else 
> happened.  But at least it compiles...

You translated it correctly.

> but now I've hit a few items that I just don't know what to do
> with.I can't find anything similar to get a reference from:
> libusboop.pas(1198,28) Error: Identifier not found "USB_TYPE_CLASS"


> libusboop.pas(1199,5) Error: Identifier not found 
> libusboop.pas(1216,27) Error: Identifier not found "USB_TYPE_CLASS"
> libusboop.pas(1217,5) Error: Identifier not found 
> libusboop.pas(1227,23) Error: Identifier not found 

Please copy the constants USB_REQ_HID_* and HID_REPORT_* from libusb.pas 
(branch master) lines 248-257 to the interface section of libusboop.pas (branch 
libusb-1.0) directly above the class declaration of TLibusbPseudoHIDInterface. 
Then please rename USB_REQ_HID_* to

> I've tried things that seem to be in line with other changes, like 
> changing USB_Type_Class to LIBUSB_TYPE_CLASS or spelling out REQUEST 
> instead of REQ which also seems to be done in other places, but still 
> the identifiers are not found... the problem is I have no idea where 
> these identifiers were/are defined.
> I made a fork in github and a branch called "test"  here:

Great approach, thanks, then we can use pull requests.


> > Actually you could copy the class TUSBPseudoHIDInterface (plus the 
> > types THIDReport and TIntrReportFunc) from usb.pas to libusboop.pas 
> > and change everything necessary.
> > At least one difference is that all names change from TUSB* to 
> > TLibUsb*. I'm sure there are more, but I don't know by heart.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  - 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fp

Re: [fpc-pascal] ENoWideStringSupport

2019-08-11 Thread Jeppe Johansen

On 8/12/19 12:37 AM, Ryan Joseph wrote:

Dump question that I can’t find an answer to for some reason. I’m getting this 

ENoWideStringSupport: Widestring manager not available. Recompile program with 
appropriate manager.

How do I resolve it? Not sure what’s even triggering it.

Ryan Joseph
Are you on a Unix platform? If so, adding cwstring as the first unit in 
your program should fix it, I think

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] ENoWideStringSupport

2019-08-11 Thread Ryan Joseph
Dump question that I can’t find an answer to for some reason. I’m getting this 

ENoWideStringSupport: Widestring manager not available. Recompile program with 
appropriate manager.

How do I resolve it? Not sure what’s even triggering it.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On Aug 11, 2019, at 3:59 PM, Alexander Grotewohl  wrote:
> d.x += 10; // makes even more sense

Ok, you win. Here’s more or less the full snippet.

  TRectHelper = record helper for TVec4
  procedure SetAxisX(newValue: TScalar); inline;
  function MinX: TScalar; inline;
  function MinX: TScalar; inline;
  property AxisX: TScalar read MinX write SetAxisX;

function TRectHelper.MinX: TScalar;
  result := v[0];

function TRectHelper.MaxX: TScalar;
  result := v[2];

procedure TRectHelper.SetAxisX(newValue: TScalar);
  v[0] += newValue;
  v[2] += newValue;


rect.axisX += 10 is a compound statement. See it makes perfect sense. :) I 
still don’t understand why the compiler and Delphi apparently thinks this is 
such a crazy idea. It's just normal stuff imo.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Alexander Grotewohl

d.x += 10; // makes even more sense

On 8/11/2019 2:21 PM, Ryan Joseph wrote:

On Aug 11, 2019, at 11:41 AM, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal 

This is forbidden by design.

Why? It makes sense it should resolve to: d.setter(d.getter + 10) but maybe 
there’s a problem?

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Rainer Stratmann
On Sonntag, 11. August 2019 12:21:18 CEST Ryan Joseph wrote:
> > On Aug 11, 2019, at 11:41 AM, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > This is forbidden by design.
> Why? It makes sense it should resolve to: d.setter(d.getter + 10) but maybe
> there’s a problem?

For me it seems that you can solve the issue easily with existing 
Moreover the code will be better to read and to handle in my opinion.
Otherwise your code will be likewise C code with much information in the 
smallest place. That is not good to handle in my opinion.
I have some experience with C code. It is not my preferred language.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-08-11 Thread Johann Glaser

Am Samstag, den 10.08.2019, 17:50 -0400 schrieb James Richters:
> I'm making an attempt to copy TUSBPseudoHIDInterface into
> libusboop.pas.  I've made the recomended name changes and then tried
> to compile it.  Some things I found like the names changing from
> things like
> PUSBInterfaceDescriptop to Plibusb_interface_descriptor

OK, there are two things. Names directly from libusb-1.0 (as used in
libusb.pas) should be identical to the original C code, i.e.,
Plibusb_interface_descriptor as you've written.

The second thing are the classes in the OOP wrapper in libusboop.pas.
Please use CamelCase for them, e.g., TLibusbPseudoHIDInterface.

> are pretty obvious, but just taking a guess on other things like:
>  changing:
>   if (EP.bmAttributes and USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK =
>  (EP.bEndpointAddress and USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK <> 0) then
> To:
>   if (EP^.bmAttributes and LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK =
>  (EP^.bEndpointAddress and LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK <> 0)
> then

Yes, very good, thanks!

Whether EP is a pointer (--> EP^.bmAttributes) or a record
(EP.bmAttributs) just depends on the usage in the code. As I see in
usb.pas in line 846, in TUSBPseudoHIDInterface.Create, it is actually
the record, so you should stay without the '^'.

> Based on looking at something similar in libusbutil... but I'm not
> sure it's right at all I'm not sure if USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK was
> really changed to LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK or if something else
> happened.  But at least it compiles...

You translated it correctly.

> but now I've hit a few items that I just don't know what to do
> with.I can't find anything similar to get a reference from:
> libusboop.pas(1198,28) Error: Identifier not found "USB_TYPE_CLASS"


> libusboop.pas(1199,5) Error: Identifier not found
> libusboop.pas(1216,27) Error: Identifier not found "USB_TYPE_CLASS"
> libusboop.pas(1217,5) Error: Identifier not found
> libusboop.pas(1227,23) Error: Identifier not found

Please copy the constants USB_REQ_HID_* and HID_REPORT_* from
libusb.pas (branch master) lines 248-257 to the interface section of
libusboop.pas (branch libusb-1.0) directly above the class declaration
of TLibusbPseudoHIDInterface. Then please rename USB_REQ_HID_* to

> I've tried things that seem to be in line with other changes, like
> changing USB_Type_Class to LIBUSB_TYPE_CLASS or spelling out REQUEST
> instead of REQ which also seems to be done in other places, but still
> the identifiers are not found... the problem is I have no idea where
> these identifiers were/are defined.
> I made a fork in github and a branch called "test"  here:

Great approach, thanks, then we can use pull requests.


> > Actually you could copy the class TUSBPseudoHIDInterface (plus the
> > types THIDReport and TIntrReportFunc) from usb.pas to libusboop.pas
> > and change everything necessary.
> > At least one difference is that all names change from TUSB* to
> > TLibUsb*. I'm sure there are more, but I don't know by heart.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On Aug 11, 2019, at 11:41 AM, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal 
>  wrote:
> This is forbidden by design.

Why? It makes sense it should resolve to: d.setter(d.getter + 10) but maybe 
there’s a problem?

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Sven Barth via fpc-pascal

Am 11.08.2019 um 18:33 schrieb Ryan Joseph:

Is this a bug? It should resolve to:

d.setter(d.getter + 10)

but it doesn’t seem to be working.

{$mode objfpc}
{$modeswitch advancedrecords}

program test;

   TData = record
 x: integer;

   TVec2Helper = record helper for TData
 function Getter: integer;
 procedure Setter(newValue: integer);
 property Get: integer read Getter write Setter;

function TVec2Helper.Getter: integer;
   result := x;

procedure TVec2Helper.Setter(newValue: integer);
   x := newValue;

   d: TData;
   d.get += 10; // ERROR: Variable identifier expected

This is forbidden by design.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Bart
On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 6:33 PM Ryan Joseph  wrote:

> begin
>   d.get += 10;  // ERROR: Variable identifier expected
> end.

AFAIK you cannot do that to a property (not even if it maps to a field).
Delphi does not allow it either IIRC.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] += property bug?

2019-08-11 Thread Ryan Joseph
Is this a bug? It should resolve to:

d.setter(d.getter + 10)

but it doesn’t seem to be working.

{$mode objfpc}
{$modeswitch advancedrecords}

program test;

  TData = record
x: integer;

  TVec2Helper = record helper for TData
function Getter: integer;
procedure Setter(newValue: integer);
property Get: integer read Getter write Setter;

function TVec2Helper.Getter: integer;
  result := x;

procedure TVec2Helper.Setter(newValue: integer);
  x := newValue;

  d: TData;
  d.get += 10;  // ERROR: Variable identifier expected

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Pandroid bundle some useful information about it

2019-08-11 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Project build resulting Android app by using obfuscation. This create 
much smaller .dex file. And application decompilation is harder. Sure, 
very advanced programmer can easily decompile even apps which have been 
produced by Free Pascal compiler, but I think, that obfuscated code is 
really not so easy to decode for average user.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Pandroid bundle some useful information about it

2019-08-11 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Pandroid is bundle, which have been prepared so Linux user can program 
Android apps with no need to manually install Android SSDK, required 
platform tools or build tools. Pandroid contain all required versions 
which have been tested, so developer must only install a few 
dependencies and everything will work.
When you will download and and prepare The project, you will be able to 
develop Android apps while using Free Pascal compiler which will be 
preconfigured to compile Android apps by using its JVM mode Android target.

Why this project?
I think, that it is The only one bundle, which can produce applications 
for so many Android different versions. If you do not like projects, 
which combines Java coding with native code, this project is for you.
Bundle contain example how to use canvas to draw by using 2D dimension. 
It is also possible to draw in 3D mode and there is also example for 
Open GL. Possibilities are really vide. Produced applications are 
compatible with Android 7 and I think, that also with never version. I 
think, that this project have a hydden big potential. Sure. Advanced of 
us can try to generate Pascal units for newest Android APIS, you can 
even experiment with other than provided versions of BUild tools.
May be, that it would be even possible to create some Lazarus package to 
create GUI so project will be more attractive for developers, who want 
to design by using IDE not by using his memory or paste and copy 
Clipboard operations.

It is even possible to develop for Windows. I Am testing Windows variant 
of Pandroid. It looks very promisingly. So Linux is not The limitation. 
Because also 2 and 3D graphics is supported, it is possible to develop 
various psychological tests for clients, who would had to touch a center 
of rectangle, circle, or square. It is possible to add multiple 
activities to one app. It is possible to detect incoming phone calls and 
react on them, such as pause Android Media player or stop it. And 
everythink without crashes and stability issues.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Challenge accepted

2019-08-11 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sun, 11 Aug 2019, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

Op 10-08-19 om 18:37 schreef Michael Van Canneyt:

On Sat, 10 Aug 2019, Marco van de Voort wrote:

Op 2019-08-10 om 17:30 schreef Joost van der Sluis:

And who else wanna help?

Why not simply port superobject?

2 reasons:
1. Interface based. Really bad idea.

There can be a really good use for interfaces regarding streaming. Like 
you saw earlier in the fppkg-repository code.

I think the only case when interfaces are truly needed is in IPC/RPC.
For the rest it just complicates otherwise simple things.

I will use them when useful, which I think is far less than commonly assumed.
As such I'm violently opposed to the 'you must always program an interface' 

2. JSON only.

3. I didn't really know it.

You don't miss out on that. It's better than the mess Embarcadero produced,
but still needlessly complicated IMHO.

And if you need more reasons: the jsonrtti has just this. I still need 
to add some functionality to it from the restbase unit (dynamic

arrays) but other than that I've been using it since ages.

I use jsonrtti now, and with some additions it works like I want. But 
the goal is somewhat more generic, yes.

I understood that, I just compared it to superobject, not to your eventual

What additions are you talking about ? Can we incorporate it ? Improvements are 
always welcome.

Note that the SQLDB rest bridge has dataset result streaming in various formats.
It's somewhat similar to your goal, but is limited to datasets.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Challenge accepted

2019-08-11 Thread Joost van der Sluis

Op 10-08-19 om 18:37 schreef Michael Van Canneyt:

On Sat, 10 Aug 2019, Marco van de Voort wrote:

Op 2019-08-10 om 17:30 schreef Joost van der Sluis:

And who else wanna help?

Why not simply port superobject?

2 reasons:
1. Interface based. Really bad idea.

There can be a really good use for interfaces regarding streaming. Like 
you saw earlier in the fppkg-repository code.

2. JSON only.

3. I didn't really know it.

And if you need more reasons: the jsonrtti has just this. I still need 
to add some functionality to it from the restbase unit (dynamic

arrays) but other than that I've been using it since ages.

I use jsonrtti now, and with some additions it works like I want. But 
the goal is somewhat more generic, yes.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-11 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear MR Maebe,
    You are always ready to help Me efficiently. I have special .jar 
file with compiled java .class files, inc and .pas file and is 
build inside .jar file. So I think, that it should work.

  bass:= CUBBASS.create();
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
Cause no problems. Since compiler generate classes and dex converter 
create .dex file with no issues. App also do not produce crash after 
compiling it and after run it on Android devices.

The question is if
  bass:= CUBBASS.create();
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
Can really call data from .so library, or it is code which actually do 
not do useful thinks.
The positive of Pandroid bundle is that Mr Cvijanovic and his cooperator 
have included special rjava.pas module and other stuff, so all Android 
API functions can be used. It is even possible to call .jar libraryes, 
which have been previously compiled by Javac. He had used many examples.
The issue is, that Jlobject parameter is abstract and I do not know, 
what it can mean.
I have spent many many time to find The cause of The issue. The reason, 
why I work with Pandroid is The fact, that it is really The only one 
solution, which fully support PPCJVM Android target, all API calls are 
working including Mediaplayer interface, it is even possible to call 
.jar libraries which do not include .so library and call methods in it 
such as mysql.jar.
I think, that Pandroid is revolutionary project, because it contain also 
many useful units, Jar libraries support, Android API calls support and 
calling .so native libraryes inside .ajar files support.
I have used FreeVCL, but I have got in serious troubles, because Android 
API calls did not work at all. Dalvik creator could not generate 
classes, if I have wanted to call APi function from or 
from other units.
And my main reason, why I do not simple use Lamw and Lamwplayer is, that 
only when I use Pandroid units, I can create GUI really myself with no 
need to be sad, that I must specify object position values for every object.
Sure, some people could tell Me, that GUI is not attractive. But for Me 
as visually impaired with no sight at all, it is revolutionary approach. 
Because I could never create even complex GUI with many elements. And 
compiled apps which do not depend on WEBview will always allocate much 
less RAM than apps, which uses Webview. Or if Javascript run inside 
browser process. This is The reason why I do not want to switch to Pas2js.
But I Am not so clever to deeply understand how to call some functions. 
Even Java example for Bass library did not helped Me too much. Net radio 
example build inside bass for ANdroid official .zip archive.

Except line
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
But it can not play live stream it is too few for now.
Thank you very much for yours patience. The reason why I want to use my 
own little Internet radio player is The fact, that GUI is simple, many 
other radio apps are full of functions and of many buttons. I want to 
simple pause, play or stop. If I want to record, I can use Audials for 
this purpose. But The freedom to do  something which containing simple 
GUI is really very positive feeling for Me.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-11 Thread Jonas Maebe
On 10/08/2019 22:26, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
> I Am very sad, that I do not know, how to correctly call The following
> function from when running apps produced by FPCJVM Android
> target mode.
>     class function BASS_StreamCreateURL(para1: JLString; para2: jint;
> para3: jint; para4: CUBBASS.InnerDOWNLOADPROC; para5: JLObject): jint;
> static; overload;

Where does this declaration come from? Do you have an existing Java
wrapper for libbass, and then generated the headers for it using javapp?
Or are you trying to directly call functions in using
manually created signatures? The latter will never work, because FPC
does not know the "native" modifier for Java methods. Additionally, such
an existing Java wrapper would also ensure that all your parameter types
are correct.

fpc-pascal maillist  -