Re: [fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-12 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Yes, Raspberry Pi  is very interesting device. It is possible to run 
Linux distributions by using it, it have several USB ports, BLuetooth. 
In fact, here is a solution for Android, but it is interpreter language. 
RFO Basic. If user uses Gw library, which uses Basic commands in 
conjunction with Javascript, Webview Android system app, which is 
responsible to interpret WEB content can play live radio, video and it 
is even possible to create GUI without using numbers.

Webview must create his own little GUi, his own player, to user must 
press button for twice. For one time from main app GUI, for second time 
when WEBview opens player.
I have found out, that if I would like to develop GUI by using Pascal 
language for Android, The best solution is really Pandroid. Because 
objects can be created. Sure. Every button, or other object must be 
declared at The begin, then some lines of code must be added at The 
other part of .pas source or .lpr source code.

Thank you very much for yours advice and for yours time.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-12 Thread Jean SUZINEAU

Le 11/08/2019 à 11:43, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel a écrit :
Thank you very much for yours patience. The reason why I want to use 
my own little Internet radio player is The fact, that GUI is simple, 
many other radio apps are full of functions and of many buttons. I 
want to simple pause, play or stop.
I were wondering if a Raspberry Pi could be useful for you. Sure, the 
hardware part would be more difficult for you, and you may need an 
external battery, but it's easier to program than Android. Freepascal 
and Lazarus  can run  directly on it. I think that you can even make 
buttons with a single wire, it's called something like capacitive 
sensor. I made an electronic bagpipe with an arduino with split pins 
(attaches parisiennes) as keys. Each split pin is connected to the 
arduino through a single wire. when you touch the split pin, it changes 
its capacitance, and this can be detected by program.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-11 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear MR Maebe,
    You are always ready to help Me efficiently. I have special .jar 
file with compiled java .class files, inc and .pas file and is 
build inside .jar file. So I think, that it should work.

  bass:= CUBBASS.create();
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
Cause no problems. Since compiler generate classes and dex converter 
create .dex file with no issues. App also do not produce crash after 
compiling it and after run it on Android devices.

The question is if
  bass:= CUBBASS.create();
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
Can really call data from .so library, or it is code which actually do 
not do useful thinks.
The positive of Pandroid bundle is that Mr Cvijanovic and his cooperator 
have included special rjava.pas module and other stuff, so all Android 
API functions can be used. It is even possible to call .jar libraryes, 
which have been previously compiled by Javac. He had used many examples.
The issue is, that Jlobject parameter is abstract and I do not know, 
what it can mean.
I have spent many many time to find The cause of The issue. The reason, 
why I work with Pandroid is The fact, that it is really The only one 
solution, which fully support PPCJVM Android target, all API calls are 
working including Mediaplayer interface, it is even possible to call 
.jar libraries which do not include .so library and call methods in it 
such as mysql.jar.
I think, that Pandroid is revolutionary project, because it contain also 
many useful units, Jar libraries support, Android API calls support and 
calling .so native libraryes inside .ajar files support.
I have used FreeVCL, but I have got in serious troubles, because Android 
API calls did not work at all. Dalvik creator could not generate 
classes, if I have wanted to call APi function from or 
from other units.
And my main reason, why I do not simple use Lamw and Lamwplayer is, that 
only when I use Pandroid units, I can create GUI really myself with no 
need to be sad, that I must specify object position values for every object.
Sure, some people could tell Me, that GUI is not attractive. But for Me 
as visually impaired with no sight at all, it is revolutionary approach. 
Because I could never create even complex GUI with many elements. And 
compiled apps which do not depend on WEBview will always allocate much 
less RAM than apps, which uses Webview. Or if Javascript run inside 
browser process. This is The reason why I do not want to switch to Pas2js.
But I Am not so clever to deeply understand how to call some functions. 
Even Java example for Bass library did not helped Me too much. Net radio 
example build inside bass for ANdroid official .zip archive.

Except line
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
But it can not play live stream it is too few for now.
Thank you very much for yours patience. The reason why I want to use my 
own little Internet radio player is The fact, that GUI is simple, many 
other radio apps are full of functions and of many buttons. I want to 
simple pause, play or stop. If I want to record, I can use Audials for 
this purpose. But The freedom to do  something which containing simple 
GUI is really very positive feeling for Me.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-11 Thread Jonas Maebe
On 10/08/2019 22:26, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
> I Am very sad, that I do not know, how to correctly call The following
> function from when running apps produced by FPCJVM Android
> target mode.
>     class function BASS_StreamCreateURL(para1: JLString; para2: jint;
> para3: jint; para4: CUBBASS.InnerDOWNLOADPROC; para5: JLObject): jint;
> static; overload;

Where does this declaration come from? Do you have an existing Java
wrapper for libbass, and then generated the headers for it using javapp?
Or are you trying to directly call functions in using
manually created signatures? The latter will never work, because FPC
does not know the "native" modifier for Java methods. Additionally, such
an existing Java wrapper would also ensure that all your parameter types
are correct.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] PPCJVM Android target and bass library function call issue

2019-08-10 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

I Am very sad, that I do not know, how to correctly call The following 
function from when running apps produced by FPCJVM Android 
target mode.
    class function BASS_StreamCreateURL(para1: JLString; para2: jint; 
para3: jint; para4: CUBBASS.InnerDOWNLOADPROC; para5: JLObject): jint; 
static; overload;
Because build in Android Mediaplayer API are very slow when opening 128 
KB/S MP3 live streams even on fast WIFI sites.
So it is really necessary to use, since it load data very fast 
and allocates much more less RAM.
But problem is, that there is no easy solution to call library 
and native libraryes in general. Believe Me, simply using external 
keyword or other command to load library is not enough.
It is necessary to pack .so library inside .jar archive. And this 
archive must also contain compiled Java classes.

My issue is, that I do not know, how to call this function correctly. 
Sure, I must initialise bass library first by The following line.

bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);

But powerful Dex creator do not like my approach with JLobject. I have 
simply declared h as JLobject by using var command.
And this is very probably non sense for DEX creator. COmpiler do not 
assigned my wrong behaviour as bug, but DEX converter yes.

And this is significant warning, that I AM doing something wrong.
Here is The complete source code.
I Am working with Pandroid from MR  Cvijanovic. He is really 
professional and without his support, I could never know PPCJVM and 
Android API functions so much.

unit Test1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
{$modeswitch unicodestrings}


uses androidr15, Rjava, AActivity, StdCtrls, ZCBass;

  MainActivity = class(Activity)
    procedure onCreate(savedInstanceState: AOBundle); override;
    bass: CUBBASS;


procedure MainActivity.onCreate(savedInstanceState: AOBundle);
  layout : AWLinearLayout;
h : JLObject;

  inherited onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  layout:= AWLinearLayout.Create(Self);

  bass:= CUBBASS.create();
bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0);




fpc-pascal maillist  -