Re: [fpc-pascal] child units (was: dot within unit file name)

2008-01-22 Thread Tony Pelton
On Jan 21, 2008 12:05 PM, John Stoneham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2008 1:05 AM, Vinzent Hoefler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Friday 18 January 2008 20:12, John Stoneham wrote:
> Perhaps that's true with regard to name resolution, but Ada's package
> system has a significant feature which Pascal's module system lacks:
> child packages. Conceptually, a child package is the same thing as a
> nested package:
> package Parent is
> ...
>package Child is
>end Child;
> ...
> end Parent;

this looks exactly like Java inner classes.

> Now, the nested "Child" can be referenced outside "Parent" as
> "Parent.Child".

java :


defined in a file called ""

> This has much more to offer than simply another level
> (sometimes very necessary) of organization to a complex program.


among other things, in the java world, it makes for a great way to be
able to encapsulate and control dependent objects that belong to the
implementation that encapsulates them.

data structure like classes for example that really don't have any
business outside of the parent class.

and even if those child classes are intended to escape out of the
parent class via a return type, it still keeps the namespace and file
system much cleaner, again, where the child has no other general use
in the application.

> For
> example, the private part of a child package has access to it's
> parent's private members as well. The visibility rules are similar to
> those that relate to inheritance (via private, protected, and public
> sections). This adds a level of encapsulation that is very desirable
> in a complex program.

yes, this sounds identical to how java does this as well.



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Re: [fpc-pascal] Notice: Possible copyright infringements in FPCcodebase

2007-11-21 Thread Tony Pelton
On Nov 21, 2007 7:07 AM, Skybuck Flying <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But it's not open source.
> I like to think of open source vs closed source as: Viewable / Non-Viewable.

... and _that_ is where you are going wrong.

"open source" is a licensing term in these contexts.

By making source code viewable does not grant one a license to copy
it, in the same way that you can't photo copy and distribute a book.

An amazing number of people seem to be highly confused by this.

This is probably why projects like FreePascal get sideswiped by
tainted code on a too frequent basis.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Sockets Unit Demos - RTL Manual Pg 1056

2007-03-05 Thread Tony Pelton

On 3/4/07, Jason P Sage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If not Accept(S,  FromName,Sin,Sout ) Then

The compiler complained about the data type for FromName.

if no one jumps in with the exact answer, i would suggest that you
might get better answers from the list if you :

a) post a complete, but minimal example of source that demonstrates the problem.

b) post the *exact* errors you get when you compile it.

Jason P Sage


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Blackberry

2006-07-05 Thread Tony Pelton

On 7/5/06, Michael Preslar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But rewriting in Java bytecode for Blackberry scares me. Gameport has
made it very clear that the source cant be distributed in any form.. I
know there are java decompilers for PCs.. I'd be there are ones for
Blackberry as well.

compiled java source (.class files) aren't "platform specific", though
they may be JVM version (1.1, 1.2 ...) specific.

so, a decompiler, available on any given platform, can decompile
.class files for any device or platform.

a couple of comments :

*) some people use obfuscators for compiling their java code. these
work by preprocessing your source code into equivalent source code,
but with your symbols changed to consistent but "human meaningless"

the theory goes that this makes decompiled .class files, generated
from obfuscated source, very difficult to read/understand.

*) is obfuscated, decompiled java source comparable to dissasembled binaries ?

i suspect in practice, that the level of dedication required to
reverse engineer either is about the same, assuming the individual has
the skills and expertise for either.

Which makes me lean towards WinCE that much more.

because you think it will be harder to reverse engineer and "steal"
your "door game" software ?

a strange line of thinking if you ask me ...


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Nice website

2006-06-27 Thread Tony Pelton

On 6/27/06, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



i love it !

great job to those involved !


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Re: [fpc-pascal] exiting a program more friendly way

2006-06-23 Thread Tony Pelton

please trim your posts.


On 6/23/06, Pianoman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I'd like to ask whether is it possible to exit program in case of
runtime error 202 for example more nicely than with message runtime error
202 at a1d456d5621blablabla
For example:
writeln('starting to divide:');
and I don't want mi program to stop with runtime error but I 'd like to
write to screen something like: writeln('program has atempted to divide by
zero enter another expression.');
old tp had a special procedure exitproc which allowed to set which code
should be executed before terminating in case of run-time error. I mean code
which will close opened files or something like that or it could write to
logfile the reason of error.
Thanx in advance

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Modify XML Document

2006-06-22 Thread Tony Pelton

On 6/22/06, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

-- snip TDOCDocument interface source from FPC 2.0.2 --
TDOMDocument = class(TDOMNode_WithChildren)
   FDocType: TDOMDocumentType;
   FImplementation: TDOMImplementation;
   function GetDocumentElement: TDOMElement;
   property DocType: TDOMDocumentType read FDocType;
   property Impl: TDOMImplementation read FImplementation;
   property DocumentElement: TDOMElement read GetDocumentElement;

   function CreateElement(const tagName: DOMString): TDOMElement; virtual;
   function CreateDocumentFragment: TDOMDocumentFragment;
   function CreateTextNode(const data: DOMString): TDOMText;
   function CreateComment(const data: DOMString): TDOMComment;
   function CreateCDATASection(const data: DOMString): TDOMCDATASection;
   function CreateProcessingInstruction(const target, data: DOMString):
 TDOMProcessingInstruction; virtual;
   function CreateAttribute(const name: DOMString): TDOMAttr; virtual;
   function CreateEntityReference(const name: DOMString): TDOMEntityReference;
   // Free NodeList with TDOMNodeList.Release!
   function GetElementsByTagName(const tagname: DOMString): TDOMNodeList;

   // Extensions to DOM interface:
   constructor Create;
   function CreateEntity(const data: DOMString): TDOMEntity;
-- snip --

it's been a bit since i played with the FPC implementation of the XML
stuff, but i've done quite a bit of work with DOM in Java.

i've included the interface from dom.pp in the 2.0.2 source above for reference.

first thing, you need to understand is that TDOMDocument is the
"handle" to the DOM.

so you need to start with an instance of one of these, either by
creating one, or by "loading" an XML document.

from there, you ...

a) create "nodes" by calling methods on the TDOMDocument (the parent
of all nodes).

i included some of the specific and more common methods from
TDOMDocument below, such as the  function, and the
 function for instance.

-- snip --
   function CreateElement(const tagName: DOMString): TDOMElement; virtual;
   function CreateTextNode(const data: DOMString): TDOMText;
   function CreateCDATASection(const data: DOMString): TDOMCDATASection;
   function CreateAttribute(const name: DOMString): TDOMAttr; virtual;
-- snip --

again, you call these on a properly created instance of the
TDOMDocument ... because nodes must be "owned" by a document.

b) once you have a node, and you've mutated it (set its value etc ...)
to your liking, you can then parent it into the XMLDocument by walking
the DOM ( getChildren() etc ...) until you get to a node that you want
to attach your newly created node to, as a child or sibling or what
have you.

you create attributes in the same way, by calling methods on the
TDOMDocument, which return instances of the attribute class, and then
they can be attached to a node in the tree as required, becoming an
attribute of that node.

you never instantiate nodes and attributes directly, at least not ime.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho


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Re: [fpc-pascal] real to integer

2006-05-29 Thread Tony Pelton

On 5/29/06, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Use a IDE with code tools that support find declaration.

that is a terrible answer.

this isn't the "IDE" list, it is the Free Pascal "compiler" list.

i would have beat my head against a wall for days on a problem like that.

i would suggest that this is an opportunity to think about error
reporting in the compiler.

i would suggest, as a compiler enhancement, maybe ...

a) the compiler could report ambigous symbols as a warning
b) the error could report fully qualifed symbols on errors

i don't know how simple that is for the compiler, but it is simple to
understand for the programmer.



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Re: [fpc-pascal] Compiling a unit loops infinitely

2006-03-21 Thread Tony Pelton
On 3/22/06, Michael Preslar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any help would be appreciated..

> --
> Michael


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[fpc-pascal] OT : testing spam filtering to list ?

2006-03-16 Thread Tony Pelton
sorry for doing this, but i got a bounce on a list reply.

will this message go through ?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] WinSock

2006-03-15 Thread Tony Pelton
On 3/15/06, Bob Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have fpc-2.0.2 running on Linux

WinSock = "Windows Sockets" <> Linux Sockets ?

You might want to look at some of the abstraction libs available, such
as Synapse.

also, and i'm not sure about this, as i've been meaning to ask, but i
think the stuff in the "Sockets" unit is meant to be a cross platform
sockets API ?

anyone know about this ?

i'm going to be doing some (hopefully) cross platform socket stuff soon.

> Bob


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Polymorphism question

2006-03-03 Thread Tony Pelton
i'm new so grain of salt ...

> function GetMyProperty: string; overload;
> procedure SetMyProperty(Value: string); overload;

should these be 'override' rather than 'overload' ?

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Re: [fpc-pascal] static binding to C shared library (linux)

2006-01-16 Thread Tony Pelton
On 1/17/06, Alain Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> thank-you for the reply.
> 1 - I compile the C library myself. I even use it from a C program
> compiled by me. Therefore for the C part, I am sure that everything is
> OK. I also know that the path, and all that works.


> I can also access a string constant (the version number) from the
> library using my pascal program.


> This makes me think that it has to do with the parameters. This one has
> three. Unfortunately there is no other 'simple' function in the
> library:
> int pl_setplparam (plPlotterParams * plotter_params, const char
> *parameter, void *value)
> which I translate into:
> function pl_setplparam (plotter_params:plplotterparams; const
> parameter:PCHAR; value:PCHAR):cint; cdecl; external 'plot';

i hope someone else on the list will jump in here ... but i'll stick
my neck out ...

i'm doing this off the top of my head ... you should really read the
doc for the compiler.

i think your first parameter should be declared as a _pointer_ to the type :

plotter_params : plplotterparams^;

and i think _technically_ that third param should be :

value : Pointer;

> Is the "cint" type equivalent to C: "int"  ? should I use "smallint"
> instead.

i'm not sure.

a smallint is a short in 'C' i think.

you really have to find out where cint is declared in your 'C'
environment and then look that up in the pascal doc.

you could try guessing ... and maybe it won't segfault.

> 2 - Someone tells me that old compilers would accept " * int" while the
> new compilers would prefer a variable name: "variable * int" or "void *
> int". Unless this the other way around then I should not use the
> NO_VOID_SUPORT. So  I guess I do not worry about that one any more.

that sounds like it is a define to deal with old/new style function
prototype stuff in 'C'.

i don't think this bit matters to Pascal.

> 3 - The file I have is "" I think that this is a shared
> library. Does that coresponds to "cdecl; external 'plot';"? If not, then
> this is where my mistake was!!!

cdecl is a directive that declares the "calling convention" for the
function i think.

this makes it so that the pascal compiler knows how to generate code
to invoke the 'C' function and/or pass variables to the 'C' function.

the external is telling the pascal compiler that the function
implementation is "external" ... somewhere ... later.

i'm honestly not sure how the "name" thing works. i'd need to look that up.

i think the name ties to the "linker directive" in some way.

> Is: external 'plot';  equivalent to: {$L} or: {$Linklib
>} ?

well ... i think "external 'plot'" says "find this function in the
'plot' library".

i think the {$L} says, link the library.

i think there is some magic here ... in that the linker does some
things with these names.

so ... i think "plot" for your external declaration works, because the
linker, when it processes your {$L} directive, matches the "plot" with
"" by stripping the "lib" and the ".so" portions to match
the names.

or something like that ...

its those two pieces though that tie everything together for the
linker, so that the linker knows that there is going to be a function
in an external library first, and then later, it tells the linker to
actually link the library, and during the link phase, the linker is
going to make sure it can "resolve externals" ... which is to say that
it makes sure that it can find all of the functions you declared
"extern" in the libraries you've told it to link.

> 4 - The structure  "plPlotterParams" is not defined in the .h file.
> Belive it or not, there is only one line:
> struct plPlotterParamsStruct plPlotterParams

there has to be more to this somewhere.

keep poking around in your header files.

> I understand that this is just a name change and plPlotterParamsStruct
> was the name used inside the library. Why is this not defined remains a
> mistery for me! Apparently the linker just assumes that it is a pointer!

i don't think this is right.

in order for you to use the 'struct' ... you have to know how it is composed.

> You are right. The "user" is not supposed to access the "struct"
> directly. This is only a handle for the second function, therefore there
> was no need to define it in the .h file.   I guess I can find the
> definition in the source code! However It seems to me that a "generic"
> pointer should do. (What if did not have the source code)
> Is the pascal type "pointer" EQUIVALENT to the C operator: '*' to a
> struct?

well ... i _think_ in Pascal :

"Pointer" in pascal is equivalent to "void*" in 'C'.

this is reffered to as a a "void pointer" or an "untyped pointer".

"typed" pointers are pointers that point at a known type of thing,
rather than just being known to point to an address :

Pascal : Var foo : Integer^;
'C' : int* foo;

i think that is how that works.

> Thank you so muc

Re: [fpc-pascal] static binding to C shared library (linux)

2006-01-16 Thread Tony Pelton
take what i have to say with a HUGE grain of salt because i have no
idea what i'm talking about.

On 1/16/06, Alain Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I would apreciate if someone could give me some advice please. In this
> example:
> cfunction = function(theparameter:cint):cint;cdecl;external'theclib';
> It seems that this will not build unless I have the
> file: /usr/local/include/theclib.h
> 1-Is this true?
> 2-Does the FPC compiler read this .h file?
> 3-Does the linker read this file?

not sure about that, i haven't done alot of work with external 'C' libs.

i have called DLL's written in 'C' before though ... and haven't had
to worry about having the headers for them, as i've had Pascal files
with the right stuff in them.

> The C prototypes for the two functions that I want to use look like
> this:
> plPlotterParams * pl_newplparams(void)
> or:
> plPlotterParams * pl_newplparams
> and:
> int pl_setplparam (plPlotterParams * plotter_params, const char
> *parameter, void *value)
> or:
> int pl_setplparam (plPlotterParams * plotter_params, const char
> *parameter, char *value)
> The two set of prototypes exists because of a switch: "NO_VOID_SUPPORT"
> to accept different compilers.
> 1 - Does anyone knows which case my compiler uses? "void" or "no_void"?

well ... i think that is some sort of 'C' pedantry having to do with
whether you have to declare that your no-arg 'C' function takes 'void.

are you compiling this lib ? or is it already compiled for you ? or ?

i guess i should back up and ask the big question ... how are you
trying to use this 'C' lib ?

as a shared library ?

i don't think Pascal should care about the void/no_void thingy.

> The first function "pl_newplparams" is suposed to allocate a structure
> then return a handle. It seems that it returns something different than
> "nil" but I am not sure if it is valid however.

your function, as you've written it here, appears to be returning a
pointer to something of type 'plPlotterParams' ... presumably a

> This pointer is used as a parameter for the second function
> "pl_setplparam".
> ERR := pl_setplparam(plotter_param,'PAGESIZE','letter');
> As soon as I call the function I get an "access" exception at the offset
> 0. Although the function has 3 parameters, it could be the first
> one (the pointer) that has the wrong type!
> I have tried many things like this:
> type
> plplotterparams = record end;

i think you have a few issues :

a) you can't just make up your own record for the parameter type.

you've got to find the definition of plPlotterParams 'type' in the 'C'
source, and then define a type in Pascal that matches it.

presumably, it is a 'C' struct, so you care going to define a Pascal
"record" ... but you have to define the members of it properly.

once you've defined the "record" in Pascal to match the 'C' struct
(assuming that is what it is) ... i think your Pascal code will go
something like as follows :

Var my_params^ : pascal_plPlotterParams; // pointer to your pascal type

my_params := pl_newplparams();

> function pl_newplparams:plplotterparams; cdecl; external 'plot';
> function pl_setplparam (plotter_params:plplotterparams; const
> parameter:PCHAR; value:PCHAR):cint; cdecl; external 'plot';
> Can someone give me some hints on how to solve that problem. I have
> spent the whole week-end on these three lines and I am quite frustrated
> right now!  The package is called "libplot" ("plotutils") and I was
> planning to put it on the web if I can get it to work. :(

so yeah ...

as i've said ... i _think_ you have 2 primary problems :

a) you've got to define a type in Pascal that matches the "type" that
your first function returns.
b) you've got to use Pascal "pointer" syntax when defining your
"handle" in Pascal for the variable you are going to use to capture
the pointer being return from your func.

btw ... i _suspect_ that, if you aren't going to _use_ the value being
return from the first function, you could just use a "void" pointer
type in pascal to retrieve the address of  the thing being emitted
from the first function ... and just pass it to the second.

Var my_point : Pointer;

my_point := firstfunction();

... or something like that.

of course, if you actually want to manipulate the thing being
returned, to modify it's members or something ... you will have to
define stuff in Pascal so the compiler can generate the code needed to
get at the members within.

> Thank you for reading

all guesses ... but sure ...

> Alain Michaud


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Re: [fpc-pascal] source file size ?

2006-01-05 Thread Tony Pelton
On 1/5/06, Florian Klaempfl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony Pelton wrote:
> > hi all,
> >
> > i wanted to ask a question, before i spend time going down a road to
> > implement it.
> >
> > are there any thoughts on having a source file that might be megabytes
> > in size that is basically just structured data implemented as source ?
> up to 2 GB, the important thing is the size of the resulting parsing
> pieces. I.e. very long procedures (>10k lines), statements, expressions
> call for trouble.

this is the answer that answers my question i think.

while i hadn't thought it all the way through, in fact, the picture i
had in my head was one where there would be one massive function, that
i would call when my DLL was initialized, that would create all of the
"records" of data and add them to an array or collection for use by
the application at runtime.

i might be able to break that function into several somewhat smaller
functions, and aggregate the calls to each on via one.

procedure init();

procedure do100();
{ add 1-100 of the N elements here }

procedure do200();
{ add 101-200 of the N elements here }

thanks for the thoughts ...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] source file size ?

2006-01-04 Thread Tony Pelton
On 1/5/06, L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > are there any know limits on how big a source file can be for the FPC 
> > compiler ?
> interesting question... hmm did you try a  3GB file which calls 
> writeln('test') over
> and over and over again?

> That's the stupid way of doing tests - the smart way would
> be waiting for an answer from the FPC team.

hmmm ... i'm sensing some sarcasm.

i'm not usually one to post dumb questions to a list because i'm lazy
or have nothing better to do.

also, i thought this was the "users" list ... not the compiler developers list.

in any event ... i have no idea if putting 3GB's of "writeln"
statements in a file is a good test.

in my case, the data would have to have structure.

it isn't just the size of the source file, but the size of the code as
generated by the compiler into the DLL.

are there limits to the "code segment" or other such internals of the
compiler and runtime file ?

i think the way i would have to lay it out would be to have 1000's of
Pascal "record" types, with members that are a mixture of "constant"
String and Double values.

i guess i would have to put all of these "record"s inside of a
procedure that alloced and assigned them all as members of an array,
upon invocation of the function at runtime ?

maybe i could put them in the initializer ?

it would actually take me some time to even lay the thing out to begin
with ... only to find that it doesn't work ... or that I _assume_ it
won't work ... because i took one path that didn't work, where there
might have been another that would have ... had i known.

so you see ... i feel like it is maybe more complicated that just
testing by echoing 3GB's of "writeln" statements into a source file
and compiling it.

if no one has any thoughts on it ... i'll go to the next step ... but
i didn't think it would hurt to ask the question.

but thanks for the help.

> Here are my prefered colors for your website (take it or leave it):
>   body bgcolor="#1E1E1E" text="#D7D7D7" link="#006699" alink="#006699"
> vlink="#006699"
> Gotta love dark backgrounds.
> hmmm website Sigs really do work because I went ahead and clicked on your 
> site.

hmmm ... i just don't know if i'm reading into the intent of your
comments very well.

btw ... the screenshots you see there are screenshots of a plugin i've
written for a simulator i use from ... using
Free Pascal.

> --
> L505


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[fpc-pascal] source file size ?

2006-01-04 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

i wanted to ask a question, before i spend time going down a road to
implement it.

are there any know limits on how big a source file can be for the FPC compiler ?

i was thinking about experimenting with "code generating" a source
file that would become a memory resident database of sorts.

this would make my application, implemented as a shared library
"plugin" quite fast, and would potentially simplify the distribution
of my shared library to my user base.

are there any thoughts on having a source file that might be megabytes
in size that is basically just structured data implemented as source ?


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[fpc-pascal] XML DOM stuff

2005-12-31 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

i've been toiling over the DOM implementation with the FCL for a few hours now.

i had successfully used the XMLRead code to load a DOM from an XML file.

i had successfully mutated said document and used XMLWrite to persist
those changes to the DOM.

i've now been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out
how to build a DOM "from scratch" in code.

My trouble begins because it would seem that i don't get a "well
formed" document by doing a straight "Create()" of an TXMLDocument.

i've been digging around inside of the XMLRead code for a bit, trying
to understand what _it_ does to get a document going from an XML
source file.

it's confusing to me.

i see some casting and subclassing inside of the XMLRead code that
seems to allow for the creation of a well formed TXMLDocument, but i
don't see anything that leads me to a well formed API or "factory" for
being able to instantiate an "empty" but well formed XML document

minimally, i'm having problems because i can't see how to get a
DocumentElement attached to the DOM instance via a user serviceable
API call.

so i can't attach any new elements to the document after a Create().

what am i missing ?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Quake 2 for Freepascal

2005-12-29 Thread Tony Pelton
On 12/29/05, L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If anyone is interested I can post the Quake 2 freepascal port up online.

i'm interested in looking at the code from an academic perspective.

please do post.

i could even help mirror it if need be.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Compiling library / Win32 DLL

2005-12-29 Thread Tony Pelton
On 12/29/05, chromdildo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> Whats the difference, when compiling without Lazarus?

i don't know.

i just wanted to mention it, in case it was relevant.

i had started doing development using the FP console IDE.

i then "discovered" Lazarus, and wanting to be able to use a GUI IDE,
i downloaded and installed it.

i then took the exact same code, compiled it, which produced a DLL for
me, and when i tried to get my hosting application to load it, it
complained, saying it wasn't a DLL.

i then loaded the FP IDE, recompiled the same code, and it went back to working.

i posted to the list, asking questions about my problem, but no one
seemed to know why i might be having the problem.

someone even sent me a "dll loader" tool to test whether my DLL would
load with their testing tool.

the DLL _did_ load with the tool, but the application i was using
still wouldn't deal with it, until i recompiled it with the FP console

since then, i've just stayed with the console IDE/compiler and i
haven't had any issues.

just as another thought ... because i recently had a problem that
really messed me up for a couple of hours.

i had installed the newer 2.0.2 compiler, after having used the 2.0.1
compiler on my windows machine for a while.

i then loaded up some of my source, and went about doing more
development on 2.0.2.

when i started testing some of my latest code changes, as a DLL within
another application, i was getting ALL KINDS of crazy behavior.

no crashes, just really bizzare behavior from some of the API calls i
was using for my third party application.

stuff that is really hard to explain in any detail in an e-mail ...
but things like "enumerators" within the API suddenly stopped
enumerating ... without error ... function calls that returned enums
were returning the wrong enum value ... stuff like that.

after alot of head scratching and poking and prodding ... i ended up
cleaning up a bunch of "dot o" files from some of the units for the
third party API wrappers that are implemented in pascal, and which
were being compiled by FP.

my problems went away.

some kind of weird issue between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 in the object files.

i'm not sure if this would be considred "unexpected" ... but at the
time it just didn't occur to me.

so ... make sure you are building all your code, and dependent source
code "clean".


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Compiling library / Win32 DLL

2005-12-29 Thread Tony Pelton
you are using FP or its IDE and _not_ lazarus ... right ?

i had some troubles with building a DLL with lazarus, where identical
code would build link under lazarus, and my windows application
wouldn't load it, and everything would work fine when i built it using
the FP compiler standalone.

likely a user error, but i was never able to figure it out.

my $0.02


On 12/29/05, chromdildo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo list.
> I'm having trouble with library/DLL under Win32 (exporting one function
> and having a little GUI).
> Compiles fine, but the host application can't load them. The Host is
> closed source (think MSVC).
> Same code compiles and runs fine with Delphi.
> Can someone describe the main differences with building/linking
> libraries under Delphi/freepascal.
> I'm sure I'm missing some compiler/linker - switch.
> Thank you very much
> chrom
> P.S. Merry Xmas and happy new year to all.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] sax.pp

2005-12-27 Thread Tony Pelton
On 12/27/05, Sebastian Günther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony Pelton schrieb:
> > hi all,
> >
> > i'm a pascal noob, but not a new programmer.
> >
> > i've done a fair bit of XML parser work in Java.
> >
> > i was trying to figure out how to do parsing with SAX in pascal last night.
> >
> > i'm very confused.
> Okay I can imagine this... ;)
> the actual SAX support is for HTML parsing only. The XML parser can only
> create DOM documents, without using the SAX layer.

hmmm ...

ok, let me make sure i understand.

the code in "sax.pp" is not for general use as a sax parser but is in
support of some other code, somewhere else, for doing html parsing ?


that's kind of a bummer.

i guess i'll have to go back to the drawing board for what i'm trying to do.

marshalling the entire XML document into memory is potentially
problematic for my application.

> Regards,
> Sebastian

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] sax.pp

2005-12-27 Thread Tony Pelton
On 12/27/05, L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would need to see some sample code that is giving you the abstract error, 
> though. I
> just finished dealing with an "abstract error" and all I did was forget to 
> place the
> override keyword after the function declaration in the *derivative* class.

thanks for the response.

i'm including some code.

it compiles, but generates a runtime error :

An unhandled exception occurred at $0040691E :
EAbstractError : Abstract method called

with java, unless you are hiding the implementation from the compiler,
by using runtime classloading for instance, the compiler will tell you
that you are trying to use an abstract class and what abstract thing
you are trying to use and that it is bad and wrong.

so this pascal code wouldn't get past the compiler were it java.

note that i was just trying to get to a starting point of being able
to capture "character" events from the parser and write them to
stdout, nothing more.

also note that i've got all of the other events commented out for starters.

i must be missing something blatant, likely due to my inexperience with pascal.

thanks for any help.


PS. btw, a url ( with a
screenshot of a "plugin" i've written for a flight simulator using
FPC, and to which this issue is related.

all of the "brightly colored" bits that you see in the screenshot are
the work of my plugin within the simulator and is all written in
pascal as a windows DLL using OpenGL calls.

The simulator API also supports 'C', but I had come close to suicide
on more than one occassion trying to write 'C' and had almost given
up, when i thought to try FreePascal.

i've never looked back.

'C' sucks, FreePascal ROCKS !

-- SNIP --
program Main;

// heaptrc,

Type Tmyfilter = class(TSAXFilter)
procedure DoCharacters(const ch: PSAXChar; AStart, ALength: Integer); override;

procedure Tmyfilter.DoCharacters(const ch: PSAXChar; AStart, ALength: Integer);

procedure DoCharacters(const ch: PSAXChar; AStart, ALength: Integer); dynamic;
procedure DoComment(const ch: PSAXChar; AStart, ALength: Integer); dynamic;
procedure DoEndDocument; dynamic;
procedure DoEndElement(const NamespaceURI, LocalName, QName:
SAXString); dynamic;
procedure DoEndPrefixMapping(const Prefix: SAXString); dynamic;
procedure DoIgnorableWhitespace(const ch: PSAXChar; AStart, ALength:
Integer); dynamic;
procedure DoProcessingInstruction(const Target, Data: SAXString); dynamic;
procedure DoSkippedEntity(const Name: SAXString); dynamic;
procedure DoStartDocument; dynamic;
procedure DoStartElement(const NamespaceURI, LocalName, QName:
SAXString; Atts: TSAXAttributes); dynamic;
procedure DoStartPrefixMapping(const Prefix, URI: SAXString); dynamic;

Type TDosStreamPtr = ^TDosStream;

Var a_name : FNameStr;
Var a_stream : TDosStreamPtr;
Var a_filter : Tmyfilter;

a_name := 'google_earth_tutorial_files.kml';
a_stream := new(TDosStreamPtr,Init(a_name,stOpenRead));

a_filter := TmyFilter.Create;
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] sax.pp

2005-12-27 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

i'm a pascal noob, but not a new programmer.

i've done a fair bit of XML parser work in Java.

i was trying to figure out how to do parsing with SAX in pascal last night.

i'm very confused.

in java there are basically three steps to doing SAX parsing :

1) subclass a "handler" and override the methods for the parsing
events you want to trap, such as "begin element".

2) create an instance of the XML parser, and pass an instance of your
"handler" to it.

3) pass in an XML document to the parser and tell it to parse.

your handler then gets callbacks from the parser with data from the
xml document.

in looking at sax.pp in the 'fcl' for free pascal ... i got confused.

for one thing, i don't see any code in the source file that looks like
it is actually doing any parsing ?

i expected to see a bunch of code in there somewhere that was doing a
bunch of string comparison and manipulations at the character level,
like and parser would have to.

maybe there is other code that i haven't looked at that fills in some
of the gaps ?

second, for hoots and hollers, i subclassed/extended the SAXFilter
class ... thinking that it looked like the descendent of everything
else, thinking that it was itself the parser and handler, and tried to
override some of the callback functions ... but when i call parse on
it, i get an error about abstract methods.

i'm lost.

help ?

documentation ? sample code ?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] LINKLIB on Cygwin

2005-12-19 Thread Tony Pelton
do you have the DLL's somewhere in your PATH so that the windows lib
loader can find them at runtime ?

e.g. PATH=c:\cygwin\lib ?


On 12/19/05, Alan Mead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Pohlmeyer gave me a short program demonstrating the use of the readline 
> and history libraries, the program begins:
>  program histdemo;
> {$LINKLIB ncurses}
> {$LINKLIB readline}
> {$LINKLIB history}
> {$LINKLIB c}
> It works great on Linux but I haven't been able to figure out how to get it 
> to work under Cygwin.  I have the libraries in c:\cygwin\lib (e.g., 
> libncurses.dll.a) and I have found different forms that allow the program to 
> link (e.g., "{$LINKLIB ncurses.dll.a}" or "{$LINKLIB libncurses.dll.a}") but 
> when I run the program I get a Windows dialog titled "Unable To Locate 
> Component" and displaying "This application has failed to start because 
> readline.dll was not found..."
> I know very little about Windows programming or linking external libraries... 
> any thoughts would be appreciated!
> -Alan
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] getting XML element's value using dom.pp unit

2005-12-10 Thread Tony Pelton
On 12/8/05, Bisma Jayadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > i think you are going to find that "my node value" is not the
>  > NodeValue() of , but is the NodeValue() of a _child_ of
>  > .
> Thanks Tony... using your information, I've found what the problem is. It's a
> different way of understanding XML node, between a Delphi XML (DOM) component
> and a FPC DOM unit. I used to be a Delphi programmer, trying to migrate to be 
> a
> Lazarus/FPC programmer. :)
> I got '#text' string on "n" variable. This confirms Tony's information that
> node value that I'm looking for is actually a child node (with "#text" as the
> node's name). :)

i'm not sure ... but i think that having the "#text" child node is per
the spec :

in any event, as i said, every Java DOM parser i've worked with does
it that way.

glad to have helped.

> -Bee-

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] getting XML element's value using dom.pp unit

2005-12-07 Thread Tony Pelton
i'm going to speak out of turn here ...

i've got a ton of XML experience ... on Java.

I haven't used the Pascal DOM, but i'm guessing i know what the issue
is, because it is a common point of confusion for people who don't
know XML DOM frameworks well.

i of course may end up being completely off base.

assuming you had a node in the document like :

my node value

i think you are going to find that "my node value" is not the
NodeValue() of , but is the NodeValue() of a _child_ of

so you have to step one deeper into the DOM.

i think ...


PS. also, including a sample of the XML document, along with the code
is usually helpful.

On 12/7/05, Bisma Jayadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all...
> What did I do wrong? Or am I missing something about the dom.pp usage? Here 
> are
> the codes I used...
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Remote FreePascal compile service, feedback requested

2005-12-05 Thread Tony Pelton
On 12/5/05, Tom Verhoeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why do this?  Because that way people can use/try FreePascal without
> installing anything.

ah ...

installing really isn't too complicated currently.

download a tarball, expand it, and run the compiler ?

i can't imagine having to fiddle around with some webapp is going to
be any simpler than that.

> Mabye we can support cross compiles as well.

_this_ might actually be compelling.

i use FreePascal for developing plugins for a flight simulator for instance.

the flight simulator runs on windows, OSX and Linux, but i only have
access to windows and linux for compiling.

being able to cross compile to OSX would be cool.

there are others in the same community of people who use Delphi, that
i have been trying to hook into FreePascal who have the same problem.

being able to point them at a place to cross compile their Delphi
projects to non-windows platforms would be cool.

> Furthermore, we plan to support several versions of FreePascal in
> parallel.  That way, it may also be useful to the FreePascal community.
> E.g. when diagnosing a problem.

i suspect anyone who is "diagnosing" anything to this detail is going
to want to have their versions/tools locally so that can see what is
going on.

> Tom Verhoeff

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] free vision questions

2005-11-23 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

having a great time playing with free vision right now.

a quick question ...

can i get a hooked into the event loop thread for doing work ?

said a different way ...

based on my experience with other event driven GUI paradigms ... i'm
assuming ...

in the background, there is a thread of execution that is polling for
events in the ui, keyboard and mouse and dispatching those events into
the event loop  ?

i then trap those events in my code and "do stuff".

standard event driven gui stuff.

i would love to be able to "poll" some of my own code from the
existing event thread, checking for network data, and then dispatch
events into event queue that i can then handle inside the event loop,
to update widgets with the data.

is this a reasonable line of thinking for FV ?

am i overthinking this ? in other ui subsystems i've worked with (GUI
rather than console) it has always been imperative to be careful how
you deal with widgets when you aren't the event/refresh thread.

bottom line, if possible, i would like to avoid spinning my own thread
to do network polling, and once i see some data on the wire, i want to
be able to *safely* process that data and dispatch it into widgets in

i'm still trying to understand widgets and their relationship to
"backing" record types and pointers to data as well.

not sure if i'm suppossed to initialize widgets with their backing
data structures once, and then use handles to those structures to just
change the data and the widget will refresh and show the data.

anyway ... i might be digressing.

mostly, i'm just trying to understand if i can hook my own code into
the event loop thread and take advantage of the thread to do polling
of my own.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] cgi-bin/PSP

2005-11-20 Thread Tony Pelton
i don't know if i will get beat down for asking this question here ...
but i'll try.

i found a pascal web server :

it supports CGI suppossedly.

if i try to get it to use a PSP CGI, the web server renders a response
that says the CGI didn't return anything.

in looking at the source, and the CGI examples that come with the
tinyweb server, their example just does "WriteLn" stuff, writing to
standard out.

does anyone know, quick and dirty, if the PSP framework is writing to
'stdout' ultimately ?

sorry for asking here, i just didn't want to have to join another
handful of lists to get information, if i didn't have to, and i was
pretty sure there might be some PSP lurkers on this list.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] console ui ?

2005-11-20 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

i'm trying to hone in on a toolkit to use to do some "console gui" development.

something along the lines of the FP IDE, but not as complicated.

cross platform as well hopefully ?

i'm having trouble understanding what the deal-ey-o is with the "FV" libs ?

is there a licensing issue here ?

where is the doc and source for the "FV" libs ?

would the "nCRT" libs be a better choice ?

other thoughts ?

i'd hopefully like to find something that should be cross platform
(windows, mac OSX, linux) console gui toolkit, that has basic

standard dialog boxes

and hopefully something that has source and/or doc for it.

but most importantly, i'd like to find something that has a future in
terms of licensing and some support/development in the community.

thanks for any tips,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] RE: Download file

2005-11-18 Thread Tony Pelton
On 11/18/05, Jeff Pohlmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you don't mind using an external DLL, CurlPas is quite simple,

and presumably, if you are crafty, and licensing supports it, you
could link the curlpas runtime statically such that you don't need the

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] File locking/protection in Linux

2005-11-02 Thread Tony Pelton
On 11/2/05, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Antal wrote:
> > How can be avoided in Linux the file corruption due to simultaneous write
> > access from two different process?
> Nothing prevents a third process from using the file without locks.

that was what i thought too.

but that link i posted seemed to imply that, if you mounted the
filesystem with an extra flag, that the kernel would cause any regular
process to wait for access to files, if those files had been "flocked"
by any one process, so it then only takes 1 process using the "flock"
calls to get exclusive access.

from the link :

"In these cases, you can enforce locking at the kernel level with
mandatory locks. Mandatory locking is implemented on a file-by-file
basis. When a program attempts to lock a file with lockf or fcntl
that has mandatory locking set, the kernel will prevent all other
programs from accessing the file.[1] Processes which use flock will
not trigger a mandatory lock."

> Michael.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] File locking/protection in Linux

2005-11-01 Thread Tony Pelton
without looking at what the PSP code is doing ...

an article on this subject, specific to file locking on linux ...


On 11/1/05, L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can be avoided in Linux the file corruption due to simultaneous write
> > access from two different process?
> > Or how can it be avoided to access the same file by two different process?
> > I experienced a few (but painful) data loss due to this problem, and I'm
> > unable to solve the problem.
> The Pascal Server Pages project has a unit in it that allows this if you are 
> interested. It
> is not specific to Pascal Server Pages as far as I know.
> Basically how it works is a simple time delay is put on the file until it is 
> free again.
> You can check FileShare.pp if you are intersted in a file locking read/write 
> method.
> SVN:
> For documentation on how those units would be used, check:
> Again, these units and documentation were written with regards to CGI 
> programming. However,
> file sharing is not specific to cgi programming of course!
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Systems 2005: A first summary

2005-10-29 Thread Tony Pelton
On 10/29/05, Sebastian Günther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony Pelton schrieb:
> > another thing that most java ide's do, which may or may not apply to
> > lazarus, is that most IDE's have the ability to support more than one
> > compiler suite at a time.
> Yes but that is quite meaningless for the case of Free Pascal. I don't
> think that Lazarus ever will support the compilers of Delphi or Kylix.
> Those both projects are more or less dead already (Delphi will be dead,
> if Borland will continue their chosen path).

just to clarify what i was trying to say :

i wasn't neccessarily suggesting that Lazarus should support different
Pascal compilers, though that might be a good thing.

i was more suggesting that Lazarus might do well to be able to easily
switch between different installations of the Free Pascal compiler.

for instance, i run Gentoo (which has a rather messy bunch of
freepascal e-builds on it, which at some point i intend to rectify)
but where it has 1.9.4 and 2.0.0-r1 compilers available minimally.

in addition, i have an SVN checkout sitting on my hard drive locally.

being able to switch between the different compiler version easily
might be of interest to some users potentially.

in any event ...

I Love Free Pascal !!

Long Live FPC !


> - Sebastian

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Systems 2005: A first summary

2005-10-29 Thread Tony Pelton
On 10/29/05, Sebastian Günther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tony Pelton schrieb:
> >
> > their (sun's) model is one where they offer the bundle that you need,
> > where you may want a big thick bundle with the Java compiler and
> > runtime and IDE, or you may already have the Java runtime and
> > compiler, and just need the IDE.
> For Java the situation is different. There are lots of IDEs, but Free
> Pascal has only one major IDE.

well, firstly, there appears to be at least one other decent IDE that
i know of :

but in any event, i'm not sure why that distinction is important.

i think the point of the bundling strategy is not in the number of IDE's.

i think there are a few more relevant points :

*) the IDE is kind of pointless without the compiler
*) the compiler doesn't *require* the IDE.
*) giving people a complete, one stop development solution is a good thing.

but like Java, i think it would be of paramount importance to make
sure that the compiler can also standalone, without the IDE and it's
runtime, for those that want to use alternative IDE's, or where you
want to be able to integrate the compiler in with an OS distro or what
have you ...

> Of course the talk is _not_ about a complete fusion of FPC and Lazarus.
> 'Only' the following parts should be merged:
> - Website
> - Download directories on the website. Especially we need a clear and
> short explanation of the different packages.
> - The Wikis
> - Documenation? But this is a major topic, which we should discuss
> separatedly
> - Perhaps the bug system

and if this were my project(s), i personally _wouldn't_ advocate for
merging all of that stuff together.

i would keep the projects mostly seperate *except* for the front pages
of either site, where i do my marketing spiel about how the projects
are complimentary AND i would make sure the projects cooperate enough
so that they can always be bundled seamlessly with each other, and
each projects download page should offer their own product AND the
bundled product.

so the users get nice, easy to understand, packaging options both for
just the compiler tools and/or the IDE, but the projects still get to
run themselves how they want, and manage their own release cycles etc.

another thing that most java ide's do, which may or may not apply to
lazarus, is that most IDE's have the ability to support more than one
compiler suite at a time.

so for instance, the IDE might require java 1.4 for its own execution
environment, but might support being able to use more than one java
version for supporting the developer project, such as java 1.5 for

having that type of decoupling and runtime compiler switching with
Lazarus might be very handy in the future AND it would make it much
easier for Lazarus and FPC to iterate versions on their own schedules,
and allow users to upgrade just the parts that they need to, when they
need to.

> There is no clear separation between FPC and Lazarus for the end-user.

for a Lazarus end user I assume you mean ?

> For example, an average user cannot tell easily if he has a problem with
> a component or function belonging to Lazarus or belonging to FPC.

and again, if they were bundled together, but also properly
modularized, if the FPC or it's runtime was to blame for a bug, or
Lazarus was, the source of the problem could be better identified
because of the modularization, and then just the suspect part could be
upgraded to solve the problem, rather than having to download the
whole big bundle, after the bundle has been updated by the responsible

> - Sebastian

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Systems 2005: A first summary

2005-10-29 Thread Tony Pelton
On 10/29/05, Florian Klaempfl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> L505 wrote:
> >>
> >>I think that FPC has to remain FPC, a language + compiler just like GCC.
> >>IDE and Lazarus could be run on top of FPC, like many IDE run on top of
> >>GCC.

that would be my preference, not that my preferences matter in the slightest.

i think the GCC analogy is right.

> No, this doesn't match with our experiences we had at the systems: a lot
> of people said, yes, I tried fpc but I didn't like to work with the
> command line. When we asked, did you try lazarus, the answer was, no, I
> didn't know about it.

FPC is a darn sweet little compiler and could/should become as common
on Linux at least as bash and perl and GCC are now so that it will see
more adoption as an alternative to 'C'.

i know that is why i've become an FPC convert.

i got tired of pulling my hair out with 'C' for some of the small toys
i was playing with for my flight simulator plugin work, but my "other"
language, Java, just wasn't up to the task of building lightweight and
performant code.

this is when i "discovered" Pascal and the FreePascal compiler tools.

i will admit that it took me a while to figure out how Lazarus was
related, and i found the FreePascal and Lazarus sites confusing at

i think the one, most productive thing, both projects could do for
themselves, and for the community at large, is to bring the two
entities together, into a more cohesive looking and feeling website
and to market them as layers of building blocks for doing plain pascal
development with minimal tools or as a larger set of tools for doing

but again, i wouldn't change them architecturally, other than maybe
making integrated, easy to use/install "bundles" out of them.

FreePascal and Lazarus might want to look to how Sun and the Netbeans
project have aligned the Java tools and the Netbeans IDE.

this seems like an analagous model to that of FPC and Lazarus.

their (sun's) model is one where they offer the bundle that you need,
where you may want a big thick bundle with the Java compiler and
runtime and IDE, or you may already have the Java runtime and
compiler, and just need the IDE.

imho, this would be the perfect strategy for FPC and Lazarus.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Bindings to Computational Geometry libraries

2005-10-28 Thread Tony Pelton
On 10/28/05, Cox, Stuart TRAN:EX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are a number of Computational Geometry libraries available from the
> web.  It would be nice to be able to use them in the Pascal world.  Does
> anyone have bindings or wrappers or translations to FP for LEDA, CGAL or say
> XYZGeobench?

i'm not sure if i know what "computational geometry" is ... but while
i was doing some messing about with code for a flight simulator
extension i was working on, i came across the following which helped
me out some :

it is 100% Pascal code.

i don't know if it would be of any interest to you.

> Stu Cox

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] FPCUnit article/tutorial online.

2005-10-09 Thread Tony Pelton
i started to write a rather lengthy reply to this note, and realized i
was starting to rant.

so i'm gonna shorten my reply up quite a bit.

i'm a java web app programmer by trade. i use Pascal for fun stuff.

up until a couple of years ago, i went through a series of companies
where i couldn't escape the _nightmare_ of unit testing mantra, being
forced down the development teams throat ... _usually_ with a whole
helping of other ridicoulous development "paradigms" freshly read by
the manager right out of "CIO" magazine.

i will offer this opinion ...

i think generally, and especially the way they've been implemented in
the past where i've worked, they (unit tests) have been a huge waste
of time and a soul sucking experience for the development team.

my last 2 years, i've worked with ONE other senior developer, for a
smallish company, with a web app in production, having done ~6
releases in the last 1.5 years since we went 1.0 with the product.

in terms of scale, i would say it is just a smidgen smaller than the
web application at my last job, where there were 12 developers, 3
managers and a "technical lead".

let me express that in a formula :

webapp1 + 2 developers == 12 developers, 3 managers, lead + webapp2

the current application i work on is light years ahead of the other
one i worked on in terms of stability and quality

what is the difference ?

well, currently, me and my peer don't have several middle managers
dictating our every move.

we don't use RAD "tools"

we use simple, best of breed open source technologies where we can

we write code to solve problems when we think the investment is a
better choice for us in the long run, rather than buying some "kitchen
sink" solution from some vendor whose fancy sales guy took the boss
out to lunch one day.

we don't spend time writing unit tests.

my $0.02 ...

On 10/9/05, L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since I don't exactly know what test frameworks are, even after reading about 
> them for the
> past few years, I'm going to ask some risky questions. This is not a flame 
> thrower attempt
> at the test framework advocates, I'm just trying to understand what exactly 
> they do, from a
> "newbie to test frameworks" perspective.
> Do test frameworks
>  -cause you to spend lots of time writing test frameworks instead of program 
> code?
>  -even apply to languages with compilers and strong typing?
>  -cause you to write your programs to conform to the test framework, instead 
> of the program
> framework?
>  -have any actual statistics of success?
>  -have popularity statistics that prove they are popular (in the Delphi 
> community) as stated
> in the article?
>  -have any real world examples of how they helped personX fix problemY in 
> significantly less
> time?
> Hoping the answers are no, yes, no yes, yes, yes.
> --
> L505
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] File dates on the FPC server

2005-09-08 Thread Tony Pelton

i'm a gentoo user.

is anyone on these lists by any chance a maintainer of any of the
gentoo ebuilds for fpc ?

just curious.

the ebuilds for gentoo seem a little behind, are masked, and they seem
a little redundant/confusing.

thanks for any info,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] exit ?

2005-05-25 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

new pascal guy, but not a new programmer.

i'm used to being able to use the "return" reserved word in Java and
'C' to be able to short circuit the execution of a function/method.

over and above any philisophical judgments on my programming
technique, I see Free Pascal has a reserved word 'exit' that mimics
"return" ?

Is some analogy to "return" not supported in the official pascal dialect ?

is 'exit' the only way to do this, and obviously, not portable to
other compilers ?

is there another token that i could/should use ?

i do know that there is goto/label, but i would prefer not to use
that, as that construct has been beat into my head over the years as
being very bad.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: compiling code causes IDE to crash

2005-05-23 Thread Tony Pelton
On 5/23/05, Tony Pelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Var e : Double = .001;

fwiw, after _alot_ of trial/error/ide segv's, i was able to isolate
the problem to the above 'Var' declaration.

Var e : Double = 0.001;

... works much better.



fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] compiling code causes IDE to crash

2005-05-23 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

i'm new to Free Pascal.

wanted to throw this out to the group, see what they thought.

i was trying to port an algo written in 'C' to pascal.

i had written this much of the included function, and for some reason,
out of some reflex, i mistakenly tried to compile it, Alt+F9.

The 'fp.exe' IDE on Windows crapped out, with the IDE "flashing" and
information about how i needed to save my files as the IDE was going
to shutdown.

RADIUS_EARTH_KILOMETERS is a 'const : Double'.

is this something i should report to someone, and if so, who/where ?

-- SNIP --
{ lat lon need to be in radians }
function XSACalcFlatEarthCoord(lat,lon : Double) : TPoint2D;
Var lat0,lon0 : Double;
Var R1, R2 : Double;
Var e : Double = .001;
lat0 := 0.0;
lon0 := 0.0;


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] java programmer

2005-05-21 Thread Tony Pelton
On 5/21/05, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might want to try Decal; It's a rich set of container classes.
> Although written for Delphi, it should compile for FPC without too
> much hassle; if not, feel free to contact me, I'll see what I can do.

this looks nice.

thanks for the heads up.

i was also enlightened by the other poster that pointed me at the
'Classes' unit in the RTL.

somehow, i missed those.

still finding my way around ... its only been a week.

It looks like the Classes unit is going to put enough tools in my
toolbag for the time being.

again, thanks for the heads up.

> Michael.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] java programmer

2005-05-21 Thread Tony Pelton
hi all,

new to the list.

please get out your tissues for the tear jerking story i am about to
tell about how i've fallen in love with Free Pascal, then, at the end,
there will be a plea for a little help.

first, i want to say thanks to whomever for Free Pascal.

i had never touched Pascal before about a week ago.

I am a Java programmer for my day job and haev messed with 'C' a
little on and off over the years to solve small problems, or to patch
small bugs, but never to try and use it to do full projects of any

For fun, on and off for probably 6-9 months, i had been trying to get
competent with 'C'/'C++' to do "plugins" for an SDK that had been
released for a flight simulator that consumes entirely too much of my
free time.

suffice it to say, using *open source* 'C'/'C++' tools to get anything
done as a noob is hardcore.

i was actually to the point where i had mostly given up on trying to
implement plugins, because it just seemed that no matter what i tried,
i would hit road blocks with compile problems, lack of being able to
compile 3rd party support for some piece of middleware (XML for
instance) etc, compiling to "libs" issues, export issues ... argh ...

i just couldn't get anywhere.

i saw a posting on slashdot a week ago for Free Pascal.

i was checking out the site, and out of pure whimsy, i downloaded the
Win32 package.

at first, i really wasn't thinking about my 'C'/'C++' problems at all.

i just decided to check out the software on a lark.

as i was poking around with the newly installed software, it occurred
to me, that the SDK for my flight sim had Pascal bindings.

i decided to see if i could get one of the pascal examples they
provide in the SDK to build/run.

i actually had a couple problems with the examples because it was
written for Delphi.

one if fixed by poking around for a minute in the IDE and finding the
"Delphi" switch.

the other was to change a Use from OpenGL12 to GL.

without knowing anything about Pascal, i was able to tweak a couple of
minor things, and build it.

I had it running in about 10 minutes.

I was blown away.

i've been programming and working professionally with computers for
12+ years, and within a week, i have fallen completely in love with

I found an awesome 3D "geometry" lib, that i downloaded, dropped into
a directory, added a Use line for in my source and was off an running.

if it had been a 'C' source project, i'd still be messing around with it.


so ... now that i've wiped the tears from my eyes.

the one thing that looks like it is going to be really painful for me
with Pascal is the seeming lack of out of the box data structures.

in Java, there are a _very_ rich set of "collections" to use.

i've done some poking around on the net, and within the "units" that
come with free pascal.

i'm not seeing anything right off that looks like a
nice,clean,portable little unit that would emulate what i might find
in java collections or C++ vector stuff.

anyone know of a quality implementation of this kind of stuff ?

minimally, an automatically resizing array implementation and a Hashtable ?


fpc-pascal maillist  -