Re: [fpc-pascal] IRC channel for FreePascal support ?
On 13/04/2023 13:55, Rik van Kekem via fpc-pascal wrote: Op 13-04-2023 om 12:53 schreef Jacob Kroon via fpc-pascal: Thanks for checking, but well, I just got contacted by "Joanna" privately on IRC, this is the chatlog: The following topic might be of interest. You can view it without registering.,61328.0.html There are more people who have the same problem with that IRC channel(s) and with 'Joanna'. Especially the strict rules that are enforced. (your chatlog doesn't stand alone, there are also multiple topics on the forum about this, besides the link given above.) BTW. That IRC channel is not an official FPC/Lazarus channel. (I think 'Joanna' is the founder of the channel and sole moderator there.) #fpc and #lazarus were the official channels in the freenode times. After freenode got abandoned, some active users started those channels on libera. Soon after that I registered #lazarus as the official channel for the lazarus project. No registration is done for the fpc channel (yet) As of today, Joanna is not a channel operator anymore on the lazarus channel. She has been warned that the same could happen for the fpc channel. Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
Re: [fpc-pascal] Open array in object constructor gives error
On 3-1-2023 14:07, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal wrote: On Jan 3, 2023, at 3:12 PM, Sven Barth wrote: But then you don't use the type name either. You simply do "o.Create(...)". O I get it now. I didn’t realize you couldn’t create on the type. That breaks my entire design then. It would be great to have a modern object that behaved more like classes but on the stack (like C++ does). On what instance/variable/piece of memory would your code "TMyObject.Create(['1', '2', '3'])" then operate ? Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows Volume Control
On 15-1-2022 19:02, James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote: Are there functions to check the current volume level and to set the volume with just FPC (not Lazarus) on Windows 10? All I need is the master system volume, not any of the mixer controls. This is possible. Please be aware that you can have multiple mixers and that the presence of the master volume is defined by the audio driver of the specific device (for a headset you may need to control the wave out). The following are more or less the routines I use. Other application logic is stripped, so it won't compile, but it should give you an idea. This code is used in a context where we can control multiple mixers, having different left/right volumes (hence the search for a specific name and a volume array) Marc function Initialize: Boolean; var n, maxlen, MixerId: Integer; woc: TWaveOutCaps; Search, Name: String; nDest: Integer; mmr: MMRESULT; mxcaps: TMixerCaps; mxl, mxlsrc: TMixerLine; mxlc: TMixerLineControls; mxc: TMixerControl; begin Result := False; // == setup volumes === MixerId := -1; // only compare the first wic.szPname -1 (==0) len characters, can be longer maxlen := SizeOf(woc.szPname) - 1; Search := Trim(Copy(FName, 1, maxlen)); for n := 0 to Integer(waveOutGetNumDevs) - 1 do begin waveOutGetDevCaps(n, @woc, SizeOf(woc)); Name := Trim(woc.szPname); if not SameText(Search, Name) then Continue; mixerGetID(n, Cardinal(MixerId), MIXER_OBJECTF_WAVEOUT); Break; end; if MixerID = -1 then Exit; // === controls === mmr := mixerGetDevCaps(MixerID, @mxcaps, SizeOf(mxcaps)); if mmr <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then begin Exit; end; if mxcaps.cDestinations = 0 then begin Exit; end; mxl.cbStruct := SizeOf(mxl); for nDest := 0 to mxcaps.cDestinations - 1 do begin // loop through the mixer destinations to find a waveout type mxl.dwDestination := nDest; mxl.dwSource := 0; mxl.dwLineID := 0; mmr := mixerGetLineInfo(MixerID, @mxl, MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER or MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_DESTINATION); if mmr <> 0 then Continue; if mxl.Target.dwType <> MIXERLINE_TARGETTYPE_WAVEOUT then Continue; // -- master Volume -- if mxl.cControls > 0 then begin mxlc.cbStruct := SizeOf(mxlc); mxlc.dwLineID := mxl.dwLineID; mxlc.dwControlType := MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME; mxlc.cControls := 1; mxlc.pamxctrl := @mxc; mxlc.cbmxctrl := SizeOf(mxc); mmr := mixerGetLineControls(MixerID, @mxlc, MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER or MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE); if mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR then begin // set master volume SetMixerControlVolume(MixerID, mxc, mxl.cChannels, FMasterVolume); end; end; // -- wave Volume -- if mxl.cConnections > 0 then begin mxlsrc.cbStruct := SizeOf(mxlsrc); mxlsrc.dwComponentType := MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT; mxlsrc.dwLineID := 0; mmr := mixerGetLineInfo(MixerID, @mxlsrc, MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER or MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE); if mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR then begin // get wave volume mxlc.cbStruct := SizeOf(mxlc); mxlc.dwLineID := mxlsrc.dwLineID; mxlc.dwControlType := MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME; mxlc.cControls := 1; mxlc.cbmxctrl := SizeOf(mxc); mxlc.pamxctrl := @mxc; mmr := mixerGetLineControls(MixerID, @mxlc, MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER or MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE); if mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR then begin // set wave volume SetMixerControlVolume(MixerID, mxc, mxlsrc.cChannels, FVolume); end; end; end; Break; end; end; procedure SetMixerControlVolume(AMixerID: Integer; AControl: TMixerControl; AChannels: Cardinal; const AValues: array of Byte); var mxcd: TMixerControlDetails; idx, c: integer; detailUnsigned: array of MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED; begin if AControl.cbStruct = 0 then Exit; // no volume if AControl.fdwControl and MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_UNIFORM <> 0 then AChannels := 1; SetLength(detailUnsigned, AChannels); mxcd.cbStruct := SizeOf(mxcd); mxcd.dwControlID := AControl.dwControlID; mxcd.cChannels := AChannels; mxcd.cMultipleItems := 0; mxcd.cbDetails := SizeOf(detailUnsigned[0]); mxcd.paDetails := @detailUnsigned[0]; mixerGetControlDetails(AMixerID, @mxcd, MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE); idx := 0; for c := 0 to AChannels - 1 do begin if idx < Length(AValues) then detailUnsigned[c].dwValue := MulDiv(AControl.Bounds.dwMaximum, AValues[idx] , 100) else detailUnsigned[c].dwValue := 0; if Length(AValues) > 1 then Inc(idx); end; mixerSetControlDetails(AMixerID, @mxcd, MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE); end; ___ fpc-pascal maillist - https://lis
Re: [fpc-pascal] Crash on Windows for Aarch64 target
On 12-1-2022 14:37, Volo Zyko via fpc-pascal wrote: Hello, Some time ago it was announced an experimental support for Windows on Aarch64 (namely in this post I tried to build a dll with a proprietary code for that target. Building succeeded but it crashes on loading. At the moment I don't understand how to investigate the issue to provide more information about it. I've been experimenting with this too. It looked cool to me to see if I can show our flagship product running on a rpi4. The major pain is to debug windbg what is going wrong on asm level. One of the issues I ran into was something weird when a case jumptable was used. It jumped to invalid code. I never was able to reproduce this in a smaller example and in the full code it was one of the issues it could run into. Now that VisualStudio starts to supports more and more dwarf debug info, I hope one day to use it as debugger. Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
On 10-1-2022 17:45, Marc Weustink via fpc-pascal wrote: On 5-1-2022 10:15, Mattias Gaertner via fpc-pascal wrote: On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 09:40:49 +0200 "Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis via fpc-pascal" wrote: Hi, Στις 5/1/2022 2:00 π.μ., ο/η Rainer Stratmann via fpc-pascal έγραψε: the certificate issued for and not for . It seems that the let's encrypt script was run with -d instead of -d * . or -d, Better, since is not served by this server and has a different LE certificate. if lets encrypt registers certificates right, there cannot exist a * and a different cert. OK, after some reading, this seems to be allowed. However while reading I noticed that * doesn't cover You have to define it separate Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
On 5-1-2022 10:15, Mattias Gaertner via fpc-pascal wrote: On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 09:40:49 +0200 "Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis via fpc-pascal" wrote: Hi, Στις 5/1/2022 2:00 π.μ., ο/η Rainer Stratmann via fpc-pascal έγραψε: the certificate issued for and not for . It seems that the let's encrypt script was run with -d instead of -d * . or -d, Better, since is not served by this server and has a different LE certificate. if lets encrypt registers certificates right, there cannot exist a * and a different cert. Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
[fpc-pascal] Lazarus server back online
Hi all, It took a bit longer than expected, but I'm happy to inform you that the Lazarus services are back online. For those interested in why it took longer, I'll explain at the end of the message. Marc On 24-12-2021 08:30, Marc Weustink wrote: Hi, On Monday 27 December 9.00 CET (8.00 GMT) the Lazarus server will be down for maintenance. This affects the following services: * Lazarus website * Lazarus mailinglists * Lazarus online package manager * Lazarus and FreePascal forum Thanks, Marc The story The server was running Ubuntu 16 LTR, so it's support ended on April this year. An attempt at that time failed since Ubuntu decided to switch to systemd-resolve which resulted in a server not even able to resolve its own name, let alone other hosts. When Googling about it, you learn that it doesn't work, it's a half backed solution, not a full DNS etc. At that time it became clear that I wouldn't be able to solve that in an evening. Luckily I could try this on a cloned server (we had to rent for another issue) so I parked the upgrade till I could spend a full day. Yesterday I found the "correct" solution to this which appeared to work. So I continued to upgrade to Ubuntu 18 and finally to Ubuntu 20 LTR. Everything seemed to work until I enabled the mailserver. It couldn't resolve any mailserver for a given domain. What the f.. 'host -t mx' resolves, why can't postfix resolve it. Again after some Googling, postfix needs a /etc/resolf.conf. However one step of the DNS solution was to remove the /etc/resolf.conf symlink, so I tried to restore the original link to some systemd-resolve generated one. This one pointed to their internal resolver. Still no luck since I hadn't configured systemd-resolve which DNS itself should use. After doing so, the generated resolf.conf became empty ? After more Googling I found that systemd-resolve generates another conf where you also can link to. No clue why there have to exist another version, but this one works. So this part of the server upgrade got finished around 14:00. The Lazarus mailing list and main website were back online. Another wish we had was to change the database backend of the forum. It appeared over time that when doing a search on the database, mysql blocks updates, so browsing the forum becomes unresponsive. The current version of SMF supports different databases so we decided to go for PostgreSQL (I'm using them at work for years now). Migrating MySql data to PostgreSQL seemed easy with pgLoader. The documentation about is was initially a bit sparse, but I could start a conversion with some commandline options. Unfortunately it got killed after 15 mins of import. After two more attempts it became clear, out of memory :( Reducing the memory requirements was a build time option so I didn't want to go that way. Another solution was to convert only a few tables at a time. That required however a configuration file which has more options than the command line. Most of the examples I found on the web failed, since they lack the semi colon at the end if the configuration. So the parser barfs with some abracadabra, initially not giving a clue. Fast forward, on 18:00 all but the messages table were converted. On 22:00 the messages table was converted using 9 parts. Then I realized that I didn't have a php-pgsql driver installed. After doing so, I discovered that the Lazarus main site also showed the forum maintenance message ??? Those sites are running on two different virtual servers. How can the contents of an index.php of one site have influence on the index.php of another site. What did go wrong when I installed the driver ??? After an hour investigating I decided to enable the forum first and investigate the issue later. Poof the forum results in a bunch of errors. What we didn't think of when switching backend, is that we use SMF (which is PostgreSQL capable) and TinyPortal (TP) to have the menus at the sides. And TP is full of MySQL only statements. Luckily there is someone who created all those missing functions for SMF and I created them on the database. After adjusting some TP php files (PostgreSQL requires a true boolean and not some integer <> 0), the forum started without errors. But it didn't show any boards. So there is still something wrong under the hood. Meanwhile it was 24:00 and I decided to continue using MySQL and called it a day. This morning I reverted my TP changes and put the MySQL database back online. To be continued... Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
[fpc-pascal] Lazarus server maintenance
Hi, On Monday 27 December 9.00 CET (8.00 GMT) the Lazarus server will be down for maintenance. This affects the following services: * Lazarus website * Lazarus mailinglists * Lazarus online package manager * Lazarus and FreePascal forum Thanks, Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
Re: [fpc-pascal] How to check if a network is available?
On 18-6-2021 13:49, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal wrote: I would like to know how I can check if a remote network is available, i.e. if the VPN system has succeeded to connect the remote network. I need this in a class that connects an OpenVPN tunnel on demand and takes it down after use. Unfortunately openvpn-gui does not have an API call to do this... It provides an API for connect, disconnect, reconnect etc but not for returning the state of a connection for example. Any suggestions for Windows? I just want to know if a call to connect succeeded. You can use the management interface But since we are developers you can lookup this info with the windows function GetIpAddrTable Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
Re: [fpc-pascal] Initialization of constant record member of pointer type
On 4-12-2020 13:01, LacaK via fpc-pascal wrote: Dňa 2.12.2020 o 16:09 Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal napísal(a): On 2020-12-02 16:01, LacaK via fpc-pascal wrote: Dňa 2.12.2020 o 13:55 Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal napísal(a): On 2020-12-01 11:39, Ladislav Karrach via fpc-pascal wrote: Because MyConst1 is not an *untyped* constant. Only untyped constants can be used in constant expressions (a pointer to something can be considered an untyped constant). The following might work though I did not test it: === code begin === const MyStr = 'abc' MyConst1: AnsiString = MyStr; MyConst2: TMyRec = (l: Length(MyStr); a: @MyConst1[1]); === code end === Yes it works, but I must define 2 constants (MyStr and MyConst1), which is not so nice ;-) It would be nice to have support for true constants: const MyConst1 = 'abc' ; MyConst2: TMyRec = (l: Length(MyConst1); a: @MyConst1[1]); But may be that there are technical reasons why it is problematic (may be that true constants are stored in another memory locations, which can not be easy addressed) Yes, that's one of possible reasons. Regarding Length in constant value assignment - remember that Length is a function. In case of real constants, the call may be replaced by the compiler with the constant value. However typed constants may not be constant, so generic replacement throughout the source code at compile time is not possible (if it appears in the main body or some function, the length may already be changed to something else) and selective replacement may result in a behaviour not expected by the user. The only questionable case is IMHO the case of {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} - the compiler _might_ be able to perform the compile-time substition in that case (and thus allow using Length of such a constant in constant value assignment), but it doesn't do that in that case either apparently. Yes I have no problem with {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} if it will allow Length(). Somewhere I read (may be in Delphi documentation) that some intristic functions like Low(), High(), Pred() and also Length() etc. can be used in constant expressions because compiler can evaluate them if theirs arguments are also constants. Which is the case in my example. For now {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} does not help ;-) Yes, that's what I mentioned as well, but it might be changed for this particular case. You might create a ticket for that if Delphi allows to use Length that way; obviously, you might create such a ticket even if Delphi doesn't allow to do that. ;-) I checked it with older Delphi XE and it seems, that Delphi XE does not support Length() for typed constant also when {$WRITEABLECONST OFF} I do not believe that this will be accepted for FPC, so I don not open new feature request in bug tracker. On other side FPC developers read this mailing list so if they consider this as a useful/doable feature may be that someone will take look at it I just happened to write a construct like this (in Delphi): const X_0: array[0..4276] of SmallInt = (. MAP: array['0'..'9'] of TSomething = ( (Samples: @X_0; Count: Length(X_0)), ... Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
Re: [fpc-pascal] Return value of StrToHostAddr and StrToHostAddr6 in sockets unit
On 12-5-2020 14:56, Marco van de Voort wrote: Op 2020-05-12 om 12:32 schreef Michael Van Canneyt: The names I use here are the libc names, which many other languages also use. Now, StrToHostAddr and StrToHostAddr6 can call the appropriate function, and programs that use those functions won't notice any change. But new code will be able to use the new functions and have an unambiguous answer as to whether the address is valid or not. The change is quite straightforward to make, and it won't break existing code, so I think it's worthwhile to do. Any thoughts or opinions on this? I'm all for it, but please use the following names: function TryStrToHostAddr(IP: String; var ip4: in_addr): Boolean; function TryStrToHostAddr6(IP: String; var ip6: in6_addr): Boolean; Rationale for this request: All conversion calls in sysutils and dateutils use this naming scheme, it's good for consistency. (and I hate underscores, but that's beside the point ;)) Yes to the principle and yes to the TryStrTo naming. But I would make the IP param CONST ;-) And maybe change the var into an out Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -
[fpc-pascal] Freepascal/Lazarus forum and Lazarus website outage wrap-up
Now that everything seems to be normal, time for a wrap-up, what happened: There were happening 2 things simultaneously - an increased interest(?) from china - one or two bots every second looking for SQL injections. This caused a load on the original server configuration, apache using mod_php, so it became unresponsive. Since the amount of traffic was larger than normal, but still realistic, I decided to use fast-cgi to remove the php overhead from the apache main process. With fast-cgi in place I could now use the mpm_event module which can handle way more connections to the server. After some days of config tweaking everything should be fine. not. The server started to work OK until, according to netstat, about 800 sockets were in use, after which the server failed to respond. This continued till the amount of sockets dropped to about 50 (due to timeouts etc). Then the server was responsive again and the whole cycle started over again. After a lot of googling it appeared that this was caused by this issue in apache A manual upgrade of apache to the latest version solved the problem. Marc ___ fpc-pascal maillist -