Re: [fpc-pascal] Just out of curiosity: Compiling FPC trunk and fpcmake

2022-03-22 Thread Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal

On 22/3/22 11:09, Karoly Balogh via fpc-pascal wrote:

No, it isn't. -O parameters will _enable_ certain optimizations.
This means, -O3 -O1 will not switch the compiler "back" to -O1, just stay
at -O3, because at -O3 level, all -O1 optimizations are already enabled,
there is nothing to enable.

-O- however will disable all optimizations. So if you want to disable all
previously enabled optimizations, you indeed need to go to the -O- -O1
route. So it is actually useful.

(The above is quite easy to verify, see options.pas, line 2350 and below
in the compiler sources.)


Good to know.

Now I am pretty sure that I copy that options from someone else, because 
with my knowledge I could not figure out that myself.

Thank you Charlie.

Best Regards.

Victor Campillo

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Just out of curiosity: Compiling FPC trunk and fpcmake

2022-03-22 Thread Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal

On 22/3/22 9:51, Mattias Gaertner via fpc-pascal wrote:

Is this paranoid or useful?
-O- -O1

Good point. My script have many years and I don't remember why I used 
this options or if I gathered them from someone else, but reviewing it 
now, it does not seems logical. I suppose -O1 overwrite -O-, so specify 
-O- is completely useless.

Victor Campillo

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Just out of curiosity: Compiling FPC trunk and fpcmake

2022-03-22 Thread Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal


Thank you very much to everyone for the quick answers.

If I specify the option PP=.../fpclazarus/fpc/lib/3.2.2/ppcx64 to the 
command "make -j 9 clean all", the it works as expected. Probably until 
now, it worked just by pure lucky.

But just to make sure my script to build FPC is safer, is this is ok?

make -j 9 clean PP=.../fpclazarus/fpc/lib/3.2.2/ppcx64

make -j 9 all install FPMAKEOPT="-T 9" 
INSTALL_PREFIX=.../fpclazarus/fpc/cmp/3.3.1 OPT="-O- -O1 -gl" 

It works, but I want to make sure that this is the right way to build FPC.

P.D. :Thank you very much to the FPC team for this great project.

Best Regards.

Victor Campillo

On 21/3/22 22:45, Karoly Balogh via fpc-pascal wrote:


On Mon, 21 Mar 2022, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal wrote:

For years I have been using the same script to compile FPC, I have multiple
version of FPC installed in the same machine, mainly my script do:

make -j 9 clean all

make -j 9 all install FPMAKEOPT="-T 9"
INSTALL_PREFIX=.../fpclazarus/fpc/cmp/3.3.1 OPT="-O- -O1 -gl"

I have been a few months without compiling FPC trunk, but when I tried it
today, I got the next message after calling "make -j 9 clean all"

make: -iVSPTPSOTO: Command not found

This indicates that the PP variable is not valid ?

I run make clean all almost daily, I have not seen what you report here.

I can reproduce this, or something very similar for the clean/distclean
targets, if I have no FPC installed on my machine, but I specify PP= as a
Makefile argument to a "bootstrap" compiler binary, and I use OS_TARGET=
as well, for crosscompiling.

For example, if I try this on Linux/x86_64:
make clean OS_TARGET=aros PP=/path/to/bootstrap/ppcx86-3.2.2

I get a lot of messages like:

ake -C compiler distclean
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/charlie/Develop/fpc/source/compiler'
make[1]: -iTP: Command not found
make[1]: -iTP: Command not found
make[1]: -iTP: Command not found
make[1]: -iTP: Command not found
make[1]: -iTP: Command not found
make[1]: -iTP: Command not found
/bin/rm -f ppcrossx64 ppc ppc1 ppc2 ppc3 ./msg2inc pp1.wpo pp2.wpo

So there's definitely something fishy with the bootstrap/PP compiler use,
if the build box has no FPC installed otherwise. Which to my
understanding, it shouldn't be needed, if PP is specified?

Interestingly, if I don't specify OS_TARGET, the problem doesn't occur.

Note that for a real build ("all" or "crossall" target), the specified PP
compiler still gets used as expected.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Just out of curiosity: Compiling FPC trunk and fpcmake

2022-03-21 Thread Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal


For years I have been using the same script to compile FPC, I have 
multiple version of FPC installed in the same machine, mainly my script do:

make -j 9 clean all

make -j 9 all install FPMAKEOPT="-T 9" 
INSTALL_PREFIX=.../fpclazarus/fpc/cmp/3.3.1 OPT="-O- -O1 -gl" 

I have been a few months without compiling FPC trunk, but when I tried 
it today, I got the next message after calling "make -j 9 clean all"

make: -iVSPTPSOTO: Command not found
Makefile:235: *** The Makefile doesn't support target -, please run 
fpcmake first.  Stop.

I just run fpcmake before call "make clean all" and "make -j 9 all 
install", and everything works as expected.

My question is, until now I have never needed to call fpcmake before 
compiling trunk, it is a requirement now to execute fpcmake or there is 
something wrong in my side?

My system is Xubuntu Linux x86_64.


Best Regards.

Victor Campillo

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Question about compiling FPC trunk after revision 44849

2020-04-29 Thread Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal

On 29/4/20 20:01, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:
Jonas Maebe>> 
schrieb am Mi., 29. Apr. 2020, 19:50:

So simply split it:

make -j 9 clean
make -j 9 all install

Also you should specify FPMAKEOPT="-T 9" in addition to -j.


Ok, thank you Jonas and Sven.

Splitting the command and adding FPMAKEOPT="-T 9" works perfect, and I 
see a great compile time improvement.


Victor Campillo

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Question about compiling FPC trunk after revision 44849

2020-04-29 Thread Victor Campillo via fpc-pascal


For years I have been using the same script to compile FPC, in this 
script I use the next command:

make -j 9 clean all install

After the revision 44849 the use of the jobs option does not work 
anymore, it fails to compile, reviewing the changes in revision 44849 
shows that was removed the option ".NOTPARALLEL" in the Makefile, and 
this option as far as I know leave without any effect specifying the 
option --jobs, so my using over the years of the option "-j 9" was 
actually useless.

Probably I am doing something wrong, but to be sure, ¿it is supported to 
use the jobs option of make?

Best Regards.

Victor Campillo

fpc-pascal maillist  -